Research Paper on "Ethics"

Research Paper 3 pages (1017 words) Sources: 2

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The fact that there was an organization to which the law enforcement officers pledged allegiance to in contravention of the legal frameworks that guide their work is also a political aspect that was involved. This act of belonging or perpetuating the activities of an illegal organization was unethical on the side of the guards and also contravenes the morals of their position in the society as law enforces hence can be said to have been immoral.

The actions that the guards got into, and in particular the act of getting pregnant with an inmate can be said to be unethical though may not necessarily be immoral. This can be argued from the angle that the emotional and the sexual involvement of the female guards could have been as a result of true love and affection, manipulation notwithstanding. There is nothing immoral in loving any individual despite the tag he has from the society or the status he has in the society. The only questionable aspect is the ethical stand that the guards have in that they intentionally got involved in sexual acts with a person who was their subject and was put under their care. They stooped very low to undermine the work ethics that needs them to have a professional distance between them and the inmates.

The immoral angel comes in when the female guards go beyond the love and sex into promoting crimes as instructed by the inmate. They are used to traffic drugs and perpetuate other illegal trades which now become immoral since there are moral standards that the society expects from each individual regardless of the position in the society, hence this was both unethical and immoral in nature since outright crime cannot be ethical or moral in any civil
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ized society.

The unethical and immoral behavior of these guards has a lot of bearing and consequences to the system, the society, and the individual. First, to the system, it portrayed it as a corrupt system and incompetent hence unfit to provide the services needed due to the unethical and immoral behaviors of the officers that are entrusted with the system operations. The society was also affected since the drugs and the illegal trades hurt the society at large, and also there are standard expectations that the society has from the law enforcers and these were not what the officers portrayed hence losing the respect and confidence of the society. The individuals involved were also affected by the unethical acts since the female guards ended up breaking law and were liable to the court process and also seen within the society as people with low moral standing.


Fuchs E., (2013). This man allegedly impregnated four of his guards while running a criminal empire from prison. Retrieved November 8, 2014 from

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, (2002). The Definition of Morality. Retrieved November 8, 2014 from READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Ethics" Assignment:

This assignment will define and compare ethics and morality.

Research, select, and describe an incident involving a real ethical concern or event related to criminal justice (e.g., corruption in a police department, judicial bribery, smuggling contraband into prisons by correctional officers, etc.). Students must utilize the Library Subject Guide for Criminal Justice (See Content) to conduct independent and unique research.

"I've chosen the case of the female corrections officers pregnant by inmate Tavon White." Article was taken fron the college library.


Part One: An opening paragraph describing your topic and ultimate conclusion Part Two: Brief description of the selected event and the ethical issues involved you choose to write about Part Three: Conclusions based on your research and class readings as to the consequences of unethical behavior to the system, the society, and the individual. The following issues must be covered within the report: Cultural issues, (may include all areas of diversity including race, gender, sexual orientation and occupational culture) Historical context, include your theories on why the situation occurred Moral courage, (For example, – was there a particularly courageous individual involved?) Politics (Note, in this context "politics" referrers to the personal and/or group dynamics within a particular organization, community or similar setting. It does NOT relate to political parties or affiliation with any political party.)

750 to 1,000 words Double space 12 pt. font 1” margins Use APA narrative and reference page citations for all sources

How to Reference "Ethics" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Ethics.”, 2014, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

Ethics (2014). Retrieved from (2014). Ethics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”Ethics” 2014.
”Ethics”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Ethics”,, 2014. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. Ethics [Internet]. 2014 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Ethics. Published 2014. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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