Research Paper on "Fathers Should Get More Paternity Leave From Work"

Research Paper 4 pages (1408 words) Sources: 6

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Fathers Should Get More Paternity Leave From Work:

The issue of paternity leave has become of one of the major topics that have generated huge debates and arguments in the recent past. After recognizing the significant role fathers play in the upbringing of their children, especially newborns, many firms are catching on to paternity leave. Actually, according to a survey by the Society for Human Resource Management, 15% of American companies provide some paid leave for new fathers (Weber par, 1). Furthermore, only 13% of employers provide paid paternity leave to new fathers based on reports by Center for Work and Family at Boston College. While this represents some significant progress regarding the issue, men are still reluctant on taking time off due to various reasons. Some of these factors include fear of losing status at work, protracted stereotypes on the father's role in a family. Despite of this reluctance, fathers should get more paternity leave from work and recognize that the leave is not just about them.

Father's Reluctance to Take Paternity Leave:

As previously mentioned, employers have made important strides on the issue of paternity leave. For instance, Yahoo recently announced that new dads can take 8-week fully paid paternity leave while Bank of America provides 12 weeks of paid leave and Ernst & Young increased its paternity leave from 2 weeks to 6 weeks (Weber par, 1). While leave has traditionally been the norm for new mothers, men have only become part of the debate because of the shift in traditional housewife and breadwinner roles. The significance of paternity leave has forced certain countries to adopt strict policies to ens
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ure that father take some time off. For examples, countries like Sweden and Portugal have made paternity leave compulsory for fathers. However, paternity leave in some countries like the United States still remains stubbornly short, especially if it is taken at all.

According to the findings of several studies, most fathers won't take paternity leave even when offered. For instance, a 2012 survey of tenured track college professors discovered that only 12% of fathers took time off to celebrate the birth of their children (Hall par, 4). When these fathers took paternity leave, most of them were still involved in projects at work or in the office. In addition, nearly 85% of new fathers take paternity leave following the birth of a child, but majority of them take a maximum of 2 weeks.

The seeming reluctance by most men to take time off after the birth of a child is attributed to several factors including the stigma associated with fathers who consider parenting as equal to their jobs (Peacock par, 2). Notably, many employers still assume that work still comes first for men whereas women are mandated with the task of doing all child care. These men face unspoken pressure on the job since they are likely to experience resentment from co-workers if they openly identify with their parental role.

Misfortunes Associated with the Reluctance:

Even though men continue to be reluctant to take paternity leave when offered, there are some misfortunes associated with not being able to take time off after the birth of a child. The first misfortune is that inability to take paternity leave does not provide fathers the time they need to bond with their family (Wieczner par, 6). According to findings by a Washington-based organization, National Partnership for Women and Families, lack of paternity leave does not allow parents to bond as required.

Secondly, the inability and/or reluctance to take paternity leave contributes to lack of shared leave and pay that provide parents with more choice and flexibility in their division of care of their child in the early stages of life. Without shared parental leave, it becomes increasingly difficult for fathers to play their role in providing care to their newborns. Third, the reluctance to take paternity leave hinders the ability of both parents to maintain a strong link with the labor market. In this case, women are particularly disadvantaged since the current policies do not offer paid leave beyond disability or sick leave. The other misfortune of not being able to take paternity leave is that the State is forced to interfere with work policies… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Fathers Should Get More Paternity Leave From Work" Assignment:

This paper should be a full four page long persuasive essay about why fathers should get more paternity leave from work. Include all the benefits associated with taking more paternity leave, and all the misfortunes associated with not being able to take paternity leave.

This paper should appeal to reason by using facts and statistics.

It should appeal to credibility of character by using credible sources, and prove your own credibility with superb academic writing.

And appeal to emotion and beliefs to support your own passion about the issue.

There should be a VARIETY of signal phrases and in-text citations used in the paper to identify the source and type of information (facts, opinions, observations, etc.) and to help the readers distinguish the source information from your own.

For example: James A. Levine claims that while many companies officially support paternity leave, they still send a strong, but discreet, message to their employees that those who take paternity leave are not committed to their job and can face termination of employment (98).

A poll conducted by Parents Magazine December 1993 showed shocking statistics, *****Sixty-seven percent of American men who responded to the poll said that no paternity leave, paid or unpaid, was available to them when their youngest child was born***** (98).

According to Robert Israeloff, *****It is financially difficult if not impossible for families to even consider paternity leave***** (98).

*****The reality is,***** writes Israeloff, *****it makes more economic sense for women to stay home with newborns***** (98).

AT&T Sokesperson Burke Stinson says that *****Men who take paternity leave have to be supremely confident***** (98).

Silberman does not find it surprising that *****the birth of a child***** is very difficult for families and *****is a time of great financial strain***** (98).

Elinor Silberman, Vice President of Compensation and Benefits at Home Box Office (HBO), argues that although paternity leave is available at her company, most men decline due to the financial strain of a newborn. (98)

There is one excellent source that I would like you to use if you can find it. It's "The Truth About Paternity Leave" by Roberta Isrealoff. The various signal phrases and citations above were taken from that source. *****

How to Reference "Fathers Should Get More Paternity Leave From Work" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Fathers Should Get More Paternity Leave From Work.”, 2013, Accessed 4 Jul 2024.

Fathers Should Get More Paternity Leave From Work (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Fathers Should Get More Paternity Leave From Work. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jul, 2024].
”Fathers Should Get More Paternity Leave From Work” 2013.
”Fathers Should Get More Paternity Leave From Work”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Fathers Should Get More Paternity Leave From Work”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Jul-2024].
1. Fathers Should Get More Paternity Leave From Work [Internet]. 2013 [cited 4 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Fathers Should Get More Paternity Leave From Work. Published 2013. Accessed July 4, 2024.

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