Essay on "Faery Handbag One of the Newer Subgenres"

Essay 4 pages (1163 words) Sources: 2

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Faery Handbag

One of the newer subgenres of science fiction and fantasy is the feminist, posing questions about women's roles in society. This subgenre tends to explore how society constructs certain gender roles and what those roles mean, how gender defines social and political power, sexual politics, and exploring utopian and dystopian futures to find comment on societal direction in general.

Science fiction and fantasy serve as important vehicles for feminist thought, particularly as bridges between theory and practice. No other genres so actively invite representations of the ultimate goals of feminism: worlds free of sexism, worlds in which women's contributions (to science) are recognized and valued, worlds in which the diversity of women's desire and sexuality, and worlds that move beyond gender (Helford, 2006, 191).

One such exploration into juxtaposition between our world and the world of magic is called magical realism. For the contemporary reader, magical realism is a genre in which magical, or some would say illogical, scenarios and events appear in a relatively normal setting. The power of this genre seems to be the juxtaposition of the two elements -- magic and realism -- in that in an everyday, somewhat banal, setting; one does not really expect magic, the unexpected, the delightful, to happen without a logical explanation. Contrary to many critical explanations, the basic idea of this juxtaposition is not simply to entertain, but as a genre to provide a greater insight into the possibilities of both the human and divine -- of the belief that not everything that happens can, or should, be explained rationally and that as advanced a being
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as we are, there are still things to learn about the universe. Witness a famous Arthur C. Clarke's "Third Law" -- "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" (

Kelly Link's the Faery Handbag, is one such journey, albeit a short one. The story is told from the point-of-view of Genevieve, a young woman living near Boston who has a mildly eccentric grandmother, Zofia, from exotic Baldeziwurlekistan. Grandmother has a special possession, a handbag, several hundred years old according to Zofia, which may contain some magical characters, and may not. We aren't too sure about Grandmother Zofia, even less so when Jake, Genevieve's boyfriend, snatches the bag to find out if the stories are indeed true.

Feminist Themes and Motifs: One of the strongest themes in feminist science fiction is that of power. Power is not necessarily the hierarchical definition most used in regular literature, however. Grandmother Zofia transcends time and place with the special qualities of her handbag -- be that magic or fantasy. Genevieve is the central female character, and the plot revolves around her ability to manage the real and fantasy worlds. Also, the object of all the action is the handbag itself -- which tends to be a feminine symbol:

The farery handbag; it's huge and black and kind of hairy. Even when your eyes are closed, if feels black. As black ever gets, like if you touch it, your hand might get stuck in it, like tar of black quicksand or when you stretch out your hand at night, to turn on a light, but all you feel is darkness (2).

Genevieve as Catalyst: In the pace and organization of the story, Genevieve is the catalyst of a number of symbols. For instance, Jake is suspicious of the handbag, he cannot -- as in male control, imagine that a woman would own something as wonderfully magical and full… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Faery Handbag One of the Newer Subgenres" Assignment:

I would like you to write *****"The Faery Handbag*****"(feminism), instead of *****"Good Country People*****".

The story you can find at

the second sources which you can find Feminism in *****"Beginning Theory*****" by Peter Barry.

This is the instructions:

Write a 4-5 page thesis-driven (persuasive/argumentative) paper that interprets either *****Good Country People***** or *****The Faery Handbag***** with a theoretical lens.

The lenses to choose from:

Psychoanalytic: Freudian or Lacanian

Feminist: Anglo/American or French

For example, you might do a Freudian psychoanalytic reading of *****Good Country People***** that focuses on the unconscious desires of one or several characters, or the *****return of the repressed***** (what we resist persists) in the characters, or how you interpret their ids and superegos are in conflict and how they negotiate that. These are all possibilities that could work.

Be sure to focus on a narrow enough aspect to deeply analyze in a short paper. There will need to be close readings of the text, and the more focused you are, the better the paper will probably be*****I wouldn*****t recommend saying *****I*****m going to write about feminism in *****˜The Faery Handbag***** for example, because that*****s too broad. But you COULD write about gender, responsibility, and the role of fantasy/escape and how different aspects of Link*****s story speak to that theme.

But *****gender, responsibility and the role of fantasy/escape***** would be your topic aspect of your thesis. Maybe part of your title. Then you need an opinion, or an argument, which is essentially your interpretation of the story (within the realm of the theory you*****re using). This thesis should be all-encompassing: you need to have a unifying interpretation of the story that is related to a theoretical lens.

Make an interpretive claim that you support with evidence from both the story and from Beginning Theory.

Sample Thesis (borrow aspects if you like, but I want to hear your ideas!) :

In *****˜The Faery Handbag,***** several symbols, stories within the story, and the different choices and attitudes of the characters all speak to the idea that men and women often have different relationships to escape and fantasy. While this may appear on the surface to be a playful, imaginative yarn, in fact what is at stake is of real concern to women and families with absentee partners and fathers.

Identify all the aspects of a thesis statement that are operating here: topic, opinion/argument, roadmap, and significance. What theoretical lens is this?

Can you also edit this paragraph which has relation with the essay, you may also include this idea in the essay:

The men in the story seem to go to the bag when they encounter the problem, such as when Jake was denied by MIT, and his mother*****s illness, he decided to run into the bag (Link 16). Meanwhile, the females didn*****t seem to run away but the become the guardian. This shows that female has advantage than the males. The females in the story also have more responsibilities than the men like for example there is a female librarian. The ladies in the story also keep themselves busy by playing scrabble. In other words, little information has been said about men. As a way of fantasy, the story portrays a scenario where someone like Zofia was given the responsibility to take care of very many people.

How to Reference "Faery Handbag One of the Newer Subgenres" Essay in a Bibliography

Faery Handbag One of the Newer Subgenres.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Faery Handbag One of the Newer Subgenres (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Faery Handbag One of the Newer Subgenres. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Faery Handbag One of the Newer Subgenres” 2010.
”Faery Handbag One of the Newer Subgenres”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Faery Handbag One of the Newer Subgenres”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Faery Handbag One of the Newer Subgenres [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Faery Handbag One of the Newer Subgenres. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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