Essay on "Equiano's Awareness of His Lowly Status"

Essay 5 pages (1377 words) Sources: 1

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Equiano's awareness of his lowly status as a slave impel him to turn to a European religion; adopt European (capitalist) business practices; and become an 'individual' in the European and/or Enlightenment sense of that term? Do you think Equiano abandoned his 'roots,' by participating enthusiastically in European wars, religion, and commerce (including the slave trade), etc. Did he 'sell out' to some extent? Obviously, Equiano is a complex character. He was an abolitionist but he also participated in the slave trade and advocated the colonization of Africa (at the end of his memoir).

A former African slave among whites

Olaudah Equiano's autobiography is one of the first to have been written by an African-American and the first important slave autobiography, considering its influence on society as a whole. Although it is difficult to determine the writer's position in regard to the commercial character of slavery and slave-related businesses at the time, it is obvious that ending the institution was among his most praised goals. His choice to get actively involved in the European society is most probably proof of his desire to adapt to a particular community without letting preconceptions guide his behavior.

There have been several cases when Equiano was naively led to believe that it would be best for him to engage in supporting activities apparently meant to improve conditions for African people, only to find that the European society was less interested in investing in programs and more concerned about getting rid of people who were formerly slaves. Giving his rather beneficial relationship with those who owned him, it is very probable that the writer
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was primarily focused on improving living conditions for African slaves from around the world. Regardless of the motives behind writing the autobiography, it rapidly came to be appreciated by the contemporary society and in addition to the revenues it generated, it is considered to have been one of the main reasons for which the European community (the English community in particular) started to promote abolitionist convictions.

Equiano's choice to profit as a result of the knowledge he accumulated through the years does not necessarily have to be seen from the perspective of a biased anti-slavery individual. It is likely that he recognized the fact that there was little that he as an individual could do for his counterparts being sold and tortured around the world. As a result, he concentrated on bettering his condition, as he knew that capitalism was primarily based on one's influence in society.

In an environment valuing concepts like money, reputation, and social status in general, Equiano needed to do anything in his power to have those around him see him differently. His involvement in the slave business and his determination to support African colonization can be attributed to his concern about improving conditions for slaves. He was aware that it was very unlikely for slavery to be abolished during his lifetime and thus struggled to pave the way for the future.

One cannot blame Equiano for the fact that he came to behave more like Europeans than like people belonging to his own race. His ability to adapt and to make the best out of a situation earned him the right to freedom and self-improvement. Even though the contemporary society was determined to exploit Africans as much as possible, Equiano gradually demonstrated his superior intellect and came to be appreciated because of his character and because he was quick to learn.

Considering other stories involving Africans and their suffering as slaves, it is very probable that Equiano's autobiography was fueled by real-life occurrences. If one were concerned about producing an account that would impress society, it is likely that the respective person would involve more shocking narratives, as conditions for Africans were horrible at the time and an individual could have easily written an impressive book only by gathering stories from slaves.

Equiano demonstrated that an African was equally capable of earning money and of engaging in commercial affairs, with race being little more than an impediment imposed by society. Given his triumph in making enough money to earn his freedom, he and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Equiano's Awareness of His Lowly Status" Assignment:


General instructions:

--The paper should be double-spaced, 1250 words long or longer.

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--You may draw upon information/perspectives gleaned from the *****"Prof*****" lectures and associated links, but the main ideas and particular approach should be yours. Do NOT use web sample papers, SparkNotes, etc. to get ideas or for phrasing. Do NOT do secondary research via the internet or elsewhere. Turnitin flags down papers that may have plagiarized phrasing or sections.

--Use whatever citation method for the primary text(s) that you have been taught in your Composition classes here at or elsewhere. Or the one that you use in your own discipline/major. Be consistent in the method.

--Refer to the Checklist at the end of this file; you are expected to take care, to the best of your ability, to meet the criteria established on the Checklist. Note the grading scale.

--Do not provide a cover page; put your name/classname/date turned in/option#/your title at the top of the first page.

--Be prepared, should it be requested, to supply a draft stage of the essay (if you*****'re wondering; this helps discourage plagiarism!). This means you must remember to permanently save a draft at some point as you are composing.

--Organization, quality of analysis, and style will all be factors in determining your grade, worth 25% of the course grade. Be sure to make a computer-disk backup.

Choose one of the options below for the topic of your essay. These options are not intended to box you in, but to provoke insightful and original analysis. Do not just *****"answer*****" the questions below*****they are intended to help you discern complexity, tensions, and even inconsistencies in our authors:

OPTION THREE: To what extent does Equiano*****s awareness of his lowly status as a slave impel him to turn to a European religion; adopt European (capitalist) business practices; and become an *****˜individual***** in the European and/or Enlightenment sense of that term? Do you think Equiano abandoned his *****˜roots,***** by participating enthusiastically in European wars, religion, and commerce (including the slave trade), etc? Did he *****˜sell out***** to some extent? Obviously, Equiano is a complex character. He was an abolitionist but he also participated in the slave trade and advocated the colonization of Africa (at the end of his memoir). Try to explain some of the tensions or contradictions in his character, by looking both at his psychology and at some of the social forces at work in the Eighteenth Century or Enlightenment era. It*****'s up to you to devise a main point about Equiano that gets at his complexity without being meandering! (Again: don*****t just answer the questions!)

Tips for analytical essay writing:

TITLE: Your title is the first chance to make an impression. A vague title (e.g., *****"John Locke*****'s Ideas*****" or Locke*****s Second Treatise) that could fit any other paper written on the same author or text gives a vague impression, indicating that the essay to follow likely lacks a focused main point.

AUDIENCE: Assume an audience much like your fellow students--familiar with the work, but unfamiliar with your particular approach, and therefore requiring specific examples (textual evidence, i.e., quotes) to understand, appreciate, and accept your analysis and argument. Avoid plot summary or tedious repetition of an author*****'s points without higher level analysis, however. It is very easy, especially with the Equiano topic, to end up just summarizing his life rather than analyzing the way he presents himself and the context within which he presents himself.

IDEAS: Good ideas come not from your abstract memory of a text, but from your close reading and paying attention to details that might radiate out into larger patterns of meaning. I do not expect you to come up with something *****"new*****" from my perspective, but something *****"new*****" from your perspective. If you don*****'t make a discovery in the process of drafting the paper, it probably will not be very satisfactory.

THESIS/DEVELOPMENT: Good essays unfold a major, focused idea or argument (your thesis) stage-by-stage, in a manner that will be compelling and convincing to the reader. This means that the old, boring high-school strategy of breaking down your basic idea into three (more or less disconnected) sub-points may not be the most suitable arrangement. Instead, for example, an essay (depending upon the thesis, of course) could in the first fourth highlight some intriguing contradiction or tension in a text (note that in the topic options # 1, #2, and #3 above I*****m directing you to investigate complexity, perhaps even inconsistency, in Locke or Equiano); the next fourth might frame the tension in terms of a larger moral, literary, philosophical, religious, or historical debate or issue; and the last two fourths would illustrate the ramifications of the tension for the text you*****'re exploring (tensions resolved? and if so, by what means? tensions not resolved? and if so, how does the author/narrator cope with irresolution?). An essay can be thoughtful and well-organized, and yet still be confusing to the reader. Most often this occurs because the essay ***** needs to provide clearer sign-posts to the overall argument. At crucial junctures (the topic sentence for a paragraph introducing a new stage of your argument), try to foreground analytical points rather than just something about character or the plot or the page-by-page sequence of a text*****'s ideas.

There are two basic patterns of development:

Deductive: here, you state the thesis of your argument (your main point) directly up front (i.e., by the end of your introduction) and proceed to provide evidence for your main point. For example: you could make your main point *****"Equiano*****'s obsession with status is not defensible*****" or *****"Equiano*****'s obsession with status is justified.*****" And then the subsequent paragraphs would present aspects of your position and your evidence for those aspects.

Dialectical/inductive: here you proceed to make successive more complex discoveries through a thesis--antithesis--synthesis pattern. For example: the first third of your paper would explore how *****"Equiano is obsessed with status*****"; the second third would explore *****"how Equiano is in fact filling in a void with status seeking*****"; and the last third would pull the two ideas together through a more complex observation, that *****"Equiano fills in his grief of being exiled from his native country by seeking to emulate the status values of European culture*****" (note how what seems to be a negative point about Equiano--that he is a sell out by seeking status--ends up to be a more complex positive point). Rhetorically, in your introduction you would still need to state your overall point as (for example) *****"Equiano fills in his grief...*****" or you might want, without being vague, to state the thesis as a problem that your paper in effect solves, but without giving the solution immediately: *****"Clearly, Equiano*****'s eagerness to obtain status makes his character a vexing one if we assume he should remain consistently loyal to his native country or identity.*****"

Here is another example from Locke. Say you had to write a paper on Locke*****s chapter on property/money, but were given broad latitude by your professor. Your ultimate thesis might be something like *****Locke advocates equality politically, but in the process allows for inequality in wealth acquisition*****. Notice how the argument/stages of argument below get unfolded:

1--Locke begins with anti-hierarchy and a labor theory of value; nobody subordinated/everybody has an equal chance to obtain property.

2--But problem of irrational punishment etc. and spoiling/hoarding: so consent to gov*****t and money.

3--1 and 2 come together in your entrepreneurial freedom for a contract b/w employee/employer, based not on labor value but on *****market***** value (Locke implies, but does not directly make these points).

4--No longer a *****fair***** correspondence between labor and the fruits of one*****s labor results.

INTRODUCTIONS: Keep us focused on the text or author or main idea. Do not start off with weighty generalities about morality, the human condition, and so on. Avoid the *****"funnel*****" opening paragraph if possible. If your introduction is more than a single paragraph (it might be two paragraphs if, for instance, you were setting up an author in terms of especially pertinent historical or cultural background), give an extra line space between the introduction and paper proper.

QUOTES: Depositing too many long quotes in a paper wastes space. Too few or no quotes, however, suggest inattention to the text or texts. You should probably have one or two longer, inset quotes, which you set up and analyze; the purpose here is to indicate that there are especially key or symptomatic passages that warrant lingering over because they are so revelatory. Quotes, besides helping to anchor/prove your points, often lead to analytical discoveries as you ponder/unpack them.

Grading scale (Turnitin will indicate your numeric*****100-0*****grade score; the grading scale is the traditional equivalents: A- = 90+; B- = 80+; and so on):

A = Focused, interesting main idea suggesting that you read, re-read, and probed around the text at hand. Prose is not merely correct: it is compelling and sophisticated. Organization makes sense given the topic and argument of the paper. The paper is of sufficient quality that it could be put online as a sample paper.

B = Main idea and development are clear, but the organization is weak in a section or two, or there are a few sentence or punctuation glitches that suggest careless editing.

C= Paper has a main idea, but not thought through by attending to the text or author actively. Organization falls apart at key moments. Sentence construction, although usually correct, is often imprecise or wordy. Nearly every page shows signs of careless editing.

D = The thesis is vague, and the organization is very chaotic. The paper indicates little insight about or basic understanding of the author/text. Or the prose/grammar suggests the need to go to the Writing Center.

F = The paper was not turned in. Such will receive (on a 0-100 scale) a *****0*****.


Use the checklist below to help you edit/revise your paper before you submit it:

Three tips for effective revising:

-- Revise with *****"fresh eyes*****": revise at least a day after you*****'ve completed a substantial draft.

-- Use a printed copy and revise at a different locale than your computer.

-- Revise in four *****"loops,*****" using the revision checklist below.


____ ____ sharply focused: no extraneous material

____ ____ complex aspects of issue thoughtfully examined

____ ____ judicious use of supporting specifics/quotes


____ ____ unified paragraphs, with clear topic sentences

____ ____ transitions between ideas and sections of essay

____ ____ essay unfolds stage-by-stage, no unnecessary *****"back-tracking*****" or repetition of sections


____ ____ straightforward and precise phrasing, without sentence fragments or run-ons

____ ____ few boring *****"is*****" verbs

____ ____ appropriate use of transition words

____ ____ varied sentence length and patterns


____ ____ correct use of possessives and punctuation

____ ____ correct match between verbs and subjects

____ ____ no typos/misspellings

How to Reference "Equiano's Awareness of His Lowly Status" Essay in a Bibliography

Equiano's Awareness of His Lowly Status.”, 2011, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Equiano's Awareness of His Lowly Status (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Equiano's Awareness of His Lowly Status. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Equiano's Awareness of His Lowly Status” 2011.
”Equiano's Awareness of His Lowly Status”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Equiano's Awareness of His Lowly Status”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Equiano's Awareness of His Lowly Status [Internet]. 2011 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Equiano's Awareness of His Lowly Status. Published 2011. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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