Essay on "Assessing the Potential of an Evidence-Based Approach to Health Care Management"

Essay 10 pages (2753 words) Sources: 4 Style: Harvard

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Evidence-Based Approach to Health Care Management

The objective of this work is to assess the potential of an evidence-based approach to health care management. Toward this end this work will review the literature in this area of study.

Questions addressed in this research study include those of:

(1) How does evidence-based management compare with evidence-based medicine?

(2) Could an evidence based approach led to improvements in health care policy and practice or are there too many obstacles to its widespread use?

The work of Lewis and Latney (2003) entitled: "Achieve Best Practice With an Evidence-Based Approach" states that successful " care units (PCUs) operate in a benchmarking evidence-based practice environment and maintain strong interdisciplinary teams to efficiently measure outcomes." p.1 This approach is one that is accepted and utilized by major health care agencies and this includes the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO).

In health care, it is stated by Lewis and Latney (2003) that the terms benchmarking and best practice are defined as "...continuous, collaborative and systematic processes for measuring and examining internal programs' strengths and weaknesses. They are also commonly used to describe the data comparison for the purpose of learning about and adapting best clinical or operational practices." p.1 Best practice departments are those that exceed the national benchmark. Stated by Lewis and Latney (2003) to be a critical element of quality management programs is that of customer satisfaction which impacts "both b
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usiness results and the community's image of care quality." p.2

The work of McCluskey and Cusick (2002) entitled: "Strategies for Introducing Evidence-Based Practice and Changing Clinician Behavior: A Manager's Toolbox" states that evidence-based practice is "a process which involves searching for, appraising, and then using research findings to guide clinical practice (Hamer, 1999 in McCluskey and Cusick, 2002) Evidence-based practice is also stated to be "...about using, rather than doing research." (Taylor, 2000 in: McCluskey and Cusick, 2002). p.2

The aim of the evidence-based practice is increasing "...clinical effectiveness." (McCluskey and Cusick, 2002) It is important to encourage effective interventions while discouraging those which are found to be ineffective or harmful. Evidence-based practice is a process that "encourages health professionals to identify client groups most likely to benefit from their services, and interventions most likely to produce positive outcomes." (Egan Dubouloz, von Zweck & Vallerand, 1998 in: McCluskey and Cusick, 2002). McCluskey and Cusick (2002) report that the benefits of the adoption of practices that are evidence-based have been "well documented in the...literature." p.2

McCluskey and Cusick (2002) report that the process of implementing evidence-based practice involves four specific steps and all of which make a requirement of new learning. Those four steps are as follows:

(1) formulation of clear clinical questions, preferably from a client's perspective;

(2) searching the literature for relevant scientific evidence;

(3) critically appraising the evidence; and (4) integrating the findings into practice and teaching. (McCluskey and Cusick, 2003, p.3)

Stated to be the final step and to qualify as a fifth step is the process of evaluation in which changes to the professional practice are monitored and reinforcement of the desired behaviors takes place. A primary challenge for managers is the coordination of the continuing skill acquisition and professional development that goes hand-in-hand with evidence-based practice. Toward this end, managers generally use regular performance appraisals and learning contracts.

Also needed are "...adequate supervision and mentoring" for the purpose of ensuring that the learning objectives of individuals are pursued diligently and that these are not continually postponed due to the stressors and pressures of work. McCluskey and Cusick (2003) state recommendations for a multifaceted approach in the ongoing professional development process in order to accommodate variations in learning styles and learning needs.

The work of Shortnell, Rundall and Hsu (2007) entitled "Improving Patient Care By Linking Evidence-Based Medicine and Evidence-Based Management" states that it was not until a century ago that a patient could actually expect to "benefit form the medical care provided by a typical physician. Today most patients benefits from medical care, but all patients could benefit if clinicians routinely provided care consistent with the latest scientific knowledge. One report suggests that only 55% of U.S. adults receive care consistent with current recommendations." (Shortnell, Rundall and Hsu, 2007, p.2)

It is also suggested in another report that "only in eight of 306 regions do physicians comply with evidence-based guidelines for at least 80% of their patients." (Shortnell, Rundall and Hsu, 2007, p.3) It is this that led to the Institute of Medicine concluding that there is a chasm "between the healthcare we have and the healthcare we should have." (Shortnell, Rundall and Hsu, 2007, p.2) Shortnell, Rundall and Hsu state that there are two components which are necessary for bringing about an improvement to the quality of medical care and that those two are:

(1) advances in evidence-based medicine (EBM) which identify the clinical practices leading to better care; and (2) the content of providing care and knowledge of how to put this content into routine practice. (Shortnell, Rundall and Hsu, 2007, p.3)

Shortnell, Rundall and Hsu state that these advances in evidence-based management "identify the organizational strategies, structures, and change management practices that enable physicians and other health care professionals to provide evidence-based care, i.e., the context of providing care." (2007, p.4)

Shortnell, Rundall and Hsu state that until both of these components are implemented the identification of the best content and application of it within the context of an effective organization the consistent and sustainable quality improvements in health care provided is not likely to occur. There must be an integration of the knowledge of "....what should be done evidence on which drug, medical device, procedure or treatment plan is most likely to improve patient outcomes needs to take into account the organizational and community context in which the care is delivered." (Shortnell, Rundall and Hsu, 2007, p.4)

It is additionally reported that randomized clinical trails that emphasize internal validity are the gold standard for creating EBM, but have limited generalizabilty to patients, providers and treatment settings different from those in the RCTs." (Shortnell, Rundall and Hsu, 2007, p.4)

It is stated that in excess of 90 million individuals in the United States have at least one chronic condition; many have more than one, and chronic conditions account for nearly 75% of all healthcare expenditures." Factors associated with better outcomes for patients include the following:

(1) disease registries;

(2) clinical guidelines;

(3) automatic reminder systems;

(4) system redesign processes;

(5) physician feedback reports; and (6) patient self-management education programs. (Shortnell,

Rundall and Hsu, 2007, p.7)

The problem however, is stated to be that in practices with twenty or more physicians in the U.S. "on average use fewer than half of the recommended chronic care model elements when caring for patients with asthma, congestive heart failure, depression and diabetes, and only 1% of such practices use all recommended elements for all four conditions." (Shortnell, Rundall and Hsu) Conclusions and recommendations stated in the work of Shortnell, Rundall and Hsu (2007) include the following points:

(1) The nexus of EBM and EBMgt represents an important frontier for improving the nation's health care system. Given the likely increased demand for better and measurably valuable care, combined with increasing cost and quality pressures and calls for health care reform, the following suggestions may be helpful for promoting the integration of EBM and EBMgt and for reducing the barriers to their use;

(2) The federal government should establish a National Evidence-based Healthcare Management Center. For example, the Agency for Health Research and Quality (AHRQ) could extend its Evidence-Based Practice Centers initiative with input from the National Quality Forum, and related groups. The program's primary responsibilities would be to ensure that management/organizational research is rigorously assessed and synthesized in meta-analyses; made widely available in usable forms for managers and clinicians; and effectively linked to other evidence-based management and medicine repositories.

(3) Health networks should be expanded, such as AHRQ's Accelerating Change and Transformation In Organizations and Networks (ACTION). This network involves partnerships of hospitals, health plans, providers, and researchers to address questions regarding the scientific evidence on what does and does not work to improve care in real-world settings.

(4) External accreditation, certification, and licensing bodies should look for "evidence" of EBM and EBMgt linkages in their reviews. (Shortnell, Rundall and Hsu, 2007, p.8)

Shortnell, Rundall and Hsu conclude by stating that recommendations for practice, policy and interventions are needed in providing better patient care through combining content and context of care because only an approach that is integrated and evidence-based can bring about a reduction in the quality gap and instill greater confidence in the U.S. healthcare system." (2007, p.9)

Yassi, Ostry, Spiegel, and Walsh (2002) entitled: 'A Collaborative Evidence-Based Approach to Making Healthcare a Healthier Place to Work" published in the Hospital Quarterly states that healthcare providers and administrators are the "backbone of the healthcare system." (Yassi, Ostry, Spiegel, and Walsh, 2002, p.1) They are stated to be specifically trained in promoting good health, "to care… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Assessing the Potential of an Evidence-Based Approach to Health Care Management" Assignment:

assignment about evidence-based approach in healthcare management.

the essay title:

With reference to appropriate literature, and using a range of examples, assess the potential of an evidence-based approach to health care management. How does evidence based management compare with evidenced based medicine? Could an evidence based approach lead to improvements in health care policy and practice or are there too many obstacles to its widespread use?

The examiners will be looking for the following elements for each of these criteria.


*****¢All material is thoroughly and correctly referenced.

*****¢Citations are given in the Harvard format

*****¢Direct quotations from sources are referenced with page numbers.

*****¢Appropriate use has been made of tables, diagrams, graphs and pictures.

*****¢The use of formatting (line spacing, font, justified margins etc) is consistent throughout.

*****¢The text is clear and readable, without typographic errors and spelling mistakes.

*****¢The assignment is within the maximum word length suggested.

*****¢The bibliography contains only the works cited in the assignment, is presented in author alphabetical order and is complete, accurate, and consistently formatted.


*****¢Evidence of wider reading i.e. not relying on a textbook or single text source, but engaging with specialist texts, journal articles and reports.

*****¢A demonstration of an understanding and awareness of a range of theoretical positions or technical options.

*****¢The ability to place a particular text*****s argument within a range of positions evident in the literature and to recognise its strengths and limitations as an explanatory framework.

*****¢Direct quotes, paraphrasing or other evidence of active engagement with theory and/or technique is apparent throughout the assignment.


*****¢The assignment demonstrates an ability to understand different perspectives i.e. the student can evaluate different options, engage critically with theory and practice and can justify their analysis above other available solutions or viewpoints.

*****¢The analysis results from the use of judgement and discernment in selecting theory and applying it to the situation or problem.

*****¢The selection of techniques and viewpoints are justified by the problem or issue outlined.

*****¢Reflection and observation are integrated in the analysis in an appropriate way i.e. a supported argument illustrated with observation rather than a statement of opinion.

Structure and Argument

*****¢An essay assignment will normally include an introduction, several sub-titled sections in the main body, a conclusion and a bibliography.

*****¢A coherent argument is evident, which clearly links the different elements of the assignment together and leads the reader through to a justifiable conclusion.

*****¢The argument is logically constructed with each section building on the insights of preceding sections i.e. different perspectives are not simply thrown together without an understanding of how they contribute to the overall argument presented.

*****¢Theory is integrated into the analytical and/or practical elements of the assignment where appropriate

*****¢Meaning is not obscured by poor grammar, paragraph or sentence construction.


*****¢The conclusion summarises the whole of the assignment and not just the analysis i.e. conclusions relate questions posed, adequacy of the theory, empirical issues explored and reflect on the student*****s approach to the work.

*****¢The conclusions refer to the argument presented to that point and do not introduce new ideas or arguments *****at the last moment*****.

*****¢The conclusion demonstrates the ability of the student to justify their theoretical and analytical approach.

*****¢Conclusions have been drawn and follow, and are justified by, the analysis in the main body of the assignment. Where required, practical recommendations are feasible and follow on from the conclusions, addressing the issues identified.

How to Reference "Assessing the Potential of an Evidence-Based Approach to Health Care Management" Essay in a Bibliography

Assessing the Potential of an Evidence-Based Approach to Health Care Management.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Assessing the Potential of an Evidence-Based Approach to Health Care Management (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Assessing the Potential of an Evidence-Based Approach to Health Care Management. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Assessing the Potential of an Evidence-Based Approach to Health Care Management” 2009.
”Assessing the Potential of an Evidence-Based Approach to Health Care Management”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Assessing the Potential of an Evidence-Based Approach to Health Care Management”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Assessing the Potential of an Evidence-Based Approach to Health Care Management [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Assessing the Potential of an Evidence-Based Approach to Health Care Management. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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