Essay on "Environmental Sustainability"

Essay 4 pages (1072 words) Sources: 20 Style: MLA

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Environmental Sustainability

Reduction of biodiversity, global warming and water and air pollution are the major threats out planet faces today. As long as the human race will depend on the natural resources provided by this planet, the entire world will have to combine efforts to help environment sustainability. Countries fighting poverty that depend on their natural resources to a level that makes them essential for their development, are especially affected by any negative effects on the environment.

As emphasized in the Global Monitoring Report 2008, "Achieving environmental sustainability has both a national and a global character. Some actions, such as reducing particulate matter in urban areas, will have largely local effects. Other actions, such as mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, will affect global sustainability. Other activities, such as reducing deforestation, can have impacts that are both local and global"(Worldbank, 2008). Thus, the targets the United Nations Development Programme is intending to reach through Millennium Development Goal 7 must be focused both on "integrating the principles of environmental sustainability" (UNDP, 2006) at a national level and on international cooperation.

The preoccupation for environmental issues dates as far back as the late nineteenth century. In the United States, the first organism that dealt with the conservation of natural resources was the Sierra Club established in 1892. "In its first conservation campaign, Club leads effort to defeat a proposed reduction in the boundaries of Yosemite National Park" (Sierra Club, 2008).

At the beginning of the twentieth century, there w
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ere international conventions aimed at the conservation of the international waters as well as the border waters and the marine life (Long, 200).

The industrialization and economic growth that started in the second half of the twentieth century made the efforts toward the conservation of natural resources and the reduction of pollution mandatory (Long, 2000).

The Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) shares a portion of its work with those institutions and organizations specialized in tackling the issues of environment. Air and water pollution were the first and most obvious factors that triggered the alarm in the industrially advanced countries, claiming their toll of deaths and illnesses.

Today's list of participants in the Global Environment Facility counts 177 countries. The Mission of the GEF is to create the conditions for international cooperation to provide the funding necessary "to achieve agreed global environmental benefits in the areas of biological diversity, climate change, international waters, and ozone layer depletion" (GEF). The organism is also addressing "land degradation issues, primarily desertification and deforestation" (GEF). The projects of GEF are managed by principally by the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Development Programme and the World Bank. The U.S. Department of State's Fact Sheet from August 2002 indicated the U.S. were "the largest contributor to the GEF" (U.S. Department of State).

The Bureau of Oceans, Environment and Science (OES) in the U.S. Department of State points out that there is a yearly los of forest area of 22 million acres all over the world (U.S. Department of State), moreover water and air pollution have no borders. The health, economic state and security of the Americans are, according to the OES also depending on the environmental problems faced at a national and international level (idem).… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Environmental Sustainability" Assignment:

This paper is to be written as a persuasive essay, arguing why ensuring environmental sustainability is important. Also, the essay should include what the United States (as a national body) can do to help maintain environmental sustainability, as outlines in the Millennium Development Goal Seven. This may be expressed as a logical, cohesive argument that would tackle international environmental issues. The essay must be written from a global perspective, taking into consideration current/past issues in countries all around the world. The essay must include references to the work of the United Nations, and any efforts that have already been done to address this issue. This is a formal paper *****“ to be written without the use of any first person, but should include a minimum of three quotes. All information must be properly cited within the text, and a bibliography page including all used references must be attached to the essay.

How to Reference "Environmental Sustainability" Essay in a Bibliography

Environmental Sustainability.”, 2008, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Environmental Sustainability (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Environmental Sustainability. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Environmental Sustainability” 2008.
”Environmental Sustainability”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Environmental Sustainability”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Environmental Sustainability [Internet]. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Environmental Sustainability. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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