Term Paper on "Ford Motor Company"

Term Paper 9 pages (2351 words) Sources: 1+

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Ford Motor Company

The purpose of this work is to acquaint the reader with the Ford Motor Company, design a needs assessment which performs analysis or organizational goals and objectives. Further this work will develop a Training/Intervention Strategy to address what has been discovered through the course of the needs assessment. Finally, this work will develop a method of Training evaluation and state as to how Ford Motor Credit know if training has been successful?

Ford Motor Company - History

Henry Ford and eleven of his business associates entered the marketplace on June 16, 1903 with a mere $28,000 in cash what has been termed the "pioneering industrialists" created what was futuristically to be among the largest corporations globally. The 20th century is resplendent with Ford insignia throughout the entire culture of the U.S. Although from modest beginnings and with the pangs of growth in the face of risk the first sale was made to a physician from Detroit and the rest is history. Ford contributed innovations such as the moving assembly line introduced in 1913 which made it possible for workers to remain in a stationary position and for vehicles to be moved down the work line via machinery. This increased production totals and lowered the price for customers. Henry Ford set down as the company's mission to produce automobiles for the marketplace at large that were affordable to everyone in 1925 the acquisition of the Lincoln Motor Company took place with a new division- the Mercury division coming into being in order to establish a production division on mid-priced automobiles. The cars were named in the beginning through use of the "first 19 let
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ters of the alphabet." [Copyright © 2005, Ford Motor Company Online available at: Copyright © 2005, Ford Motor Company] the Thunderbird emerged in the 1950's and Ford Motor Company stock became available for ownership. Going public on Feb. 24, 1956 there were approximately 350,000 holders in stock for the Ford Motor Company. Reasons for the early success are cited at the company's website as being the keep perception of Henry Ford II in relation to political and economic trends of the day. The company expanded into Europe. The company was ahead of its' time as the United States, Canadian and Mexican operation were consolidated long before the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Having become very well-established the Ford Motor Company has entered the second century of serving the diverse needs in a world that is ever shifting.

II. Ford Motor Company - Overview

Common Stock closing as of the date of this work in writing is shown below:

FMC - 6/1/2005 (Common Stock)

Closing Price 9.92

Day's High 10.13

Day's Low 9.87

Day's Volume 14,013,700 shares

Actual Price 9.92

Split Adjustment Factor 1:1

The Ford Motor Company's North American vehicle production report was released on May 26, 2005 and is for the week ending May 22, 2005. The summarization of that report is shown below in the table labeled Figure 1.0.

Source: Ford Motor Company (Online web site)

Note: The Closing Price, Day's High, Day's Low, and Day's Volume have been adjusted to account for any stock splits and/or dividends which may have occurred for this security since the date shown above. The Actual Price is not adjusted for splits or dividends. The Split Adjustment Factor is a cumulative factor which encapsulates all splits since the date shown above. The closing price above is not necessarily indicative of future price performance.

Ford Motor states its vision as:

To become the world's leading consumer company for automotive products and services.

The 'Mission' of Ford is stated as:

We are a global family with a proud heritage passionately committed to providing personal mobility for people around the world. We anticipate consumer need and deliver outstanding products and services that improve people's lives.

The 'Values' of the Ford Motor Company are stated as follows:

Our business is driven by our consumer focus, creativity, resourcefulness, and entrepreneurial spirit. We are an inspired, diverse team. We respect and value everyone's contribution. The health and safety of our people are paramount We are a leader in environmental responsibility. Our integrity is never compromised and we make a positive contribution to society. We constantly strive to improve in everything we do. Guided by these values, we provide superior returns to our shareholders.

This is much to claim and much in the fulfilling of and it seems a very logical assumption that this great initiative of Ford's must certainly require specialized training order to do so seem a logical assumption.

III. Training and Development

Stated in the work entitled, "Learning at Work Within the Ford Motor Company" is that "The Learning at Work framework was ideally suited to the needs of the Ford Motor Company of Mersey-side. Seeing the need for provision of knowledge and skills related to their job the Ford Motor company enabled their managers and at the same time fulfilled managers needs achievement and recognition. In the first group there were 17 managers with varied academic backgrounds and various job functions as well. The one common factor is that they all were senior managers at Ford with quite a bit of experiential learning in the automotive manufacturing industry. Part One of the programme focused on the development of individual learning agreements and supporting this through prior learning credit, "particularly experiential learning." (FMC Online at:

Further stated is that, "Following discussions with the Ford Motor Company and the managers participating in the programme, a range of learning was identified which covered the needs of all participants. Not every manager was required to study every module."

The modules taught were identified to include:

Tools for Total Quality

Management for Industry

Finance for Industry


Lean Production

Materials Planning and Logistics

Additionally each of these managers must take on a dissertation which is based on work relative to the job function of the manager. These modules are given on site and on two evenings per week and in three twelve week blocks. Support of the in-company mentor is available to those in training as well as the University academic expert being at their disposal. It is stated that the Ford Motor Company recognizes that the needs of a part-time college student will be different from that of a full-time adult.

Needs Assessment

Training measurement model demand a sizable investment of funds as well as commitment. (Pearson, Catts et al. 1996; Misko et al., 1996 as cited by Moi, 2000) Limitations of ROTI studies are (1) difficulties in the design of experimental studies that involve control groups, which may be more academically rigorous but rare in practice (OFTE, 1998 as cited by Moi, 2001) (2) Secondly, the problems associated with timing and resources and inclusive of benefit prospects accrual after the period of evaluation (Mitchell, 1994; Queensland Training Officers' Society, 1994; as cited by Moi, 2000) the next consideration is that of (3) data access and collection methods and issues inclusive of sample of selections, access to data such as personnel records possibly confidential and access to other data held by other units that function within the enterprise. (Mitchell, 1994; Queensland Training Officers' Society, 1994); and last (4) the lack of practical and standard approaches in the evaluation of ROTI (Sadler-Smith, Down & Field 1999; Bassi & van Buren 1998; Johanason 1998; as cited by Moi, 2001) With focus upon on the continuous improvement of training impact, organizational performance, productivity and profitability." (Management Consulting for Effective Training online at http://www.measuretraining.com/aboutus.html) in a partnering arrangement with clients in tracking the results of their "internal training and externally developed programs so that training as a whole, becomes most cost-effective to the organization and has a greater impact on key business objectives." (Ibid.) the primary product of premier is a "comprehensive training program designed to build measurement into the training process. "Tracking Training Impact features the collaborative Tracking Model" which is a process that guarantees the linking on a strategic basis to key business objectives and goals.

Eighteen case studies with variation in industries as well as environments in order to demonstrate the approaches utilized and issues case study organizations have addressed all demonstrate results with returns on investment ranging from 150% to 2000% along with accompanying benefits that are documented.

Organizational Analysis

Stated in the work entitled "Training and Development: Leadership DNA - the Ford Motor Story" is that, "The chief way that Ford's Leadership Development Center is fomenting revolution is by creating transformational leaders - men and women. While it is known that most organization change efforts are demonstrated in mixed results there are application beyond what was previously known. Model, approaches and concepts that may make sense in the beginning all too often do not produce the outcomes desired.

The correct training solution is not what would be considered a simple process and the consideration as to the customization to the specific needs of the company are critical as well. There are five basic steps that can be utilized in analyzing the current environment… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Ford Motor Company" Assignment:


Part 1: Ford Motor Company – Acquaint the reader with Ford Motor Company, why it is a good company to be selection to have this project take place, and the Human Resources Department which will be the area of focus. Fully discuss the corporate agenda, its business strategy, its environment, and its objectives. A professional overview of Ford Motor Company’s culture and values should be included in this analysis.

· This information pertains to Ford Motor Company’s business, goals, objectives and mission.

Part 2: Needs Assessment – Design a needs assessment which analyzes organizational objectives and goals and then examines the factors which affect reaching those goals. Your analysis should look at the organization, person, and tasks levels. Make sure you fully describe the methodologies, process and results.

· Organizational Analysis: organizational analysis will involve determining the appropriateness of training, given the organization’s business strategy, its resources available for training, and support by managers and peer for training activities.

· Person Analysis: person analysis will involve determining whether performance deficiencies result from a lack of knowledge, skill, or ability (a training issue) or from a motivational or work-design problem and (2) identifying who needs training and (3) determining employees’ readiness for training.

· Task Analysis: task analysis identifies the important tasks and knowledge, skill and behaviors that need to be emphasized in training for employee to complete their tasks.

Part 3: Analyze the Data Collected and Identify Training Needs

· Analyze the data collected and identify at least two training needs for Ford Motor Company. Make sure to fully justify the recommendations and link the recommendations to Ford Motor Company’s business goals.

· The data collected must be viewed in terms of the initial intent of the project paper. Care must be taken to evaluate the data for what it portrays. Insufficient analysis or understanding of data, as well as reading more into data that what it actually portrays, are equally ineffective activities.

Part 4: Develop a Training/Intervention Strategy to Address the Needs – Outline the plan for developing a training model to meet the results of the needs assessment. It is important to recognize that training is not always the most cost-effective solution to Ford Motor Company’s problem. You must give offer other creative and cost-effective developmental modalities other than training. Professional justification is expected for the choices. Clearly outline the desired leaning outcomes and include specific recommended training methods. Fully address any learning environment/transfer of training issues.

· Create a developmental strategy as part of this investigative segment. The strategy may include:

1. Training Sessions

a. Traditional Classroom

b. Simulations

c. Self-Managed Strategies

d. Opportunity to Perform

2. Career Management Systems:

a. Self-Assessment Programs

b. Mentoring Systems

c. Action Planning

3. Organizational Development Intervention Activities:

a. Team Building

b. Inter-Group Activities

c. Survey Feedback Activities

Part 4 (Continued):

d. Education and Training Activities

e. Structural Activities

f. Process Consultation

g. Blake-Mouton Grid Activities

h. Third Part Peacemaking

i. Coaching and Counseling

j. Career Planning

k. Goal Setting

4. System Redesign:

a. Search Conferences

b. Confrontation Meetings

c. Strategic Planning Meetings

Part 5: Determine the Training/Intervention Cost and Quantify Expected

Results – Outline the cost of recommended training, the potential return on investment (ROI), and the expected results. The plan should be provided on how to justify the costs.

· Conduct A Cost-Benefit Analysis. Training costs must be evaluated against anticipated results. This will only be palatable if, in the initial assessment, specific behaviors/processes and their impact on the performance on Ford Motor Company were determined. If so, conduct a final analytical segment.

Part 6: Develop a Method of Training Evaluation – Detail the methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the training after it has been completed. How will Ford Motor Company know if the training has been successful?

· Clearly identify the specific outcomes expected from this project paper. Then develop a method of evaluating the effectiveness of the project paper.

This paper should be 13 pages in length, with 10 distinctive cited references. APA Format Please. Thank You!


How to Reference "Ford Motor Company" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Ford Motor Company.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ford-motor-company-purpose/49067. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Ford Motor Company (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ford-motor-company-purpose/49067
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Ford Motor Company. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ford-motor-company-purpose/49067 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Ford Motor Company” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ford-motor-company-purpose/49067.
”Ford Motor Company” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ford-motor-company-purpose/49067.
[1] ”Ford Motor Company”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ford-motor-company-purpose/49067. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Ford Motor Company [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ford-motor-company-purpose/49067
1. Ford Motor Company. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/ford-motor-company-purpose/49067. Published 2005. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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