Term Paper on "Finance Such as Present Value and Capital"

Term Paper 10 pages (2876 words) Sources: 1+

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finance such as present value and capital asset pricing model to name a couple. This paper will explore three business models in order to better understand present value and discount rates. This paper will look at the security of equity future and more specifically Wal-Mart's performance. This paper will also examine the relationship between CAPM vs. APT and discuss the method used when determining a rate of return and capital budgeting purposes.

You inherit an oil well. This oil well is believed to have three years worth of oil left before it dries up. Here is how much income this oil well is projected to bring you each year for the next three years: Year 1: $160,000; Year 2: $210,000; Year 3: $320,000. Compute the present value of this stream of income for a discount rate of 5%, 12%, and 17%. First of all, it is understood the equation for computing present is as follows:

PV = CF r) t CF equals the amount expected to be made. "R" is the discount rate.

Year One:

Discount Rate of 5%: PV = $160,000 or 160,000 = $152,380.95

Discount Rate of 12%: PV = $160,000 or 160,000 = $142,857.14

Discount Rate of 17%: PV = $160,000 or 60,000 = $136,752.13

Year Two:

Discount Rate of 5%: PV = $210,000 = $190,476.19

Discount Rate of 12%: PV = $210,000 = $167,416.71

Discount Rate of 17%: PV = $210,000 = $153,407.85

Year Three:

Discount Rate of 5%: PV = $320,000 = $276,428.03

Discount Rate of 12%: PV = $320,000 = $227,769.68

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>Discount Rate of 17%: PV = $320,000 = $199,798.58

Part 2: Three Sample Business Plans

There are Missing Materials for this section. Unable to complete without Business Plans)

Module 2: Session Long Project

One type of security is called an equity future. This is a contract guaranteeing your shares of a company to be delivered to you not today, but sometime in the future. What you would pay for such a contract? It depends on what price you expect the shares to be at in the future, and how volatile the stock is at the time of purchase or in other words what discount rate you should value this future payment of stocks). By looking at Yahoo Finance.com and at the five-year chart for Johnson and Johnson, the reference company I chose, one can learn a lot about the company.

In comparison with Johnson and Johnson, what would you pay for 100 shares of Wal-Mart to be delivered to you in one year? Is it like comparing apples to orange or do the two companies have more in common than thought?

Johnson and Johnson is a diverse corporation specializing in the production of pharmaceuticals and first aid care products.. One can take a look at the stock price to see any trends or changes during the last five years. Below, from Yahoo Finance is Johnson and Johnson's latest stock chart.

From this chart, one can see how Johnson and Johnson's stock has progressed over the year from about $50 to $63.58 on Thursday. This means the company's stock not only reflects the company's growth and sales but also has shown improvement over time. Because the stock has grown in price, many may hesitate to buy if one is looking for a deal. As a result, financial analysts on Yahoo Finance rate the stock at 2.3 on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being a strong buy and 5 being a strong sell). Right now the stock would be considered a seller's market. Still the price could continue in its upward trend making it more desirable to buyers. Overall, drug company stock is usually a safe investment.

Walmart is a retail giant. Wal-Mart's five-year chart is slightly different from Johnson and Johnson's. Their stock price starts out a lot higher and falls in the beginning of the chart and then gains momentum to gain ground. Still the stock manages to remain in the high fifty-dollar range and steady for the last year. These radical changes in stock suggest it has adjusted with the times and the economy. The stock may have continued to climb but not soar due to various issues within the company like employee relations and union problems out west. Analysts at Yahoo Finance give a recommendation of 2.2 on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being a strong buy and 5 being a strong sell). Right now the stock would be considered a seller's market. Still the price could continue in its upward trend making it more desirable to buyers.

Overall, both stocks are considered volatile because of these middle ground ratings. This means the stock is unstable in the mind of the analyst because the stock could go either way in the future. This makes deciding to purchase, as am equity future difficult because no one can predict how the market will change over the next year. People can make educated guesses especially with respect to Wal-Mart that consumer spending and confidence is on the rise more than in recent years but still there are a lot of other factors to consider like rising energy costs and the war in Iraq. All of these things help determine if the consumer will spend money.

So should the consumer purchase a hundred shares of Wal-Mart stock to be delivered a year from now? Judging from the five-year chart and the fact the stock closed at $52.32 one year ago and it is currently trading at $52.97; it is safe to say despite analyst opinion, Wal-mart is a safe buy because if anything not much will change. However, if one is looking for a moneymaker, this is not the stock to expect much future returns. Still analysts are anticipating the stock will reach $63.85 in one year but this is only a guess. If one is a risk taker and willing to ride it out, then this is a stock to consider.

Module 3, Part 1: CAPM VS. APT

The Capital Asset Pricing Model or CAPM is not the only asset-pricing model around. One of the competing approaches asset pricing is called the Arbitrage Pricing Theory or APT, which was developed to address some of the criticisms of the CAPM. Do you think APT or the CAPM is the best approach for a financial professional to use?

There seems to be two schools of though on the validity of CAPM and APT. There are people who use CAPM as a method to analyze risk and others who believe APT is a better approach because it builds upon the CAPM theory. This is a positive when understanding risk because APT does not leave room for mistakes. For financial professionals it is of utmost importance to assess risk as accurately as possible in order to sell a stock idea to a client. Clients are more than often risk adverse and do not want to take a loss with the money invested. In this respect most clients enjoy a conservative approach, which means the less risk involved the better. Because APT builds upon CAPM and takes the theory to a new level, it requires further analysis to prove the point. Still first in order to understand APT, one must first have a grasp of CAPM works.

First of all, CAPM is not at versatile as APT. CAPM can only work to assess risk in the long run scenario. Where does this leave the short run for an investor who only wants a six-month period? Still CAPM "states that the return on a stock depends on whether the stock's price follows prices in the market as a whole" (Anonymous, p. 1). The more a stock follows the market, the greater the return. CAPM divides risk into two categories, systematic and unsystematic. CAPM also assumes the investor does not have inside knowledge and that the Beta is known. This is the only way an expected return can be determined with CAPM. Mark McCracken defines Beta as "equals 1.0000. 1 exactly. Each company also has a beta. A company's beta is that company's risk compared to the risk of the overall market. If the company has a beta of 3.0, then it is said to be 3 times more risky than the overall market" (par. 1). The amount of risk and the type of risk can be determined by diversification. Systematic risk, which is market risk or undiversafiable risk, is the portion of an asset's risk that cannot be eliminated via diversification. The systematic risk indicates how including a particular asset in a diversified portfolio will contribute to the riskiness of the portfolio. Unsystematic risk, which is firm-specific or diversifiable risk, is the portion of an asset's total risk that can be eliminated by including the security as part of a diversifiable portfolio (Mathis, CAPM, par. 1). So obviously there are some stocks that will not be included in a diverse portfolio because of its defined risk under this theory. CAPM digs deeper to assess… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Finance Such as Present Value and Capital" Assignment:

Finance 501 application paper

Subject-Present value, Capital asset pricing model, Asset price Model


All the instructions for the paper assignment is in the assignment itself. Minimum statistical data required. Just show the computation as requested in the instructions then write the paper. Any questions call me at 321-795-2318. Thank you!

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Module 2 Case Background Material to help with the paper is on these websites.




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Module 2 Case assignment is below:

Part I:

Suppose you just inherited an oil well. This oil well is believed to have three years worth of oil left before it dries up. Here is how much income this oil well is projected to bring you each year for the next three years:

Year 1: $160,000; Year 2: $210,000; Year 3: $320,000

Compute the present value of this stream of income for a discount rate of 5%, 12%, and 17%. 1-2 Page paper.

Part II:

Read the following three sample business plans:Acme Consulting; Interstate Travel Center and Silvera and Sons

Which of these three projects do you think should have the highest discount rate? Which one do you think should have the lowest?

Turn in a Parts I and II in one Word document. For Part I make sure you show all your work. Part II should be in the form of a two page paper explaining your reasoning.

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Module 2 Session Long Project

One specialized type of security is called an equity future. This is a contract that guarantees you shares of a company to be delivered to you not today, but sometime in the future. What you would pay for such a contract depends on a) what price you expect the shares to be at in the future, and b) how volatile the stock is (i.e. what discount rate you should value this future payment of stocks).

Using the Yahoo Finance take a look at the five year chart for your reference company. Using this chart and other information you can find on this company,

write a one to two page paper answering the following question:

What would you pay for 100 shares of Walmart to be delivered to you in one years?

Use the concepts in the background materials to explain your answer.


Background Material to help with the paper is on these websites.



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Module 3 Case


The Capital Asset Pricing Model is not the only asset pricing model around. One of the competing approaches asset pricing is called the Arbitrage Pricing Theory, which was developed to address some of the criticisms of the CAPM.

Read the article below and do some of your own research using the CyberLibrary and Internet search engines.


Then write a 4 page paper answering the following question:

Do you think APT or the CAPM is the best approach for a financial professional to use?

Defend your answer rigorously. And don't cop out by saying "I like both approaches", take a side and defend it.


This an abstract paper to further help with the paper!

Risk and Return

The Economist; London; Feb 2, 1991; Anonymous;


The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) states that the return on a stock depends on whether the stock's price follows prices in the market as a whole. The more closely a stock follows the market, the greater will be its expected return.

A technique called mean-variance analysis can be used to construct a series of portfolios that are efficient. Instead of looking at the covariances among stocks in a portfolio, the CAPM divides a stock's risk into 2 parts: systematic and unsystematic. The CAPM assumes that no investor has better information than another and that, if a stock's beta is known, its long-run return can be predicted. Researchers found that the CAPM works only in the long run. Despite doubts, the CAPS passed most of its early tests. The arbitrage pricing theory (APT) divides systematic risk into smaller component risks. Recent research has suggested that the 4-factor version of the APT is better at predicting the return on a stock than the simplest version of the CAPM. In some of its basic ideas, but not in its details, the APT builds on rather than replaces the CAPM


Module 3

Session Long Project

Using the PC Quote Web Page find the value of beta for Walmart.

Write a two page paper discussing the following items:

a. What does this beta means in terms of your choice of including this company in your overall portfolio?

b. What two other companies would you pick along with your reference company if you are using beta as a criteria? The other two companies that are selected using beta as a criteria is Kmart and Target.

Explain your answers thoroughly.


This is Module 4.

Background Materials to help with paper assignment is below.

The Capital Budgeting Process is a highly comprehensive overview that is especially useful for the problem set.

StudyFinance.com has an excellent Summary of Capital Budgeting

Corporate Finance Live has a good Section on Capital Budgeting.

Finally, this Meta-Site on Capital Budgeting from Harcourt College Publishers has many more links to sites that are highly relevant to this module


This is Module 4 Case assignment for the paper below.


CU Boxes Inc.

CU Boxes Inc. makes boxes for shoe manufacturers. One of the machines that CU uses may need replacement.

The following information is available to you:

Revenues will not change if the machine is replaced.

Both the present machine and the new machine will last 5 years and will have no disposal value in five years.

The new machine will cost $400,000. The old machine can be disposed of right now for a disposal value of $10,000.

The new machine will reduce operating costs by $100,000 per year (assume cash flows at the end of the years.)

Assume a required rate of return or discount rate of 9%

Part 1: Determine if the new machine should be purchased. Use NPV, IRR, and Payback in your analysis where appropriate. Refer to the articles below and the background materials in your analysis.

Part 2: Read the articles below and discuss what method (NPV or others) is the best method to use for capital budgeting purposes. Defend your arguments carefully.

Answer Part 1 and Part 2 for a total of four pages.


Additional info an an example of how the paper should look is below.

Read these articles below (click on the titles):

Modified internal rate of return: Will it replace IRR?

Lefley, Frank. Management Accounting. London: Jan 1997. Vol. 75, Iss. 1; pg. 64, 2 pgs

Abstract (Article Summary)

The 2 main discounted cash flow methods are the net present value and the internal rate of return (IRR). Although IRR suffers from a number of defects, it continues to be the most popular method used in industry. Recently a modified internal rate of return (MIRR) method was developed to address some of the defects of IRR. The MIRR addresses some of the deficiencies of conventional IRR, such as: 1. It eliminates multiple IRR rates. 2. It addresses the reinvestment rate issue and reduces over-optimism. 3. It produces a result which, when ranking projects, is consistent with the NPV rule.

Capital budgeting needs vision

Business line. Islamabad: Jul 21, 2003. pg. 1

Abstract (Article Summary)

"WHAT business are you in?" a CEO of Ponds was once asked. "We sell hope," he said. (A wide definition of business indeed.) The same question was posed to Akio Morita, the founder of Sony. He said, "We are in entertainment." And when a truck-fleet owner was asked the same question, he said, "We are into truck and transportation business." (A very narrow definition of business.)

These decisions have to fulfil the criteria of creating net positive present value for the organisation. Thus an organisation should grab and hold on to every opportunity (both external and internal) that creates positive net present value (NPV) for its shareholders. And in a competitive environment, every organisation has to attract, reward and retain its shareholders and potential investors.

Long-term investment decisions are called capital budgeting/ capital expenditure decisions - launching a new product, improvisation, modernisation, expansion, replacement of fixed assets, research and development, purchasing new fixed assets, acquisition, takeover, merger, alliances, and so on.


How to Reference "Finance Such as Present Value and Capital" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Finance Such as Present Value and Capital.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2004, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/finance-present-value/3918278. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Finance Such as Present Value and Capital (2004). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/finance-present-value/3918278
A1-TermPaper.com. (2004). Finance Such as Present Value and Capital. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/finance-present-value/3918278 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Finance Such as Present Value and Capital” 2004. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/finance-present-value/3918278.
”Finance Such as Present Value and Capital” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/finance-present-value/3918278.
[1] ”Finance Such as Present Value and Capital”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2004. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/finance-present-value/3918278. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Finance Such as Present Value and Capital [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2004 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/finance-present-value/3918278
1. Finance Such as Present Value and Capital. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/finance-present-value/3918278. Published 2004. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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