Capstone Project on "Foreign Aid in Haiti"

Capstone Project 10 pages (3462 words) Sources: 3

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Foreign Aid in Haiti

The natural disaster that struck Haiti at the beginning of 2010 can be considered as an important international crisis from several points-of-view. Natural disasters are phenomena which can hardly be controlled, regardless of the nation it hits or the technology invented in the last decades. Notwithstanding the advancement of technology and informational systems, it is very difficult to predict events as those which took place in Haiti in January 2010. Despite of these aspects, the response given to this crisis is in fact the result of the thirty years of failure in foreign aid from the international community.

According to news media, the death toll of the Haiti disaster hit 212,000 deaths, as of February 2010 (CNN, 2010). However, the total number of victims remains untold and it is possible that an official figure that would express the true magnitude of the disaster will never be known. However, aside from the human tragedy which left hundreds of thousands of families without shelter or assistance, there is also a global "tragedy." The international community, even though it responded to the cry for help, failed to take full control of rescue operations and of relief measures. Despite the efforts to raise money for those in need and to try to ensure a complex response mechanism, these ideas failed dramatically.

This present research proposal basis its hypothesis on the reality which is currently developing in Haiti. Almost all relief efforts along the last thirty years are considered to have severe shortcomings and while they managed to attract important financial resources, there are left without a satisfying use. The practical
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example of the earthquake response will prove that indeed there was a lack of efficiency of the aid received from Haiti in the last thirty years.

Currently, only 41% of those in need of emergency shelter have the materials needed for building one. According to the UN, help is needed for another year in order to ensure that Haiti is moving in the right direction towards recovery (UN News Center, 2010). Through the exemplification of the 2010 Haiti response, the present paper will prove that, even if help has been provided for Haiti to a certain extent, in comparison to the expectations, it can be said that relief aid in Haiti in the last thirty years has failed.

Elements to be taken into account and literature review

The problems that led to this situation are numerous. They deal with organizational matters, with coordination, with willingness to support in a humanitarian crisis, but most importantly the problems arrive from a complete lack of coordination at the global level. In this sense, the present research proposal will argue that the current situation in Haiti and the failure of rescue operations and relief is caused by poor aid administration and aid distribution, a lack of government ownership of program, donors' failures and the ineffective donor assistance strategies, aid suspensions and donor driven projects.

In order to assume the importance of this subject for the study of international relations and for the way in which the world is prepared or not to deal with humanitarian disasters at such a large scale, it is essential that the issues mentioned above to be developed to a certain extent. However, in order to offer consistency to the presentation of the subject, the literature review will be included in the brief analysis of the points mentioned above. In this manner, the issues which are presented as part of the structure of the research can be considered more efficiently in the literature review.

Aid is crucial in matters such as the earthquake in Haiti, in the same manner as it is crucial for the smaller scale earthquake in Chile, whose aftermaths are unfolding at the moment. The administration of aid, especially when this aid is provided, is therefore essential. It can make the difference between survival and perishing. However, in the case of the Haiti earthquake, the poor administration of the aid was considerable. The media, as unofficially the forth power in a democratic state, covered these aspects to a large extent. Important in this sense are the wide coverage from news broadcasters such as CNN, BBC, or Euro News. In this sense, their special programs on the way in which aid relief was carried out can be considered as an important source of information. CNN in particular offers continuous coverage, both in news bulletins and on its online editions on how aid relief benefited or not the Haiti crisis. More precisely, reports from the site of the earthquake presented the situation as disastrous (CNN, 2010). However, at the same time, such reports from the media also stress different statements from policy makers such as Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, or the Chief of the Pentagon, who, despite the appealing words of support for the Haitian people, were, at least in the beginning, reserved in their full commitment for Haiti. In this sense, it is important to underline the statement of the Head of the Pentagon who according to CNN, "at the Pentagon, the U.S. military said humanitarian aid was being prepared for shipping, but it was not yet clear where or how it would be sent. AU.S. aviation source said the control tower at the Port-au-Prince international airport collapsed, possibly hindering efforts to fly relief supplies into the country" (CNN, 2010).

This is an important issue to point out and at the same time to investigate further. In situations such as the one in Haiti, the first hours and days after the natural catastrophe, the aid is crucial because it comes to the rescue of people who are left without home, shelter, water, or food. Most importantly, there are people who are trapped under collapsed buildings and any intervention could save lives. Indeed, immediate help came from organizations such as the Red Cross; however, they lack the infrastructure and in the end the financial capacity to help everybody affected by the catastrophe.

The issue of aid administration is important also from the point-of-view of the resources deployed. Although the international community set up special lines for donations and financial aid, in the first days of the aftermath, the Haiti situation was in desperate need of physical help which in many situations lacked. This can be considered as a poor management of rescue operations.

Another important aspect which could point out the failure of the way in which the Haiti situation was handled is the issue of the Haitian government. More precisely, when a situation such as this arises, it is important that the central government in the state be prepared for managing the rescue efforts in the state. However, in the case of Haiti, the rescue operations had no central line of command, an element which made the coordination of operations difficult and inefficient. Even so, this aspect is not the result of an immediate crisis of government, but it has its roots in the difficult history of Haiti in recent decades and in particular in recent years.

For the purpose of cohesion of the presentation, it is important to point out the trying times experienced by the Haitian population and state. In this sense, the United Nations, in its online notes, presentations, and reports, represents a worthy and comprehensive source of information and analysis. More precisely, the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti represented the international community's response to the instability in the country, starting from 1993 (UNSMIH, 2010). However, once President Aristide left the country in 2004, the UN received mandate to organize a follow up mission in support of the democratization of the country and to ensure a safe path towards democracy. The resolutions expressed in this sense are important to point out the situation existing in the country.

Haiti is considered one of the poorest countries in the world, ranked very low in the statistics from the Human Development reports. More precisely, it ranks 149 in the world, with an unemployment rate of almost 75% (Human Development Index, 2010). Moreover, statistics from the same source provide an alarming figure for the GDP. In this sense, while the biggest GDP, that of Lichtenstein was for 2005 of almost $90,000, in Haiti, it does not reach $1,500 (Human Development Index, 2010). Statistics such as these could conclude to a very precarious situation for the population of Haiti. However, they also reveal the degrading state of the government.

The lack of a powerful central government is described not only in figures but also in facts such as the ones presented by the United Nations in their reports, as well as other monitoring agencies and organizations. In this sense, it is important to have in mind reports such as the one presented by the Secretary General in 2004 on the situation in Haiti and the Interim Report on the UN Mission in Haiti, in August 2004, in which the background and the measures to be taken were outlined and the partial results of the Mission were presented, respectively.


Quoted Instructions for "Foreign Aid in Haiti" Assignment:

Foreign aid failure in Haiti

Poor Aid administration

Aid distribution

Lack of government ownnership of program

Donors failures

ineffective donor assistance strategies

Aid suspensions

Donor driven projects

or anything else you may find appropriate. *****

How to Reference "Foreign Aid in Haiti" Capstone Project in a Bibliography

Foreign Aid in Haiti.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Foreign Aid in Haiti (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Foreign Aid in Haiti. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Foreign Aid in Haiti” 2010.
”Foreign Aid in Haiti”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Foreign Aid in Haiti”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Foreign Aid in Haiti [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Foreign Aid in Haiti. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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