Research Proposal on "Examination of Saturation Evangelism"

Research Proposal 17 pages (5502 words) Sources: 17 Style: Turabian

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" (Robinson, 2009, p. 6)

Partnerships in Evangelization of the World

Collins (1995) wrote in the work entitled "Missions and Churches in Partnership for Evangelism: a Study of the Declaration of Ibadan" that "Partnership between missions (the organizations of expatriate missionaries working under a common sending agency in a particular locale) and national churches (the cooperating bodies of national Christians to which the missions relate, called "conventions/unions" in this article) has emerged as a critical issue in world evangelization. One attempt at just and effective partnerships between missions and conventions/unions is the Declaration of Ibadan. Its engaging features include the proposed role of the mission, joint decision making regarding evangelism among unreached people groups, and the deployment of missionary personnel." (p.1)

The Kingdom Coalition

Saturation Evangelism is defined as "reaching every man, woman, boy and girl within a given area with the gospel'." (The Kingdom Coalition, 2015, p.1) The focus of saturation evangelism is to reach every individual possible in the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The means that every individual, family and community will hear the gospel of Jesus and the saving grace and mercy of God the Father. The Kingdom Coalition reports that its focus in the area of Saturation Evangelism is in the "whole of East Africa..." including "all of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi." (2015, p. 1) Stated as the end result of their goal is "systematically reaching every single person with the Gospel. In East Africa, that is more than 140,000,000 people." (2015, p. 1)

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According to the work of the Kingdom Coalition through its Operation Gospel Outreach (Operation GO) the work done is such that is routinely in "Hospitals, in Schools, in the Marketplace, and other places that large groups of people may be found." (The Kingdom Coalition, 2015, p. 1) The primary objective of The Kingdom Coalition's work is to "share Jesus everywhere" as well as "working systematically to take the Gospel door-to-door, home-by-home, village-by-village, border-to-border, and nation-to-nation." (2015, p. 1)

The Kingdom Coalition reports working to make provisions of opportunities "for those who call upon the Lord to grow and mature in Christ, typically through a local body of Believers. This is the reason why our Saturation Evangelism work is done in conjunction with Church Planting." (2015, p. 1) While there is no assurance that every individual hearing the gospel will be receptive to the gospel, it is the objective of the Kingdom Coalition to ensure that "everyone has an opportunity to hear the Gospel presented. And, we can help provide an opportunity for all who respond to be welcomed into a local fellowship of Believers for discipleship." (2015, p. 1)

Strategies for Effective Evangelism

The work of Wagner (2010) entitled "Strategies for Church Growth: Tools for Effective Mission and Evangelism" states that the procedure that is ordained for spreading the Gospel in terms of the "human and divine aspects of spreading the gospel come together very nicely in 1 Corinthians 3:6 where Paul says "I planed, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase." (p.19) Wagner relates that every farmer "knows that god and God alone can make a cauliflower or an apricot or a carrot. All the technology in the world is not sufficient to set up a cauliflower factory. But, as a biblical theology of agronomy would inform us, God ordinary sees fit to produce the fruit when some human plants and someone waters. It goes back to Adam's fall when God said "Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it." (Genesis 3:17)

God provides for growth of agriculture only when a human toils enough to create the needed conditions for production of the agriculture and as noted by Wagner "In some sense, as mysterious as it might be, God established a similar procedure for world evangelization." (Wagner, 2010, p. 20) Therefore, if nothing is planted, or if it is planted but no one water, then nothing will grow. But more is needed in evangelizing the world and there are qualifications needed if one is to serve God and fulfill the Great Commission. The qualifications noted in the work of Wagner which are affirmed in the scriptures include the following qualifications:

(1) People who know God -- If the news of salvation is to be carried to the world then the servants of God carrying this message must themselves be saved, must "know what it is to be born again, for without the new birth no one can even see the Kingdom of God." (John 3:3 cited in Wagner, p. 20) The message that the servants of God are tasked with carrying to the world is one of "reconciliation to God through Jesus Christ. Such message carries no authority from those who themselves have not entered into the family of God and thereby are not committed to Jesus Christ." (Wagner, 2010, p. 20)

(2) People who are filled with the Holy Spirit: As noted in the work of Wagner "Jesus drew his disciples to Himself and ministered to them for three years. They knew him well." (Wagner, 2010, p.21) The disciples of Jesus were given specific instructions related in Luke 24:49 when Jesus told them that before they went into the world taking the story of salvation that they must first "tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high." The disciples obeyed Jesus and as related in Acts 2, on the day of Pentecost they were filled with the Holy Spirit. However, it is important to understand as noted by Wagner "Being filled with the Holy Spirit is a constantly renewable experience" just because someone is filled with the Holy Spirit this year does not mean that the same will be true next year because the servant of Christ needs a continuous recharging or refilling of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, as Wagner notes "Maintaining the fullness of the Holy Spirit on a continuing basis is necessary if one is going to be a useful instrument for God's service." (Wagner, 2010, p.21)

(3) People of Prayer: Communion with God is realized through prayer and prayer reveals to the individual the will of God for their lives. The bible provides general and purposeful information however, only prayer gives specific and individual guidance from God. "As we get in touch with God through prayer we discover the specific role each of us plays in the Kingdom. Prayer develops intimacy with God, and it takes time'. (Wagner, 2010, p. 21) Also powerful is intercessory prayer and this is much needed in order to fulfill the Great Commission because it strengthens the Body of Christ as a whole and supports those in positions of teaching or preaching and bolsters their ability and the quality of their ministries.

(4) People committed to the Body of Christ: Wagner notes that the life of the Christian in its ideal form is one that is focused on three priorities: (a) commitment to Christ; (b) commitment to the Body of Christ; and (c) commitment to the work of Christ in the world. (Wagner, 2010, p.22) Wagner states that the first three priorities are related to priority a which is related to priority b and he states a belief that the Church is "different from other human institutions in that it is not just an organization. Rather, the Church is also and organism with Jesus Christ as the head and every member functioning with one of more spiritual gifts. Those who wish to serve God effectively in the extension of the Kingdom must be firmly rooted in a local church. Why? Because God accomplishes his purposes in the world, not through Lone Rangers, but through committed communities of his people. The Body of Christ provides spiritual intimacy, a system of accountability and numerous spiritual gifts which complement each other just as do the members of our physical body." (Wagner, 2010, p.23) Romans 12 relates a model of the body of the human to express the operation of the Body of Christ. (Wagner,, paraphrased)

(5) People obedient to the Lord: Obedience to the Lord is "one of the tests of true discipleship." (Wagner, p.23)

(6) People who are energetic and creative: Pslam 32:8 states "I will instruction you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye." (Wagner, p. 23)

Importance of Instruction and Understanding

It is important to understand why instruction in the Christian faith is so important and this can be clearly understood in the story of Paul as he was going about "completing his time of reporting and enjoying fellowship with the church in Syrian Antioch, and just beginning his third missionary journey overland to the eastern part of Asia Minor as related in Acts 18:23 when a "a new player appeared on the scene in Ephesus. Apollos, a Jew from Alexandria, Egypt, a well-educated, or 'learned' as related in Acts 18:24 man that was in possession of "great facility… READ MORE

How to Reference "Examination of Saturation Evangelism" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Examination of Saturation Evangelism.”, 2015, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Examination of Saturation Evangelism (2015). Retrieved from (2015). Examination of Saturation Evangelism. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Examination of Saturation Evangelism” 2015.
”Examination of Saturation Evangelism”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Examination of Saturation Evangelism”,, 2015. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Examination of Saturation Evangelism [Internet]. 2015 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Examination of Saturation Evangelism. Published 2015. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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