Term Paper on "Inmates Relationships With There Family Compared and Contrast of Drug Use"

Term Paper 11 pages (2900 words) Sources: 13 Style: APA

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family and community support and the outcomes of drug abuse treatment programs in female prisoners prior to family and community reintegration

Various research study designs have been utilized in understanding the different aspects associated with or linked to successful completion of drug abuse treatment programs and this is true of the study of those who are presently incarcerated in prison system and while family and social support has been mentioned in previous research studies conducted among prison populations measuring the success of drug abuse program completion this aspect as not been studied specifically to measure the impact that family and social support has on the success of prison inmates in their completion of drug abuse treatment programs. The work of Pelissier (2004) informs this study that the majority of women in one study who were in prison reported: "...they will be responsible for minor children when released from prison. Thus, treatment entry and retention may be enhanced by women's recognition that substance use treatment may have a positive effect on their family relationships." (Pelissier, 2004) the report of Pelissier also reports findings that include "social ties and external incentives are associated with treatment entry but also with treatment retention." (Pelissier, 2004)




An evaluation funded by the National Institute of Justice entitled: "An Outcome Evaluation of the Forever Free Substance Abuse Treatm
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ent Program: One-Year Post-Release Outcomes" states that women who are drug-dependent "pose a serious problem for criminal justice authorities for several reasons" as the rate of women imprisoned has grown at a rate much faster than that of men and the needs of female prisoners are different and more diverse that that of male prisoners. This is problematic because jurisdictions generally do not have treatment programs that are specifically appropriate for and designed for females in prison with drug abuse and dependence problems. Because of relapses in use of drugs the rate of women turning around and heading right back to prison are extremely high. Previous research findings suggest that drug abuse treatment in combination with family and social support is more successful than treatment in the absence of such support. Various research study designs have been utilized in understanding the different aspects associated with or linked to successful completion of drug abuse treatment programs and this is true of the study of those who are presently incarcerated in prison system and while family and social support has been mentioned in previous research studies conducted among prison populations measuring the success of drug abuse program completion this aspect as not been studied specifically to measure the impact that family and social support has on the success of prison inmates in their completion of drug abuse treatment programs. The following research proposal however, does just that and following a review of literature in this area of study sets out the proposed research design in order to study the impact of family and social support on prison inmates who are attempting to successfully complete drug treatment programs.


The report entitled: "California State Prisoners with Children: Findings From the 1997 Survey of Inmates in State and Federal Correctional Facilities" states that it is reported:."..recent incarceration trends in California state prisons have profound implications and likely unintended consequences for the children of incarcerated parents." (Prendergast, 2003) Furthermore, it has been found that individuals and specifically, parents who are prepared for reintegration into their Family have more success and are less likely to return to the prison system.

The work of Zinston (2006) entitled: "Preparing Incarcerated Parents for Reintegration in Families: An Evaluative Study" states that in recent years, many leaders in the field of corrections have come to the conclusion that the part of the role of the correctional system should be to prepare offenders to reintegrate into society. It has become a common school of thought that rather than simply punishing or incapacitating offenders, it may be more effective in the long run to help them reintegrate into society after they are released from prison." (Prendergast, 2003) a focus that plans reentry of the offender and specifically "offender rehabilitation programs have become much more prevalent." (Prendergast, 2003) Stated to be program with a design that is "...very beneficial is one that focuses on strengthening the relationships between offenders and their families." (Prendergast, 2003) report presented to the National Institute of Justice and National Institute on Drug Abuse in 1997 entitled: "Drug Use and Criminality Among Drug-Involved Arrestees: An Experimental Study of an HIV Prevention Intervention" reports a study that employed interventions that "focused on two factors believed to be associated with behavioral change:

1) Social support, including perceptions of peer norms favoring risk reduction and encouragement of others to change behavior; and 2) Removal of practical barriers that might discourage behavioral change." (Rhodes and Gross, 1987)

In this study Rhodes and Gross report that the case managers "sought to discover topics that interested the clients and could be a basis for engagement and ongoing interaction..." which is stated to have included children and family. This was in a method that included "multiple letters and repeated telephone calls" of interaction with friends and family members in establishment of a network "of linkages with clients who were difficult to reach directly." (Rhodes and Gross, 1987)

This program operates under the principle and rule that no information was to be revealed to the authorities other than overt plans to commit homicide or suicide and these guidelines were obeyed in total., the research design in this study involved a baseline interview in which the core needs of the client were determined and a structured interview informed the case manager concerning the client's "situation, attitudes, and motivation regarding drug use and treatment." (Rhodes and Gross, 1987) Because the clients in this particular study there were various issues that factored in and resulted in lacks of controls in this approach to study familial influences upon drug users cessation of the use of drugs however, this study does report use of positive reinforcement principles in cognitive therapy being successful in assisting some of the individuals when combined with integration of interaction with family members for support for the purposes of abstaining from drug use.

The work of Bernadette Pelissier (2004) entitled: "Gender Differences in Substance Use Treatment Entry and Retention Among Prisoner with Substance Use Histories" published in the American Journal of Public Health states that "women with average/good family ties were more likely to enter treatment, whereas men with average-good family ties were less likely to do so." (Pelissier, 2004) the study additionally states findings as follows: "Most women reported they will be responsible for minor children when released from prison. Thus, treatment entry and retention may be enhanced by women's recognition that substance use treatment may have a positive effect on their family relationships." (Pelissier, 2004)

This study also states findings that social ties: "...and external incentives are associated with treatment entry but also with treatment retention." (Pelissier, 2004) Gender specific differences are noted as being present in the successful reintegration into society for women in overcoming "unique social, emotional, and physical challenges that impeded their ability to integrate smoothly back into society following a period of incarceration." (National Institute of Justice, 2005) Reported is the "Forever Free Program" which is a "...voluntary, intensive residential treatment program for women inmates with substance abuse problems at the California Institution for Women in Corona, California." (National Institute of Justice, 2005) This program involves an 8-week substance abuse education course and while this course does not involve family members per se it is a 'therapeutic community' setting which has been found to be highly effective in the reintegration of drug and domestic violence offenders back into society and into a more principles and peer-accepted manner of living. The National Institute of Justice report states findings of higher recidivism rates among those who had been reincarcerated and who had "experienced more childhood victimization; they reported more post-release drug use, intimate partner violence, and stress, less support from family and friends..." (National Institute of Justice, 2005) the Therapeutic Community drug treatment model is a program based on the view that a drug addiction is a "symptom of the dysfunctional behavior in the addicts' life and not the cause of the dysfunctional behavior in the adult's life..." (National Institute of Justice, 2005) it is noted that the program when used requires modification when its use is for men rather than women.

Noted as risk for failure in the program were the following:

psychiatric history - (formal diagnosis and/or emotional or psychological difficulties);

If she has contemplated suicide;

If she has attempted suicide; or if she has difficulty in controlling her temper or her behavior is hostile/violent. (National Institute of Justice, 2005)

It is noted as extremely important that treatment be gender single for it to be most successful. The factor noted as being most critical however,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Inmates Relationships With There Family Compared and Contrast of Drug Use" Assignment:

While you have freedom to choose your topic and theory, I am imposing a couple of guidelines to help you structure the proposal. Specifically, you must use a micro-level approach to understand some behaviors or attitudes of inmates. I recommend that you design your project in a way to test a micro-level theory (e.g., rational choice, learning, differential association, self-control, social control, labeling).

To evaluate the theory/topic you have chosen, you will need to define your concepts and operationalize them by desigining a survey questionnaire. This questionnaire should include measures of your theoretical concepts (independent and dependent variables), as well as a full range of demographic, family, and criminal justice variables.

This handout contains the guidelines for the project. These guidelines should be followed closely. Failure to follow them will result in a significant deduction of points. The guidelines are divided into three sections. The first section includes the outline to be followed. The second section includes guidelines for the format and visual presentation of your paper. The third section involves substantive suggestions for how to formulate and write the paper.

The final proposal should be around 15 pages


The research proposal should be organized as follows:

I. Title page *****“ Include a title page with the title of your proposal, your name, course name, instructor*****s name, and date. The title page will be the first page, but should not be numbered.

II. Abstract *****“ A short abstract (125-200 words) of the proposal should appear on the second page and be labeled as page 1. An abstract is a summary that provides an overview of the proposal. The abstract is very important because it provides a first impression of the entire paper. You can take a look at an issue of most any criminology or criminal justice research journal for examples.

III. Introduction *****“ Here you will provide a statement of the issue and theory that you are addressing. In this section, you will provide readers with the *****setup***** or *****hook***** for the proposal. Explain what you are going to study and why anyone might want to read it. The introduction will begin the third page of the proposal and will be labeled as page 2. This is the beginning of the *****text***** or *****body***** of the paper. This section should be about 2-3 pages. (Note: Be sure that the hook is consistent with the survey questionnaire.)

IV. Literature Review *****“ Provide a review of the relevant research on the theory and/or topic you have chosen. You will want to select articles that 1) provide information about the key propositions of the theory and 2) review previous tests of the theory. Try to avoid putting the studies in chronological order and providing simple summaries of each one. A good literature review should tie previous studies together in some logical fashion and should lead readers to anticipate something important to be gained from your study. This section should be about 4-5 pages.

V. Data and Methods *****“ You should begin this section with a description of how you randomly selected inmates to a part of the survey (based on aAlpha Roster hyperthetically speaking). You should provide a description of the sample that you drew. In the second part fot he methods, your main task will be to identify the dependent and independent (e.g., theoretical variables and demographic variables) that would be needed in your test of the theory. You should also include the questionnaire that you designed. This section should be about 3-5 pages, not including the questionnaire. Develop a questionnaire or interview schedule that could be used to collect data for testing your hypotheses. You should have questions that operationalize all of your concepts (dependent variables, independent variables, and control variables). Explain why you selected the questionnaire or interview approach and explain the logic underlying the specific question wording that you selected. If you use a scale created by someone else to measure your concepts, you must include the full reference to it.

VI. References *****“ Conclude the paper with the list of articles/books that are referenced. Follow the format found on the example page from Justice Quarterly that will be distributed in class. This section should be about 1-2 pages.

Thus, including all 6 sections, your proposal should be around 15 pages.

Formatting Guidelines:

 Include a separate title page with the title, your name, course name, instructor*****s name, and date.

 Do not repeat the title on subsequent pages.

 Use Times New Roman script with a font size of 12 for the entire document.

 Make the entire document double-spaced.

 Tab once at the beginning of each new paragraph.

 Do not include bullets, numbered lists, drawings, or algebraic formulas in your paper. Use only text.

 Do not type in ALL CAPS except for the title of paper.

 Margins should be at least one inch all around (most programs are preset this way).

 Do not number the title page.

Substantive Guidelines:

 Be sure to define any major terms, concepts, or theories used in the paper.

 Always use the spellchecker function in your word processing program to check for spelling errors.

 Always proofread your paper because there are many errors that the spellchecker will not catch. For example, if you meant to use the word *****where***** but instead typed *****were***** the spellchecker would not catch that.

 Do not use contractions. It is better to say *****she does not***** than *****she doesn*****t.*****

 Use only gender neutral language. Thus, if you do not know the gender of someone, do not use *****his***** or *****him.***** You can typically avoid this situation by using plural pronouns.

 Possessives, however, are fine to use, but be careful to place the apostrophe in the right place. For example, it is correct to say "Miner's article was written in the 1950s." However, saying "Miner's arguing that people should be cultural relativists" is incorrect. In that case "Miner's" is not possessive but is an incorrect substitute for "Miner is." To provide another example, if you say "Dash Riprock*****s going to his house" that is incorrect (it should be "Dash Riprock is"). However, if you say "we are going to Dash Riprock*****s class" that is correct.

 Unless asked for your opinion on a particular topic, use first-person terms like *****I***** or *****we***** only sparingly.

 Pay attention to the length of paragraphs. A paragraph that lasts one full page is too long, while one that is only one sentence is too short. Generally, your paragraphs should not be longer than one-half to three-fourths of a page.

 Watch for grammatical errors in which an incorrect verb tense is used. For example, *****she went to the game***** is correct, but *****she had went to the game***** is incorrect (it should be *****had gone*****). Likewise, *****he was absent***** is correct, but *****they was absent***** is incorrect (it should be *****they were*****).

 Try to avoid using absolute terms like *****always, invariably, truth.***** We rarely deal with absolutes, so use qualifiers like *****tends to, may influence, may lead to, or is correlated with.*****

 Along this same line, be careful not to make declarative statements for which you do not have empirical support. For example, if you say *****All Florida Gator fans are obnoxious,***** you have made a generalization that you cannot support with any empirical evidence. Regardless of how strongly you believe in something, do not make strong and absolute statements unless you have empirical information to support it (the fact that your grandmother told you does not make the statement valid).

 Use direct quotations only sparingly, especially ones that are lengthy. Most of the time, you should be able to paraphrase someone else*****s work and still make the same point.

 Try to be as concise and clear as possible when writing. Also, make sure there is a flow to your writing. Each sentence should logically flow into the next and each paragraph should flow to the next.



(2) I need a copy of the literature review and other resource information like cited sources.


Permission Statement, Preface, Acknowledgements page,Dedication page, Plates, or Vita.

How to Reference "Inmates Relationships With There Family Compared and Contrast of Drug Use" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Inmates Relationships With There Family Compared and Contrast of Drug Use.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-community-support/8761. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Inmates Relationships With There Family Compared and Contrast of Drug Use (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-community-support/8761
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). Inmates Relationships With There Family Compared and Contrast of Drug Use. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-community-support/8761 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Inmates Relationships With There Family Compared and Contrast of Drug Use” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-community-support/8761.
”Inmates Relationships With There Family Compared and Contrast of Drug Use” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-community-support/8761.
[1] ”Inmates Relationships With There Family Compared and Contrast of Drug Use”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-community-support/8761. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Inmates Relationships With There Family Compared and Contrast of Drug Use [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-community-support/8761
1. Inmates Relationships With There Family Compared and Contrast of Drug Use. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-community-support/8761. Published 2008. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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