Thesis on "Functions of Management Is Defined as ...Creative"

Thesis 7 pages (1813 words) Sources: 3 Style: APA

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Functions of Management

Management is defined as "...creative problem solving" which is accomplished through four managerial functions: (1) planning; (2) organizing; (3) leading; and (4) controlling. Planning is described as the continuous process of the business mission and objectives development and the determination of the methods that will be utilized in accomplishing the mission and objectives of the business. Organizing is the establishment of the organization's internal structure with a focus on "division, coordination, and control of tasks and the flow of information within the organization." (Erven, nd) Staffing is filling positions and keeping positions filled with individuals who are qualified. This is accomplished through recruitment, hiring and training as well as evaluation and compensation. Directing is applying influence of the behavior of individual through use of "motivation, communication, group dynamics, leadership and discipline." (Erven, nd) Controlling is a process that involves four-steps and which establish the standards of performance upon the basis of the objectives of the firm as well as measurement of and reporting of performance, comparison of the two as well as initiating the actions, which will correct or prevent as appropriate. All of these functions are inclusive of the critical factor of creative problem solving. Creative problem solving is stated to be "...broader than problem finding, choice making or decision making. It extends from analysis of the environment within which the business is functioning to evaluation of the outcomes from the alterative implemented." (Erven, nd) the work entitled: "Management Functions" states that the functions of management "uniq
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uely describe managers' jobs." (Barnett, 2007) the first individual to make identification of the components of management was Henri Fayol in 1916 in the work entitled "Administration Industrielle et Generale." (Barnett, 2007) in this work, Fayol first defined the five components of management. Fayol held that the managerial function included the "personal supervision of subordinates and involved inspiriting them to put forth unified effort to achieve objectives." (Barnett, 2007) Fayol's emphasis was on the "importance of managers understanding the people who worked for them, setting a good example, treating subordinates in a manner consistent with firm policy, delegating and communicating through meetings and conferences." (Barnett, 2007) Within this framework, the manager is responsible for coordinating and bringing harmony to the firm's various activities. In the 1950s, management was refined and was defined "as a process consisting of a set of interdependent functions." (Barnett, 2007) This became known as the process school of management in which "management is a distinct intellectual activity consisting of several functions." (Barnett, 2007) Within this framework, "all managers, regardless of their industry, organization, or level of management, engage in the functions of management." (Barnett, 2007) During the 1970s, a new definition for the function of management arose and it was concluded in the work of Mintzberg "that the work managers actually performed could be best represented by three sets of role or activities: (1) interpersonal roles; (2) informational roles; and (3) decision-making roles. (Barnett, 2007) Interpersonal roles were held by Mintzberg to include: (1) figurehead; (2) leader; and (3) liaison. (Barnett, 2007) Mintzberg held that the informational roles included: (1) monitor; (2) disseminator; and (3) spokesperson. Mintzberg held that there were four decision-making roles including: (1) entrepreneur; (2) disturbance handler; (3) resource allocator; and (4) negotiator. (Barnett, 2007) According to the work of Panigrahi (2006) entitled: "Is Opportunity a Suitable Substitute for Problem, When Problem is Not There?" relates that "over time, the managerial functions got refined and became eight in number and include: (1) planning; (2) decision-making; (3) organizing; (4) staffing; (5) communicating; (6) motivating; (7) leading; and (8) controlling.


Barnett (2007) states that planning is "the function of management that involves setting objectives and determining a course of action for achieving these objectives." The requirement in planning is that managers remain aware of the conditions that are environmental in nature, which the organization faces, and that the manager has the ability to forecast conditions of the future. Managers also are required to be expert decision-makers. There are several steps in the planning process and the first of these is 'environmental scanning'. Environmental scanning requires that the manager be "aware of the critical contingencies facing their organizations in terms of: (1) economic conditions; (2) competitors; and (3) customers. Mangers are required to establish objectives and identify both plans of actions as well as alternative plans for achieving the objectives, which have been set for the organization.

It is important that the manager understand that there are different types of planning for the organization. Planning types include: (1) strategic planning; (2) tactical planning; and (3) operational planning. (Barnett, 2007) Strategic planning is a process of making analysis of opportunities for competition as well as the threats, strengths and weaknesses of the organization. This is known as a SWOT analysis. Through use of this analysis, the manager is able to make a determination of how the organization should be positions to effectively compete in the business environment. Strategic planning is long-term in nature and "includes the entire organization, and includes formulation of objectives" of the organization. The organization's strategic plan generally has its' base in the mission of the organization. Tactical planning is a type of intermediate planning and generally involves middle-level managers designing and developing "relatively concrete and specific means to implement the strategic plan." (Barnett, 2007) Tactical planning is generally has a "one-to three-year" timeframe involved. Operational planning "generally assumes the existence of objectives and specifies ways to achieve them." (Barnett, 2007) Operational planning is generally short-range in terms of the timeframe and is a process in which specific steps of planning are designed that support "the strategic and tactical plans." (Barnett, 2007)


Organizing is a management function that includes the development of the organizational structure and allocation of human resources geared toward accomplishing the organization's objectives. Generally, the manager will design an organization chart "which provides a graphic representation of the chain of command" within the organization. Within this framework, organizational decisions concerning the structure of the organization are referred to by management as "organizational design" decisions. (Barnett, 2007) Included in organizing is the "design of individual jobs within the organization." (Barnett, 2007) Management makes decisions concerning the individual position duties and responsibilities "as well as the manner in which the duties should be carried out." (Barnett, 2007) This is generally referred to by management as "job design" decisions. (Barnett, 2007) This process includes departmentalization of jobs and this is generally accomplished by organization according to: (1) function; (2) product; (3) geography; or (4) customer. (Barnett, 2007) in larger organizations, multiple methods of departmentalization are common. In the traditional sense, the design of jobs had as its basis the "principles of division of labor and specialization, which assumed that the more narrow the job content, the more proficient the individual performing the job could become." (Barnett, 2007) However, it became understood that many times jobs were "too narrow and specialized" and this resulted in negative outcomes such as "decreased job satisfaction and organizational commitment" as well as "increased absenteeism and turnover." (Barnett, 2007) Barnett states that in more recent years that organizations have "attempted to strike a balance between the need for worker specialization and the need for workers to have jobs that entail variety and autonomy." (2007)


The work of Panigrahi states in relation to staffing the organization that "Organizations are only as good as the people working in them. Staffing consists of recruiting, training and developing people who can contribute to the organizational effort." The most critical aspect of the managerial position in the organization is the aspect of suitably staffing the organization to meet its objectives and goals.


Communication is an aspect of management, which includes the mangers conveying the "technical knowledge, instructions, rules and information required for getting the job done." (Panigrahi,

It is important that management recognize that "communication is a two-way process" and that it is important that managers "are responsive to feedback and upward communication." (Panigrahi,


Motivating workers is an important aspect of management and involves "motivating individuals to pursue collective objectives" and this requires "satisfying needs and meeting expectations with meaningful work and valued rewards." (Panigrahi,


The work of Panigrahi states that "managers are becoming aspiring leaders by serving role models and adapting their management style to the demands of the situation." Leading in the organization is a process in which the managers attempts to influence workers to attain the objectives of the organization. The effective leader is able to motivate workers, communicates effectively and uses their power in an effective manner. It is important to understand the values of workers, their personalities as well as their attitudes and emotions. Communication and motivation are important factors in leading the organization. Much work has been focused toward leadership in the organization and various theories of leadership exist to explain the most effective methods for organizational leadership.


Controlling by management within the organization is a process that "involves ensuring that performance does… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Functions of Management Is Defined as ...Creative" Assignment:

Management Functions (Include real case/situation)



Planning / Coordinating









You can choose one of the following two for your research paper. Your paper will be seven double-spaced pages in length for the main content (not including the cover page and reference page). Your choices include:

1. An interview paper

Steps for writing the interview paper:

a. Choose a topic in Managerial Economics.

b. Design at least five questions according to the topic.

c. Submit your questions to the instructor for approval.

d. Contact a local or non-local company for an interview.

e. Conduct the interview for answers to your questions.

f. The paper should have three parts:

-- The description of the company

-- Interview questions and answers

-- Your comments


2. A research paper

Steps for writing the research paper:

a. Choose a topic in Managerial Economics.

b. Submit the topic and the outline of the paper to the instructor anytime

for approval.

c. A minimum of 3 references are required. LU library has excellent

resources for your search for journals.


How to Reference "Functions of Management Is Defined as ...Creative" Thesis in a Bibliography

Functions of Management Is Defined as ...Creative.”, 2008, Accessed 26 Jun 2024.

Functions of Management Is Defined as ...Creative (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Functions of Management Is Defined as ...Creative. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jun, 2024].
”Functions of Management Is Defined as ...Creative” 2008.
”Functions of Management Is Defined as ...Creative”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Functions of Management Is Defined as ...Creative”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 26-Jun-2024].
1. Functions of Management Is Defined as ...Creative [Internet]. 2008 [cited 26 June 2024]. Available from:
1. Functions of Management Is Defined as ...Creative. Published 2008. Accessed June 26, 2024.

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