Research Paper on "Draft Sustainability Plan Going Green and the New Meadowlands Stadium"

Research Paper 6 pages (2524 words) Sources: 0

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Environmental Sustainability: a Global Effort

In this author's opinion, environmental sustainability needs to be a group effort. The problem with past efforts to deal with environmental sustainability is that the efforts have been too compartmentalized. In recent experience, cooperation on the part of business, government and international organizations in cooperation has shown real progress to mitigating the environmental sustainability problems that add so much to global environmental change.

The counterargument to environmental sustainability is that this is not government's responsibility or that whatever is done on private property is the owner's business. The simple counter to this is that the water is rising. Global change is here and in our face and unless we get together and cooperate, we are done.

Environmental sustainability is a hot news item and this author did not have to go far to find this out when they read a news release from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Green Team with regard to the new Meadowland's stadium and it's green construction design. The EPA is promoting green construction and operations projects and educating about major development projects (shopping malls, sports stadiums, etc.). This is due to the sheer size of the environmental impact they have. Indeed, every component of the projects' design, construction, operation and maintenance as well as waste generation dwarf the environmental concerns of smaller construction projects such as homes and businesses ("The "green team," 2010).

The EPA Region 2 "Green Team" is helping developers incorporate more sustainable construction, operation
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and maintenance projects. The Green Team tailors the information specifically for each project on technologies and practices that can help project sponsors improve their energy and water efficiency, reduce waste and increase recycling, incorporate the use of clean fuels and vehicles, the use of environmentally-friendly building materials, landscaping products and landscaping practices and save money in the process. In addition to the Meadowlands, other major northern New Jersey and New York City development projects that signed agreements with the EPA included DestinyUSA, New York Mets, Montclair State University, St. John's University, Cushman and Wakefield, Monmouth University, Raritan Valley Community College, Stony Brook University Hospital, Rutgers University, Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc. And North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System (ibid.).

Of course the jewel in this crown for EPA Region Two is the memorandum with developers of the New Meadowlands Stadium which will house the New York Giants and the New York Jets sports teams. EPA Acting Regional Administrator George Pavlou stated that "This ambitious, comprehensive plan set forth by the two team ownership groups is a blueprint for new sports venues everywhere. The agreement was very complex and the goals were to cut the stadium's annual water use by 25%, making the Meadowlands 30% more energy efficient that Giants Stadium, increasing total recycling by 25% and to recycle 75% of construction waste ("New meadowlands to," 2009).

The Meadowlands project is a very important example. 40,000 tons of recycled steel will be used to build the stadium, including 20,000 tons of steel from Giants Stadium when it is demolished. The seating in the stadium will be made partially from recycled plastic and scrap iron. The stadium itself is to be built on a former brownfield. The air pollution from construction vehicles is to be reduced by using cleaner diesel fuel, engine filters and shortening engine idle time. Environmentally friendly concrete is used in the construction. Water consumption was to be reduced. Energy efficiency will be increased in the building, including providing mass transit options for fans. Traditional concession plates were to be replaced by plates, cups and carries made with compostable alternative materials (ibid).

The area of northern New Jersey is certainly not unique with regard to the need for environmental sustainability in the planning and execution of large scale building projects. This is the case on a planet-wide basis as well. In the age of globalization, it is critical to develop a global outlook with regard to dealing with global problems in the area of environmental sustainability that touches so many of us in common. In addition, just as in New Jersey, humanity is finding that it is necessary to unite the efforts of government, business and community organizations in a concerted effort to engage in the planning and execution of these projects. Seemingly, the days are over when the jobs could be compartmentalized. The issues are so complex that without this concerted effort, resolutions are not possible. In addition to environmental sustainability and environmental issues directly related to the projects themselves, subjects such as economic sustainability, impacts upon agriculture and resource management come into play.

Wealth and trade are key components in the resolution of problems of environmental sustainability. The United Nations (UN) itself has recognized this. Poverty stricken nations frequently do not have the resources to combat problems of pollution. In a very recent UN news release, a very senior official underlined that trade is a vital tool in transitioning the present global economy to a green one and that it is important that developed nations help underdeveloped ones make this shift in response to global climate change. "We just cannot avoid confronting the environmental issue," stressed Supachai Panitchpakdi, Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), at the start of a two-day Geneva meeting of experts on the linkage between trade and environmental sustainability. According to Dr. Panitchpakdi, poorer countries will need stepped-up assistance to acquire the technologies that they need to ensure that their economic growth is environmentally friendly. He further pointed out that inequalities in resources and technology could result in only a few countries while everyone pays the costs of environmental damage. This makes the $100 billion per year pledged for developing countries to adapt to and mitigate climate change at a December, 2009 UN conference in Copenhagen critical if the goals set are to be met by 2020. In addition, critical new green technology needs to be transferred from the developed to the developing countries. Environmental sustainability is a "wonderful concept but what it means and how it happens is the issue," said Sha Zukang, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs and Conference Secretary-General for Rio+20. In this way, a green economy can be shaped to serve the greater goal of environmental sustainability for all of the world's peoples (United Nations, 7 October 2010).

The author feels that the UN leaders have identified the key element here and that is global cooperation. Only in this way can the environmental sustainability movement succeed in its efforts to mitigate climate change before it is too late.

Africa has provided experiences that illustrate the above points succinctly. One of the big reasons for people in the Third World to have a lot of cynicism about efforts on to promote environmental sustainability is that in the past corruption has hampered the efforts. Indeed, as the current recession illustrates, there is a lot of corruption to go around in both the developing and the developed worlds. However, in Africa the corruption is at such a high level in terms of its permeation of the government and society that it is at such serious levels that it hampers the functioning of free markets. These are the very free markets that the UN officials quoted above hope to facilitate the exchange of information, money and efforts to facilitate environmental sustainability. While in many countries in Africa have been problematic, in a Journal of Environmental sustainability article that examples that can be found in African countries such as South Africa, Zambia, Botswana and Egypt have demonstrated that it is not completely impossible to attack corruption. The then vice president of Zambia made this a prime challenge when he declared that "In response to this demand of the people, and it its desire to rid our country of the vice of corruption my government has adopted an attitude of zero tolerance of the scourge and has accordingly made the crusade against corruption a top priority (Kadembo, 2008, p. 58). According to the article's author Ernest Kadembo, sees the call for internationalization as exactly the thing that intellectuals fleeing Africa's corruption, poverty and repression have been waiting for years for. While the continent's condition is admittedly dire, Kadembo believes that this can mitigated by calling for radical action. This is necessary to keep corruption from killing the very marketing process itself (ibid, 62). His first recommendation lies in the creation of principled governments that will respect the rule of law and are transparent in governance and accountability. Secondly, he urges the education of the people so that they can be more organized and take up the challenge of questioning leadership or to demand accountability. The resources will have to come from international sources, just as the UN officials surmised. Kadembo's third recommendation is the call for appropriate legislation and monitoring. Finally, he recommends the citizens of Africa to support international efforts to sponsor accountability and transparency that will be conditional in order for international aid. There is a limit to what can be asked of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Draft Sustainability Plan Going Green and the New Meadowlands Stadium" Assignment:

I need a draft please, guidelines about half way down

Edit Submission: Investigation Paper - Draft (Attempt 1 )

Due Date: October 10, 2010 11:59 PM

Type: Work individually

Grading Criteria: Alphanumeric

Status: In Progress (Attempt 1)



Investigation Paper

Objective: To explore and become familiar with an issue related to sustainability

Purpose: To develop research and argumentative writing skills for upper-level inquiry papers and to integrate appropriate visual images into a text

Format: Essay

Length: Minimum of 1,500 words of text not including title or references

Audience: General, educated audience

Value: 30% of the course grade

Benchmark Dates and Values: Six benchmarks, their value, and their due dates are as follows:

*****¢Proposal (5%) due FRI SEPT 17 (post in Discussion folder)

*****¢Bibliography (5%) of at least 30 sources due FRI SEPT 24

*****¢Draft (16.6%, 5 points) due for peer and instructor review FRI OCT 8 (post in Assignments -- Investigation Paper --DRAFT)

*****¢Peer Review (3.3%, 1 point) due by FRI OCT 15

*****¢Online Conference (2 participation points) between OCT 11 to 18

*****¢Revision due FRI OCT 29 (post in Assignments -- Investigation Paper--REVISION)


The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you know how to find sources for a research-based essay, then construct a persuasive argument that uses material from those sources for support and include appropriate visual images to help illustrate the evidence you present. The topic will be an issue related to sustainability, *****development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs***** (The Dictionary of Sustainable Management). The thesis will be the overall judgment you make of this issue, its causes, and potential outcomes. The thesis must be able to be supported and appropriate to the task.

Below are some suggestions for topics, though you are not limited to this topics:

*****¢Sustainable development in _________ (a country/state/city/community, an industry)

*****¢Sustainability movements at universities

*****¢Economic sustainability for __________ (women, minorities, disenfranchised groups)

*****¢Sustainability policies in specific companies

*****¢Social sustainability

*****¢Environmental sustainability

*****¢Consumption and sustainability in the office

*****¢Greening of ________ (office, business, industry)

*****¢IT and sustainability

Choose a topic that interests you, and aim to align it with your field of study. For example, if you are a marketing major, how might you incorporate sustainability strategies to enhance a company*****'s intangible image to the public? If you are an engineering major, how might a development company ensure carbon footprints are minimized? If you are a sports management major, what is the International Olympic Committee doing to ensure sustainability has a focus during the Vancouver Olympics?

Then, create a research question which has one of three possible answers: yes, no, maybe. For example: Has this current focus on sustainability in product development and corporate life added value to a product or corporation? Answers: yes, no, maybe. You can find sources which will support either yes or no, and sources which see shades of gray. It will be up to you to explore the topic, then use the material you find to answer the question in one of three ways.

Research Proposal

The research proposal is worth 5% of the project grade. A proposal for research, which includes a topic, a research question, several possible search terms, and what you want to learn (which is different than what you want to find) is due by Friday, September 17th.

Bibliography of Sources

The bibliography is worth 5% of the project grade. For the purposes of this assignment, you must find useful material from journals, other periodicals, and specialized web sites. Though some older sources may provide some historical contexts, the majority of your sources (at least 75%) should have been created/published/broadcast within the past two years (from 2008 onward). Books may be used for historical comparisons, but you may find few books dealing with some of the current issues related to environmental effects/effects on the environment.

You must submit a bibliography of a minimum of 30 initial sources from the following categories:

A) At least 20 articles found in the ABI/Inform Database, published in scholarly journals and substantial publications (e.g., Economist, Barron*****'s, Scientific American).

B) At least 5 podcasts/broadcasts of feature stories from major media outlets (CNN, NPR, CNBC, etc.).

C) At least 5 web sites devoted to sustainability (see Sustainability Resources on the main course page).

Keep in mind that in the final paper, you probably will not use all 30 resources; however, 30 resources should provide both depth and breadth to your research.

The bibliography is due by 11:59pm on Friday, September 24th.

Consult the Mason Library Help with Research, Library Catalog, and The Mason Library Databases Page for help with your research.


The draft is worth 15% of the project grade.The draft of the project will be due by 11:59pm on Friday, October 8th.

Peer Review & Conference

Peer review counts as part of the grade for this paper (5%) and for participation (2 points). You must submit your paper for peer review, provide peer review to your teammates, and then incorporate your teammates*****' feedback into your own paper. Peer review will be due by Friday, October 15h.

We will also have an online conference about your project sometime between October 11th and 18th. This will count as 2 participation points.


The revised research project is worth 70% of the project grade. The revision of the project will be due by 11:59pm on Friday, October 29th.


Grades will be based on the following criteria:

· Content: Includes a strong and explicit argument (thesis statement), based on the findings of the research question, in the introduction which will guide the reader through the evidence.

· Content: Includes a thorough discussion of the evidence for the argument.

· Content: Includes some discussion of the counterargument and why the argument should override the counterargument.

· Content: Includes a conclusion which focuses on the why the argument should be made (the implications).

· Content: Includes at least two appropriate visual images (charts, graphs, images, tables) which help illustrate the evidence used to support the argument.

· Content: Includes a unique title which clearly indicates what the essay is about.

· Content: Meets minimum length of 1,500 words not including title and reference information.

· Format: The essay is word processed in 12 point font, using standard U.S. spelling, sentence structure and punctuation.

· Format: The essay is written in paragraph form and includes at least two graphical images.

· Format: Listed in an upper corner of the first page are your name, due date (and revise the due date on revisions!) and course information (e.g., ENGL302-BXX).

· Format: The paper is formatted, cited and documented in APA Style.

· Format: The entire paper is in the same font style. (Font sizes can be smaller for footnotes and page numbers, but the style should be the same as the text.

· File is named userid_research (e.g., dbeach_investigation)

just an example of resource-

How to Reference "Draft Sustainability Plan Going Green and the New Meadowlands Stadium" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Draft Sustainability Plan Going Green and the New Meadowlands Stadium.”, 2010, Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Draft Sustainability Plan Going Green and the New Meadowlands Stadium (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Draft Sustainability Plan Going Green and the New Meadowlands Stadium. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Draft Sustainability Plan Going Green and the New Meadowlands Stadium” 2010.
”Draft Sustainability Plan Going Green and the New Meadowlands Stadium”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Draft Sustainability Plan Going Green and the New Meadowlands Stadium”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Draft Sustainability Plan Going Green and the New Meadowlands Stadium [Internet]. 2010 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from:
1. Draft Sustainability Plan Going Green and the New Meadowlands Stadium. Published 2010. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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