Research Paper on "End-Of-Life Issues: Futile Care"

Research Paper 3 pages (1108 words) Sources: 2

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Futile Care Policy for Hospitals

Futile care is that medical care given at such a time when the administration of such care has very little degree of good outcome; resuscitation efforts are not expected to improve or ameliorate the situation. Essentially there is no cause to administer treatment, due to the belief that the incapacitating condition cannot be improved. There are varying views on the issue of futile resuscitation, which fall within the general rubric of 'futile care'. This report will address the topic of futile care through the framework of ethics and the development of a futile care policy for hospitals different than what currently exists. First a discussion is given on the concept of futile care, including those types of care that often fall into the 'futile' category in medical crisis situations, such as futile resuscitation. A discourse follows on differing views of administering futile care efforts. A model is put forth toward developing a medically ethical systematic approach for determining when medical intervention may be considered 'futile'. A conclusion is offered to guide a hospital development plan for a futile care policy, and to highlight the main points of the paper.

Conceptualization of Futile Care

At times the terminology that is used to capture an ethically, legally, and emotionally charged issue can be off-putting. To allow for full ideation of the concept of futile care in emergency medicine and palliative care, an examination on the topic of the term 'futile' is required. To be considered 'futile', an effort must have a low likelihood of success.

In medicine, the semantics that are used to addr
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ess clinical applications of medical care tend to be rather sterile. Generally speaking and lacking fine divinations, 'futile care' is that medical care that has a low likelihood of securing a good/favorable/successful outcome (Lachman, 2009). The application of futile care, though it is considered 'futile', may be thought of in different ways. Some may call it a waste of resources. Others may see it as going against the best interests of the patient and patient's family. Some might say it is against Divine Will and a violation of the natural course of life (Marco, Larkin, Moskop, & Derse, 2000).

Futile Care Efforts: Prescriptive Models of Decision-Making

Hospitals must make protocols on how to address futile care cases. Futile care issues in medicine are an ethically challenging area of discourse. How the healthcare professional handles these situations is dependent upon their environment (laws, policies, and statutes), their principles (Hippocratic Oath), the family and patient in question, and the outcome of the futile care efforts. Jonson, Seigler, and Winslade (2002) developed a medical model for healthcare professionals in applying futile care efforts which looked at four areas, and is given thusly:

Medical Indications

Quality of Life

Patient Preferences

Contextual Features

(Jonson, Seigler, & Winslade, 2002).

The Psychological Component: The Patient and Family

Medical indications refer to what is happening with the patient, what their current crisis is. Patient preferences is what does the patient wish to happen; that is, do they have an Advanced Directive in place in these situations, and what does it relate. Quality of life relates to the goal of medical intervention to improve, restore or maintain the quality of life of the patient. Contextual preferences are those other factors such as social setting, finances,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "End-Of-Life Issues: Futile Care" Assignment:

End-of-life issues/Futile care

o Clearly define the issue.

o What seems to be the basis of the issue?

o Identify ground rules that manifested the situation.

o What ethical change, deficiency, or conflict brought it about?

o Which ethical systems were at work for key individuals in the organization*****managers, executives, and employees?

o How did the organizational leadership come into play? How did ethical behavior and responsibility differ between employees and management? Pay particular attention to the role of middle management and executive management in causing or resolving the issue.

*****¢ Propose a plan for revising the ethical standards to resolve the issues. Address how the plan affects employees and management.

o Include prescriptive and psychological approaches.

o The plan must include implementation, communication of the standards, and measurements of short- and long-term compliance.


Introduction: Define issue, basis for the issue, and what we will be discussing in the paper.

What has manifested the need for futile care policies?

What ethical change, deficiency, or conflict brought it about?

a. Technology has circumvented death

b. bioethics and the belief life over death

c. punitive legal system

d. financial burden and use of recourses on futile care

Which ethical systems were at work for key individuals in the organization? utilitarianism ect. (p.96)

a. managers

b. executives

c. employees

How did the organizational leadership come into play? CEO, CFO, doctors, hospital attorneys How did ethical behavior and responsibilities differ between employees and management? Pay close attention to the role of middle management and executive management in causing or resolving an issue.


Development of a futile care policy. i.e. revising the ethical standard the hospital has been operating under. Address how this policy will affect employees and management.

a. prescriptive approaches - Chapter 4 of our text

b. psychological approaches

c. multidisciplinary comittee, bioethics comittee, time line for giving family and/or surrogate time to consider, enforcement

d. enforcement: short term compliance and long term compliance


How to Reference "End-Of-Life Issues: Futile Care" Research Paper in a Bibliography

End-Of-Life Issues: Futile Care.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

End-Of-Life Issues: Futile Care (2011). Retrieved from (2011). End-Of-Life Issues: Futile Care. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”End-Of-Life Issues: Futile Care” 2011.
”End-Of-Life Issues: Futile Care”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”End-Of-Life Issues: Futile Care”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. End-Of-Life Issues: Futile Care [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. End-Of-Life Issues: Futile Care. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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