Research Paper on "Evidence-Based Practice"

Research Paper 3 pages (1039 words) Sources: 3

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Evidence-Based Practice

Hendrich Fall Risk Assessment Tool

Inpatient falls are common and a leading cause for adverse events in the hospital setting. According to an epidemiological study of hospital inpatients, falls generally range from 2.3 to 7 per 1,000 patient-days with 30% of them resulting in injury and 4% to 6% causing serious injury to the patient (Hitcho et al., 2004). The Hendrich Fall Risk Assessment Model is commonly used to determine the risks of falls based on such predictors as gender, mental and emotional status, symptoms of dizziness and medications commonly associated with increasing risks (Hendrich, Bender, & Nyhuis, 2003). Questions arise, however, concerning the reliability of the predictor and the practicality of using this falls risks assessment on every patient. For all patients entering the hospital, does the Hendrich Fall Risk Assessment Model best determine the risks of patient falls compared with alternative assessment models? The ideal approach to answering this diagnostic question is to perform a prospective, multi-year blinded comparison study.

Extensive research has been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of current fall risk assessment tools. Tool sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values are commonly used throughout the literature to evaluate a risk assessment tool. Results of studies have been variable.

A prospective observational study conducted with a cross-sectional patient population in a clinical setting compares the effectiveness of the Hendrich Fall Risk Assessment Model with the Conley Scale, a measuring tool based on slightly different fall risk facto
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rs (Lovallo, Rolandi, Rossetti & Lusignani, 2010). The study found that the Conley Scale correctly identified more patients at risk than the Hendrich Model. More specifically, the Conley Score identified more than 60% of patients in the risk-of-falling group who did actually fall. The Hendrich Model, in comparison, only accurately identified 46% of the patients who fell. However, the Conley Score was less specific as it identified a large number of patients at risks who did not fall. From a diagnostic point-of-view, the authors recommend using the Conley Score but recognize that due to the low specificity of its assessment, further evaluation would be necessary to determine appropriate protective measures.

According to another study, the Hendrich Fall Risk Model proves superior to other assessment tools in both sensitivity and specificity in determining at risk patients. The study compared the Hendrich Fall Risk Model with the Morse Fall Scale and the St. Thomas Risk Assessment Tool in Falling Elderly Inpatients (STRATISFY) (Neo Kim, Mordiffi, Bee, Devi & Evans, 2007). All tools are based on relative risk assessment of factors including mental and physical impairments. Each, however, uses a different scale and lays different emphases on specific factors, which invariably affects its predictive value. Of particular note is the patient population that each is designed to address. The Hendrich Fall Risk Assessment is most relevant for an acute care setting as it is designed to apply to a diverse patient population.

Consistent throughout previous studies is the concern over the low specificity of the Hendrich Fall Risks Model. It effectively identifies too many positive fall risk patients, which may lead to an overutilization of available resources in implementing… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Evidence-Based Practice" Assignment:

I need an research paper using evidence based practice concerning using the Heinrich Fall risk assessment on every patient and if this particular assessment tool works best to determine fall risks. I NEED a reference page. I am still confused on how to use the PICO format so I need you to write one also. Here are the instructions from my teacher:

1. Identify and formulate a practice or policy

question of relevance to your clinical are of

expertise using the four elements or PICO (T)

format. Student must include PICO (T) question.

2. In body of your paper, summarize the research in

2-3 pages (include level or strength of evidence)

3. Include the level or strength of evidence found to

support your question in the summary.

4. For conclusion, include a brief summary of why

and how this assignment may or may not benefit

your practice.


Follows APA format throughout (do not need to do abstract )

(2-3-pages maximum excluding title page and reference pages)

1 inch margins, 12 point font, Times New Roman with double spacing throughout

Utilize proper grammar, punctuation and spelling

Submit as a Microsoft word document to assignment page



How to Reference "Evidence-Based Practice" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Evidence-Based Practice.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Evidence-Based Practice (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Evidence-Based Practice. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Evidence-Based Practice” 2011.
”Evidence-Based Practice”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Evidence-Based Practice”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Evidence-Based Practice [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Evidence-Based Practice. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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