Research Paper on "Strategic Management Facebook Case Presentation"

Research Paper 20 pages (5597 words) Sources: 1+

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Environmental Analysis

Technical trends

At the current time there are many different trends in the field of social networking technology. One of the most popular trends is associated with technologies that allow users access to various social networking websites instantaneously through portable devices. This means that when someone is looking at a Face book page, send twitter messages, get music and watch YouTube. This technology is currently available via cell phones, the iPad and other portable devices. Now more than ever people have greater access to one another through social networking sites and the technology that has been created to support their use.

One of the major trends is the use of different apps or applications to carry out specific task. These apps can be downloaded for a fee and many apps are also free. These apps allow people to do everything from receiving important new update to turning on their lights before they get home. Overall these apps are designed to make peoples live simpler and they are being used as high rates.

Another major trend is voice over internet protocol (VOIP). Although this technology has been in existence for quite some time, the popularity of the service has increased because the technology allows people to make phone calls using their internet connections. This has transformed the way people perceive telephone service. Instead of paying a monthly bill this technology allows people to pay a specific amount per year that is much less than telephone service. In the years to come it is quite possible that this type of telephone service will have a negative effect on conventional telephone co
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Personal media is also a popular trend within the realm of technology. The concept of personal media allows users to upload pictures, video and audio. All of these capabilities enhance the manner in which technology can be utilized and how people interact with one another via technology.

Demographic Trends

The population is growing in diversity and changes in this area of the population will likely continue well into the future. In fact experts have predicted that by the year 2050 White people will become the minority. The following graph depicts the demographic trends related to race in America.

According to the Pew Research Center there are many other demographic trends taking place. For instance the center explains that there has been an increase in the return of multigenerational households. The center also explains that

"The multi-generational American family household is staging a comeback -- driven in part by the job losses and home foreclosures of recent years, but more so by demographic changes that have been gathering steam for decades. As of 2008, a record 49 million Americans, or 16.1% of the total U.S. population, lived in such a household, up from 28 million, or 12.l% in 1980. Such households had been more common a century ago, but began to fall out of favor after World War II. Now they are coming back (the Pew Research Center)."

The research center also explains that the Millennials, people in their teens and twenties are a dynamic part of the current American demographic. These individuals are becoming adults and as such they are on the verge of entering the workforce and becoming productive members of society with incomes. The article describes people in this age group as "confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and receptive to new ideas and ways of living. The article also explains that millennials are "more ethnically and racially diverse than older adults. The Great Recession has set back their entry into the labor force, but they are more upbeat than their elders about their own economic futures and the overall state of the nation. And they are the first "always connected" generation, steeped in digital technology and social media (Millennials: Confident. Connected. Open to Change, 2010)."

Much of the baby boom generation has reached retirement age but is still active. Many have been forced to get part time jobs because of the condition of the economy and increases in certain costs associated with living expenses. Many in this generation are now grandparents and many also have a great deal of disposable income.

Economic Trends

At the current time the economy in many different places in the world are in recession and some are recovering from recession. Unemployment is a major issue in the United States . According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the unemployment rate is currently 9.3% (How the Government Measures Unemployment). Over the past two years the unemployment rate has reached record high as a result of the recession.

Various states throughout the country are being faced with budget deficits as a result of the collapse of the housing market, high unemployment and the overall state of the economy. Many states have been forced to cut many state sponsored programs. At the current time inflation rates are relatively low at 2.0%. The following graph depicts the changes in inflation rates over the past decade.

The current state of the economy has drastically increased the number of people enrolling in undergraduate and graduate programs. At times of recession people often feel that obtaining more education will be beneficial and increase the likelihood that they can find employment once the economy begins to recover.

Although there are economic problems on a global scale, these issues seem to have little to no effect on the use of social networking sites. In fact people seem to use these sites more as they are able to keep in touch with family members and friends that live in other areas of the country or of the world. These sites provide people with a free way of communicating with loved ones. Additionally these sites generate so much traffic that the companies make a great deal of money from advertisements.

Political and Legal Trends

In recent years there has been a great deal of concern about laws related to internet users. This concern has heightened in recent months as a number of young people have committed suicide as a result of cyber bullying. Cyber bullying can occur through instant messaging programs and social networking sites. People can send intimidating messages to one another electronically. In some jurisdictions laws have been established to address this issue. However in other jurisdictions the issue of cyber bullying has not been addressed through current laws. Much of the difficulty in establishing such laws is associated with the fact that technology grew at a much faster rate than did legal parameter to govern new technologies. As a result there has been a concerted effort to ensure that laws protect internet users.

There have also been many legal issues related to peer exchanges of music and movies which violates copyright laws. Over the past few years individual users have been sued for downloading music and movies from the internet through peer-to-peer services. Most recently a peer-to-peer service known as Limewire was given a $1 billion fine for providing the technology that allows for the peer-to-peer downloading of music that has not been paid for. The recording industry was able to get the judgment because the company violated copyright laws. Copyright violation and the manner in which the internet has affected the recording industry can be seen in the rapid and substantial decrease in the amount of music that is sold. Instead of purchasing CDs or even downloads, people have used peer-to-peer sites to download music and as such there has been a decrease in record sales which has affected to recording industry in negative ways.

In both of the discussed instances, legislators have been forced to developed laws based on the increased use of technology and the types of technology that are available. Although there are some federal laws that govern internet use, there are also many laws that are different or are not present at all based on the jurisdiction. In any case social networking sites are impacted by these laws. As such the individuals that own these sites have a responsibility to ensure that users know what the laws are and the consequences associated with the violation of such laws.

Sociocultural Trends

People seem to have an overwhelming desire to be connected to one another via technology. People of all ages have cell phones and other devices that allow them to stay connected. This technological mindset is a sociocultural trend that has forever changed the manner in which people interact that the types of relationships that people have.

Another sociocultural trend is the "going green" phenomenon. This phenomenon is associated with being environmental friendly and making lifestyle choices that reduce damage to the environment. This includes everything from recycling cans to composting. Many companies have also developed products such as cleaning supplies that are more environmentally friendly. The awareness of the harm that has been done to the environment has forever changed the manner in which people function in society.

The obesity rate in American and the subsequent diseases and illnesses that can develop as… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Strategic Management Facebook Case Presentation" Assignment:

This is a case analysis paper about facebook. I am going to upload instruction and basic case information that you should take a look at before you start working on the paper after reading instruction. I want you to put some graphs that can be useful. I want you to do the *****"A. General environmental analysis*****" and *****"B. Industry analysis.*****" which are part of *****"II. Situation Analysis*****" (See table 2 at page 3 of the instruction) If you have any question please contact me.


How to Reference "Strategic Management Facebook Case Presentation" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Strategic Management Facebook Case Presentation.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Strategic Management Facebook Case Presentation (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Strategic Management Facebook Case Presentation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Strategic Management Facebook Case Presentation” 2010.
”Strategic Management Facebook Case Presentation”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Strategic Management Facebook Case Presentation”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Strategic Management Facebook Case Presentation [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Strategic Management Facebook Case Presentation. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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