Term Paper on "Extraverted Person Is More Likely to Succeed as a Leader Than an Introverted"

Term Paper 10 pages (2906 words) Sources: 10 Style: APA

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The relationship between leadership and extraverted personality

What makes an excellent leader? Does effective leadership stem from the combination of the right person and the right situation, or can an individual mold his or herself into a leader if given the right tools. Are there some personalities which are innately better at leadership?

I believe that there are certain types of personality who will succeed in a leadership position. There are many types of personality, but for this study, I plan to research the extraverted personality. We will discuss research on the subject of personality and effective leadership styles. We will identify settings in which certain personality types flourish and why. We will identify personality traits which can be mistaken for extraversion. We will attempt to make a clear definition of leadership. Based upon my readings on these subjects, my hypothesis for this paper is "An extraverted person is more likely to succeed as a leader than an introverted person." The variables for my hypothesis are 1) extraverted personality and 2) leadership quality and capability


By definition, extraverted personalities are social, assertive, talkative and active. An extraverted person will focus attention outside on one's environment rather than internally.

Extraverted people usually function better in large groups rather than small gatherings. The extraverted personality is more independent in thought and action. An extravert may often have fluctuations in mood and energy. Extraverted personalities are often described as warm, gregarious, as
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sertive, excitement seeking. They are often perceived in a positive light by others, seen as happy and well adjusted 1. Extraversion is often associated with subjective state of well being2. Extraverted personalities tend to practice extraverted thinking. Examples of extraverted thinking include contingency planning, scheduling and quantifying tasks before initiation. These individuals often use organizational tools like graphs, flow charts, outline which help with task management. This style of thinking is empirical in nature. The extraverted individual is likely to challenge ideas or ask for explanations of routine. Generally unable to accept the status quo, the extraverted individual will frequently ask for clarification of thought process. The extraverted personality easily uses written and verbal communication channels.

Personality and Leadership

No one knows what makes use develop personality. It appears to be a combination of the physical and the mental. Add to this mix the socializing elements of childhood and the effect parents have on children plus quite a bit of life experience. Twin studies show, however, that even when individuals are raised in similar settings with similar parenting and experience, the twins still may have very different personalities. A part of personality can be culturally based, since certain cultures reward the development of certain personality and behavior patterns.

The study of leadership can be as complex as the study of personality. Many studies have been done on the subject, and there are as many theories regarding leadership as there are leadership styles. Leadership is defined as the ability with which one influences others and directs organizational activity. A capable leader will work in such a way that the organization is cohesive and action is coherent. Leaders inspire others to achieve goals set for the organization.

To be effective, leaders have to build and maintain partnerships with subordinates. Leaders do not automatically command loyalty but rather facilitate the building of excellence. Good leaders have strong character and are fully engaged in the work environment. Leadership cannot be evaluated outside of the sphere of character and personality, since each will feed in to leadership effectiveness.

Bass' theory of leadership3 states that individuals become leaders in three different ways. Some come to it naturally (the trait theory), some are made leaders secondary to a crisis or unusual event (the great events theory) and some people choose leadership and learn leadership skills (transformational leadership theory). The theory of transformational leadership is by far the most popular and has received the most attention in the popular press. When one evaluates leader, one must look at that which the leader does which will provide information on which the leader will be. A good leader will not seek success at the expense of his or her worker. Character is an important element of leadership. As a leader one reflects the organizational goals and objectives.

Often times, it is possible to mistake hypomania for extraversion. In fact, these two states are not mutually exclusive and the hypomanic personality may be extraverted. Hypomanic individuals may have elevated self-esteem or grandiosity. They may be very talkative, outgoing and ebullient. The difference between the hypomanic and extraverted individual is that the hypomanic person will find it difficult to slow the process of talking. They may have a flight of ideas or report subjectively that thoughts are racing. Television personality Jane Pauley experienced hypomania before drifting into bipolar disorder. In her book "Skywriting: A Life Out of the Blue," 4 Pauley described how hypomanic symptoms made her vivacious, ambitious and so full of ideas she even thought about starting her own line of clothing. Pauley also bought a house and everything needed to decorate it, even though she did not need the house. At the end of her first hypomanic episode she began to have thoughts of suicide and sought medical intervention. Pauley would certainly be considered to be an effective and successful person. And people in hypomanic states, much like those who are extraverted are often identified as energetic, full of ideas. Hypomanic individuals do not tend to lose touch with reality as a manic person may, but may overestimate their own capabilities and fail to identify risks associated with over-commitment. The hypomanic personality may expand a business in an impractical way; develop plans which they are unable to follow through. Unlike people with full-blown manic episodes, hypomanic people are able to form coherent thought and generally able to participate in their everyday activity4.

An employer or a boss is not the same thing as a leader. Leadership is a nebulous term, but certain qualities are associated. Leaders provide a role model, and are willing to serve others. Leaders show initiative and drive, are often charismatic and have the ability to motivate others. Leaders are often committed to a role or task or project. Leaders usually have a clear sense of purpose and strong goals. Leaders are result oriented and use effective time management and effective commitment of resources, to include personnel. A leader will have a clear sense of self, and will know his or her role.

Leaders believe in themselves and in the mission. Leaders must be good listeners. The strongest data surrounding the "traits" associated with leadership involves the identification of individuals who appear to have leadership qualities and training those who have potential.

Different from a leader, a boss is someone who is simply assigned power over others. Power is the ability one person has to influence the behavior of another person so the second can act in accordance with the first's wishes. The power need be used to be effective. Mere knowledge that one has power over another exerts influence over the second individual.

A boss tells workers when they can work and when to go home, what to do and when to do it. Of course a leader is in a position of power, same as a boss. Leaders are able to use power efficiently and effectively, often times having the wisdom to allow subordinates to self-correct or develop innovative work styles. Leaders need to be able to inspire those outside of their own sphere as well. It is the very unusual workplace which functions as an island, and leaders must be able to develop working relationship with outside disciplines and other organizations. This is another challenge to the leader, coordinating the work of people with different backgrounds, skills, priorities and interests. An effective leader will be able to cross boundaries between teams to ensure mission objectives are met, maintaining a harmonious work environment and ensuring all needs and goals are met.

While the leader and the boss are both in positions of authority, the leader will use motivation and education to guide his or her workers. The leader is dependent on the workers for loyalty and good will, and this makes a reciprocal relationship in opposition to the more one-way relationship of the boss. Leaders are not necessarily able to improve the quality of the type of work, but a leader uses a team approach and motivation to move the workers along in their daily activities.

Leaders use different styles. The authoritarian leader is more autocratic in nature. This type of leader does not lead by committee, but provides specific guidelines within which subordinates may work. The participative or democratic style of leadership includes employees in the decision making, with the leader as the final authority, however. Participative leadership may be misunderstood as an element of weakness since the leader will seek input from subordinates. This style actually requires a strong personality and allows the leader to build motivation and commitment from subordinates. Delegative… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Extraverted Person Is More Likely to Succeed as a Leader Than an Introverted" Assignment:

Research Paper

My hypothesis: *****An extraverted person is more likely to succeed as a leader than an introverted person*****.

Two variables for this hypothesis: *****extraverted person***** & *****leadership*****.

Questions to Answer:

1. What is your two variable hypothesis?

2. Define each of the two variables in your hypothesis and identify at least one feature of each variable. Cite the sources for your definitions. Give definitions found in multiple scholarly sources. These sources may/may not be identical to the ones you use in Q4 or Q6.

3. Compare each of the two variables to variables they are commonly mistaken for. List at least one similarity and one difference when you make the comparison

4. Describe, from at least 2 empirical studies, the relevant evidence that supports your hypothesis. Explain how the evidence supports the hypothesis. Include only relevant details

5. Explain why the two variables in your hypothesis should be/are related. Cite sources to back up your explanations.

6. Describe, from at least 1 empirical study, the relevant evidence that does not support your hypothesis. Explain how the evidence supports the counter hypothesis.

7. Explain why the two variables in your hypothesis should not be /are not related. Cite sources to back up your explanations. Answer this question even if you do not find articles to answer Q6 (by using logic/theory).

8. Why do some studies find evidence for your hypothesis (as in your answer to Q4) whereas others do not (as in your answer to Q6)? What existing or future research can account for the differences in findings?


I. Introduction paragraph should tell why this is an important topic.

Summary paragraph at the end summarizes all that you have written and brings new idea.

II. You will have to describe the studies that support and do not support the hypothesis. When describing a study, you will have to not only report the relevant result of the study as it pertains to your chosen hypothesis, but also the relevant context in the finding was reported. In addition, the assignment also requires that you find at least one empirical study that does not support your hypothesis. You will have to write about the similarities and differences between the studies to help me understand why these two studies find such different results. Therefore, to demonstrate good writing skills you will have to learn how to describe relevant and specific details about a study.

III. Once you start describing the evidence you will realize that you need to define the terms used in the research. Thus it becomes important to gather research articles that help you in defining the concepts. These articles may not specifically describe evidence that supports or does not support your hypothesis, but they are useful nonetheless. So do not hesitate to do read and research further so that you are better able to explain what the terms mean.

IV. After you have described the evidence and defined the terms the next is to explain the evidence for and against the hypothesis. Explaining in this case involves writing why an extraverted person is more likely to succeed as a leader. Use the research articles you have gathered as support for these explanations.

V. After explaining why an extraverted person is more likely to succeed as a leader, you also have to explain why there is at least one empirical study suggesting that an extraverted person is not more likely to succeed as a leader. Why may an extraverted person not be more succeed as a leader? Answer this question even if you have not found empirical evidence showing that an extraverted person is not more likely to succeed as a leader.

VI. Finally, you have to answer why some empirical evidence shows that an extraverted person is more likely to succeed as a leader whereas other evidence shows that they are not. Is there an existing study that helps *****˜reconcile***** this inconsistency? If not, what future research would help resolve the discrepancy? In this reconciliation section, you can discuss the implication of pro/counter-evidence, the differences and similiarities of pro-counter-evidence, your proposed next step for future studies.

The paper will be marked based on the quality of your writing in terms of your skill in description, definition and argumentation, and the research material you read to generate the content of your paper.

Grading sheet for this writing assignment(total pts out of 20):

1) Has a 2 variable hypothesis that is clear and narrow in scope; describes & explains evidence pertinent to hypothesis [1]

2) Clearly defines the variables in hypo listing at least one feature of each variable [1.5]

3) Has good (theoretical/empirical) sources for definitions of variables in hypo[1]

4) Explains one way how each of the variables in hypo are different from AND similar to variables they are mistaken for[1.5]

5) Has (a min. of) of 2 good empirical sources to support hypo[2]

6) Provides specific, relevant & sufficient detail about sources supporting hypo & explains how the evidence supports hypothesis [2]

7) Explains why variables in hypothesis are related & substantiates with sources [2]

8) Has (a min. of) 1 good empirical source(s) to support counter hypo [2]

9) Provides specific, relevant & sufficient detail about the source(s) supporting counter hypo & explains how the evidence does not support hypothesis [2]

10) Explains why the variables in the hypothesis are not related [2.5]

11) Explains how evidence for and against the hypothesis can be reconciled with existing/future research [2.5]

Additional Instructions

* Provide adequate information about the source (i.e., title of journal, issue, volume, page number, year, author, and title of article) as footnotes, endnotes, reference section, or in the body of the text so source quality can be judged.

* Use Psychology database, Proquest, and Google scholar to gather reliable scholarly sources.

*APA reference style. Use 10 *****“ 20 references from scholarly journals.

How to Reference "Extraverted Person Is More Likely to Succeed as a Leader Than an Introverted" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Extraverted Person Is More Likely to Succeed as a Leader Than an Introverted.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extraversion-relationship-leadership/4556. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Extraverted Person Is More Likely to Succeed as a Leader Than an Introverted (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extraversion-relationship-leadership/4556
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Extraverted Person Is More Likely to Succeed as a Leader Than an Introverted. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extraversion-relationship-leadership/4556 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Extraverted Person Is More Likely to Succeed as a Leader Than an Introverted” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extraversion-relationship-leadership/4556.
”Extraverted Person Is More Likely to Succeed as a Leader Than an Introverted” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extraversion-relationship-leadership/4556.
[1] ”Extraverted Person Is More Likely to Succeed as a Leader Than an Introverted”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extraversion-relationship-leadership/4556. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Extraverted Person Is More Likely to Succeed as a Leader Than an Introverted [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extraversion-relationship-leadership/4556
1. Extraverted Person Is More Likely to Succeed as a Leader Than an Introverted. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/extraversion-relationship-leadership/4556. Published 2007. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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