Research Paper on "Federal Grants in Aid Programs"

Research Paper 11 pages (3570 words) Sources: 10

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Federal Grants in Aid Programs

What is the policy problem? Federal grants in an aid programs, the problem is lack of accountability and misuse of funds. Also, who benefits from these programs

The Federal grants in aid programs are part of the many programs that have been established in the U.S. To assist the needy. This has been done as a way of mainstreaming the aid programs and services delivered to people with immediate and long-term influence of power. The field of management found within the Federal grants in aid programs is associated with aid activities offered to self-help groups in a society. The Federal grants in aid programs come in the form of federal grants that are awarded to people or businesses as a way of boosting on the economic performance. Several avenues of performance are directed the performance of the Federal grants in aid programs in the existing governments. The United States of America is one of the Federal grants in aid programs stations. This country has assisted many people to manage their immediate and long-term challenges (Naidu, 2005).

A federal grant refers to the award or aid that is given to a group of people or individuals as a way of boosting on their programs in the field of study (Hyman, 2008). These grants come in the form of loans and other monetary and material assistance to the people. In a modern society, it has become a common feature to experience the existence and performance of many challenges that require the intervention of the foreign or governmental assistance. The aid is useful when challenges and difficulties in the field of service are to be measured in all fields that are set to benefit (Stine, 20
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Many people are supposed to benefit from the existence and practicality of the Federal grants in aid programs. For instance, the individual businesses and people are part of the groups of people who are supposed to embrace the equitable rule of aid in the field. Nonetheless, the greatest problem that is experienced in the process of awarding the grants is based on who receives or benefits from it. In most cases, it has become a difficult job to ascertain the people and groups of societies expected to have a regular benefit of the given avenues of growth and development in the federal grants-in-aid programs (Handley, 2008).

2. What are the value conflicts?

The exaggeration in the performance of the Federal grants in aid programs rests on various avenues of growth and development. In most cases, there are consequential matters that are related to the general problems that surround the Federal grants in aid programs. Conflicts exist in many organizations. The conflicts arise from the fact that it has become a difficult avenue for many organizations and people to center towards a common avenue of managing the challenges facing people. The consequences of having to deploy various skills in the field of management have become a significant problem. Such problems have resulted in unending conflicts where several organizations eventual fail to execute their mandate related to humanitarian help. In most cases, the consequences of having to deal with a larger group seeking to benefit from the Federal grants in aid programs has become a leading conflict (Matei & Dogaru, 2012).

The immediate conflict arises when the policy makers fail to agree on individuals to benefit from the services offered by the Federal grants in aid programs. In many cases, the groups of people and individuals who are set to have a benefit from the services of the Federal grants in aid programs are realized not to be the genuine members after some time in the field. In some situations, it has often become a significant problem to realize the benefits of having to deal with the challenges without considering the values of the people who come out as part of the essential facets of development. The challenge on whoever is to benefit always exists in many organizations as a major source of conflict (Mendoza, Mendez & Malcolm, 2009).

The second leading avenue of performance and value of conflict in the management of the Federal grants in aid programs is found within the magnitude of services and material benefits. These materials must be given to the people in case they fall within the performance and the need for the Federal grants in aid programs (Stine, 2006).

3. What is the context of the administrative, legal and political policy?

The context of the Federal grants in aid programs rests within the administrative details that are given by many organizations or governments in place. In most cases, it has become a noble duty of a country to embrace the good performance of the Federal grants in aid programs as a way of developing a new and palatable strategy for growth and development in various fields of management. The administrative details of the Federal grants in aid programs are found within the nature of the aid given as grants. For instance, it plays a critical role for many organizations to have a genuine avenue of performance without the required policies of performance. These policies are used to cater for the differing facts that are within the class of the administrative values within the Federal grants in aid programs. In many cases, it has become a pivotal issue to consider the consequences of the strengths of the Federal grants in aid programs within the different structures of the governments (Dervarics, 2009).

It is legal to have and administer the services of the Federal grants in aid programs to various entities in a society. This happens as done in the United States of America. For instance, there are binding forces that try to establish common aspects of performance within all avenues of growth in the country. This shows that the legality of the Federal grants in aid programs still exists in several nations in the world. The effectual avenues of growth and management in many organizations rest with the problem that lies in the failure of many organizations and individuals to fall within the respect of the legal structures. These structures have been established as a way of managing the trends of Federal grants in aid program's performance. Furthermore, there are significant political avenues of realizing the innate values and value systems that have been established as regards to the strength of play in the field.

4. What are the relevant facts? Describe what happened and the influential actors and their institutional contexts. Who supports the policy and who does not? Why or why not?

Many organizations and groups in the world consider the importance of having a serious avenue of performance in the United States of America. This is also common in many other nations conversant with the activities brought about by the presence of the Federal grants in aid program activities. Moreover, it is a fact that there are challenges and conflicts within the overall field of growth and development in the Federal grants. These conflicts have immediate and long-term effects on the general working of many organizations. As a way of dealing with the consequences of the conflicts, many independent and private organizations have resorted into establishing new mechanisms of dealing with the challenges in the field (Hyman, 2008).

In many situations, it has been reported that inappropriate partners and individual people are fond of accessing the services of the Federal grants in aid programs. This happens without getting equitable terms and conditions of service. In such cases, the entire process of awarding grants and other forms of aid is declared to have conflicts. The influential factors that are behind every facet of performance are related to the overall performance of the grants within the legal and humanitarian services that accompany them (Stine, 2006).

Many organizations support the Federal grants in aid program policies. The programs are supported by the independent organizations that have participated in the general activities of bringing justice and sanctity of service within the organization. In many organizations, it has become a critical factor to house the benefits of the Federal grants in aid programs without declaring it beneficial to the entire society. Such situations have led to the subordinate groups to declare dissatisfaction with the general procedures that are followed prior to the allowance of the Federal grants in aid programs (Woods, 2008).

5. What public administration theories and analytical approaches are relevant for understanding and evaluating this policy problem?

The immediate activities that are done by the Federal grants in aid programs are centralized within the public administration theory called the relevance theory. The relevance theory advocates for a better term of service and general performance of the different avenues of production in the market. The immediate features of production that are supposed to be limited to the grand performance of the Federal grants in aid programs can be determined within the field of grants. The analytical approaches that have been used in such cases are related to the overall… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Federal Grants in Aid Programs" Assignment:

This paper analyzes a significant public policy mainly Federal grants*****in*****aid programs from a series of perspectives, including, but not limited to the following: 1) administrative, 2) efficiency, 3) social equity or justice, 4) legal & political; and 5) economic.

Policy analysis originates in politics, channeling political conflict while building community and

also points out that policy analysis serves opposing sides. While cases and public policies may differ, but

the following questions helps to structure the paper.

1. What is the policy problem? Federal grants*****in*****aid programs, the problem is lack of accountability and misuse of funds. Also who really benefits from these programs.

Define it specifically and present your problem statement. Make sure you are clear as to the policy goals.

2. What are the value conflicts?

3. What is the context of the administrative, legal and political policy?

4. What are the relevant facts? Describe what happened and the influential actors and their institutional contexts. Who supports the policy and who does not? Why or why not?

5. What public administration theories and analytical approaches are relevant for understanding and evaluating this policy problem?

6. Analysis: What are the central issues raised by the policy case?

7. Analysis: What are the major factors in the development

of the policy, the implementation of the policy, or the evaluation of the policy?

8. What are the costs/benefits of the policy and which groups are affected?

9. What alternatives are appropriate for addressing this policy problem? Why are these approaches appropriate?

10. What recommendations emerge from this analysis? Justify them.

11. What are the conclusion and the political implications

How to Reference "Federal Grants in Aid Programs" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Federal Grants in Aid Programs.”, 2013, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Federal Grants in Aid Programs (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Federal Grants in Aid Programs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Federal Grants in Aid Programs” 2013.
”Federal Grants in Aid Programs”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Federal Grants in Aid Programs”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Federal Grants in Aid Programs [Internet]. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Federal Grants in Aid Programs. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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