Thesis on "Ethical Problem or Dilemma"

Thesis 3 pages (1202 words) Sources: 2

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Ethical Problem or Dilemma

The ethics of fertility drugs and multiple births: Issue summary

The notoriety given to the 'octomom' Nadya Suleman has highlighted the ethical questions surrounding multiple births. Legally, there are few guidelines regarding the number of embryos that can be implanted into a potential mother's womb or the use of fertility drugs to stimulate ovary production. However, there are tremendous health risks to both the mother and children with pregnancies involving multiple births -- even twins. "During the pregnancy, the fetuses are cramped inside the uterus and compete for the same resources, and some may be weaker or smaller than others. The eight children…weighed from 3.4 pounds to 1.8 pounds...The media should not make this into heroic case," said one doctor, "This is anything but a heroic case. This is very bad medicine" ("Extreme multiple births," CNN, 2009).

Basic ethical and legal issues

Thus, it is arguable that to protect the life of the mother, to protect the lives of her future children, and also to contain the tremendous healthcare costs that children born as a result of multiple pregnancies pose to society, reproductive technology such as fertility drugs should be heavily regulated. The counterweight to this argument is that legally, women fought for decades for reproductive autonomy. Just because certain ethical decisions make someone uncomfortable, personally -- such as late-term abortion or multiple pregnancies -- does not mean that they should be outlawed, as the impingement upon the individual's privacy ultimately causes more harm to the social contract between government and its cit
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izens. In fact, arguing that doctors should not have an 'opt out' option regarding abortion has been a core part of the pro-reproductive rights movement, as this limits women's access to abortion. Increasing rather than decreasing access and choice is a cornerstone of reproductive freedom

First impressions

"Some fertility doctors would answer that it's not their job to decide how many children a person can have," and some say "Who am I to say that six is the limit? There are people who like to have big families & #8230;I am not a policeman for reproduction in the United States" (Caplan 2009). After all, doctors help patients make questionable decisions every day, such as electing to undergo plastic surgery to improve their appearance, despite the risks posed by anesthesia. Moral intuition, however, suggests a gut reaction of horror. "With all due respect, the idea that doctors should not set limits on who can use reproductive technology to make babies is ethically bonkers…One very good reason not to do so is if a doctor believes that what the patient wants would put children at grave risk… cost of neonatal care for [Suleman's] eight new children probably will exceed $1 million….When they are discharged from intensive care, more millions of dollars in medical costs likely await, not to mention the help Suleman will need just to handle all of her children's basic needs." (Caplan 2009). Suleman may be an extreme case, but "Cost of multiple births can easily top $100,000" even for twins and triplets (Roan 2007).

Formal guidelines

The usual cause of multiple pregnancies (in nature twins are rare, multiples over three almost unheard-of) is the use of fertility drugs. "The cost of treatment often persuades couples to try infertility drugs instead of opting for the more predictable IVF, Grainger says. One cycle of IVF can cost $10,000 while fertility drugs can cost a few hundred dollars (Roan, 2007, p.3). This is ironic, given that insurers could actually save money in the long run, as well as limit health risks and heart ache, by covering IVF,"… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Ethical Problem or Dilemma" Assignment:

Current Event Issue I

Please describe an ethical problem or dilemma from the media or personal experience.

Each paper must be formatted according to the evaluation method used and each step must be a major heading in the paper.

An example using the Spinello model for major headings in a paper might be:

1. Summary of the issue or event

2. Basic ethical and legal issues

3. First impressions

4. Formal guidelines

5. Analysis

6. Single or competing

7. Normative conclusion

8. Public-policy implications

9. Normative conclusions

Richard Spinello provides a similar seven-step process for ethical analysis designed specifically for IT professionals, and it is geared toward development of public policy and law. His sixth step entails adding an original normative conclusion: what should happen? His seventh step includes the questions: "What are the public-policy implications of this case and your normative recommendations? Should the recommended behavior be prescribed through policies and laws?" This approach can be useful for IT organizations seeking to better structure and define policies and procedures (Spinello, 1997, p. 45).

Here are all Seven-Steps:

1. Identify and formulate the basic ethical issues in each case. Also, consider legal issues and whether ethical and legal issues are in conflict.

2. What are your first impressions, your moral intuition about the problem?

3. Consult appropriate formal guidelines, the ethical and/or professional codes.

4. Analyze the issues from the viewpoint of one or more of the three ethical frameworks.

5. Do the theories lead to a single solution, or do they offer competing alternatives? If competing, which principle or avenue of reasoning should take precedence?

6. What is your normative conclusion*****”what should happen?

7. What are the public-policy implications of this case and your normative recommendations? Should the recommended behavior be prescribed through policies and laws?

How to Reference "Ethical Problem or Dilemma" Thesis in a Bibliography

Ethical Problem or Dilemma.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Ethical Problem or Dilemma (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Ethical Problem or Dilemma. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Ethical Problem or Dilemma” 2009.
”Ethical Problem or Dilemma”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Ethical Problem or Dilemma”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Ethical Problem or Dilemma [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Ethical Problem or Dilemma. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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