Thesis on "Existential Analysis of a Man Named Ziegler by Herman Hesse"

Thesis 5 pages (1742 words) Sources: 1 Style: MLA

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Existential analysis of a Man Named Ziegler by Hermann Hesse

An existential analysis is essentially and inquiry or interrogation of the meaning of human existence. It is in effect a confrontation with the world around us in a deeply questioning and honest way. Existential analysis can also be very disconcerting as its aim is to penetrate the pretences, conventions and ideologies that hide true reality. In the process of searching for meaning one encounters 'existential anxiety' in that one becomes aware that the life that one has been living and the way that one perceives the world is false.

Related to the above is the theme of authentic vs. inauthentic existence and the absurdity of existence. Facing up to reality can be extremely difficult. One has the choice to live a life that is comfortable but inauthentic or one that is perhaps painful and uncomfortable, but authentic.

This also refers to the difference between living a life of conformity to the opinion of other and the masses and a more authentic life of individualistic inquiry. One has to take into account the existential view that life and existence is essentiality absurd and not ordered and rational, as science would make us believe. Existentialism is therefore an intense journey of self-discovery about oneself and the world in which we live.

In his short story a Man Named Ziegler, Hermann Hesse confronts many of these existential themes. The most important aspect of existential analysis is the search for meaning in a world that often appears to be absurd. It is this search for meaning and the existential journey towards self-understanding that is the central theme of th
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is story.

Hess also deals with many other related existential themes, such as authentic and inauthentic existence and the individual as opposed to the herd mentality. This paper will attempt to explore these and other existential themes in the text of the story.

2. The Individual vs. The Herd

A central theme that is evident throughout this story is the distinction made between adhering to conventions and mass illusion and individual authenticity. At the beginning of the story we are introduced to the protagonist in a way that clearly refers to this distinction.

There was once a young man by the name of Ziegler, who lived on Brauergasse. He was one of those people we see every day on the street, whose faces we can never really remember, because they all have the same face: a collective face.

(Please include the page numbers as they relate to your particular text)

It is clear that Ziegler is a conventional man who has a "collective face" and who subscribes to the pretences and the norms of the society around him. He is both pretentious and unquestioning and is therefore portrayed as a stereotypical human being who lives in a state of in inauthenticity as one of the 'crowd'.

The narrator also clearly points out that Ziegler is a "modern man." As such he has "….unlimited respect for not only money, but also for a second power: science." (Page no.) on the other hand, like many other people in society, he does not understand or question science but accepts it at face value and believes the authorities. " He could not have said exactly what science was, he had in mind something on the order of statistics and perhaps a bit of bacteriology, and he knew how much money and honour the state accorded to science." (Page no.)

The above clearly shows that Ziegler believes in science as an infallible source of knowledge that gives order and reason to his existence. He also has faith in power and money. In existential terms he is man who is living the typical inauthentic existence of illusion, which is essentially empty of any real meaning.

Ironically, he also thinks of himself as an individual who is unique and different.

Like every other man, he regards himself as an individual, though in reality he was only following the conventions and norms of the society and not exploring his own individuality in any and real way; as the narrator states"…he was only a specimen…" (Page No.) He also prefers to ignore the reality of his existence: "…like other men he regarded himself and his life as the centre of the world. He was far removed from all doubts, and when facts contradicted his opinions…" ( page no.) Ziegler does not question but continues in his illusionary and inauthentic existence.

3. Authentic vs. Inauthentic existence

The issue of authenticity vs. inauthentic existence has been briefly referred to above. The author place a great deal of emphasis on this dichotomy and it is a central concept in existential philosophy.

The narrator stresses the ordinary and mundane, inauthentic existence that Ziegler leads. "Ziegler was everything and did everything that such people always are and do. He was not stupid, but neither was he gifted; he loved money and pleasure, liked to dress well, and was as cowardly as most people…" ( page no.) He is just like everyone else and is driven by desires and the fear of retribution or punishment. In other words his life is not authentic because it is a conventional copy of those around him. He is not living according to a real or authentic understanding and perception of the world.

There are many other examples of inauthentic existence in the story; for example, his concern with appearances.

In the second room he found a glass case in which he was reflected so clearly that he was able to stop for a moment and check up, carefully and to his entire satisfaction, on his coat, trousers, and the knot of his tie. (Page no.)

He is therefore more concerned with appearances than reality.

4. Existential Anxiety

Existential anxiety is the tension and fear that occurs when we realize that we live in a false and absurd world and that our beliefs in order and reason are false. In the story the author clearly shows the impact of existential anxiety when the conventional figure of Ziegler faces reality. This is to result in premature death, which "…set all his plans and justified hopes at naught." (

This moment of existential anxiety begins when the protagonist visits the museum. When he enters he is described in terms of his inauthentic concern for appearance and societal approval. "He was carrying his thin, elegant, red-lacquered walking cane, which lent him dignity and distinction…" ( Page number)

However, he dallies in a section of the museum devoted to alchemy. He nonchalantly eats a pellet apparently made by ancient alchemists and this changes his perception of his world and himself. It is important to note the symbolic reference here to alchemy and the changes in the main character's perception of life. Alchemy is in essence the art and science of inner transformation. It traditionally deals the transmutation or the change of the inner psyche and spirit of the individual from gross or base matter to perfection. This is symbolized by the transmutation of lead to gold. After he swallows the pellet Ziegler undergoes a radical transformation of his perception of reality. This is in effect the transformation from inauthentic to authentic experience.

After he swallows the pellet he visits the zoo and finds that he can understand the animals. However, what they have to say in their commentary on human beings is not very complimentary. When Ziegler ignores a greeting from a chimpanzee the animal retorts, "What's he got to be proud about! The stupid bastard!" ( Page no.)

At first Ziegler becomes extremely confused by what he experiences. His situation can be describes as existential anxiety in that he has to face the fact that animals can talk and, furthermore, that human beings are not special. In the first instance this experience undermines his faith and belief in a rational order of the universe that is part of the conventional scientific worldview. It is an extreme shock to him as he has based his entire identity and sense of self on these assumptions. This can therefore be described as an existential state of anxiety.

Even more alarming for Ziegler is that the animals express no admiration for the human species.

And the elk spoke with his eyes, two big brown eyes. His silent gaze expressed dignity, resignation, sadness, and with regard to the visitor a lofty and solemn contempt, a terrible contempt. In the language of these silent, majestic eyes, Ziegler read, he, with hat and cane, his gold watch and his Sunday suit, was no better than vermin, an absurd and repulsive bug. ( Page no)

In other words, in the face of authentic existence the structure and foundations of Ziegler's reality begins to crumble and he has to confront the uncomfortable fact that he is just another animal on earth with no special qualities. This is too much for his mind to bear and he becomes insane.

5. Conclusion: the meaning of the existential journey.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Existential Analysis of a Man Named Ziegler by Herman Hesse" Assignment:

Paper Topic:

- Existential Analysis of A Man Named Ziegler by Herman Hesse

- Choose the existential themes that are seen in this short story and analyze the role each theme plays in the story.

- The is the start of all existentialism is: "The possibility of choice is the central fact of human nature"

- Existential themes:

1) Individual vs. the Herd (society)

i. One person breaking free of society and making a difference in the world

ii. An Individual (Existential Hero) is a person willing to die for their beliefs, take responsibility for their actions, and are self-reliant.

2) Concept of the Absurd Universe

i. " The universe is without inherent meaning. Therefore, the Individual must give it one."

3) Free will vs. Responsibility

4) Authentic vs. Inauthentic

i. genuine actions vs. false actions

5) Existential Journey

i. First is Birth into the Absurd Universe, then one goes to Dark Night of the Soul (the moment of Absolute Solitude)which is where a person figures out if they are going to go forward alone and become an individual or retreat to the safety of the herd, then the final part of the journey is Individuation which is where the ones who chose to become individuals end up.

6) Dark Night of the Soul

i. the moment of absolute solitude

7) Existential Nausea/Dread/Anxiety

i. when one is so uncomfortable with themselves

Paper Rules:

1) Use quotes when quoting from the text of the story

2) Don't begin a paragraph with a quote

3) Page # only goes in the ( ) at the end of a quote and the period after the ( ).

4) Quotes you insert into the text of your paper must be connected to the point you are trying to make.

5) You must support (provide evidence) for each of your assertions/opinions by citing from the short story.

6) Each paragraph is about one idea. When you want to bring up a new idea you need to start a new paragraph.

7) No outside/secondary sources. The only source is the actual story and the authors opinion.

8) Paper must be written in third person.

Some more notes that might be useful:

- Alchemy: Was the attempt of turning lead into gold using an Alembic/Vessel.

i. This wasn*****t an attempt of to make money, what it was, was if they were able to turn lead into gold they were going to use it to bathe people of their sins and turn them back into their purest forms, never happen.

- Fire is recognized as the symbol for transformation

My opinion of which themes are seen in this story:

- Individual vs. the Herd

- Authentic vs. Inauthentic

- Existential Anxiety

- The Existential Journey

i. In my opinion, this is probably the main theme of the story.

The Story, A Man Named Ziegler by Hermann Hesse:

There was once a young man by the name of Ziegler, who lived on Brauergasse. He was one of those people we see every day on the street, whose faces we can never really remember, because they all have the same face: a collective face.

Ziegler was everything and did everything that such people always are and do. He was not stupid, but neither was he gifted; he loved money and pleasure, liked to dress well, and was as cowardly as most people: his life and activities were governed less by desires and strivings than by prohibitions, by the fear of punishment. Still, he had a number of good qualities and all in all he was a gratifyingly normal young man, whose own person was most interesting and important to him. Like every other man, he regarded himself as an individual, though in reality he was only a specimen, and like other men he regarded himself and his life as the centre of the world. He was far removed from all doubts, and when facts contradicted his opinions, he shut his eyes disapprovingly.

As a modern man, he had unlimited respect for not only money, but also for a second power: science. He could not have said exactly what science was, he had in mind something on the order of statistics and perhaps a bit of bacteriology, and he knew how much money and honour the state accorded to science. He especially admired cancer research, for his father had died of cancer, and Ziegler firmly believed that science, which had developed so remarkably since then, would not let the same thing happen to him.

Outwardly Ziegler distinguished himself by his tendency to dress somewhat beyond his means, always in the fashion of the year. For since he could not afford the fashions of the month or season, it goes without saying that he despised them as foolish affectation. He was a great believer in independence of character and often spoke harshly, among friends and in safe places, of his employers and of the government. I am probably dwelling too long on this portrait. But Ziegler was a charming young fellow, and he has been a great loss to us. For he met with a strange and premature end, which set all his plans and justified hopes at naught.

One Sunday soon after his arrival in our town, he decided on a day's recreation. He had not yet made any real friends and had not yet been able to make up his mind to join a club. Perhaps this was his undoing. It is not good for a man to be alone.

He could think of nothing else to do but go sightseeing. After conscientious inquiry and mature reflection he decided on the historical museum and the zoo. The museum was free of charge on Sunday mornings, and the zoo could be visited in the afternoon for a moderate fee.

Wearing his new suit with cloth buttons -- he was very fond of it -- he set out for the historical museum. He was carrying his thin, elegant, red-lacquered walking cane, which lent him dignity and distinction, but which to his profound displeasure he was obliged to part with at the entrance.

There were all sorts of things to be seen in the lofty rooms, and in his heart the pious visitor sang the praises of almighty science, which, here again, as Ziegler observed in reading the meticulous inscriptions on the showcases, proved that it could be counted on. Thanks to these inscriptions, old bric-a-brac, such as rusty keys, broken and tarnished necklaces, and so on, became amazingly interesting. It was marvellous how science looked into everything, understood everything and found a name for it -- oh, yes, it would definitely get rid of cancer very soon, maybe it would even abolish death.

In the second room he found a glass case in which he was reflected so clearly that he was able to stop for a moment and check up, carefully and to his entire satisfaction, on his coat, trousers, and the knot of his tie. Pleasantly reassured, he passed on and devoted his attention to the products of some early wood carvers. Competent men, though shockingly naive, he reflected benevolently. He also contemplated an old grandfather clock with ivory figures which danced the minuet when it struck the hour, and it too met with his patient approval. Then he began to feel rather bored; he yawned and looked more and more frequently at his watch, which he was not ashamed of showing, for it was solid gold, inherited from his father.

As he saw to his regret, he still had a long way to go till lunchtime, and so he entered another room. Here his curiosity revived. It contained objects of medieval superstition, books of magic, amulets, trappings of witchcraft, and in one corner a whole alchemist's workshop, complete with forge, mortars, pot-bellied flasks dried-out pig's bladders, bellows, and so on. This corner was roped off, and there was a sign forbidding the public to touch the objects. But one never reads such signs very attentively, and Ziegler was alone in the room.

Unthinkingly he stretched out his arm over the rope and touched a few of the weird things. He had heard and read about the Middle Ages and their comical superstitions; it was beyond him how the people of those days could have bothered with such childish nonsense, and he failed to see why such absurdities as witchcraft had not simply been prohibited. Alchemy, on the other hand, was pardonable, since the useful science of chemistry had developed from it. Good Lord, to think that these gold-makers' crucibles and all this magic hocus-pocus may have been necessary, because without them there would be no aspirin or gas bombs today!

Absentmindedly he picked up a small dark-coloured pellet, rather like a pill, rolled the dry, weightless little thing between his fingers and was about to put it down again when he heard steps behind him. He turned round. A visitor had entered the room. Ziegler was embarrassed at having the pellet in his hand, for actually he had read the sign. So he closed his hand, put it in his pocket and left.

He did not think of the pellet again until he was on the street. He took it out and decided to throw it away. But first he raised it to his nose and sniffed it. It had a faint resinous smell that he found rather pleasing, so he put it back in his pocket.

Then he went to a restaurant, ordered, leafed through a few newspapers, toyed with his tie, and cast respectful or haughty glances at the guests around him, depending on how they were dressed. But when his meal was rather long in coming, he took out the alchemist's pill that he had involuntarily stolen, and smelled it. Then he scratched it with his fingernail, and finally naively giving into a childlike impulse, he put it in his mouth. It did not taste bad and dissolved quickly; he washed it down with a sip of beer. And then his meal arrived.

At two o'clock the young man jumped off the street car, went to the zoo, and bought a Sunday ticket.

Smiling amiably, he went to the primate house and planted himself in front of the big cage where the chimpanzees were kept. A large chimpanzee blinked at him, gave him a good-natured nod, and said in a deep voice: "How goes it, brother?"

Repelled and strangely frightened, Ziegler turned away. As he was hurrying off, he heard the ape scolding: "What's he got to be proud about! The stupid bastard!"

He went to see the long-tailed monkeys. They were dancing merrily. "Give us some sugar, old buddy!" they cried. And when he had no sugar, they grew angry and mimicked him, called him a cheaps*****, and bared their teeth. That was more than he could stand; he fled in consternation and made for the deer, whom he expected to behave better.

A large stately elk stood close to the bars, looking him over. And suddenly Ziegler was stricken with horror. For since swallowing the magic pill, he understood the language of the animals. And the elk spoke with his eyes, two big brown eyes. His silent gaze expressed dignity, resignation, sadness, and with regard to the visitor a lofty and solemn contempt, a terrible contempt. In the language of these silent, majestic eyes, Ziegler read, he, with hat and cane, his gold watch and his Sunday suit, was no better than vermin, an absurd and repulsive bug.

From the elk he fled to the ibex, from the ibex to the chamois, the llama, and the gnu, to the wild boars and bears. They did not all insult him, but without exception they despised him. He listened to them and learned from their conversations what they thought of people in general. And what they thought was most distressing. Most of all they were surprised that these ugly, stinking, undignified bipeds with their foppish disguises should be allowed to run around loose.

He heard a puma talking to her cub, a conversation full of dignity and practical wisdom, such as one seldom hears among humans. He heard a beautiful panther expressing his opinions of this riffraff, the Sunday visitors, in succinct, well-turned, aristocratic phrases. He looked the blond lion in the eye and learned of the wonderful immensity of the wilderness, where there are no cages and no human beings. He saw a *****rel perched proud and forlorn, congealed in melancholy, on a dead branch and saw the jays bearing their imprisonment with dignity, resignation and humour.

Dejected and wrenched out of all habits of thought, Ziegler turned back to his fellow men in despair. He looked for eyes that would understand his terror and misery; he listened to conversations in the hope of hearing something comforting, something understandable and soothing; he observed the gestures of the visitors in the hope of finding nobility and quiet, natural dignity.

But he was disappointed. He heard voices and words, he saw movements, gestures and glances, but since now saw everything as through the eyes of an animal, he found nothing but a degenerate, dissembling mob of bestial fops, who seemed to be an unbeautiful mixture of all the animal species.

In despair Ziegler wandered about. He felt hopelessly ashamed of himself. He had long since thrown his red-lacquered cane into the bushes and his gloves after it. But when he threw away his hat, took off his shoes and tie, and shaken with sobs pressed against the bars of the elk's cage, a crowd collected and the guards seized him, and he was taken away to an insane asylum.

-- End --

How to Reference "Existential Analysis of a Man Named Ziegler by Herman Hesse" Thesis in a Bibliography

Existential Analysis of a Man Named Ziegler by Herman Hesse.”, 2009, Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Existential Analysis of a Man Named Ziegler by Herman Hesse (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Existential Analysis of a Man Named Ziegler by Herman Hesse. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Existential Analysis of a Man Named Ziegler by Herman Hesse” 2009.
”Existential Analysis of a Man Named Ziegler by Herman Hesse”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Existential Analysis of a Man Named Ziegler by Herman Hesse”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Existential Analysis of a Man Named Ziegler by Herman Hesse [Internet]. 2009 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from:
1. Existential Analysis of a Man Named Ziegler by Herman Hesse. Published 2009. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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