Term Paper on "Female Perspective on Sexual Acts"

Term Paper 5 pages (1600 words) Sources: 1+

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Female Perspective on Sexual Acts in the Modern Novel: An Examination of Esquivel's Like Water for Chocolate and Saadawi's Woman at Point Zero

Sexuality is one of the most widespread and diverse themes in literature, and the modern novel has allowed for much more explicit and varied examinations of sexuality. Of utmost importance to sexuality, in life and in literature, is the actual sex act, which reaches its pinnacle in heterosexual relationships in the act traditional and procreative act of sexual intercourse. This act is necessarily a human universal; without it, humanity would not exist. This makes it a very powerful act to depict in literature, all pruderies and controversies surrounding this depiction aside, and many authors have engaged in an exploration of the metaphysical and spiritual creative aspects of sexual intercourse that mirror the biological creation of the act.

Equally noted in the history of literature -- and in new ways in the modern novel -- is the opposing force of domination and destruction that is an inherent part of sexual intercourse, especially from the point-of-view of the feminine. Though the sex act often leads to great joy and release, for the feminine it is also an intrusive and sometimes violent experience; an irreversible initiation into the world of pleasure through a painful and often shameful ritual. In many societies the sex act marks a public transformation of the woman, into a respected wife and maternal figure when the sexual intercourse takes place within the confines of sanctioned relationships, and into a defiled and stigmatized woman in any other situation. The various attitudes towards sexuality and the sex act itself are hugely
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dependent on the cultural and gender identity that produces these views, and an examination of two modern novels written by women of very different cultural backgrounds reveals this shifting perspective of the feminine role in intercourse.

Nawal El Saadawi is a female psychologist working in Egypt, a complex society with many different influences, including forms of Islam that are very restrictive and even abusive towards women. Her novel Woman at Point Zero reflects this narrowness of culture and reduction of the importance and passion of the feminine though the examination of Firdaus, who spends much of her life as a prostitute. In this novel, sexual acts are seen with the male figure as the actor, and agency on the part of the feminine is almost completely obliterated. Firdaus' introduction to sexuality and physical acts of sex comes at a very young age from sexual games played with her male friend Ibrahim: "He would make me lie down beneath a pile of straw, and lift up my galabeya. We played at 'bride and bridegroom.' From some part in my body, where exactly I did not know, would come a sensation of sharp pleasure" (Saadawi, 14).

Even these early experiences, though pleasurable, are subtly marked by the domination of the masculine over the feminine: "he would make me" does not connote a mutual engagement in experimentation; though this scene is not described with horror and resistance, Firdaus demonstrates a passivity and lack of understanding of the act. It is also interesting that even as children this act is associated with playing "bride and bridegroom;" even as children, the roles of the separate genders as prescribed by society are understood to apply supremely during the sex act.

Laura Esquivel's Like Water for Chocolate portrays a very different vision of sexuality and the sex act. The Mexico to which Esquivel and her characters belong is marked by the forced mixture of two conflicting cultures that occurred during Spanish colonization. In a way, the history of the country mirrors the destructive and dominant view of the sex act; Spanish invaders brought their restrictive brand of Catholicism to the indigenous peoples of the area, figuratively raping the land and culture while forcing their own beliefs and social structures on what would be considered in many ways a much more liberal culture (and, it might be noted, literally raping many of the indigenous women). Today's Mexican culture and ethnic identity constitutes the blending of these two opposing forces, and the portrayal of sexuality and the sex act in Like Water for Chocolate clearly illustrates the conflicts between these opposing forces.

The sex act is largely glorified in Like Water for Chocolate, especially as it allows externally applied restrictions to be thrown off by the individuals participating in the act. In one of the novel's most memorable scenes, Gertrudis begins exuding a sexual scent and heat that sets a small structure on fire and attracts the leader of a nearby rebel army:

Without slowing his gallop, so as not to waste time, he leaned over, put his arm around her waist, and lifted her onto his horse in front of him, face-to-face, and carried her away. The horse, which seemed to be obeying higher orders too, kept galloping as if it already knew their ultimate destination, even though Juan had thrown the reins aside and was passionately kissing and embracing Gertrudis. The movement of the horse combined with the movement of their bodies as they made love for the first time, at a gallop and with a great deal of difficulty."

Esquivel, 52)

At first glance, this scene, too, seems to remove the agency of the feminine in regards to the act of sexual intercourse. Gertrudis is lifted onto the horse and galloped away with. The attraction and subsequent actions of Juan, however, are brought about by the extreme feminine sexuality that Gertrudis exudes. The fact that the horse "seemed to be obeying higher orders too," coupled with the may instances of magical realism in the novel, suggests that Gertrudis and Juan are engaging in an almost supernatural act of intercourse; it represents a release and freedom of the feminine to engage in this uninhibited and unavoidable act of sex.

Sex is oddly liberating in Woman at Point Zero, too, but no in expected ways. Soon after her childhood exploits (or exploitation), Firdaus receives a ritualistic circumcision, which involves cutting out the clitoris -- the source of the "sharp pleasure" she mentions in her scene with Ibrahim. This marks the beginning of Firdaus' and the novel's view of sexual intercourse as a performance of duty and service as opposed to an activity of mutual pleasure. As a woman in Egyptian society, Firdaus is expected to receive no utility from the sex act. Indeed, her first encounters with intercourse reinforce both the lack of agency and this concept of a performance of duty, and the old man to whom she has been married takes no different a view:

He would come back in the middle of the night, pull the cover away from me, slap my face, and then bear down on me with all his weight. I kept my eyes closed and abandoned my body. It lay there under him without movement, emptied of all desire, pleasure, or even pain, feeling nothing. A dead body with no life in it at all, like a piece of food, or an empty sock, or a shoe."

Saadawi, 62).

As the novel progresses, however, and Firdaus turns to the quite lucrative profession of prostitution, her body actually becomes her means to freedom. She even demonstrates her power by refusing certain customers; her desirability has become a source of empowerment rather than a burden. The act of intercourse becomes more complex, as it becomes impossible to tell which partner is using the other. Through the acceptance and even encouragement of the masculine, Woman at Point Zero shows a strange instance of the feminine gaining power and dominance in the sex act.

Feminine control of and during the sex act also appears as a theme throughout Like Water for Chocolate. Gertrudis returns as the leader of a rebel… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Female Perspective on Sexual Acts" Assignment:

I am currently in my last year of IB (International baccalaureate) and I need help with my Wolrd Literature Paper One. I have written it already however it is not too good I was told. The essay is a comparative essay that compares the two works:*****Woman at Point Zero***** written by Nawal El Saadawi and *****žLike Water For Chocolate***** written by Laura Esquivel. The essay needs to be based only on those two books. I have furthermore pasted below the requirements followed by a guide that will help to understand the expectations (focus of the essay and the structure) and finally the IB criteria for the World Literature Paper:

*****Assessment 3: World Literature Assignment 1 - requirements

Select at least two of the *****World literature***** works studied for a comparative study. Compose an analytical essay, examining some of the pertinent links between the two works. The paper must be 1000 *****“ 1500 words in length. This piece of writing is submitted to IB for assessment.*****

Texts : El Saadawi, Nawal: Woman at Point Zero

Esquivel, Laura: Like Water For Chocolate

Focus for Paper:

Your focus will depend on the nature and scope of your topic. The sophistication of literary criticism expected in elaborated in your rubrics. You will be expected to show:

· thorough knowledge and understanding of the work(s)

· thorough appreciation of the aspect discussed, appropriate similarities and differences between the work(s)

· knowledge and use of the linguistic register appropriate for this type of presentation with sensitivity to use of vocabulary, tone, sentence structure, and idiom appropriate to the task

· consideration of the effects of the means by which author(s) have explored the aspect discussed

· Essay must be a cogent piece of writing and a reasoned argument in support of your interpretations

Structure of Assessments:

This depends largely on the type of activity, but each presentation should display

· logical sequence

· coherent structure

The essay should have

· introductory and concluding remarks consistent with expository style and conventions of writing

· an introduction which should have a thesis or main idea

· a body should reveal your insight into the works and the links between them *****“ you may use Socratic Dialogue, interview or formal rhetorical strategies to develop your ideas

· a conclusion could be a brief summary and personal evaluation of the discussion or particular achievement of the writing

· logical and pertinent reasoning using evidence

World Literature Assignment

A: Selection of the Aspect and its Treatment

The achievement level for this criterion is determined primarily by the treatment of ideas, not the selection of the aspect.

How well has the candidate defined the aspect chosen?

How appropriate is the aspect chosen to the assignment?

How well has the aspect chosen been explored in relation to the assignment?

To what extent has the candidate expressed a relevant personal response?

Achievement Level

0 The candidate has not reached level 1.

1 Little attempt to define the aspect chosen; the treatment of ideas is generally inappropriate to the assignment

-- the aspect chosen is generally not appropriate to the assignment

-- the aspect chosen has little focus

-- the treatment of ideas is generally not relevant to the aspect chosen or

-- the assignment consists mainly of paraphrase.

2 Attempt to define the aspect chosen; the treatment of ideas is to some extent appropriate

-- the aspect chosen is to some extent appropriate to the assignment

-- the aspect chosen has focus, but it is too wide

-- the treatment of ideas is sometimes not relevant to the aspect chosen or

-- the assignment consists in part of paraphrase.

3 The aspect is defined and followed by a generally appropriate treatment of ideas

-- the aspect chosen is appropriate to the assignment

-- the aspect chosen has a specific and generally relevant focus

-- the treatment of ideas is relevant to the aspect chosen, and includes a personal response to the work(s).

4 Clearly defined aspect followed by an appropriate treatment of ideas

-- the aspect chosen is appropriate to the assignment

-- the aspect chosen has a specific and relevant focus

-- the ideas show independence of thought and their treatment is relevant to the aspect chosen.

5 Clearly defined aspect followed by a highly appropriate treatment of ideas

-- the aspect chosen is highly appropriate to the assignment

-- the aspect chosen has a specific and relevant focus

-- the ideas show independence of thought and their treatment is highly relevant to the aspect chosen.

World Literature Assignment

B: Knowledge and Understanding of Work(s)

How well does the candidate know the work(s) studied?

How much understanding has the candidate shown of the work(s) studied in relation to the assignment?

To what extent does the candidate appreciate the cultural setting relevant to the assignment, where appropriate?

Achievement Level

0 The candidate has not reached level 1.

1 Little understanding of the work(s) studied

-- knowledge but little understanding of the aspects of the work(s) most relevant to the assignment

-- a few links between works, where appropriate

-- little appreciation of the cultural setting relevant to the assignment, where appropriate.

2 Some understanding of the work(s) studied

-- knowledge and some understanding of the aspects of the work(s) most relevant to the assignment

-- a link between the works, where appropriate

-- some appreciation of the cultural setting relevant to the assignment, where appropriate.

3 Adequate understanding of the work(s) studied

-- knowledge and satisfactory understanding of the aspects of the work(s) most relevant to the assignment

-- meaningful linking of works, where appropriate

-- appreciation of the cultural setting relevant to the assignment, where appropriate.

4 Good understanding of the work(s) studied

-- detailed knowledge of, and good insight into, the aspects of the work(s) most relevant to the assignment

-- clear and meaningful linking of works, where appropriate

-- good appreciation of the cultural setting relevant to the assignment, where appropriate.

5 Excellent understanding of the work(s) studied

-- in-depth knowledge of, and very good insight into, the aspects of the work(s) most relevant to the assignment

-- meaningful and perceptive linking of works, where appropriate -- excellent appreciation of the cultural setting relevant to the assignment, where appropriate.

World Literature Assignment

C: Presentation

Levels 3-5 are awarded only to candidates who have remained within the prescribed


. How effectively has the candidate presented the assignment?

. How precise and relevant are the candidate*****s references?

. How detailed and meaningful is the statement of intent provided, where appropriate?

. Has the candidate remained within the prescribed word-limit?

Achievement Level

0 The candidate has not reached level 1.

1 The formal structure and/or development of ideas are generally not effective

-- little evidence of a structure to the assignment selected

-- a few references to the work(s), but they are generally not pertinent to the assignment

-- where appropriate, the statement of intent provides few details about the aims of the assignment.

2 The formal structure and/or development of ideas are to some extent effective

-- evidence of a structure to the assignment

-- references are occasionally to the point

-- where appropriate, the statement of intent includes a few details about the aims of the assignment.

3 The formal structure and/or development of ideas are effective

-- adequate structure to the assignment

-- references are generally to the point

-- where appropriate, the presentation of aims in the statement of intent is generally clear and includes some details

-- the candidate has remained within the prescribed word-limit.

4 The formal structure and/or development of ideas are very effective

-- clear and logical structure to the assignment

-- precise and pertinent references to the work(s)

-- where appropriate, the statement of intent is clear, detailed and relevant

-- the candidate has remained within the prescribed word-limit.

5 The formal structure and/or development of ideas are highly effective

-- purposeful and effective structure to the assignment

-- precise and highly pertinent references to the work(s)

-- where appropriate, the statement of intent is clear, detailed and highly relevant

-- the candidate has remained within the prescribed word-limit.

World Literature Assignment

D: Language

How clear is the candidate*****s written expression?

How well has the candidate observed the conventions of written work? (The conventions of written work relate to elements such as paragraphing, grammar, spelling, citation of references.)

How appropriate is the register selected by the candidate for the particular assignment? (Register refers, in this context, to the candidate*****s sensitivity to elements such as the vocabulary, tone, sentence structure and idiom appropriate to the task.)

Achievement Level

0 The candidate has not reached level 1.

1 Little use of appropriate language

-- generally inappropriate register for the assignment selected

-- frequent lapses in the conventions of written work.

2 Some use of appropriate language

-- generally appropriate register for the assignment selected

-- some lapses in the conventions of written work

-- some consistency or clarity of expression.

3 Adequate use of appropriate language

-- appropriate register for the assignment selected

-- the conventions of written work are generally followed

-- consistency and some clarity of expression.

4 Good use of appropriate language

-- the register is effective and appropriate for the assignment selected

-- the conventions of written work are closely followed

-- clarity, consistency and general fluency of expression.

5 Excellent use of appropriate language

-- the register is highly effective and appropriate for the assignment selected

-- careful attention is given to the conventions of written work

-- clarity, consistency and fluency of style.

I will send my first draft of the essay together with a few quotations from both works which might be useful. Thank You Very Much.

How to Reference "Female Perspective on Sexual Acts" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Female Perspective on Sexual Acts.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2009, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/female-perspective-sexual-acts/96523. Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Female Perspective on Sexual Acts (2009). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/female-perspective-sexual-acts/96523
A1-TermPaper.com. (2009). Female Perspective on Sexual Acts. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/female-perspective-sexual-acts/96523 [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Female Perspective on Sexual Acts” 2009. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/female-perspective-sexual-acts/96523.
”Female Perspective on Sexual Acts” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/female-perspective-sexual-acts/96523.
[1] ”Female Perspective on Sexual Acts”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2009. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/female-perspective-sexual-acts/96523. [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Female Perspective on Sexual Acts [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2009 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/female-perspective-sexual-acts/96523
1. Female Perspective on Sexual Acts. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/female-perspective-sexual-acts/96523. Published 2009. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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