Essay on "Business Studies Environmental Analysis"

Essay 4 pages (1160 words) Sources: 4

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Another weakness may be the productivity of employees, when measures as the revenue per employees, this is below the industry average, as $157,288.897 for MGM compared to the average of $179,241.49 (MSN Money, 2013)

The organization has a number of opportunities. There are current plans for expansion, in place, with the building of MGM Coati due to open in 2016, the partnership with Fairview Cadillac to build a resort in Ontario and the winning of voter approval that may facilitate the development of a resort in Maryland (MGM, 2013). There is also the potential for a development at Springfield, Mass, with the firm currently awaiting the decision of the Gaming Commission (Ring, 2013). This indicates the potential for expansion, both domestically and internationally, a potential that us heavily supported by the string brand name. There is also the potential for diversification as the rules and regulation on online gaming are being relaxed in some stated (Seeking Alpha, 2013).

Main external threats can be seen in the competitive environment, with fierce competition. However with a heavy debt burden and a need to increase revenue, the current economic climate with the slow recovery may be seen as posing a risk, especially if there is a downturn, which may place negative pressures on the firm. The firm operates in an industry that is highly regulated; there is always the potential for increased regulation or taxes, which may also posse a threat.


Remote Environment

The PEST framework is a useful tool to examine the remote environment, looking at the political, economic, socio-cultural and technological influenc
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es that are present. From a political perspective there are a number of sources of regulation, such as the Nevada Gaming Control Act, which controls how the firm can behave in the undertaking of gaming activities in Nevada. Similar legislation exists in many areas, even in Macau. This legislation can change and adapted, often as a result of political influences and moves.

The firm is highly sensitive to economic conditions, as the services are discretionary spending items, purchased from disposable income. As a result many gaming and hospitality firms in the U.S. suffered when the global recession of 2008 took effect. However, it is worth noting that in Asia, many of the gaming resorts continued to do very well, with revenues and profits growing (Hitt et al., 2013).

Socially, the image of gaming resorts has changed; one they were strongly associated with smoking drinking and gambling, but the diversification and additional services, such as restaurants and entertainment and the increased focus on accommodation has create a more family centric image, and attracted a wider target market (IGI, 1996).

Technology impacts n the way the firm operates the utilization of technology to facilitate online bookings, the use of customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) management software and for control over the supply chain and to manage security (including facial recognition programs to identify banned gamblers) is all present at MGM and widely used at competing firms. Technology may also exert an influence in the way it is used for online gaming and provide for opportunities as well as competition, as seen with the legalization of online gaming in New Jersey and Delaware (Seeking Alpha, 2013).


Operating Environment

The firm operates in a highly competitive environment, positioning itself at the upper end of the mass market with… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Business Studies Environmental Analysis" Assignment:

Complete the external environmental scan for your target enterprise.

Perform an internal competitive environmental scan for your target enterprise.

Write a summary of 1,400 words that does the following:

Identifies and analyzes the most important external environmental factor in the remote, industry, and external operating environments - be sure to include each relevant element in each segment, use sub-headers for distinction between segments

Identifies and analyzes the most important internal strengths and weaknesses of your target enterprise: include an assessment of the organization's resources (Be sure to include this element) using sub-headers.

Assesses your target enterprise's competitive position and possibilities - Be sure to include this element

Analyzes the structure of your target enterprise and how this affects organizational performance - Be sure to include this element


You are challenged to construct a SWOT analysis, which, in its entirety, analyzes both strengths and weaknesses of internal environment and opportunities and threats of the external environment. But don't make the mistake of assuming that merely conducting the SWOT analysis comprises a full and thorough environmental analysis - it does not.

The specific assignment instructions included in the course syllabus appear as follows:

Individual Assignment: External and Internal Environmental Analysis

Complete the external environmental scan for your organization.

Perform an internal, competitive environmental scan for your organization.

Write a 1,400 word summary that does the following:

o Identifies and analyzes the most important external environmental factor in the remote, industry, and external operating environments

o Identifies and analyzes the most important internal strengths and weaknesses of your organization: Include an assessment of the organization's


o Assesses the organization's competitive position and possibilities

o Analyzes the structure of your target enterprise and how this affects organizational performance

o Format your paper according to APA standards.

The first concern you should address is to aim the focus of your analysis toward your target enterprise.

Begin your paper with an introduction of your target enterprise, who it is, what it does, etc. (be careful to be succinct while providing sufficient information in this paragraph-do not include information not relevant to the specific elements for this assignment.

You should begin the paper with a SWOT analysis, that essentially gives an overview of the full strategic spectrum of the target enterprise, i.e. internal strengths, weaknesses; external threats and opportunities. Include as a subset of SWOT, an enterprise resource analysis - use sub-header to present distinct section for this element.

Then, you should present your external environmental analysis which includes:

A thorough discussion of the remote environment. Be sure to identify the factors that comprise the remote environmental analysis-economic, social, technological, political, and ecological. Identify which apply to your target firm and discuss how each impacts the enterprise's strategic objectives and its performance toward the attainment of those objectives.

Next, include a thorough discussion of the operating environment, which is a discussion of the enterprise's competitive position, based on specific factors, also the customer profile set, market segment, and human capital analysis, i.e. workforce availability, in which the enterprise must function

Next, , include a thorough discussion of the industry environment. Use Dr. Michael Porter's Five Forces Model and the analysis framework. Threat of entry, threat of substitute products, strength of suppliers, strength of buyers, competitive rivalry intensity.

To describe the firm's competitive position, use the operating and industry environment to characterize how the target enterprise is positioned in its industry and against specific major competitors.

Provide in a distinct section of the paper a review of the enterprise structure. Analyze what impact it has on overall enterprise performance.

Summarize the key points you have highlighted in your paper with a well constructed conclusion.



How to Reference "Business Studies Environmental Analysis" Essay in a Bibliography

Business Studies Environmental Analysis.”, 2013, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Business Studies Environmental Analysis (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Business Studies Environmental Analysis. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Business Studies Environmental Analysis” 2013.
”Business Studies Environmental Analysis”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Business Studies Environmental Analysis”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Business Studies Environmental Analysis [Internet]. 2013 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Business Studies Environmental Analysis. Published 2013. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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