Term Paper on "Family Theory Home Visit"

Term Paper 14 pages (4052 words) Sources: 1+

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Family Case Study

PRESENTING PROBLEM: The patient, Herbert Schelley, is a 66-year-old Caucasian male, referred for home care evaluation due to polypharmacy and multiple medical conditions with poor control. Patient was recently hospitalized on the medical-surgical ward of the local hospital for IV antibiotics surrounding an ongoing case of cellulitis that was worrisome for progression to osteomyelitis. The patient was treated inpatient with a 6 day course of antibiotics. During his hospitalization it was noted that the patient had a significant knowledge deficit surrounding his multiple disease states. His home situation was unclear. For this reason, and to facilitate disease and medication management, a family home study was ordered.

PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: The patient's past medical history is significant for the following:

Type 2 Diabetes, poorly controlled.

Hypertension, poorly controlled as evidenced by 5 day blood pressure average in the hospital of 188/96

Obesity as evidenced by a height of 6 feet 2 inches and a weight of 316 pounds resulting in a BMI of 40.6

Cellulitis of the left lower extremity, currently being treated with Cephalexin 1000 mg QID for 10 days.



Home visit was accomplished on 2 April 2005. The visit was accomplished in the midmorning and present at the visit were the patient, Mr. Schelley, his wife of 40 years, Mrs. Annette Schelley, and their 38-year-old son, Thomas, who lives in the household with Mr. And Mrs. Schelley. The family lives in a 1200 square foot ranc
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h house in a middle class neighborhood. It is a two bedroom, one bathroom house purchased by the Schelley's five years ago when Mr. Schelley took early retirement from a local manufacturing plant. Thomas returned home about a year ago after separating from his wife. He is currently unemployed and living in the extra bedroom. His presence in the house is a source of significant stress and the cause of many arguments between Mr. And Mrs. Schelley. This write-up was done from information obtained over the course of two home visits.

S: The patient is a 66-year-old Caucasian male referred to the Home Health Care program for management of polypharmacy issues as well as evaluation surrounding his apparent lack of education on the management of his diabetes and his hypertension. The patient was recently hospitalized for 6 days for intravenous antibiotics to treat a cellulitis of the left lower extremity. Past Medical history is significant for poorly controlled Type II Diabetes, Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, and Cellulitis of the left lower extremity, obesity, and microalbuminuria.

Past Surgical History is significant for right inguinal hernia repair in 1998 with no sequellae. Patient also underwent debridement of a wound on the left lower extremity during his recent hospitalization. The wound is currently healing and only requires dry dressing. Last funduscopic exam was greater than one year ago.

Review of systems: Patient describes increased fatigue over the last few months. His appetite is good. He denies any other siginificant physical findings

Current medications:

Metformin 500 mg TID

Lisinopril 20 mg QD

Atenolol 100 mg QD

Lovastatin 40 mg QD

Cephalexin 500 mg QID x 10 days

Multivitamin QD

Vitamin C 3000 mg QD

Chondroitin/Glucosamine 200 mg po QD.

Acetaminophen/Oxycodone 325/5 po q 6 hours prn pain

Social History: The patient is married x 40 years to his wife, Annette. They live together here in town. The patient is a retired machinist, having taken early retirement five years ago when his health began to deteriorate. He quit smoking 15 years ago and has a 20 pack year history. He currently has no hobbies other than some woodwork which he does around the house. He states he is a social drinker, with alcohol intake of less than 3 drinks per week. He denies prior history of alcohol addiction or abuse. The patient denies the use of illicit drugs.

He has three children, two daughters - Sarah and Denies who are 35-year-old twins who are married and live in the local area and one son, Thomas, 38, who is separated, unemployed and living in the home with the patient and his wife.

Objective Data: The patient is an overweight Caucasian male in no apparent distress. He is somewhat disheveled and dressed in an oversized sweatshirt and sweat pants, interviewed in his living room in the presence of his wife and son. His BP is 180/92, pulse is 88, and respirations are 18. The patient is alert and oriented. His speech is clear and coherent. He is a fair historian but appears to have a limited fund of knowledge regarding his medications and his disease processes. His wife is able to offer some collateral information but is not able to give much more information than the patient does.

HEENT: Normocephalic, atraumatic. Normal facies. Oropharynx is unremarkable. Dentition is poor; patient has a partial plate which he is not wearing at the time of the exam. No cervical adenopathy or thyromegally is noted. Funduscopic difficult to assess secondary to pupillary constriction.

PERRL, EOMI, no lid lag or edema. Otherwise exam is unremarkable.

Chest: CTA over all lung fields, although breath sounds are slightly distant.

CV: RRR without murmurs or rubs. No carotid bruit is ausculated. No JVD.

Abdomen: Obese. Bowel sounds within normal limits all four quadrants. No guarding, rebound or tenderness. No organomegally although exam is limited by abdominal girth. There is a well healed surgical scar in the right lower inguinal area. There is evidence of an umbilical hernia.

Extremities: 2x2 cm eschar located on medial aspect of left lower extremity. Dressing is in place, clean and dry. There is decreased sensation to vibration and pinprick bilaterally both lower extremities. Feet are warm, skin is pink and dry. Dorsalis pedis and tibial pulses 2+ bilaterally. Great toenails on both feet are thickened and hyperkeratotic. There is evidence of scale on the plantar surface of both feet. Otherwise exam within normal limits.

Neuro: Cranial nerves II-XII grossly intact. Upper and lower extremity strengths within normal limits and equal bilaterally. Gait is unremarkable. Rhomberg is negative. Babinski is negative. Deep tendon reflexes are 2+ and brisk upper and lower extremity. No tremor is noted.

GU/Rectal: Deferred.

Mental Status Exam: Patient is alert and oriented x 3. Affect is appropriate to mood and thought content. Mood is friendly, slightly sad. Thought content and thought processes appear to be intact. Patient denies current suicidal, homicidal or physically endangering ideation.


Diabetes, Type II, poorly controlled

Cellulitis, left lower extremity (resolving)

Hypertension, poorly controlled



Mobid Obesity

Onychomycosis, bilateral great toes

Tinea pedis

Bilateral lower extremity neuropathy, likely secondary to Diabetes.

Knowledge deficit related to dietary management of his medical conditions

(diabetes, hyperlipidemia)

Knowledge deficit related to medical management of his medical conditions (diabetic monitoring, exercise and it's affect of his disease states, weight loss)


Continue current outpatient medications as currently prescribed.

Referral to primary care physician for medication for onychomycosis and tinea pedis.

Referral to general surgery for evaluation of umbilical hernia

Referral to ophthalmology for annual eye exam

Provide education surrounding management surrounding the patient's diabetes i.e. setting testing goals, setting testing frequency.

Provide education surrounding management of patient's blood pressure issues, i.e. exercise, dietary management, compliance to medication management, home monitoring

Provide education surrounding dietary management of multiple disease issues, i.e. diabetic and weight loss diets

Provide Education surrounding possible adverse effects of poor control of diabetes.

Calgary Family Assessment Model (CFAM) the CFAM is a method of providing a thorough family assessment in a healthcare setting. The CFAM has three major categories: 1) the structural dimension of family life, 2) the developmental dimension of the family life and 3) the functional dimension of the family life. Each of these separate categories has subcategories which the clinician can use to evaluate the family situation. Each category may not apply to each family, and it is the role of the clinician to pick which sections are the most appropriate.

Section 1 - the Structural dimension. This dimension deals with the internal and external structure of the family life. Internal structure contains issues like the composition of the family, gender, rank order in the family, subsystems within the family and boundaries. The external structure contains the extended family and any larger systems which may exist within the family unit. The structural dimension will also be examined with the context of race, ethnicity, social class, religion and environmental factors.

Section 2 - the developmental dimension deals with the family life cycle. This dimension of the assessment helps the clinician understand how the balance exists between stability and change in the family. It addresses processes over the family's life span which is associated with the growth of the family. Some of these processes can be things like chronic illness of a family member, work issues, relocation, etc.

It is also important to remember that subsets in the developmental dimension may also be psychological in nature, such as intimacy and grief issues.

Section 3 - the functional dimension relates to instrumental and expressive functioning within the family. Instrumental functioning is specific for… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Family Theory Home Visit" Assignment:

Ok- this is for Adult Nurse Practitioner course. Required was a home visit (will obviously be made up) of family (2 or more people living there)where the pt. was originally seen in primary care clinic for hypertension and diabetes check. Pt. can be any sex, over say 50 years of age. Paper requires one home visit to "assess" family living situation. Pt. must have one chronic medical problem, in this case hypertension and type II diabetes. Must have two Medical Diagnosis and one nursing diagnosis, ie. "knowledge deficit related to diabetic diet, hypertensive diet." 1. Paper includes client/family situation including any unique situation, and the home visit itself (1 pg.)

2. problem focused (brief) clinical note, ie S.O.A.P. note in narrative (not extraneous) format )1 pg)

3. Paraphrase description of calgary assessment model (2 pgs)

4. apply calgary assessment model to my client and family and any relevant factors that guided my assessment, diagnosis and management of situation. (4 pgs)

5. Develop problem list for pt. and his/her family w/ corresponding managnement plan. Problem must include 2 medical diagnosis (type II diabetes and Hypertension) and one nursing diagnosis- ie. knowledge deficit- ie...food in house related to diabetic and hypertensive diet not appropriate.

6. Critique Calgary Assessment Model in context of selected client and family situation, including strengths and limitations as they apply to my clients living situation

7. Create expected measurable outcomes that are consistent w/ pt and living situation...must be measurement outcomes, ie decreased blood pressure and decreased blood sugars.

8. APA, no plagiarizing, evidenced based and current references and very brief patho of disease. *****

How to Reference "Family Theory Home Visit" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Family Theory Home Visit.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-case-study-presenting-problem/3722337. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Family Theory Home Visit (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-case-study-presenting-problem/3722337
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Family Theory Home Visit. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-case-study-presenting-problem/3722337 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Family Theory Home Visit” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-case-study-presenting-problem/3722337.
”Family Theory Home Visit” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-case-study-presenting-problem/3722337.
[1] ”Family Theory Home Visit”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-case-study-presenting-problem/3722337. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Family Theory Home Visit [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-case-study-presenting-problem/3722337
1. Family Theory Home Visit. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/family-case-study-presenting-problem/3722337. Published 2005. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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