Term Paper on "What Are the Goals of the Feminist Movement Toward Religion?"

Term Paper 5 pages (1475 words) Sources: 4 Style: MLA

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Feminist Movement and Religion

Analyzing the Relationship between Religion and the Feminist Movement: Cases from the Christian experience

Religion as an important institution in the society has been idealized as apolitical by nature. However, the influence that it wields to society makes it a very important element that creates change and increases the dynamics within society politically. Because of this, it becomes inevitable that religious components in the society interacts and becomes interdependent with society's political components. The relationship between politics and religion, then, has been considered a fixture in the structure of societies for many years.

This nature of relationship between religion and politics is never more evident when discussing the issue of feminism as applied in the context of religion. Feminism, as a political movement that seek to equalize women's rights with that of men, and to provide venue for women to address their special needs in the society. As early as the 19th century, feminism gradually became a popular ideology that influenced and affected the lives of women until the present time. The pursuit for gender equality in the society has been the primary thrust of feminism through its years of development.

Putting religion in the context of feminism creates an immediate conflict because of the seemingly inherent patriarchal nature of some of the world's dominant religions. Primary of these religions are Christianity and Islam, whose dominance in the Western and Eastern societies, respectively, has created concern for the feminist movement because its practices and beliefs promote the subor
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dinate role and subjugation of women to men. It becomes inevitable, then, that feminism should look critically at these old world religions.

For the purpose of this research, focus will be on Christianity as an example of a religion that promoted the subordinate roles of women in the society and encouraged the persistence of patriarchy as the dominant social system in the society. Through two cases of how Christianity has affected female sexuality's role in society, a further analysis is developed in this research. The discussion and analysis posit that feminist interpretation of religion, particularly Christianity, has always been criticized for being too radical and irrelevant in the lives of women followers. Unless feminism attains a certain level of relevance to women, it will continue to affect only a small degree of change in the way religious practices recognize gender equality and the special needs of the religion's women followers.

Robert's (2006) case study of Catholic women in Asia and Latin America demonstrated their active participation in the rituals and practices of Catholicism in their country. More specifically, a feminist construction of Catholicism among women in Latin America showed that women played a central role not only in Catholic practices and rituals, but in their communities in general. In illustrating this scenario, the author remarked (181):

Women in popular Catholicism appear to be most active in communal devotions designed to ensure the well-being and health of their families...women dominate several sodalities...In addition to localized prayer groups and rituals, major Catholic pilgrimage sites document female majorities, especially in relation to prayers for family healing and communal well-being.

This experience of Catholicism among women in Latin America provided an overview of the influence and regard that society has for Catholic women in the region. This case offered an alternative picture of the way religions such as Catholicism (or Christianity in general) has created a venue for women to practice their faith in an egalitarian manner as their male counterparts. Similarly, cases in Asia, according to Robert, showed a larger presence and membership among women than men, another case in point that highlighted the fact that women have primarily roles to play in Catholicism as a dominant religion and a strong force in the society.

An opposite case from the experiences of Catholic women in Asia and Latin America was the situation presented by Tinker (2006), wherein the author presented a general view of how Christianity in the Western context has led to the detriment of the women sector in societies that Westerners have colonized, such as the native Indians. Christian missions have promoted the segregation of males from females in terms of their roles and status, wherein Tinker cited that "Victorian gender and class structures" were imposed. Among these gender and class structures include the teaching of women "to be subservient to men generally and White women...to buy in to the sexist structures that had already long insured… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "What Are the Goals of the Feminist Movement Toward Religion?" Assignment:

Paper 1 Due: February 25, midnight

Topics from which to choose:

1. Explain what a myth is, and describe some of the different ways that the function

of myth has been explained?

2. What are the goals of the feminist movement regarding religion? If this movement is successful in reaching its goals, what may be gained or lost?

3. Analyze The Matrix: what elements of the filmakers worldview comes from Buddhism?

4. Explain the significance of relationship -- with humans and nature -- in both Taoist and Confucian thought.

Reference Materials and Other Sources

There are numerous religious reference books in the library you may use to begin your research. General reference books, however, are not allowed as source material. General references include such things as World Book, Colliers, Britannica or Encarta encyclopedias. If you're unsure about a source material check with me before you commit to using it. After exploring general works then go to more detailed references: scholarly books, journals, online resources and other periodicals. Your paper should be a balanced mix of sources.

Remember to begin your research early in order to take advantage of ILL (interlibrary loan) needs.

The Look

Each paper should contain: a title page, a page that contains your thesis statement and outline, 5 to 7pages of text written in formal and grammatically correct English with correct MLA in-text citations, and a page for your bibliography of 7 sources. Remember that a bibliography is not a works cited; therefore you may have more sources in a bibliography than you used or quoted from in your paper.

Title Page: title of paper on line 12, author's name on line 20, course name on line 40,

instructor's name on line 41, date on line 42 -- all centered in Times New Roman, 12.

Thesis and Outline Page: State thesis (which should answer the question asked of you) at top of page. Outline should follow in standard Roman Numeral format.

Body of Paper: 5 to 7 complete pages written in formal and grammatically correct English, following MLA style with in-text citations. If you've forgotten MLA format which you learned in ENC 1101, the library has MLA packets.

Bibliography: Should be arranged alphabetically by author/editor's last name with seven sources of which two must be books and three must be journal articles (online journals are fine.)

The following outline should be a general guide for writing a research paper.

I. Thesis Statement: The introduction of the paper should contain a brief statement indicating what the student is attempting to achieve. This statement should answer the question asked of you. The best thesis statements are built on a positive statement rooted in a well-chosen active verb.

II. Body of Paper: In the main text of the paper, the student should identify the internal logic of the topic and use this logic to structure the paper. Is the logical approach to the topic a chronological development? A comparison or contrast? A list of most to least important? Once the structure is chosen, the student should proceed to arrange research materials in a clear and persuasive manner. The paper should move beyond simply relating a list of facts or retelling a story. A detailed analysis of the topic is required and your paper should include an engaging synthesis of source material.

III. Conclusion: A conclusion should be drawn based upon the analysis of the research. This conclusion should either resolve the problem indicated or summarize the points covered. Unresolved points also may be indicated.

How to Reference "What Are the Goals of the Feminist Movement Toward Religion?" Term Paper in a Bibliography

What Are the Goals of the Feminist Movement Toward Religion?.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/feminist-movement-religion-analyzing/527981. Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

What Are the Goals of the Feminist Movement Toward Religion? (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/feminist-movement-religion-analyzing/527981
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). What Are the Goals of the Feminist Movement Toward Religion?. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/feminist-movement-religion-analyzing/527981 [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”What Are the Goals of the Feminist Movement Toward Religion?” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/feminist-movement-religion-analyzing/527981.
”What Are the Goals of the Feminist Movement Toward Religion?” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/feminist-movement-religion-analyzing/527981.
[1] ”What Are the Goals of the Feminist Movement Toward Religion?”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/feminist-movement-religion-analyzing/527981. [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. What Are the Goals of the Feminist Movement Toward Religion? [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/feminist-movement-religion-analyzing/527981
1. What Are the Goals of the Feminist Movement Toward Religion?. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/feminist-movement-religion-analyzing/527981. Published 2007. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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