Essay on "Frame Story Takes a Number of Different"

Essay 4 pages (1290 words) Sources: 0

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frame story takes a number of different (sometimes radically) stories and binds them together upon a common thread that all of the stories have. In the Canterbury Tales, they are all on pilgrimage and just as in the Holy land, they require the services of a knight to protect them upon their way there. A good example of how such stories work together is shown in the Knights Tale, which is followed immediately by that of his son in the Squire's Tale. The Knight's tale is an especially appropriate beginning for a list of such tales of Canterbury pilgrims since the old knight can relate his old conquests and battles while he was in Eastern Europe, Spain, North Africa and the Holy land. The story introduces many aspects of knighthood like courtly love and the ethical dilemmas it produces that is spelled out against this background of war. Just as all is fair in love and war, both elements come together in the Knight's Tale. From love and war, the knight has developed perfectly the qualities of chivalry were based in the Middle Ages. As a chivalrous knight, he learned to be quiet and gentle with those who are weaker (such as ladies) and to selflessly defend them and their honor up to and including in battle if necessary. This makes for the true knight. While he had the best equipment, he dressed modestly and his clothing bore the smudges of battle from his former service. All in all, this spelled out the perfect knight as an example for his squire son to follow.

2) an archetype can be defined as a universally understood symbol, pattern of behavior, or a term a upon which other prototype examples are copied. Archetypes are used in myths and in storytelling across many different cultures. The hero archetyp
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e found in the saga stories of different cultures have common threads. After all, human beings function and think similarly, even across times and cultures. This is why Beowulf and Gilgamesh both illustrate so many common elements of the hero archetype, even though they are a continent and 3000 years apart. This is why Beowulf's battle with Grendel can be put in the same context with Gilgamesh and Enkidu's fight with the monster Humbaba who stands guard the Cedar Mountain. They later together kill the Bull of Heaven who the goddess Ishtar sends to punish our Conan-like hero Gilgamesh for spurning her amorous advances. Testosterone-based epics can have only so many variations. For this reason, the stories look so much alike.

3) in Sonnet 29 (a love sonnet), Shakespeare describes how he overcomes feelings of despair and failure by remembering his love. He further feels unlucky, ashamed, and jealous of those around him. It is not stated in the sonnet what is the cause of the poet's anguish. All is not lost for the poet however as the sonnet ends on a positive note affirming that the poet can combat the anguish he has with the "sweet love" the dear friend that he is writing about. The audience is a religious one due to the religious references such as that about heaven. However, the truth is something above religion as heaven and God are above all religion and man-made division. The sonnet is using metaphors to do this. The imagery of the poem is that of remembering past love to console over its loss. It has the same basic structure as other sonnets of Shakespeare because it contains fourteen lines and is composed of three rhyming quatrains ending with a rhyming couplet. The sound effects of Sonnet 29 include the use of iambic pentameter.

The above aspects of the sonnet work together to demonstrate the tone and theme of the poem. For instance, the poet comes to believe that heaven is deaf and not hearing his cries. This is a… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Frame Story Takes a Number of Different" Assignment:

I need a (4) four-page essay on the World Literature course.

There are four separate questions that need to be answered.

Please answer one question per page.

I*****ll include all the literature materials (short stories, plays, poems, etc.).

1) List 2 characteristics of a frame story and explain how one of the stories you read (The Canterbury Tales) demonstrates these characteristics. Your answer should be written in paragraph form and should be checked for spelling and grammar errors. Read pages 115-116, 120-142, 169-170.

2) The selections you*****ve read from this lesson contain numerous examples of different types of archetypes. Choose one archetype that is illustrated by two stories you have read (Beowulf & Gilgamesh), and write a brief essay explaining what an archetype is, what archetype you*****ve chosen to discuss, and how the archetype is demonstrated in at least two different pieces of literature you*****ve read. Read pages 18-19, 21-28, 44-45, 47-53.

3) Choose sonnet 29 (see the sample one that your text analyzes on pages 276-277) that you*****'ve read during this Lesson and identify:

*****¢ the subject

*****¢ the speaker

*****¢ the audience

*****¢ literary devices used by the poet (metaphors, similes, personification, metonymy, etc.)

*****¢ the rhyme scheme

*****¢ the type of sonnet

*****¢ the images of the poem

*****¢ the sound effects (alliteration, assonance, meter)

After you have identified all of these aspects of the sonnet, write a brief essay (2-3 paragraphs) explaining how these parts work together to demonstrate the tone and theme of the poem. Use specific examples to demonstrate both the tone and theme. Explain why you chose the examples you did. Read page 279 (Sonnet 29).

4) There are many famous sayings that originate in the Merchant of Venice. Choose one of the sayings listed below and write a brief essay (2-3 paragraphs) explaining what the quote means in the context of the play and what relevance it has to today*****'s life, or why it is so often repeated even now.

*****"The quality of mercy is not strained./It droppeth as gentle rain from heaven/upon the place beneath.*****" (Portia, Act IV, Scene 1, Lines 190-193)

*****"Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions?*****" (Shylock, Act III, Scene 1, Lines 58-60)

*****"Yes, truly, for look you, the sins of the father are to be laid upon the children.*****" (Lancelet, Act III, Scene 5, lines 1-2)

*****"How far that little candle throws his beams!

So shines a good deed in a naughty world.*****" (Portia, Act V, Scene 1, Lines 118-119)


Customer is requesting that *****


How to Reference "Frame Story Takes a Number of Different" Essay in a Bibliography

Frame Story Takes a Number of Different.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Frame Story Takes a Number of Different (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Frame Story Takes a Number of Different. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Frame Story Takes a Number of Different” 2012.
”Frame Story Takes a Number of Different”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Frame Story Takes a Number of Different”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Frame Story Takes a Number of Different [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Frame Story Takes a Number of Different. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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