Term Paper on "Fate Society and Determinism"

Term Paper 10 pages (4417 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA

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Fate, Society & Determinism.

In comparing the two heroines in Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth and Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary, Lily and Emma, one cannot help but wonder if these two grandiose protagonists have anything in common. The background of their stories is certainly not the same, their drives and inner most desires are fired by divergent impulses, their struggles take on different shapes, their deaths have contrasting meanings.

The social milieu in which Lily Bart is presented in The House of Mirth is an image of an entire society in transaction, it is an image of the old New York, of the veritable bourgeois, inevitably mingling with the new one, that of the "invaders," of the Civil War millionaires, of the industrial exploiters who are gradually buying their way into the high society, producing, thus, a change into the older social values -- a change which deeply affects the life of the heroine.

From the very beginning of the novel, we are let into knowing the exact age of Lily Bart, namely twenty-nine, which one would consider to be quite advanced for a Miss still. Orphan and living under her widowed aunt's cheerless shelter, Mrs. Peniston, Lily can see only one way out of the misfortune that her parents' financial ruin has led her into: making a suitable marriage for money. To this end, she keeps in the company of women of wealth, who, although at the beginning all seem to take her in, to be her friends and help her accomplish her goal, in the end, are the very same ones to turn their back on her and let her fall in her own misery.

Nor is her aunt, Mrs. Peniston, very sympathetic with Lily and her way of lif
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e, either. Though, everyone expects Lily to inherit Mrs. Peniston's fotune, when the old lady dies, she leaves her niece a mere ten thousand dollars, barely enough for Lily to cover her debt to Gus Trenor, who tricks her into making her believe he makes investments in the stock market for her, which hopelessly compromises Lily into accepting great sums of money from him. Mrs. Peniston's will is a clear expression of her disapproval of both Lily's social habits -- the endless parties she takes part into, her gambling at bridge -- and Lily's breaking the social code of conduct for unmarried women -- the seemingly appearance of her being involved with a married man, again, Gus Trenor, of whose unwanted amorous advances she is exposed to.

By breaking a few social codes, Lily Bart attracts the enmity of her so-called friends, particularly Mrs. Bertha Dorset who, jealous of Lily's outstanding beauty and her sex-appeal to men, is the one to push Lily down the social ladder -- the beginning of her tragic fall and ultimate end. If, at the beginning of the novel, Lily is a regular and esteemed guest within the highest circles of society, towards the end, she is completely and harshly displaced from that milieu, to which she was ambiguously attached, but without fully belonging to.

Lily Bart misses out several opportunities to make a so-called suitable marriage and, thus, to finally attain that stability that a certain social status confers. We could say that Lily does not have a real fatal flaw, however, she does seem to have a dangerous weakness: the inability to resist a certain kind of temptation, which is not by all means erotic, but material. This is quite clear in her attitude towards Rosedale and his marriage proposal, when she, seeing no other way of regaining her social status, goes as far as bringing herself to want to marry him, although she dislikes him.

Thus, it is quite a paradox how her unsteadiness of purpose, her contradictory attitude -- her urge toward and repugnance to -- makes her slide away from all the material opportunities that come her way. Talking about Lily's instability of her own pursuits, Mrs. Fisher remarks:

That's Lily all over, you know: she works like a slave preparing the ground and sowing her seed; but the day she ought to be reaping the harvest she over-sleeps herself or goes off an a picnic...Sometimes...I think it's just flightiness -- and sometimes I think it's because she despises the things she's trying for. " (Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth, 197)

She regards her refusal to make the final compromise as a failure of an impulse. She passes up on Percy Gryce, a well-rooted millionaire, by putting him aside for the sake of a brief pleasure in the company Lawrence Selden, the one whom Lily seems to be most compatible with, but who cannot even be considered a "suitor," for he is not a wealthy man by the standards of their society. However, it is in her rendezvous with Selden that the voice of Lily's authentic self is heard in preference to the commands of social discipline.

Throughout the novel, we see Lily Bart fall from the highest social status to the lowest one, but we also witness a personal and emotional growth in her. We see Lily's contradictory aspirations seeking fulfillment in two contradictory worlds, that of the matter and that of the spirit. She inwardly rebels against her condition as a woman in the high society she herself aspires to, however, she allows herself to admit it only the presence of Selden, who she feels connected to. When she visits his apartment for the first time, in a moment of truthful lucidity, she admits with sympathetic regret what a miserable thing it is to be a woman, to be limited to marriage as your sole vocation in life, to have to live up to the social and moral standards imposed to you by society.

Eventually, her life indeed proves miserable, and the social pressures lead to Lily's complete destruction, and to her accidental death by taking too many sleeping pills, which greatly resembles a suicide.

The story of Emma Bovary seems at first glance to be very different. She lives in a quiet, provincial town in France, and she eventually marries a village doctor. She marries him willingly enough, in the same aspiration for marriage, any kind of marriage, just like in Lily's case. However, still like Lily she soon discovers that she does not fit in that world, and her discontent begins to grow. The actual point where the crisis begins is the ball at Vaubyessard, where she first meets with the world of luxury and romance that she desires. She then has two adulterous affairs, with Rodolphe and Leon, both of which disappoint her terribly. In the course of her affairs she overspends her husband's money, making so many debts that she has no way to repay. She commits suicide by taking an overdose of opium.

Already we can see that the social and economical backgrounds of the two heroines are very different: Emma Bovary lives in nineteenth century France, in a little, modest provincial town, while Lily Bart lives in the same century, but in New York, during what has been called "the gilded age," an age of opulence in America, which was the land of prosperity. The American scene was, nevertheless, one full of contrasts in this sense, and people ranged from the poorest to the richest:

During the "Gilded Age," every man was a potential Andrew Carnegie, and Americans who achieved wealth celebrated it as never before. In New York, the opera, the theatre, and lavish parties consumed the ruling class' leisure hours. Sherry's Restaurant hosted formal horseback dinners for the New York Riding Club. Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish once threw a dinner party to honor her dog who arrived sporting a $15,000 diamond collar. "

The "Gilded Age" was certainly an age of excess and contrasts, which differs widely from the dull provincial life in which Emma Bovary is immersed. Moreover, aristocracy in Europe was definitely older and more established than the American one, and not so glamorous in its display of riches.

Still, in spite of these differences in background, it is the very background that appears to link the stories of the two characters, as Wharton implies in The House of Mirth:

No; she was not made for mean and shabby surroundings, for the squalid compromises of poverty. Her whole being dilated in an atmosphere of luxury; it was the background she required, the only climate she could breathe in. But the luxury of others was not what she wanted. A few years ago it had sufficed her: she had taken her daily meed of pleasure without caring who provided it. Now she was beginning to chafe at the obligations it imposed, to feel herself a mere pensioner on the splendor which had once seemed to belong to her. There were even moments when she was conscious of having to pay her way." (Wharton, 25)

Thus, the background is, for both Emma and Lily, the high society that they both aspire to. But this is not the most… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Fate Society and Determinism" Assignment:

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** Timeframe is flexible-- need in 2 weeks by Sunday, Dec. 3rd. Take your time. I paid for 1 day service (because I feel the high quality of your work is worth the 1 day price) however you can take up to 2 weeks. Thanks.

10 page research paper on Fate, Society & Determinism in The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton and Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, 6+ sources. A clear, concise thesis is needed.

The research concept focuses on the two protagonists in Wharton’s The House of Mirth and Flaubert’s Madame Bovary, Lily and Emma. Explore how matters of social and economic class play a role in the ultimate destruction of these two women and if they were subsequently fated to die under these societal pressures. In Madame Bovary, Rodolpe claims "fate is to blame" and Emma says "fate willed it this way." How does the nature of provincial society and the people around her make Emma's unhappiness inevitable with fate as the backdrop for disaster? Also, In The House of Mirth, how does all the wealth and privilege surrounding Lily make her unhappiness inevitable? To what degree do they have power over their own destiny? Were their deaths inevitable and necessary, or could they have recovered and found a way back into mainstream society? A clear thesis is needed, supported throughout. The prompt I gave is just a suggestion. You can do anything involving both Bovary and Mirth. Annotated bibliography below.

*Annotated bibliography----

“The American Experience: Andrew Carnegie—The Gilded Age.” PBS Online. 1999. 1

Oct. 2006 .

Provides a historical overview of the excesses of the Gilded Age, and thus provides helpful background for the setting of Wharton’s novel. Offers such facts as “Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish once threw a dinner party to honor her dog who arrived sporting a $15,000 diamond collar,” although “in 1890, 11 million of the nation's 12 million families earned less than $1,200 per year,” in America. Shows the disparity in wealth and opportunities for all Americans during the era when Lily lived, and helps to suggest why Lily might be seen as forced to choose between wealth and marriage, and the life of an impoverished seamstress. Site provides a useful historical timeline.

Byatt, A.S. “Scenes from Provincial Life.” The Guardian. July 27, 2002. Oct 1 2006.


Byatt examines Flaubert’s fated heroine in terms of her social placement in society. This noted contemporary British author, whose novels such as Angels and Insects frequently discuss sexual repression during the Victorian age, offers a highly sympathetic view of Flaubert’s doomed heroine, calling Emma an imaginative woman “trapped in a house and kitchen,” and portrays the novel less of a critique of the dangers of reading, as Byatt herself first ‘read’ it, but as a criticism of the shallow values of the emerging bourgeois society of Flaubert’s era. Byatt offers an interesting perspective on Flaubert’s possible motivations for creating a heroine destined to die in a materialist world.

Deppman, Jed. “History with style: the impassible writing of Flaubert - Gustave

Flaubert.” Style. 1996. Oct 1 2006.

Deppman discusses the tension between historical verisimilitude in portraying society with the need to create artistic prose in Flaubert—addresses questions as to whether Emma dies from an overdose of art, and as a result of her own psychological makeup, or if her end is deterministically driven and is a product of societal forces.

Duckworth, Lorna. “`Madame Bovary syndrome' sends record number of women

bankrupt.” The Independent. July 23, 2001. 1 Oct 2006.

Duckworth examines Madame Bovary as a contemporary societal phenomenon in modern Briton, as the need to ‘keep up with the Joneses’ in terms of conspicuous consumption driving women into excessive spending. Emma’s end, viewed as such, is not a product of internal ennui but of social competition. Although noteworthy, the article primarily focuses on monetary concepts, with little discussion on how consumption led to her downfall.

Ebert, Rodger. “Madame Bovary.” Film review of 1991 Chabrol version. The Chicago

Sun Times. December 25, 1991. Oct 1 2006. .

Despite the fact that this is published as a film review of the 1991 version of “Madame Bovary,” popular film critic Rodger Ebert spends little page space reviewing the film, and instead tends to focus on why Madame Bovary is not an appropriate or likeable heroine for contemporary American viewers. Specifically, he focuses on her suicide as the ‘reason’ that she cannot be seen as a role model. He compares her with whom he sees as the quintessential American coquette/literary and cinematic parallel, Scarlett O’Hara, but writes “the difference between Bovary and O'Hara is in how they react to misfortune, and their different styles say a great deal about the differences between France and America: Emma kills herself, while Scarlett plants potatoes.”

Ebert, Roger. “The House of Mirth.” Film review of 2000 Terrence Davies version.

The Chicago Sun Times. December 22, 2000. 1 Oct. 2006. .

Ebert, despite his dismissal view of Madame Bovary as a depressed, suicidal middle-class woman, finds Lilly Bart to be a far more sympathetic protagonist. Ebert calls it one of the “saddest stories ever told about the traps that society sets for women,” as Bart is forced to dwell in a society where marriage is her vocation. Denied marriage, the only other societal option is suicide. Society is the agent of her demise, not Lilly: “her life is not unpleasant until a chain of events destroys her with the thoroughness and indifference of a meat grinder.” This article ties in societal pressures with Lily’s death, asserting that her death was evitable.

Goetz, Thomas H. "Flaubert, Gustave." World Book Online Reference Center. 2006. 1

Oct 2006. .

Goetz provides a biographical overview, giving insight into Flaubert’s role as a uniquely realistic *****, thus stressing Emma’s economic and moral ruin not as extraordinary, but ordinary.

“The House of Mirth.” Directed by Terrence Davies. 2000.

This film version takes a slightly feminist reading of Lily’s suicide, stressing the aspects of Wharton’s novel that imply that middle class women have few venues for self-expression, other than in marriage. Rather than delicate and retiring, Gillian Anderson portrays Lily as strong, and actively makes the unfortunate decisions that result in her social ostracism. The film has excellent cinematography and the performance of Lily’s character is well executed.

Inness, Sherrie. A. “An economy of beauty: the beauty system in Edith Wharton's ‘The

Looking Glass’ and ‘Permanent Wave.’” Studies in Short Fiction. Spring 1993.

2 Oct 2006. .

Inness addresses the role of beauty in all of Wharton’s fiction, and the ways in which women are regarded in society as physically beautiful and seen merely as objects from men. These aspects are seen as crucial within the novel in motivating Lily’s suicide.

Jong, Erica. “Fashion Victim.” Salon.com. September 1997. 1 Oct 2006.


1970’s feminist author Jong and author of Fear of Flying suggest that Emma dies because she has attempted to make her life into an erotic novel. Focuses mainly on the circumstances leading up to Emma’s suicide and how her inner “erotic novel” led to her death.

“Madame Bovary.” Directed by Claude Chabrol. 1991.

French made film with English subtitles. Emma’s suicide during the latter half of the novel is given greatest attention.

Pizer, Donald. “The naturalism of Edith Wharton's 'House of Mirth. 20th Century

Literature. Summer 1995. 1 Oct 2006. .

Pitzer stresses the naturalistic aspects of Wharton’s work, offering possible parallels with Flaubert’s influence in literary naturalism and realism, quotes, a “notable attempt, however, to free Wharton criticism from this conventional assumption occurred in 1953, when Blake Nevius observed that Lily Bart, in The House of Mirth, is ‘as completely and typically the product of her heredity, environment, and the historical moment ... as the protagonist of any recognized naturalistic novel.’”

“Reading Group Guide: The House of Mirth.” Penguin-Putnam. 2006. 1 Oct 2006.


This online, popular guide focuses on the question of the inevitability of Lily’s suicide. Why does Lily sometimes show scruples, and other times foolishly refuses to play by societal rules? The Reading Group Guide analyzes Lily’s suicide as being socially engineered due to the nature of the Gilded Age, and its conspicuous consumption combined with moral hypocrisy. The guide contains an author bibliography and a useful roundtable discussion forum.

Sartre, Jean-Paul. The Family Idiot: Gustave Flaubert, 1821–1857. Trans. Carol Cosman.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981.

Sartre, author of “Suicide,” presents his own meditations of Flaubert’s life, and the way that he sees Flaubert’s life realized in the earlier author’s works. Interesting, however primarily focuses on Flaubert’s other works and how they pertain to Madame Bovary.

Wagner-*****, Linda. "Wharton, Edith." World Book Online Reference Center. 2006.

1 Oct 2006. .

Wagner gives an overview of Wharton’s life, with an interesting reminder in light of Lily’s despair over not being able to earn enough money through work, that Wharton supported her own husband financially during their marriage.

How to Reference "Fate Society and Determinism" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Fate Society and Determinism.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/fate-society-determinism/9958. Accessed 4 Oct 2024.

Fate Society and Determinism (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/fate-society-determinism/9958
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Fate Society and Determinism. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/fate-society-determinism/9958 [Accessed 4 Oct, 2024].
”Fate Society and Determinism” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/fate-society-determinism/9958.
”Fate Society and Determinism” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/fate-society-determinism/9958.
[1] ”Fate Society and Determinism”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/fate-society-determinism/9958. [Accessed: 4-Oct-2024].
1. Fate Society and Determinism [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 4 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/fate-society-determinism/9958
1. Fate Society and Determinism. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/fate-society-determinism/9958. Published 2006. Accessed October 4, 2024.

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