Term Paper on "For Gay Marriage"

Term Paper 8 pages (2640 words) Sources: 10

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Gay Marriage

In many countries, marriage is a sacred entity. Opposite sex marriages and divorce is acceptable in the society with same sex marriages exceptionally condemned because they would reduce the sacred touch aspect of marriages. My interest in the issue of gay marriages is that, I find it intriguing that most countries gang up against same sex marriages but support opposite sex marriages, even in the instance of multiple divorces (Galli 30). It makes me to have questions regarding the authenticity of human rights, if they leave out certain groups of people. The other question that I would need answered if the right of bisexuals and gays with regard to voting for same sex marriages. Whenever people raise issues of gay marriages, the focus is always on homosexuality with bisexuality given explicit sexual orientation. Religious positions regarding the aspect of gay marriages affiliate opinions on scriptures and works of nature. It makes marriage to be an exclusive effort for child bearing locking out the possibility of conformity of gay marriages with nature. I find this view ignorant and distorted because I believe that gay marriage opposition is bigotry towards gay marriages shielding itself behind religion.

I find it very unfair that the government and religion judge people for leaving each other. Love for each other is supposed to be open to those having feelings for each other, as long as they can gain happiness. I believe that both gay and opposite sex couples deserve the right of registering their marriages legally. I do not agree with the fact that legalizing of gay marriages would invalidate marriages of opposite sexes. The countries, which have so far, gone ste
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ps ahead and legalized gay marriages, have never faced negativity on opposite sex marriages (MacIntosh, Elke & Heather 79-90). This means that as I propose that gay marriages are just as congruent as same sex marriages, there is evidence in relation to efforts placed by other countries. I would be glad staying in a legally recognized gay marriage than just settling for a civil opposite sex marriage. It is this interest in getting closure for gay marriages sparking the interest I have in this research. I would love to highlight some of the reasons as to why religion and government under looks gay marriages (Jones 10). I am supportive of gay marriages because they provide a chance for people to be as liberal as possible regarding those they get into relationships with without any discrimination. I, therefore, intend to consider reasons for illegalizing or legalizing gay marriages regardless, of its widespread existence, because gay marriages are not a sing, erosion of family values or defiant to normal lifestyles.

Part B: The Body

Gay marriage is a sin

Religiously, gay marriages are unacceptable, in almost all religious in the world. This makes the issue of gay marriages difficult to accommodate in religious institutions, as it would deter the freedom of knowledge regarding holy marriages. Since religious people consider gay marriages sinful, advocating for their legalization or acceptability is sinful (Edwards 247-261). Altering laws into accepting gay marriages is very offensive because, the very laws, which govern nations, are described using religious backgrounds. Incorporating aspects, which are unacceptable to religion protectively within the laws, would not be defending the foundation of religion; instead, it would be like an insult to the same religion formulating its presence (Judith 285-291). Gay marriages weaken the respect and definition of the marriage institution. There is so much negative influence, which divorce inflicts on marriages. Divorce is almost rendering the marriage institution impossible with people getting out of marriage without any consideration of the implications to religious standards of marriage. Settling for gay marriages is just like pulling a joke on the marriage institutions. It may be resultant from the economic struggles people are facing, and maybe some same sex friends look for means of cutting down on tax costs. In most countries, in the world, marriage is a very holy institution, left for the joining of a woman and a man. In fact, taking a natural course in union with religion, the only logical explanation of marriage is the procreation purpose. This takes this research to its next point of reasons as to why it could be unacceptable to allow gay marriages into the society.

Gay marriages are unnatural and an insult to family values

Marriages have for a long time, been known to present a platform for procreation. It is the foundation of family values, which strengthened the traditional family in place. Traditionally, a marriage was the building block for family formation, and it required transition to childbearing. That means that a family consisted of a man, a woman and children (Edwards 247-261). This is not possible in gay marriages because of the impossibility of giving birth. Gay marriage defies biological sense and cannot be allowed to destroy the beauty of family life, through the incorporation of a marriage without enhancement of continuity. This has in fact, led to the rising levels of child trafficking because the gay couples try as much as they can to make their families look normal. If they really need to be together, even after knowing that same sex child bearing is impossible, why would there be the feeling of a gap to be closed (Hilton 16-26). Why would the gay partners need children to make their families complete is if procreation never mattered to them? It just shows how much gay marriages are unacceptable, in turn, justifying the completeness of opposite sex marriages.

Furthermore, gay marriages confuse children as regards gender roles. The roles of different sexes are what uphold the position of the society. This makes it very hard defining the role of men and women to children included in gay marriages. The children grow up without knowing how they came into existence, in the absence of the other sex parent, which could have facilitated their procreation. The confusion on children is great, and it is the cause of so many psychological problems faced by children. It is the cause of disagreements and confusion faces by the society. This is because, when a child grows without any development of standard family values, it just becomes hard for the child to overgrow the society's expectations when faced with certain situations (Karpel 18). Gay marriages, therefore, are confusion to the traditionally valued principles, which have seen the upcoming of many generations.

Gay marriages defy acceptable lifestyles in the society

Gay marriages defy normal sexual behavior acceptable in the society and must be prevented from infiltrating traditional norms of marriage (Edwards 247-261). They are a source of confusion to the younger generation, still struggling with social identification and affiliation into the marriage institution. Sex is a defiant corrosion of normal lifestyles, and they should be controlled. The denial of these marriages by the church and community is evident of the unacceptability they present. There is no way through which the society can sit back and look at immoral deeds in the society without voicing its concerns (Hilton 16-26). This is because the nature of creation is obviously express in its formation, and it cannot be overlooked regardless of selfish ideas from a group of people who feel rightfully entitled to changing the opinions of the society. Changing the opinion of society is not so reasonable, especially, if it is on a matter holding social implications like gay marriages (Karpel 18).


It is very hard to understand how the laws accept the destruction of marriages through divorce (Karpel 18). If marriage was so religious and affiliated to the opposite sex couples exclusively, there is no understandable reason as to why the rate of divorce escalates. This is indeed a sign that there exists a loophole in the legality and religiousness of the opposite sex marriages (Hilton 16-26). It means that even in the religiously defined marriage institutions something is missing, and that destroys the essence of religiousness in the marriages. It is, therefore, possible that the lacking happiness in marriage requires freedom in the choosing of marriage partners. The achievement of such freedom is only possible, with the liberalization of marriage partner choices, and a lack of prejudice to gay partners (Jones 10). It is, furthermore, better to have legally married gays happily living together than the opposite sex marriages, painfully inflicted with pain.

People talk of family values and traditions of marriage. This is so amazing because they forget that the same families values they protect are the same, which they that over pass. There is nothing like male or female roles in society (MacIntosh, Elke & Heather 79-90). These are just aspects that the society uses to limit the activity of a particular gender to an unfair positioning. Children may be the result of biological setup, and that is very much agreeable. Nevertheless, the problem comes in place when those children so treasured by the society, do not receive the protection they deserve bringing about the need for adopters (Hannum… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "For Gay Marriage" Assignment:

Argumentative Research Project

Part A: The Introduction

In Part A of your paper, you will spark your readers*****' interest by telling the story of your interest in your topic. This first section will be narrative in form (you should use the first person *****I***** perspective). Often the traditional research paper has a standard (and boring) introduction that fails to make readers want to continue reading; this will not be the case for your paper. If you cannot illustrate to us, the readers, why we should care about your topic, then you may need to go back to the drawing board. Think of your purpose for this first section as entertaining your readers and drawing them into your topic.

Once you have your attention grabber written, you can tell your readers the story of how you came to be interested in your topic and why you want to pursue research on it. This section of your introduction is important because your readers will pick up on your interest in your topic and enthusiasm for it. If you can list good reasons for why you are interested in your topic, these reasons could spark your readers*****' interest as well.

Next, you will transition to the core of your research paper, letting your readers know exactly what you will research and how you will do it. This part of your introduction will give you the opportunity to define any terms or concepts related to your topic that your readers might be unfamiliar with or unclear about, and it will allow you to provide enough background information about your topic so that your readers will be able to follow the argument you make later in your paper. Also, this is where you will tell your readers, through a thesis statement, exactly what you will argue about your topic.

Here are some guidelines for Part A of your paper:

* This section should be at least 1 ½ pages in length.

* It should be double-spaced and in a standard 12-point font (Times New Roman or Arial).

* It should begin with an interest grabber.

* It should include the story of how you came to be interested in your topic and why you want to research it.

* It should include a section where you define uncommon or broad terms you will use throughout your paper.

* It should include a section where you provide background information about your topic by answering the reporter*****'s six questions (who, what, where, when, why, how) about it.

* It should include a specific thesis statement that lets the reader know what is to come. (Please underline the sentence you feel is your thesis statement.)

* If you do research for this section of your paper, this section should incorporate effective and correct paraphrasing, summarizing, and quotations; all source information must include appropriate parenthetical citations.

* This section should capture your readers*****' attention and make them want to continue reading. (Vivid language and description help with this.)

* Readers must get a sense that the *****'s interest in the topic is genuine.

* Although I am not looking for grammatical perfection here, I do want to see that you have made an effort to eliminate errors in grammar and sentence structure that would be distracting to your readers.

Part B: The Body

Arguments are not just the shouting matches you see on TV talk shows and dramas or the recent fight you had with your significant other. In the world of composition (and the world of professional employment), an argument is a piece of writing (or oration) that makes some sort of claim and then offers reasons and evidence in support of that claim as well as viewpoints that oppose the claim.

Each of the reasons you use to support your claim will be discussed in its own paragraph or paragraphs, and you will need to do research to find evidence that convinces audience members of each reason*****'s validity.

In order to thoroughly present your argument, you will need to conduct research into BOTH sides of that argument.

Opposing Viewpoints: You will also need to address opposing views to your paper*****'s claim. Basically, you want to show readers your sense of fairness as well as your understanding of the broader view your topic falls under by acknowledging that there are viewpoints to take regarding your topic other than the one you have chosen. Acknowledging other views can be difficult, especially if you wholeheartedly believe your own viewpoint, but opening yourself up to the viewpoints of those who do not believe what you do about your topic allows you to reach out to those people and show them that you understand where they are coming from with their ideas.

When you acknowledge opposing viewpoints, you:

* Show sympathetic understanding of the opposing argument.

* Recognize what is valid in the opposing argument.

* Recognize and demonstrate that those who take the other side are, nonetheless, people of goodwill.

You will need to discuss each opposing viewpoint in its own paragraph or paragraphs, and include research that convinces audience members of each viewpoint*****'s validity.

Rebuttals: Once you have identified alternate views of a topic, it would be self-defeating not to argue against those viewpoints. Therefore, after stating opposing viewpoints, you should refute or rebut those viewpoints. You will need to do research to support those rebuttals, too.

Here are some guidelines for Part B of your paper:

* It should be at least five and one half pages in length.

* It should be double-spaced and in a standard 12-point font (Times New Roman or Arial).

* It should include at least three reasons that support your claim, and each reason should have its own paragraph or paragraphs providing plenty of evidence proving each reason*****'s validity.

* It should include a section where you explore opposing viewpoints to your claim, and each opposing viewpoint should have its own paragraph or paragraphs providing plenty of evidence proving each viewpoint*****'s validity.

* It should include rebuttals to the opposing viewpoints, and each rebuttal should have its own paragraph or paragraphs providing plenty of evidence proving each rebuttal*****'s validity.

* It should include information from at least four sources.

* This section should incorporate effective and correct paraphrasing, summarizing, and quotations; all source information must include appropriate parenthetical citations.

* Readers must get a sense that the *****s*****' interest in the topic is genuine.

* Although I am not looking for grammatical perfection here, I do want to see that you have made an effort to eliminate errors in grammar and sentence structure that would be distracting to your readers.

Part C: The Conclusion

Your conclusion is where you summarize the major points of your paper, and it should begin with your thesis statement (the one you used for part A of your paper), but you should rewrite that thesis statement in different words so that you*****'re not repeating yourself. Next, you*****'ll summarize the most interesting parts of your paper including some of the background you discovered about your topic, some of the evidence supporting your claim, the opposing viewpoints to your claim, and the rebuttals to those opposing viewpoints. Then, you*****'ll discuss what you learned about your topic through your research.

The point of a conclusion is to give your readers a sense of closure. It*****'s a good idea to end your conclusion with a return to something you mentioned in the narrative section of your paper, a look at the wider implications of your topic, a call for action, or a fact, quotation, or anecdote.

Here are some guidelines for Part C of your paper:

* It should be at least one page in length.

* It should be double-spaced and in a standard 12-point font (Times New Roman or Arial).

* It should include a restatement (in different words than used previously) of your thesis statement.

* It should include a summary of the most interesting background information you discovered about your topic, some of the evidence supporting your claim, the opposing viewpoints to your claim, and the rebuttals to those opposing viewpoints.

* It should include a paragraph where you discuss what you learned about your topic through your research.

* The ending of the conclusion should provide readers with a sense of closure.

* Readers must get a sense that the *****s*****' interest in the topic is genuine.

* Although I am not looking for grammatical perfection here, I do want to see that you have made an effort to eliminate errors in grammar and sentence structure that would be distracting to your readers.

FINAL NOTE : After your conclusion, you should include a Works Cited page (on its own page). Additionally, please note that once you get all sections of your paper written and revised, you should submit them as one document for a final grade.

Here are some guidelines for The Works Cited Page:

* The Works Cited page should be separated from the rest of the paper on its own page but within the same document.

* It should be double-spaced and in a standard 12-point font (Times New Roman or Arial).

* The entries should be in alphabetical order.

* You should format each entry correctly according to MLA style guidelines. *****

How to Reference "For Gay Marriage" Term Paper in a Bibliography

For Gay Marriage.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2012, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/gay-marriage-countries/76439. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

For Gay Marriage (2012). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/gay-marriage-countries/76439
A1-TermPaper.com. (2012). For Gay Marriage. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/gay-marriage-countries/76439 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”For Gay Marriage” 2012. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/gay-marriage-countries/76439.
”For Gay Marriage” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/gay-marriage-countries/76439.
[1] ”For Gay Marriage”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2012. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/gay-marriage-countries/76439. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. For Gay Marriage [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/gay-marriage-countries/76439
1. For Gay Marriage. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/gay-marriage-countries/76439. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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