Essay on "First Amendment and Regulated Speech"

Essay 4 pages (1275 words) Sources: 5

[EXCERPT] . . . .

First Amendment states that Congress is prohibited from passing laws that would abridge the freedom of speech. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) argues that the First Amendment does not apply to obscene material, which is defined using a three-pronged test. Obscene material is differentiated by law from indecent and profane speech. In mainstream media, this distinction is often lost.

Loewy (1993) argues that obscenity is not necessarily speech -- the term is typically applied to nudity or pornography rather than speech -- and therefore should not be entitled to First Amendment protection, echoing the FCC's position. The definition of obscenity, however, does lend itself to pornographic speech and writing. A verbal or oral description of sexual acts would satisfy all three of the prongs that define obscenity. Loewy does not address this possibility.

I feel that the First Amendment should not enjoy First Amendment protection. Loewy (1993) notes that obscenity is not covered by the First Amendment because it is not speech. This makes it more difficult to determine whether obscene speech should be treated as speech or as obscenity. Lacking further clarification from the courts, it would appear that obscene speech is more commonly regarded as obscenity, and therefore not subject to First Amendment protection. If the wording of the First Amendment were more specific in defining speech, then clearly obscenity, if so defined, would have coverage. There is no such wording with reference to obscenity, however, and the precise definition remains vague even if it is understood to lack First Amendment protection, as Antonin Scalia has noted in references to video games that ran
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afoul of obscenity laws (Thierer, 2008). In the interests of upholding the moral standards of society, obscenity should remain without the protection of the First Amendment (Thierer, 2008). The standards for defining obscenity should be in the hands of the people, and therefore subject to change over time, but there is no reason to include them within the realm of protected speech.

With respect to commercial language, the major issue at hand is whether the government's powers to regulate commerce gave it the power to regulate speech concerning articles of commerce (UMKC, 2012). Some changes to this view have occurred in recent decades. Virginia State Board of Pharmacy (1976) clarified some of the speech that is protected, noting that laws cannot forbid the advertising of prices, taking the view that the First Amendment protects the right to receive information as well as the right to speech (UMKC, 2012). The ruling curtailing government's ability to regulate advertising was a good first step in expanding freedom of commercial speech.

At issue with commercial speech is also the problem of content neutrality, something that is fundamental to the First Amendment. If commercial speech is exempt from First Amendment protection, then it may also be devoid of content neutrality. The average American then must learn to distinguish between commercial speech and other forms of speech, because the nature of such speech is fundamentally different. The gradual reduction in regulation of commercial speech since the 1970s is a positive step in general that brings commercial speech more in line with the First Amendment. The limitations that still exist, such as limits on false claims in advertising, are generally reasonable and constitute sufficient regulation of commercial speech.

An interesting development in the regulation of commercial speech comes in the form of Citizen's United, where the extension of First Amendment protections, specifically relating to political advertising, were extended to corporations. While an extension of the reforms that have been ongoing since Pharmacy, the Citizens United case illustrates the special position that commercial speech enjoys with respect to the First Amendment. The underlying issue in this case is the influence of business in politics, rather than the regulation of business to consumer communications. However, even Citizens United is consistent… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "First Amendment and Regulated Speech" Assignment:

This essay needs to include: 2 examples in mass media that illustrate each topic and position. It also needs 5 experts total that support the postitions.

The postitions are:

1. Obscene language should not enjoy The first Amendment protection.

2. Commercial language is sufficiently regulated.

3. Music should not be availible without royalty for download on the web.

I need 1,000 words but quotes do not count.

Thank You.

How to Reference "First Amendment and Regulated Speech" Essay in a Bibliography

First Amendment and Regulated Speech.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

First Amendment and Regulated Speech (2012). Retrieved from (2012). First Amendment and Regulated Speech. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”First Amendment and Regulated Speech” 2012.
”First Amendment and Regulated Speech”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”First Amendment and Regulated Speech”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. First Amendment and Regulated Speech [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. First Amendment and Regulated Speech. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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