Thesis on "Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action"

Thesis 10 pages (2574 words) Sources: 8 Style: APA

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Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action

Affirmative Action

This brief study examines the issue of the policies of Affirmative Action and the policies of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Findings in this brief study demonstrate that Affirmative Action policies are outdated and are in a need of review due to the unforeseen and reverse discrimination perpetrated by these policies which were intended to mitigate and eradicate discriminatory practices.



Human Resource Management's role is critically important in terms of the equal opportunity for employment and specifically in regards to affirmative action in the hiring process as well as in other areas of relations with employees of the organization. Affirmative Action was very important and greatly needed at one time in history however, in today's highly globalized and integrated society characterized by diversity Affirmative Action has become instead of that which bring about equity, that which brings about inequity among individuals in the organization through making the specialized provision of heightened opportunity for individuals who are of a minority racial and ethnic background.

Background and Significance

The work of Rogers (2008) published in an UWire Column entitled: "Affirmative action Policy is Outdated, Offensive notes the statement of Elliot Larsen concerning affirmative actions stating that it is "the attempt to deal with malignant racism by instituting benign racism." (2008, p.1) Rogers states th
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at in actuality affirmative action is a policy "that requires active measures to be taken to make certain that blacks and all minorities enjoy the same opportunities in all aspects of life a policy used mostly in employment and school admissions processes. But when race become the ultimatum in admissions decisions, everybody has a right and a need to question these policies." (2008) p.1

While there are those who hold that this form of favoritism is "overdue compensation for years of slavery. But since when has liberty and justice for all meant repentance for our ancestors' pasts?" (2008) p.1 Reverse discrimination is often scoffed at when mentioned however, there is just such a case worthy of note that was heard before the U.S. Supreme Court and was one involving the University of Michigan Law School who was tried for reverse discrimination relating to the school's admissions policies and specifically the school was accused of granting admissions upon the basis of a point system and had granted admissions to the school for promotion of diversity and interracial relations and interactions. However, when the verdict was returned it effectively supported the factor of race as "a factor in admissions decisions." (Rogers, 2008) p.1 Rogers asks the question of whether this "more fully integrated society" should be "more integrated on the basis of ideas and cultures rather than color? We need to reward hard work, discipline and achievement. We need to discontinue judging students because of their race rewarding some and punishing others." (2008) p.1

The significance of this problem is the fact that there are very capable, properly educated and trained and even experienced individuals who are being passed over for employment in today's market upon the basis of nothing other than their racial profile and while it may surprise the majority of people, that individual being discriminated against is the individual from the majority race because special opportunities are being specifically provided for those of minority races. Affirmative Action in today's world is no longer necessary at least that is, not in its' original form. Indeed this work intends to show just how outdated Affirmative Action has actually become and just how lacking in relevance to the workplace of contemporary organizations Affirmative Action really is.

Literature Review

The U.S. Department of Justice - Office of Justice Programs states that the Affirmative Employment Programs cover a wide spectrum of activities involving affirmative action planning for the recruitment, hiring, placement, training, and advancement of historically underrepresented and/or underutilized groups within the workforce. These activities focus on enhancing the representation of American Indians/Alaskan Natives, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans/Pacific Islanders, African-Americans, persons with disabilities, females, and Vietnam-era veterans at all levels within the agency." (U.S. Department of Justice - Office of Justice Programs, 2009) This is accomplished through four programs stated to be those as follows:

(1) Affirmative Employment Program (AEP) Plan for Minorities and Women. Annual report update prepared pursuant to Section 717 of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and the EEOC's Management Directive 707, as amended. Program objectives are to target occupations in the agency for affirmative action efforts; to monitor the hiring, advancement, and training of minority and female groups which are underrepresented in the targeted occupations; and to examine any barriers that may hinder recruitment, hiring, placement, and promotion of minorities and women;

(2) Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program (FEORP) Plan. Prepared annually and administered pursuant to Section 310 of the Civil Service Reform Act (CSRA) of 1978, and the Office of Personnel Management's Federal Personnel Manual, Chapter 720, which sets forth the objectives and initiatives the agency will undertake through affirmative recruitment to eliminate any under representation of minorities and females in the workforce;

(3) Affirmative Employment Program Plan for Hiring, Placement, and Advancement of Disabled Individuals. Prepared annually in accordance with Section 501 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. § 791); Reorganization Plan No. 1 of 1978; Executive Order 11478 (34 F.R. 12985, August 10, 1969), as amended by Executive Order 12106 (44 F.R. 1053, December 30, 1978); and EEOC's Management Directive 711. Federal agencies must ensure that qualified disabled individuals have equal opportunity to be hired, placed, and advanced in Federal jobs. Affirmative employment must be an integral part of ongoing agency personnel management programs. Agencies should employ persons with disabilities in a broad range of grade levels and occupational series, and agency policies should not unnecessarily exclude or limit persons with disabilities though job structure, design, architectural, transportation, communication, procedural, or attitudinal barriers; and (4) Affirmative Action Program Plan for the Recruitment and Hiring of Disabled Veterans. Prepared annually by the agency pursuant to Section 403 of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, as amended (38 U.S.C. § 4214) and 5 CFR Part 720, Subpart C. It sets out the agency's objectives to ensure equal employment opportunity for all disabled veterans, especially those who are 30% or more disabled. (U.S. Department of Justice - Office of Justice Programs, 2009)

The work of Holmberg (2008) Affirmative Action as Outdated as Discrimination" states that universities in the United States are operating under policies that disguise as affirmative action but in reality result in an increase in abrasive racial encounters and heightening "racial tension…"(p.1) Holmberg states that Administrative Action was

"…originally intended to level the playing field, affirmative action has become a constantly misused practice. On Eastern New Mexico University's campus, a student was recently denied the opportunity to even apply for a job because of his race. Kevin Mulloy, a white student, attempted to apply for a job with African-American Affairs on campus, but says he was turned down before he ever received an application because he admitted to having no African-American heritage. The job was actually posted on ENMU's Web site and stated, in no uncertain terms, that to qualify for the job applicants needed only to have work-study and be African-American." (2008) p.1

The work of Burke and Cooper (2005) entitled: "Reinventing Human Resource Management: Challenges and New Directions" states that diversity management is "necessarily inclusive, and requires efforts across HRM responsibilities and in all aspects of organizational functioning." (Burke and Cooper, 2005) the conceptualization of diversity management as a comprehensive set of processes is now recognized." (Burke and Cooper, 2005) While the AA and EEO programs were attempts to increase the presence of "underrepresented groups…unfortunately many of these practices were symbolic or found to be illegal or improperly implemented." (Burke and Cooper, 2005) While these programs did positively effect the "presence and pay of underrepresented groups…Roosevelt Thomas (1990) argued that affirmative action as an independent approach to workforce diversity was limited and outdated." (Burke and Cooper, 2005)

It is the view of Thomas that the changes to the "landscape [were of the nature] that the realities facing us are no longer the realities affirmative action was designed to fix." (Thomas, 1990, p. 107 in Burke and Cooper, 2005) While the emergence of diversity management was perceived by some to be merely a fad it is related in the work of Ivancevich and Gilbert (2000) that it clearly was not only a fad but in fact "diversity management has swelled to a $300 billion a year industry." (Burke and Cooper, 2005)

The work of Kepple (1995) entitled: "The Fallacy of Affirmative Action" states that the time has come "to end affirmative action. The time has simply come to end the existence of a program that began with the best intentions but now appears more paradoxical to the concept of America as a melting pot: a multicultural society in which we have to quote "equality for all, and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action" Assignment:

The following format is required:

Title: The title is a concise statement of the subject of the paper

Abstract: The abstract is an "executive overview" of your paper. It should be a 50-to-l00 word summary that would be appropriate to give your manager so that he/she would know the essence of your project without reading the paper in its entirety.

Introduction: In this section, state the purpose of the paper in succinct, declarative sentences.

Convince your reader that

1. the study will have a practical value and meaning for you and

2. the study will be based upon the concepts studied in the course.

the study will be based upon the concepts studied in the course.

Background and Significance: This section provides further justification of the need for your study. If your project examines a topic drawn from your work, you should include description of your work environment, your position in the organization and how your position fits into the organization, both vertically and horizontally.

Explain the applicable concepts from the course. If your project is focused on a particular organization, explain how these concepts apply to that organization. What is the organization doing well? Would it benefit by adopting some of the concepts you have been studying?

Discussion, Implications and Recommendation: In this section, you should provide a thorough discussion of your findings and the implications of your study. Be sure to include only the pertinent implications.

You should also present your recommended action plan. This plan will vary based on the type of project you selected. For example, it may be a personal action plan for you follow in your present position or in a position which would enable you to put the plan into action. If your project is a literature review, then your recommendations may be focused on what issues need further research. Be sure that the recommendations are realistic in terms of the appropriate HR concepts and, if applicable, the organization you have studied.


How to Reference "Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action" Thesis in a Bibliography

Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action” 2009.
”Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Equal Employment Opportunity Affirmative Action. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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