Research Paper on "ESL Vocab Acquisition Deriving a Pedagogical Strategy"

Research Paper 10 pages (3474 words) Sources: 12

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ESL Vocab Acquisition

Deriving a Pedagogical Strategy for Vocabulary Acquisition Instruction

Among ESL Students

Learning a new language is among the most confounding of challenges to those entering into new countries of school systems. In addition to the conceptual and practical challenges that impact this process, there are considerable cultural and structural obstacles that the learner must face. This is why the discussion on English Second Language (ESL) instruction is so highly beset with philosophical and pedagogical disagreement. As the research hereafter will consider, the task of providing English language instruction to a classroom of learners should be informed by strategies proven effective by cogent research. But as a focus in instruction widens from an emphasis on generative linguistics to an inclusion of vocabulary acquisition strategies, the job of devising an instructional strategy has been confounded by an absolute glut of ideological consideration. Within said consideration is an endless array of comparative research examinations aimed at endorsing vocabulary acquisition strategies and at demonstrating the presence of some best practice standards there within. The present research is aimed at parsing through some available research in order to construct a strategy for designing a classroom curriculum.

Statement of Problem:

As noted here above, the overarching problem in our research is the over-abundance of opinions and positions relating to the use of vocabulary acquisition strategies. This largely owed to the relatively new discussion on its value and the increasing acceptance of this ide
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a. The result is the need identified here and illustrated by the research to produce a more navigable framework for designing an ESL curriculum based on available research.

Literature Review:

The literature review presented hereafter offers a preliminary examination of the research subject and a preview of the methodology in its more expanded form.

Aykin, N. (2009). Internationalization, Design and Global Development: Third International Conference. Springer.

The text by Aykin is a collection of articles designed to offer a comprehensive look at the human experiences created by the irresistible forward thrust of global free trade. Phenomena in commercial engagement, technological accessibility and political orientation have created an increasingly interdependent global community. The essay of particular interest to the present research in this text is that by Devshikha Bose and Dotty Sammons, which examines one aspect of English language development within this context. The essay in question is of use to the research here for a number of reasons, not the least of which is its emphasis on computer-mediated strategies for assistance in vocabulary acquisition. This denotes a distinctly modern approach to helping ESL students develop broader and more fluid vocabularies in which "language learners can develop second language literacy skills and intercultural understanding by reading authentic texts on the internet and in multimedia computer-assisted language learning environments. Students have been found to make significant learning gains when they were able to use technology support scaffolds that were congruent to their preferred learning strategies than they did in non-technology supported learning conditions." (Aykin, p. 148) This is a valuable strategy endorsement that can be used to further a research endeavor focused on the prospects for computer-mediated instruction. In addition, the context in which the article is presented also offers a subtext denoting the relationship between technology, globalization and such cultural experiences as language acquisition.

Brown, T.S. & Perry, F.L. (1991). A Comparison of Three Learning Strategies for ESL Vocabulary Acquisition. TESOL Quarterly, 25(4).

The article by Brown & Perry (1991) is the earliest of included studies here and serves as something of a precursor to many of the comparative studies that would emerge thereafter. The research approach is something of a template for others included in this study which are collectively aimed at measuring emergent vocabulary acquisition strategies. Here, the strategies in question are denoted as 'depths of processing' and are divided into three categories of testing: keyword, semantic, and keyword-semantic. The research would ultimately find that different levels of language proficiency called for different strategies. Divided into two groups, respondents in the lower proficiency group responded best to keyword methods whereas those in the higher proficiency group responded best to keyword-Semantic methods of instruction. Among the applications of value to the present research is illustration of the necessity to account for different proficiency levels when constructing a research design.

Cervatiuc, a. (2008). ESL Vocabulary Acquisition: Target and Approach. The Internet TESL Journal, 14(1).

The article by Ceravutic (2008) is distinct among those considered because it evaluates native vs. non-native English speakers. Its subject of focus is whether or not the latter can acquire a receptive knowledge of vocabulary on par with that of the former. One of the most valuable aspects of this article is that it actually attempts to provide instructors with a practicable strategy for implementing an instruction approach. The article offers that assessment that "teachers of English as a second language and curriculum developers may want to consider creating teaching materials and designing units in accordance with word frequency lists and concordances in order to approach vocabulary instruction in a principled and systematic way that is informed by research findings." (p. 1)

Coady, J. & Huckin, T.N. (1997). Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition: A Rationale for Pedagogy. Cambridge University Press.

The text compiled by Coady and Huckin (1997) offers an array of essays by various authors which examine different issues facing second language learners. Many of these essays are focused on language comprehension through various vocabulary development learning frameworks and contributed to the evolving discussion on this aspect of ESL instruction. For instance, one illuminating essay, by Roann Altman, discusses the concept of vocabulary instruction using oral production based activities. Chapter 5 of the text, the essay uses a case study in the instruction of Hebrew using journal-driven data-collection in order to examine the characteristics identified the distinct stages of assimilating the language orally. Here, the essay observed that "the learner awareness expressed in these journal entries enabled the identification of approximately three stages in the acquisition of Hebrew verbs. The stages are, of course, somewhat overlapping since not all form in any one category can be learned at the same time. The tend, however, was as follows: That which was produced at one stage had been noticed at an earlier stage. That which was produced easily was once noted as problematic." (Coady & Huckin, p. 88) Such findings provide support for assertions in the research endorsing the effectiveness of vocabulary acquisition strategies for education. Further, a bevy of such assertions can be found through the myriad essays in this text, all of them contributing different strands and perspectives to a highly nuanced discussion.

Collins, M.F. (2005). ESL preschoolers' English vocabulary acquisition from storybook reading. Reading Research Quarterly, 40(4), 406-408.

The article by Collins (2005) focuses on the experience of young ESL learners and therefore offers a study centered on the impact of storybook reading to preschoolers on their vocabulary acquisition. Building on the understanding that monolingual learners experience significantly better vocabulary acquisition outcomes when read to by their parents as preschoolers, the Collins study observes that "the treatment (i.e., explana- tion of new vocabulary) effected significant gains in ESL preschoolers' new vocabulary acquisition from storybook reading. Rich explanation, initial English receptive level, initial English expressive level, and the frequency of reading at home made significant, independent contributions to target vocabulary acquisition. L1 receptive level (i.e., Portuguese) did not influence significantly the acquisition of target vocabulary." (p. 407) This denotes that the use of storybook reading was, more than any other variables measured, the greatest effecter of successful vocabulary acquisition.

Kim, Y.J. (2008). The Role of Task-Induced Involvement and Learning Proficiency in L2 Vocabulary Acquisition. Applied Linguistics, 58(2), 285-325.

Kim (2008) provides a two part study on adult vocabulary acquisition as it is effected by different learning tasks. The purpose of the study is to build on a study by Hulstijn & Laufer (2001) asserted that that "a motivational-cognitive construct of task-induced involvement to account for variation in effectiveness." (Kim, p. 285) the article contributes the idea to the present research that instructional methods may have variant results and that these variances are less a consequence of distinctions between learning styles, aptitudes or cognitive abilities and that variances are instead connected to different instructional strategies. For instance, the study found that learning tasks which incorporated a high level of learner involvement had a propensity to lead to better initial learning and better rates of retention. Such studies serve to guide instruction by suggesting teaching strategies with proved effectiveness among adult ESL learners.

Laufer, B. (2009). Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition From Language Input and From Form-Focused Activities. Language Teaching, 42(3). 341-354.

The study by Laufer (2009) underscores one focal point of the present research, differentiating between the instructional philosophies emphasizing 'generative linguistics' and 'L2 vocabulary learning.' These key terms denote the more traditional former approach focusing on the construction of rules and context driven technical development of language use and a latter approach designed to build vocabulary. This approach, Lauer's study indicates, gained some ground in the 1980s and consequently… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "ESL Vocab Acquisition Deriving a Pedagogical Strategy" Assignment:

I/Topic: Research studies on ESL Vocabulary acquisition.

II/General Goal: Focus on the most important research studies on ESL vocabulary acquisition and their implications. Focus on the research methods used to understand the topic.

III/ Specific Tasks:

- Review 12 research studies on the topic of ESL vocabulary acquisition.

- The review will be followed by:

+ a/ A synthesis and a critical appraisal of the strengths and limitations of the existing research.

+ b/ Suggestions for future research on the topic.

IV/Length, Page format

-10 pages

- Double-spaced.

- 1-inch margins.

- Times New Roman font.

V/ Research paper format:

-Statement of the problem

-Review of the literature

-Methodology, results, discussion


VI/ Sources:

- Requirement: the 12 sources MUST include 3 KEY articles/books and 3 RECENT articles/books.

- Citation format: APA

VII/Mechanics/writing: The standard rule is to use underlining or italics to mark words when you refer to them as words. (The same would apply to parts of words.) If some of your examples are whole phrases, you might prefer to use quotation marks around your examples of words and phrases. If you need to use underlining or italics for special emphasis within words and phrases, be sure you use a system that is consistent in your paper; the reader should not be confused about why something is underlined or italicized.


How to Reference "ESL Vocab Acquisition Deriving a Pedagogical Strategy" Research Paper in a Bibliography

ESL Vocab Acquisition Deriving a Pedagogical Strategy.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

ESL Vocab Acquisition Deriving a Pedagogical Strategy (2012). Retrieved from (2012). ESL Vocab Acquisition Deriving a Pedagogical Strategy. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”ESL Vocab Acquisition Deriving a Pedagogical Strategy” 2012.
”ESL Vocab Acquisition Deriving a Pedagogical Strategy”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”ESL Vocab Acquisition Deriving a Pedagogical Strategy”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. ESL Vocab Acquisition Deriving a Pedagogical Strategy [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. ESL Vocab Acquisition Deriving a Pedagogical Strategy. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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