Research Paper on "Pier Paolo Pasolini"

Research Paper 5 pages (1916 words) Sources: 4

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One of the last scenes has Encolpio saying goodbye to the murdered corpse of Ascilito is quite poignant with the dark overcast sky. It appears to be a large block of grey, blackness. All that the audience hears is Encolpio's sobs and the harsh wind. Moving out into the distance towards the fading light, Encolpio walks barefoot as it fades to black.

Remembering how in the beginning his short robes were gold, then black and white, and finally black, this is how Fellini, much like Pasolini uses images to another layer to the film and its meaning. Pasolini write: "In the first place, it cannot be an actual "interior monologue," since cinema does not have the possibilities of interiorization and abstraction that the word has." (Pasolini 176) Images offer to cinema a chance to provide depth and breadth all while adhering to the role and purpose. That is the beauty of cinema. "Medea" offers the same with two versions of Glauce dying. The images of fire and vengeance or the images of remorse and suicide. Fire, a sign of vengeance in the film, is seen many times and offers much like the robes of Encolpio, a way to connect everything together.

In conclusion, cinema is a form of expression. Both Fellini and Passolini use this form of expression to evoke feelings and thoughts that otherwise would not be expressed elsewhere. Poetry through cinema, much like the basis of cinema, moving images, is but another layer of design. Design offers so much to an audience because it is indicative, formative, and relentless in its direction. The films "Medea" and "Satyricon" offer the world a view into the ancient and the new, the subconscious, and the conscious. As Pasolini wrote in one of his poems,
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"Mystery," "Of all the things I know my heart feels only this: I'm young, alive, alone, my body consuming itself."(Pasolini, MacAfee, and Martinengo 38). Life is filled with suffering, what better than to show it in cinema.

Works Cited

Bondanella, Peter E, and Federico Fellini. The Cinema of Federico Fellini. Princeton (N.J.: Princeton university press, 1992. Print.

Medea. Dir. Pier P. Pasolini. Perf. Maria Callas. 1969. Film.

Pasolini, Pier P, Norman MacAfee, and Luciano Martinengo. Poems. New York: Noonday Press, 1996. Print.

Pasolini, Pier P. "The Cinema of Poetry." Harvard University PIN Login. University of California Press, 1976. Web. 10 Dec. 2013. .

Satyricon. Dir. Federico Fellini. Perf. Martin Potter.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Pier Paolo Pasolini" Assignment:

So basically this class is cinema and poetry.

This is the course description, please read carefully to get an diea of what the class is about:

Cinema and Poetry introduces students to an alternative way of looking at cinema than through the lens of 'story'. We focus on a range of movies that are more poetic than narrative drive. We begin by looking at the work of the great Russian director, Tarkovsky and reading his book "Sculpting in Time". We then study the ideas of the italian director Pier Paolo Pasolini and review his article "The Cinema of Poetry", which uses semiotic terminology to look at a range of films, and explores how cinema can use poetic principles to amplify our knowledge of reality. We look at the connections between poetic concepts and the European art cinema. Other international directors studied in the course include Bergmsn, Antonioni, Wenders, Wong Kar Wai, Godard, Kieslowski and Mizoguchi. Finally, the course studies American films that have strong poetic elements. Among the Amerian directors studied are John Ford, Terrence Malick and Sofia Coppola.

Anyways, the prof. told us to choose a movie of our choice and relate it to the basis of ideas of either Tarkovsky or Pasolini, So I chose to do about this film "Satyricon" Made by Fellini in 1969 and to compare its poetic aspect with Pasolini. In other words, Take Pasolini's ideas and apply them in Fellini's "Satyricon". Should be about poetic aspect and critical ideas and you should reference it. Please use 4 SOURCES.



*and when comparing the the poetic aspect of fellini's movie with pasolini's methods and technique, please mention the movie Medea (1969) by Pasolini and compare it (its poetic technique) with Fellini's Satyricon. PLEASE DO make sure to mention scenes from these movies and be detailed.


Thank you.


How to Reference "Pier Paolo Pasolini" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Pier Paolo Pasolini.”, 2013, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Pier Paolo Pasolini (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Pier Paolo Pasolini. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Pier Paolo Pasolini” 2013.
”Pier Paolo Pasolini”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Pier Paolo Pasolini”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Pier Paolo Pasolini [Internet]. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Pier Paolo Pasolini. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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