Term Paper on "Extremist Ted Kaczynski Biopic Profile"

Term Paper 10 pages (3276 words) Sources: 8

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Extremist Ted Kaczynski

Biopic Profile of Ted Kaczynski

Ted Kaczynski is considered to be one of the most brilliant masterminds, evil genius and excellent mathematician, who was responsible for using letter bombs as method of attacking universities as well as airline companies. He had adopted the alias of Unabomber, which represents University and Airline Bomber, as he particularly targeted universities and airline companies.

Biopic Profile of Ted Kaczynski

Ted Kaczynski is considered to be one of the most brilliant masterminds, evil genius and excellent mathematician, who was responsible for using letter bombs as a method of attacking universities as well as airline companies. He had adopted the alias of Unabomber, which represents University and Airline Bomber, as he particularly targeted universities and airline companies. He conducted his attacks by using letter bombs, which claimed the lives of three individuals and injuring about twenty three people. Since early childhood, he had shown exceptional level of intelligence, which distinguished him from his classmates. During his high school years, he had been successful in solving mathematic problems, which his classmates could not solve. Success met his path as he had been successful in getting a scholarship program at Harvard University. At the age of 25, he became the youngest assistant professor at the University of California. However, he left his job and concentrated on connecting himself to nature.

During his time in Montana, his intentions became evil as he witnessed the destruction of nature by technology and development. Therefore, he went on to
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become a terrorist and took part in series of bombings from 1978 till 1995. His prime targets were educational institutions and airlines companies. He claimed that technology was the enemy of mankind and it had destroyed the natural environment. His goal to use letter bombs was to create awareness and gain attention on the ills of technology and how it can be used to destroy mankind. Such methods of terrorism are still being used in United States by other terrorists and extremist groups in order to promote terrorism in United States.

The question arises that why individual extremists or extremist groups resort to terrorism or what goes wrong that they deviate and indulge into deviant behavior? This research paper aims at discussing the profile of Ted Kaczynski and the events that shaped his twisted behavior and compelled him to become a domestic terrorist in the light of broad and diverse academic resources. For this purpose, a brief overview of his life would be presented. A literature review would be conducted in order to analyze his life and behavior and what were the primary reasons for indulging into immoral and terrorist actions. In short, this paper would explore how Ted Kaczynski became an extremist, which compelled to plan his bombing attacks and made him a domestic terrorist.


He was born in Evergreen Park, Illinois, on 22 nd of May, in the year 1942. His parents were of Polish background. Since an early age, Ted Kaczynski had demonstrated exceptional level of intelligence and brilliance, which allowed him to standout from his classmates. During his time at middle school, he was allowed to skip sixth grade as he participated in a testing, which proved his IQ was high[footnoteRef:2]. At the age of fifteen, he had successfully completed his high school as he was allowed to skip eleventh grade because of his extraordinary mathematician skills. At the age of sixteen, he attended Harvard University[footnoteRef:3]. He took part in a psychology study aimed at studying multiple personality and the results concluded that he was stable emotionally. In the year 1962, he passed from Harvard and went on to participate in PHD program at University of Michigan[footnoteRef:4]. He had been successful in obtaining his PhD degree in mathematics as he had the ability to solve mathematic problems easily as compared to other professors. When he was twenty five years old, he had been successful in becoming assistant professor at the University of California, Berkeley. However, at the age of twenty seven, he left his job. [2: Bowers, Stephen & Kimberly Keys. 2007. Technology and terrorism: The new threat for the millennium. Conflict Studies May 2007: 1-24.] [3: Cooper, H. 2008. Terrorism: the problem of definition revisited. American Behavioral Scientist 44 (6): 881-893] [4: Brophy-Baermann, Bryan & John Conybeare. 2007. Retaliating against terrorism: Rational expectations and the optimality of rules vs. discretion. American Journal of Political Science 38 (1): 196-210.]

In 1969, he moved with his parents and after two years, he moved to Montana, in order to explore the wilderness and to survive without technology. In order to support himself, he went for odd jobs. He was also supported financially by his family. He concentrated on buying land from the funds he received from his family and later on wards, the same fund was used to finance his terrorist attacks. He had also taken a job at a foam-rubber factory, which was owned by his father and brother. However, he was terminated from the job because he had harassed a female supervisor[footnoteRef:5]. During his stay in Montana, he had been successful in living without technology and became self-sufficient to a certain extent. However, there he witnessed the destruction of nature and natural habitat, which ultimately led him to believe that technology is evil and therefore, he went on to plan his bombing campaign, which started from 1978 and lasted till 1995. During this time, he had sent more than 16 bombs to different airline companies and universities, which injured about 23 individuals and claimed lives of three individuals. [5: Cooper, H. 2008. Terrorism: the problem of definition revisited. American Behavioral Scientist 44 (6): 881-893]

Literature Review

Early Years of Ted Kaczynski

The early years of Ted Kaczynski demonstrated that he was a brilliant, intelligent and gifted as compared to other students and this ability allowed him to skip sixth grade[footnoteRef:6]. This period is considered to be the crucial point of his life as he joined seventh grade, where he excelled academically but not socially. Since he was the youngest of all children, he had been subjected to bullying. He lacked the social skills to interact with other children and therefore, he used to spent time alone. [6: DeLong, Candice, and Petrini, Elisa, Special Agent: My Life on the Frontlines of the FBI (Headline Publishing, 2001)]

During his time at high school, he showed extraordinary mathematic skills and therefore, it became his obsession. This phase of life is particularly important as he would spend most of his time in solving mathematic problems. This was another turning point of his lives, which allowed him to master mathematics and directly jump to twelfth grade at the age of fifteen. In the year 1958, he had been successful in getting admission in Harvard University.

Records reveal that he had taken part in a study conducted by Dr. Henry Murray. The study concentrated on using brutal techniques in order to psychologically overwhelm the students in order to create stress. The goal of the study was to see that how long the student could tolerate the stressful, psychological attack. According to Kaczynski records, he was stable psychologically and emotionally when the study had started. It is believed that when he had taken part in this study, he had been affected psychologically, which primarily influenced his later life decisions.

At the age of twenty, Kaczynski had been successful in becoming a Harvard Graduate. His higher level of intelligence and mathematic ability allowed him to solve mathematic problems, which ultimately allowed him to obtain his PhD degree from University of Michigan in less than a year. During this time, he has been successful in impressing his professors as he was different from his classmates. At the age of twenty five, he had been successful in becoming assistant professor at the University of California in Berkeley[footnoteRef:7]. He was the youngest assistant professor. Reports also reveal that he was not comfortable with the profession of teaching because of his lack of social skills. These were easily seen during his early school years, where his family reported that he did not interact with other children. During high school, he would spend more and more time alone. [7: DeLong, Candice, and Petrini, Elisa, Special Agent: My Life on the Frontlines of the FBI (Headline Publishing, 2001)]

Since his early years, it is clearly seen that he was intelligent and brilliant in terms of studies and yet, he did not have the ability to interact with his classmates. Furthermore, he had been subjected to bullying, which further had an influence on him on his later life. His success as a young mathematician was short lived when he became uncomfortable in teaching his undergraduate class. When he had successful in completing his studies at Harvard, he had attended the University of Michigan. There, he had been successful in gaining a positive reputation among his professors but he had gotten his PhD on basis of teaching. It had been suggested that Kaczynski was not fond of teaching and that he… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Extremist Ted Kaczynski Biopic Profile" Assignment:


What is a biopic profile? What you will be doing is trying to capture the interesting way in which biopics approach telling the story of a person*****s life. Biopics use people, places, and events to interweave details of a person*****s life so you get to know them, their perspectives, and in essence why there are how they are and how they came to such a place. Think about it, in less than a few hours of a biopic you come to know the individual fairly well, right? Well, you are going to accomplish the same thing here, only in written form. You will harness the power of literary research to compile a biopic profile of your chosen individual extremist. Through your narrative you will evaluate some of the principal drivers behind their motives and actions. You will assess the influence of globalization and technology on how they were recruited, indoctrinated, and made sustainable members of an extremist philosophy and belief system.

Most of us know what he eventually became and the atrocities he committed.

-----How did he get to such a place?

-----Why did he decide to commit his act of domestic terror?

-----You will have to analyze the radical roots of the United States and how this heritage tends to provide polemic *****"fuel*****" for the evolution of domestic extremists and extremist groups over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries and examine some of the most influential and significant extremists, extremist organizations, and extremist events in the past half century to see if there are any commonalities among them. Remember, the biopic takes facts and uses things like flashbacks, timelines, and key events to tell the story.

-----Evaluate some of the principal drivers behind contemporary extremist violence (domestic terrorism) in the United States by investigating and analyzing a selected individual extremist that has participated in political extremism, religious extremism, economic extremism, or social extremism.

-----Within the confines of this assignment you will assess the influence of globalization and technology on domestic extremism recruitment, membership, and its sustainable impact on the individual extremist that you select.

Begin gathering resources for your biopic. Find anything written by/about the individual:









--existing biographies


Know how to evaluate the credibility of a source. Only use material that is available to the public, or that you can gain explicit permission to use in your research. You will have the opportunity to forensically research documents, archival records, and artifacts through the online library and open source of the Internet. Further down in these assignment instructions I have included for your benefit some description of various types of sources used in research. The key for success will be in your ensuring the validity of the sources you use.

Through your research come to know the significant places in your extremist*****s life. This can be helpful in putting yourself in his or her shoes. Visualize witnessing what they witnessed. Imagine how they felt. Where was the person born and where did they die?

Illustrate a sharp contrast or powerful similarity between the two. What was the subject*****'s *****"refuge?*****"

Where did they go to recharge their batteries, or escape the chaos of their life?

Where did they find peace or inspiration?

Know their locations of trauma. Were there any significantly negative events in the person*****'s life that deeply impacted them?

Was there an injury, death, natural disaster, car accident, or even a bad break-up?

Assemble a timeline. Record every event that you can, from basic facts like birth, death and marriage, to minor personal anecdotes, like the night your subject had an argument with their spouse, if it is something significant.

Look for patterns. See the forest, not the trees.

*****¢ Phases. Many people go through phases during their lives. Sometimes the phases are backlashes of each other; for example, a person may go through a very dependent phase, then a very independent phase, then something in the middle. This can happen with relationships, too. One may end up with a string of abusive partners, then, being fed up, starts seeking very submissive mates, then begins to prefer aloof partners, etc.

*****¢ Progression/regression. Look for a steady refining of the person*****'s character or work, an improvement over time, leading up to a defining event that shows how far the person*****'s come. Alternatively, perhaps someone*****'s life begins promisingly and gradually unravels--a tragedy of sorts.

*****¢ Cycles. Pay attention to situations that repeat themselves in a person*****'s life. Maybe this person reaches out, gets hurt, becomes reclusive, heals, and begins again. Or the subject sets a lofty goal, burns out, draws wisdom from the experience, and starts over with a new goal. Addiction also tends to play out in cycles. Whatever the situation, it repeats itself throughout a significant portion of the person*****'s life (maybe signifying a phase) and at some point, the person might *****"break the cycle.*****

*****¢ Turning points. What are the moments in the subject*****'s life when their direction changed dramatically? The birth of a child? A near-death experience? Hitting rock bottom? It is the point at which a pattern changes; a new phase begins, progression become regression (or vice versa), a cycle ends or a new ones starts.

Make a thesis statement. Based on your *****"big picture*****" view of this person*****'s life, what are some points that you can prove? This will be your twist on the biopic - what makes it like or unlike any other individual extremists***** life. It answers the question posed in the introduction: what makes this person*****'s life different and deviously consequential by the actions they have perpetrated? Some ideas:

*****¢ What is the significance of this person*****'s life? How did he or she change the world? What would happen if this person never existed? What is unique about what they did or made?

*****¢ What led to the subject*****'s demise? A particular relationship? A single incident of good or bad luck? A decision by the subject? A particular circumstance?

Decide how to recount the person*****'s life. Write an outline and fill in the details. Try to use the organization of the outline to support the thesis (points you are trying to make).

*****¢ Chronological. Go by the timeline, recounting each event in the order in which it happened. This is the simplest way to go, but it is difficult to support your thesis in this context and the most mundane approach. You can have chronological reference; however, the point of the biopic is to make it much more interesting.

*****¢ Flashbacks. Describe a recent or current situation, then *****"flashback*****" to an earlier point in that person*****'s life. This is good for illustrating cause and effect, or how this led to that. You can even go in complete reverse order; begin at the end, and work your way backwards.

*****¢ Work. If the person*****'s life is closely tied to his or her career, you can break it up by job positions or works created. This can be tied to phases or cycles in the subject*****'s life.

*****¢ Accomplishments/events. One idea is to start and end with events that mirror each other in some way. Maybe you can start with a toy fortress the subject made when they were 5, and end off with them blowing up a fortress.

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*****"Techniques and procedures used by Ted Kaczynski terrorist attacks are still being used in the 21st century by modern terrorist, making Americans vulnerable to imminent terrorist attacks*****" --- the thesis statement should in this area...... you can adjusted left or right depending on your research.

I. Introduction and Thesis (1-2 pages): This section shall provide an overview of the topic that you are writing about, a concise synopsis of the issues, and why the topic presents a *****puzzle***** that prompts your analysis and investigation (thesis). This section can be preceded by an epigraph that creates interest in the topic. We encourage the use of epigraphs, but please follow the proper format for epigraphs!!

II. Timeline (1 page)

III. Body of the Narrative and Review of the Literature (6 pages): This section will include the bulk of the narrative where you interweave your literary sources to tell your biopic. Remember to take advantage of the some of the literary tricks mentioned in the assignment instructions.

IV. Conclusions (1-2 pages): This section will contain the concluding analytical arguments based on what research has revealed to answer your thesis. Like any conclusion, it should provide a synopsis of the project, the strategy, and the results and what they add to the body of knowledge. This section should also offer suggestions for avenues of future research for other scholars, as all knowledge is evolutionary.

V. References: This section will contain all references, cited in Turabian format, properly indented, and alphabetically arranged. Your paper must contain a minimum of 6 reference sources with at least 4 of them being peer-reviewed journals.


How to Reference "Extremist Ted Kaczynski Biopic Profile" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Extremist Ted Kaczynski Biopic Profile.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extremist-ted-kaczynski-biopic-profile/5256002. Accessed 27 Sep 2024.

Extremist Ted Kaczynski Biopic Profile (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extremist-ted-kaczynski-biopic-profile/5256002
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). Extremist Ted Kaczynski Biopic Profile. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extremist-ted-kaczynski-biopic-profile/5256002 [Accessed 27 Sep, 2024].
”Extremist Ted Kaczynski Biopic Profile” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extremist-ted-kaczynski-biopic-profile/5256002.
”Extremist Ted Kaczynski Biopic Profile” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extremist-ted-kaczynski-biopic-profile/5256002.
[1] ”Extremist Ted Kaczynski Biopic Profile”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extremist-ted-kaczynski-biopic-profile/5256002. [Accessed: 27-Sep-2024].
1. Extremist Ted Kaczynski Biopic Profile [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 27 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extremist-ted-kaczynski-biopic-profile/5256002
1. Extremist Ted Kaczynski Biopic Profile. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extremist-ted-kaczynski-biopic-profile/5256002. Published 2013. Accessed September 27, 2024.

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