Research Proposal on "Ethics of Privacy Is a Very Controversial"

Research Proposal 7 pages (2370 words) Sources: 4 Style: MLA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Ethics of privacy is a very controversial ethical issue that affects just about everyone in the world today. Who can access your information stored on computer systems? What kind of information should be stored there? How can you access your own data, and how does that affect your privacy? These issues and more are ethical issues that affect privacy, and they are not easily answered or debated. Computer ethics is a growing field in the information technology arena, and it is growing more important as more data is stored on the Internet and in large-scale databases every day. Maintaining your privacy is an important issue because of activities like identity theft and computer hacking, but with such an online, mobile, and social networking society, is privacy really available any more today?

The purpose of this paper is to introduce, discuss, and analyze the topic of ethics. Specifically it will discuss the ethics of privacy when using and accessing computer systems. Computer ethics is a slippery slope in the world of ethics, because more people tend to be private people, and yet the Internet has opened up entire new worlds where privacy is anything but the norm. However, users use their computers to store and access any number of records and data that are extremely private in nature, and the ethics of who can view these items and how people access them is a knotty ethical issue. It is paramount, however, to understand the ethical issues of computer information and to recognize when these ethics have been violated. The real question is, is online privacy really a thing of the past, with the tech-crazy, socially networked society of today?

When many people think of personal info
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rmation stored on a computer, they may think of financial records used to file income taxes, or personal contact information, like their address and phone number. Of course, people want to keep that information as private as possible, for health and safety reasons. However, this personal information exists all over the Internet, in the patient records in doctors' offices and hospitals, in their financial instructions, and far beyond. Today, privacy is an increasing concern because there are so many ways to access files on the Internet, and there are always people attempting to hack those files for their own personal gain. Everyone has become aware of cyber crime and identity theft, which is a huge violation of privacy, and they are concerned about what type of information is being released about them from other sources without their knowledge.

It makes sense that information such as banking information, patient records, and other sensitive data are stored on computer systems. The computers provide instant access, especially in the case of an emergency, and they are intended to keep the data safe. However, questions arise to how safe they really are. If a bank employee has access to account numbers, what is to stop them from stealing money from the accounts? If a nurse has access to a pop star's medical records, what is to stop her from releasing them anonymously to the media and cashing in on the reward? A writer notes, "Also, third parties can mine electronic records for data to market health products or screen out people as insurance or employment risks" (Sharpe, 2005, p. 49). Ethics is the answer. Obviously, these are not ethical answers to these problems, they are an invasion of privacy and highly unethical. However, information is stored on computer systems every day, and the access to this information is a moral, ethical, and practical issue.

Who has access to these personal records is one of the biggest issues facing the computer ethics world. Clearly, not just anyone should have access to personal, private information. In the case of financial and health records, only certain individuals have access to the data, such as doctors and nurses working with a specific patient, or financiers working with a particular client's account. In the case of database administers and developers, they have access to dummy databases they use for programming and development, and there are strict ethical guidelines about accessing personal information from databases. In most organizations, it is grounds for termination, and database administers monitor keystrokes to ensure privacy is maintained.

One of the biggest access questions in privacy concerns today is the intrusion of the government on private information. In the United States, the government has accessed cell phone accounts and other private information in their hunt for terrorists, and they have attempted to access other information, such as library records, for use in hunting down dangerous individuals or uncovering illegal activities. Some people believe these records should be open to the government in an attempt to control these activities, but others are not so sure. The American Library Association (ALA) is openly opposed to these activities, squarely on ethical grounds. A group of authors note the ALA's position, "The government's interest in library use reflects a dangerous and fallacious equation of what a person reads with what that person believes or how that person is likely to behave" (Adams, Bocher, Gordon, and Barry-Kesslerm 2005, p. 53). The ethics of this problem are clear. Library patrons expect privacy and confidentiality in their library records, because they can be very informational, and giving the government access could lead to some incredibly wrong conclusions. This holds true in other areas of computer ethics, as well. A person's search patterns could lead to false conclusions regarding their likes, interests, and activities, and just handing out this data could lead to ethical violations and misunderstandings galore.

However, there is a segment of the population that believes the government and business should make information easily available, because it is extremely important for citizens to be able to monitor and correct that information. They should also be able to freely access private information because they could uncover and abuses or wrongdoings by the agencies or businesses, and bring them to the attention of the authorities (Rennie, 2008).

Traditionally, law enforcement agencies have had access to libraries in certain situations, such as with a court order against a specific individual, to access that person's record. The same holds true for other institutions, such as banks and healthcare facilities, when a suspect's activity and history are necessary for the investigation. This is a fair violation of privacy laws and ethical standards, because it has a specific purpose. However, when implemented in a general fashion, this type of access is ethically and morally wrong. For example, the FBI implemented a program in the 1970s and 1980s, covertly monitored several libraries in the U.S. For foreign nations checking out or reading materials on terrorism or bomb making, and asked librarians to notify them if they had patrons checking out or reading these materials. They had no search warrants and no specific subject. The librarians baulked and called out for termination of the program, and eventually, the FBI backed down. The librarians were concerned about the privacy of their patrons, and how they would lose their trust if they "ratted" on them to the FBI (Adams, Bocher, Gordon, and Barry-Kessler, 2005, p. 55-56). The ethical lesson here is clear. A person's privacy is very important, and protecting a person's privacy is a moral and ethical issue that influential people must take a stand on to protect. The librarians feel that a person's privacy is more important than a vague threat that has not been proven, and they stood up to the FBI to make an ethical and moral judgement on their actions.

What are a person's rights to controlling their own information, including verifying and correcting its accuracy? In some systems, that is relatively easy, as it should be. In others systems, it is increasingly difficult, affecting the person, their family, and sometimes their well-being. For example, it is increasingly complicated to get a social security or identification card in many countries, including many steps, time off from work or school, and producing several forms of identification, such as a birth certificate, etc. However, people hack into such governmental and institutional databases seemingly all the time, stealing information and invading people's privacy, or they obtain falsified documents with extreme ease. An author notes, "The answer may be that we should try to make it difficult for people who are not us to use that social security number and get our bank accounts or other valuable records" (Rennie, 2008). It seems that it would be more efficient and ethical if the process was more difficult for the hackers and those engaging in illegal activities, and easier for the honest people who only need to control their own information and privacy.

People in other situations have control of their own privacy in many ways. Specifically, medical research offers opportunities for patients to control their privacy. Another medical professional notes, "Privacy in research refers to the right of an individual to make decisions concerning how much information about their physical status, health, social network, and thoughts and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Ethics of Privacy Is a Very Controversial" Assignment:

please research the topic, reading any books, journal articles, or on-line resources that seem relevant, and write an essay of 2000-2500 words (about 5-7 pages of text) exploring the ethical implications of the topic. You should identify issues and present reasoned arguments supporting more than one point of view, then you may favor one side, or conclude that individuals must choose between competing alternatives.

A good way to structure the argument is to build the strongest case you can manage for the opposing point of view, and then argue from your favorite ethical theory (Maximize happiness, universal rules, social contract, information ethics) in favor of your solution.

TOPIC WHAT THE TERM PAPER IS ABOUT remember this is an ethics class . (In all topics, Please base your opinions on some ethical theory. For each topic area, narrow down to a more specific problem.)TOPIC privacy ."What personal information should be stored on computer systems. Who should have access? What rights do you have to control your own information, and to be able to verify and correct its accuracy?" this is what im suppose to write about on my term paper

Reference style examples

Baxter, Keith 2002 Economics Essay Instructions, Bishop's University,

URL=" Essay instructions.doc"

Orwell, George 1949 Nineteen Eighty-four, *****, Secker & Warburg Ltd, London

References can be numbered, or else preceded by the abbreviation used for the reference, e.g. [Bax 02] or [Orw 49]

Economics Essay (term paper) Instructions

1) Your completed essay should have a cover page with:


Author (student name and number)

The phrase: Submitted to Professor XXX for Eco. XXX, with the date

2) If it is less than 1400 words, it does not need an abstract. If the essay is more than 1400 words, it should also have an Abstract on the title page.

3) The abstract is a summary of the paper in 100 to 150 words. It states the thesis of the paper, briefly summarizes the argument, and gives the conclusion. Although the abstract appears at the beginning of the essay, it is written last, after the essay has been completed.

4) An essay consisting of simple opining with no references is unacceptable. Since your essay is based on your research, most of the facts, ideas and views in your paper will be based on those of other people, who shall be acknowledged, cited and properly listed in a List of References (bibliography) at the end of the essay. When quoting, paraphrasing or referring directly to a fact, idea, argument or conclusion from a published source, give the author*****s last name, year of publication and page number in parentheses in your text, immediately following the appropriate sentence or paragraph, e.g. (Parkin, 1997, p. 132). If you structure your sentence with the author*****s name included in the text, the year of publication and page number in parentheses should follow the author*****s name in the sentence, e.g. *****Parkin (1997, p. 24) says that *****¦.*****

5) At the end of your essay, add a page of references to sources used in the essay, (and only those used in the essay), listed in alphabetical order by author*****s, or first-named author*****s (if there are more than one) last name. Correct format for references is:

Books: Author*****s surname, initials, co-authors***** initials and surname(s), (Date). Title of book, Place of publication: Publisher

Articles in journals: Author*****s surname, initials, co-authors***** initials and surname(s), (Date). *****Title of article*****, Title of journal, Volume number, page numbers

Internet references: Author*****s surname, initials, (Date). *****Title of article***** (if available), complete URL

6) All essays are to be typed, with 1½-line spacing, in a 12-point font, and to have a separate title page and references page. Number all your pages, including the title page as page 1. When typing your essay, remember to save often, keep an electronic copy of your final draft, submit it on time (note any penalty for lateness), and make sure it is of appropriate length*****”too long or too short will reduce the grade.

7) The quality of your paper will be judged on three criteria: Content, Argument, and Flow. Content refers to the quality of the ideas and information you include in your essay, including proper references. Do you have enough information? Is it accurate? Is it relevant? Argument refers to the clarity of your thesis, and the strength and clarity and logical sequencing of the evidence used to demonstrate your thesis. What is your thesis? Does your conclusion follow from your argument? Does it persuade the reader? Flow is where the good writing comes in: coherence, grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, paragraphing, and so forth. All word processing programmes have spelling and grammar checkers; use them.


The following paragraphs give some hints as to how to produce a *****˜good***** essay.

1) The text of the essay contains three logical parts: an introduction, the argument, and a conclusion. The introduction is just that*****”an introduction. It should introduce the reader to the thesis of your paper. It may give some background, perhaps some general information leading into the specific topic of your essay, or why you chose this topic, or a colorful quote, comment or question to pique the reader*****s attention. It should also delineate your topic so the thesis of your paper is made clear.

2) Following the introduction comes the argument. The argument is the body of your essay. It develops the case you want to make using evidence from published sources and illustrative examples, integrated into a well-structured, coherent argument that leads the reader to your conclusion. The term paper is really a review of literature or other sources on a particular topic. It is based on library (or internet) research. The purpose of the exercise is for you to gather information from published sources, and integrate it around a particular topic in a well-developed, highly readable way. To do this you do your research, decide on your thesis and then formulate your argument, presenting ideas and facts (evidence) in support of or in conflict with your thesis, arriving at *****˜mini-conclusions***** along the way. Your argument may be strengthened by adding information or examples that agree or conflict with the conclusions of the authors you refer to. You may wish to present a critical analysis of some of the evidence cited, or those authors***** interpretations. Eventually your argument should be balanced and cohesive.

3) Link the different pieces of your argument together with appropriate transitional statements. Avoid a scattershot approach of numerous statements relating to your topic which are not linked together. Sometimes it is painful to leave out a neat piece of information or an idea you have come across that just doesn*****t fit with the rest of your argument. But it is better to leave it out than to destroy the coherence and succinctness of your argument. Sometimes a good piece of evidence fits better in a different paragraph than the one you had it in in your first draft. This is where careful editing and writing several drafts of your paper before handing it in can strengthen your paper considerably.

4) The essay then needs to be concluded. You may choose to come down on one side of the argument or the other, or neither, but some statement of conclusion is required to wrap up the essay and remind the reader of the essay*****s thesis either directly or indirectly.

5) And note: the integration of the facts and ideas you are reporting into a reasoned argument must be all your own work. You should assemble and write the overall argument. Using the ideas or writings of others without proper acknowledgement comprises plagiarism. Avoid plagiarism at all costs; it is a most serious form of academic dishonesty and will be treated severely. Students sometimes claim to be uncertain as to what is precisely meant by plagiarism. Here is a summary of main points:

a) Quotation. Any part of your essay that contains the exact words of an author must appear in quotation marks with the author cited in the text and the source listed in the References section at the end of the essay. Quotations should normally not be extensive and should not occur too often in your essay. Reserve them for important points, provoking ideas or striking statements. If you can express the basic idea in your own words do so. However if you are paraphrasing an author*****s words, ideas or argument, that author must still be noted as mentioned above.

b) Adaptation of material. Do not adapt material with only minor changes, such as combining sentences, inverting sentence order, omitting phrases, or changing a few words. To do so is not paraphrasing, it is quoting without quotation marks, and is a form of plagiarism even if the source is noted. If what you want to say is very closely related to what the author has said and it has been expressed extremely well, it is safer to quote directly. Quotation may not win you points for style, but it will prevent the charge of plagiarism!

c) Organization. As noted above, the organization of the material in your paper must be completely your own work. That is, you must integrate the facts and ideas into a reasoned argument by yourself and use your own words to do so. Do not simply follow the structure of a chapter in a book, or a section of a review article. If a part of someone*****s argument is important for your paper, present it, but make sure that you acknowledge the source. For example, you may write *****Parkin (1997) argues that*****¦.***** Or *****According to Parkin (1997, pp. 3-9), it may be argued that*****¦.*****

d) *****˜Self-plagiarism*****. Do not submit an essay that is the same or similar to one handed in in another course. If you wish to develop a previous paper, first discuss the matter carefully with your instructor.

6) To ensure that you can prove that you constructed and wrote the essay, keep all rough work, i.e. notes that you take from your sources when researching the essay, and rough drafts. Keep all photocopies or printed Internet information and if you use a source that is not available at Bishop*****s, keep a copy of the title page. You may be asked to provide your rough work and copies.

7) These guidelines apply to any draft that is handed in for feedback or grading, not only the final copy.

8) The topic of the paper may be assigned to you, or you may be free to choose one from a prescribed list of topics, or in some cases you may be free to choose a topic on your own. Whenever you select the topic, it must be approved by the instructor a certain number of weeks before the paper is due. To get an original topic approved, complete a proposal with a provisional title, probable thesis statement, brief working outline, and provisional list of references. Your proposal will require that you do some preliminary reading beforehand. For longer papers, a thesis statement and bibliography may be required to be handed in several weeks before the paper itself is due. The particular slant or emphasis you choose to take within the topic is up to you. This is where your creativity comes in. But, since the term paper represents an accumulation of your reading and thinking over a period of time, you must start on it early.

9) Make your essay easy to read. Write several drafts, improving the language each time to get it cleaner and more concise. Make sure that the various facts and ideas are inserted where they fit best into the argument, and that each paragraph leads into the next so the reader is always clear what you are talking about. Never hand in the first draft of anything. (Note: this obviously requires that you complete your first draft before the night before the paper is due.) Proofread your paper, or get a friend or the Writing Centre to help by reading over the early drafts to point out where the writing is unclear or awkward. You are then responsible for rewriting the parts that need it.

10) Good luck with your essay. I hope that your research proves fruitful and interesting, and that the creative process brings you some pleasure as well.

How to Reference "Ethics of Privacy Is a Very Controversial" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Ethics of Privacy Is a Very Controversial.”, 2009, Accessed 26 Jun 2024.

Ethics of Privacy Is a Very Controversial (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Ethics of Privacy Is a Very Controversial. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Jun, 2024].
”Ethics of Privacy Is a Very Controversial” 2009.
”Ethics of Privacy Is a Very Controversial”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Ethics of Privacy Is a Very Controversial”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 26-Jun-2024].
1. Ethics of Privacy Is a Very Controversial [Internet]. 2009 [cited 26 June 2024]. Available from:
1. Ethics of Privacy Is a Very Controversial. Published 2009. Accessed June 26, 2024.

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