Research Paper on "Ethical Influence on Consumer Behavior"

Research Paper 6 pages (2334 words) Sources: 4

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Ethical Situations That Influence Consumer Behavior

Counterfeiting expensive merchandise and making it available at significantly lower prices without regard for the legal or ethical implications of this practice cost the apparel, accessory and merchandise industry nearly $200B a year in lost jobs, taxes and sales (Phau, Sequeira, Dix, 2009). There is also the damage to brand equity and the image of brands as well, as often counterfeiters cut corners and deliver shoddy merchandise that often disintegrates faster than the actual item (Phau, Teah, 2009). The intent of this analysis is to evaluate four different peer-reviewed, empirical studies that seek to define the influence of ethics on decision-making processes of consumers of both legitimate and counterfeit luxury items. From online-only sales (Radon, 2012) to sales made through malls throughout Asia (Phau, Teah, 2009) the majority of sales channels counterfeiters and legitimize luxury goods manufacturers use to sell their products are presented.

Analysis of To Buy or Not To Buy A "Counterfeit" Ralph Lauren Polo Shirt: The Role of Lawfulness and Legality toward Purchasing Counterfeits

The foundational elements of this study included a methodology that centered on showing a real Ralph Lauren shirt and a counterfeit one, and then asking if the responded would knowingly purchase the fake one. The results showed that women have higher ethical standards than men and that men, while seeking the prestige of this and other branded items, fear being found out when they purchase a counterfeit (Phau, Sequeira, Dix, 2009).

The study methodology was based on a convenience sampling method at
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a large Australian University in their business school. The stimulus of the study was a Ralph Lauren Polo shirt. The data collection instrument was a survey form of three pages, with the first page having a picture and brief description of the shirt, the second being a seven-point Likert scale asking them what the probability of their purchasing the short was. Next, a counterfeit version of the shirt was shown, and the respondents were next asked to rate their probability of purchasing that item. They were also told it was of inferior quality as well. The second page also included screening questions to see if the respondent had ever purchased counterfeit products before. These questions were used for screening respondents. This was followed by scales to measure the attitude towards lawfulness of counterfeits (Phau, Sequeira, Dix, 2009).

The demographics of the sample included 48.5% male, and 51.5% were female. The majority of respondents (65.6%) were between the ages of 18 and 21. About 25% were between the ages of 22 to 25 and 9/1% were above 25 years of age. Given the majority of the respondents were students, their annual incomes was AUD$20K or less (77.7%). Eight of ten respondents (80%) had purchased counterfeits, with males being the majority of purchasers in the study. The 40% of the counterfeit product buyers were in the 19 to 21-year-old segment, with the majority being males.

The study findings underscore what previous studies have found, specifically showing how pervasive counterfeit purchasers are in lower-income, younger groups of males (Phau, Sequeira, Dix, 2009). The results also corroborate with the findings of previous studies that women are more ethical in their purchases of products. These findings led the researchers to conclude that integrity is a very strong influencer of the willingness to forgo the purchase of counterfeit products (Phau, Sequeira, Dix, 2009). It also underscores that the more rapid the product lifecycle of a given product, the more the tendency of counterfeiters to see the small, fast-moving windows of opportunity and move quickly with badly produced merchandise at low prices. Consumers literally get what they pay for in these scenarios.

The studies' limitations include the convenience sampling approach taken and the lack of statistical validity that applies to the research design. This study has limited value across the entire Australian market as well, as it concentrates on only a very small segment, the business studies at a major Australian university. Due to all of these factors, the findings are of limited value on a global basis as well and cannot be extrapolated across global demographic and socio-economic groups as a result.

Analysis of Examining Ethics and Materialism with Purchase of Counterfeits

The greater the value of ethicacy to a given shopper the less likely they are to consider the purchase of counterfeit products. This is one of the most significant findings from the research completed in the study Examining Ethics and Materialism with Purchase of Counterfeits (Kozar, Marcketti, 2011). The study methodology is based on an online survey of 741 respondents who were recruited from newspaper advertisements in university newspapers in two four-year universities in the Midwestern United States. The advertisements included a promise of a $150 cash prize incentive that would be awarded at the end of the semester. The researchers completed several pretests of the survey with academic advisors prior to implementing the overall study.

The data collection instrument, has been said before, was an online survey that was designed to capitalize on the Muncy-Vitell consumer ethics scale (Kozar, Marcketti, 2011). This scale combines the validation of a Likert five-point design and the testing of ethical trade-offs. The researchers designed this aspect of the survey to reflect the value judgments and trade-offs of actively benefiting from a counterfeit product, passively benefiting from it and how approving or not a given respondent was with these dimensions of ethicacy. The scale also included 18 different attribute descriptions that measured the trade-offs respondents also made between ethical vs. unethical outcomes from the standpoint of acquiring materialistic products (Kozar, Marcketti, 2011).

The demographics of this study included 741 students, with 50% being between the ages of 18 and 20 and 35% between the ages of 21 to 23., and 15% over the age of 24. 76% of the respondents were women and 24% were men. 86.5% of the sample was Caucasian and the remainder was African-American, Asian-American, and Hispanic. The distribution by educational level included 22.7% in their first year, 21.3% in the second year, 22.7% in the third year and 26.5% in the fourth year., A total of 6.8% of respondents were in graduate products. 68% had knowingly purchased counterfeit products in the past.

The study findings showed that there is a strong relationship in the respondent population with regard to the relationship of ethics and materialism. Consumers in this study who had higher ethical values were less materialistic and also declined ot purchase counterfeit products in the past. This was the 20% of respondents who had never purchased a counterfeit product, and whose philosophies reflected a non-materialistic view of life. The limitations of this study include the limited sample frame of Midwestern U.S.-based universities who are not representative fog the broader U.S. population. Second, this study lacked validity across a broader base of respondents within different socio-economic strata as well. Third, the study also lacked a clear definition of how price would impact overall judgments of ethicacy.

Analysis of Devil Wears (Counterfeit) Prada: A Study of Antecedents and Outcomes of Attitudes Towards Counterfeits of Luxury Brands

China is known for having an exceptionally high level of collectivism and shared expectations in addition to saving face with peers and superiors. The findings of this study show that surprisingly collectivism is not nearly as powerful of a predictor of purchase intention for counterfeit products as the lack of ethicacy is (Phau, Teah, 2009). Like other studies, the greater the integrity of a respondent as measured by their ethicacy the greater the probability they would not purchase a counterfeit product deliberately (Kozar, Marcketti, 2011).

The methodology for this study is based on a mall intercept model completed in a downtown Shanghai shopping center. The questionnaire was self-administered and given to every fifth shopper in the mall. This sampling approach delivered a 14% overall response rate. What made the questionnaire unique was the focus on showing two different value statements for the purchased of counterfeit goods; one showed a peddler selling fake products and the other asked more generic questions. The researchers provided the following table of the demographics of respondents by non-buyers and buyers of counterfeit goods:

Table II Sample distribution between buyers and non-buyers of counterfeits of luxury brands. Source: (Phau, Teah, 2009)

The study's findings indicate that consumption purely for status and integrity are both the most significant factors in defining which products are purchased from legitimate vs. counterfeit manufacturers. Surprising for this study and its respondents, collectivism, a core value in Chinese culture, did not emerge as a significant factor in overall purchase decisions (Phau, Teah, 2009). What did emerge was the concern on the part of respondents that if it was found out that a given item was counterfeit, they would lose significant credibility and face in the community (Phau, Teah, 2009). Combined with the strong emphasis on integrity and ethics, the study underscores with greater clarity and convincing results just how powerful ethicacy is in defining if a person will buy a counterfeit product or not.

The limitations… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Ethical Influence on Consumer Behavior" Assignment:

Assignment 5 Paper- Ethical situations that influence consumer behavior -

Appraise Ethical Influences on Consumer Behavior:

Understanding consumer behavior is a more enlightened view of the role of marketing. Marketing main is to determine the needs, wants, and preferences of a target group of customers and to deliver the desired satisfactions. Rather than coax customers into purchasing a product they may not find satisfying, the emphasis is on determining the types of markets to be satisfied, and creating the product that achieves this satisfaction objective. Choosing target markets and identifying customer needs is no small task; a marketer must dig beyond a customer�s stated needs. Once this is accomplished, a marketer can offer for sale the products that will lead to the highest satisfaction.

Another ethical issue organizations confront in today�s global marketplace is identifying and building a demand for original products rather than pirated copies.

Read the Phau, Sequeira, and Dix, (2009) study on counterfeit/pirated products and write a scholarly paper discussing ethical situations that influence consumer buying behavior. The paper must include:

� In addition to the required reading, a minimum of three scholarly peer reviewed studies published within the past five years. For each of the studies in the literature review succinctly address/answer (maximum of one paragraph/half page) the following:

What is the study methodology? (Timeline, quantitative, qualitative, case study, etc.)

What is the data collection instrument? (Interviews, surveys, data analysis, observation, comparative test, etc.)

What are the organizational and individual demographics of the study participants? (What part of the world, type of organization, participant positions, age, gender, etc.)

What were the study findings?

Critically analyze the study in relation to limitations, whether the study appeared theoretically grounded, etc.

� Following the Literature Review, provide a Discussion section that includes:

Synthesize the findings in your own words to help the reader interpret the findings.

Use analogies and experiences as needed to discuss and analyze the study findings.

Explain the relevance of these findings to your argument.

� Provide recommendations on how organizations may address demographic influences impact marketing strategies and the study of consumer behavior.

Assignment Outcomes

Evaluate recent trends in social, cultural, technological, legal, and ethical factors in consumer behavior and marketing. *****


How to Reference "Ethical Influence on Consumer Behavior" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Ethical Influence on Consumer Behavior.”, 2013, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Ethical Influence on Consumer Behavior (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Ethical Influence on Consumer Behavior. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Ethical Influence on Consumer Behavior” 2013.
”Ethical Influence on Consumer Behavior”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Ethical Influence on Consumer Behavior”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Ethical Influence on Consumer Behavior [Internet]. 2013 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Ethical Influence on Consumer Behavior. Published 2013. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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