Essay on "Function of Any Responsible Business"

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Essay 6 pages (1984 words) Sources: 3

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This provision specifieses that in the event of unforeseen problems, either party may request a redrafting of the contract. While it is up to both parties to determine if the redrafting is warranted, this at least lets the parties know that they can change the contract if necessary.

Finally, damage provisions are a must in contracts. There must be specific outlined penalties for late completion, failed inspections, damaged goods or anything else that may affect the value of the finished project. By specifying the damages in the contract, you once again protect yourself from intruding judges who are at liberty to select an amount for the parties.

Even when a traditional contract is completely valid, there are always special circumstances that require additional consideration. Every state has specific rules for contracts in the legal field, online commerce, and international law as well as expectations as to the ethics of contract drafting.

In the legal field, contracts filed and upheld by the court must always be notarized. This notary ensures that the parties are who they claim to be and verifies for the court the validity of the contract. Additionally, all contracts of legal significance fall under the statute of frauds and must therefore be in writing. So whether its a property sale or a divorce mediation agreement, the document must outline everything in writing. Furthermore, when documents are drafted by attorneys, the court outlines specific writing and organization requirements for the contract, all the way down to the print size and spacing.

E-commerce is a growing industry that brings with it many legal challenges as to th
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e validity of contracts. Unlike traditional contracts, that were signed in-person, E-commerce contracts require other forms of ascent to be considered valid. For instance, most states consider check boxes and typing ones name to be a valid sign of asset.

International contracts have always brought about questions as to their validity and especially their enforceability. If your business is the United States, it is always prudent to specify that any questions or challenges to the contract must be brought in Federal Court. Additionally, for those considering international businesses, it is always wise to keep apprised of all the modern treatises that are currently being enforced, as modern treatises often dictate hoops that business men must jump through when doing business in other countries.

The greatest ethics concern that comes up in contract law is that of equal bargaining power. While it may seem obvious that two business owners have an equal ability to negotiate a contract, questions can arise when one business is larger or represented by council. In order to ensure equal bargaining power in all contracts, avoid using lawyers unless parties agree to it, and include a statement in the contract about equal bargaining.

"Contracts: Examples and Explanations"; Brian A. Blum; 2006.

"Restatement 2d… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Function of Any Responsible Business" Assignment:

Week Three: Contract Risk and Opportunities Details Due Points Objectives 3.1 Analyze legal risk issues arising from contract formation, performance, and remedies. 3.2 Evaluate measures business leaders may take to avoid risk in transactions. 3.3 Explain transaction risk arising in unique environments. Readings Read Ch. 9–11, 14, 16–18, & 20 of Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, and International Issues. Participation Participate in class discussion. March 31 2 Individual Presentation 1. BE PREPARED FOR YOUR PRESENTATION IF ASSIGNED THIS WEEK. March 31 See above Individual Recognizing Contract Risk and Opportunities Memo Resources: Contract Creation and Management Simulation Conduct the Contract Creation and Management simulation, located on the student website. Identify the legal issues present in the simulation and note the legal principles that apply to each legal issue. Reflect on the legal principles presented in this week’s readings. Prepare a memo in which you discuss the legal risks and opportunities that are in the simulation, and complete the following: • Identify what a manager might do to avoid those risks, to minimize liabilities, and to benefit from opportunities. Each legal risk or opportunity is governed by specific principles. • Identify the legal principles and relate specific measures managers might take to minimize legal risk or realize legal opportunities. • Evaluate alternatives to resolve problems identified in the simulation. • Explain which alternative approach you believe is best and explain why. Write a memo of no more than 1,400 words. Format your memo consistent with APA guidelines. March 31 10 TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS FOR WEEK 3 12

How to Reference "Function of Any Responsible Business" Essay in a Bibliography

Function of Any Responsible Business.”, 2011, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Function of Any Responsible Business (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Function of Any Responsible Business. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Function of Any Responsible Business” 2011.
”Function of Any Responsible Business”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Function of Any Responsible Business”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Function of Any Responsible Business [Internet]. 2011 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Function of Any Responsible Business. Published 2011. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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