Business Proposal on "Enterprise Saas ERP System for Workforce Dynamics"

Business Proposal 11 pages (2948 words) Sources: 2

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Enterprise SaaS ERP system for workforce dynamics and better capital expenditure (CAPEX) saving and improved security: A proposal

The recent advancements in Information Technology coupled with the various inefficiencies and risks associated with the implementation of the traditional Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system has led several experts to suggest the need for small and medium business adoption of a cloud-based ERP system. The impact of cloud computing has been indicated by the work of Goel, Kiran and Garg (2011) to be great. This proposal presents a ubiquitous cloud-based ERP system for increased mobility and better capital expenditure saving among other potential benefits.

The problems with the traditional ERP systems

The problems with the traditional ERP systems includes; Complicated setup processes, too much room for the IT infrastructure needed, costly software, businesses cannot concentrate on their core businesses since IT maintenance would cost more and take much time and resources, lack of enterprise mobility, downtime and malfunctions as well as the need for continuous upgrades and updates. The modules in the traditional ERP system are also not able to talk to each other. At the end the traditional ERP system proves to be too costly to business enterprises.

2. Benefits of cloud-based ERP will provide to the organization

Cloud-based ERP system has several advantages over traditional ERP systems. Drumm (2011) presented the following advantages of Software as a Service (SaaS) ERP systems.

Cost cutting: SaaS ERP system is indicated to help in the reduction of operation
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al costs as well as capital expenditure on the software licenses, hardware as well as implementation services.One also pays only for what they use. It also leads to an acceleration of the time-to-market as well as a reduction in the costs of maintaining a data center.

Scalable as well as elastic: SaaS ERP system is noted to help organizations adjust to the various changes to the levels of resource demands in a quick a fashion and with very little effort. This is because it can provide and de-provide its resources dynamically, lead to a reduction of the unused capacity as well as maximize the available resources for improved efficiency.

Efficient: The SaaS ERP system makes businesses to benefit from the shared hardware, familiar technologies as well as automated processes. This means that that system is able to effectively increase its peak-load capacity, provide access to organizational resources from almost everywhere via PC or any other internet enabled-devices. The system also leads to a reduction in the energy usage as well as the level of physical footprint.

Flexible: The SaaS ERP system can adapt to the changing business needs. This means that it can easily adapt to the ever dynamic nature of a distributed workforce.

Secure: The system is also secure due to the multi-level data security system which it employs

Business approaches

The business would therefore need to engage on a total overhaul of the traditional ERP system via a systematic business process reengineering.

Technological approach

The technological approach that will be used is cloud computing and more specifically SaaS-based ERP implementation.

3.The beneficiaries of the completed project

The implementation of the SaaS ERP system will target the entire organizations. The parts that will most likely be affected are human-resource, sale and marketing department as well as general management.

Milestone 1:

Background of the Company

Napoleon Foundry Works LLC is a metal foundry that manufactures different metal tool, motor vehicle parts (gears, nuts, bolts) as well as railway parts. The company sources its raw materials from abroad and then transports them to their main plant is Chicago. The final products are then manufactures and then sent to the distributors. The company uses has achieved a critical mass and it has come to appoint when it's necessary it to concentrate on waste-cutting activities as a better revenue-generation technique as opposed to concentrating in increasing sales.

Problem statement

Napoleon Foundry Works LLC has over the years managed to achieve good results in regard to revenue generation initiatives. The recent financial crisis that rocked the U.S. manufacturing industry as well as the increasing cost of acquiring raw materials and maintaining a healthy workforce has means that the company has to come up with a cost cutting strategy that would allow it to maintain a competitive advantage and profitability in its core business. Since it is quite clear that the company has already acquired a critical mass, it no longer places emphasis on increasing its sales. The increasing cost of doing business therefore means that the company must acquire the latest technology in its endeavor to cut-costs and reduce wastages. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is the technology and technique that can be employed by the company in order to make profits and stay afloat in the harsh and turbulent manufacturing environment. One is for sure; it would be easier for the company to cut cost by 10% than to strive to increase sales by 10%.The other challenge that faces Napoleon Foundry Works LLC is attributed to its rapid growth over the years. This problem is caused by the general lack of good organization which is indicated to lead to several expensive errors as well as extremely poor levels of customer satisfaction.

The Solution

The solution to this problem is the use of an agnostic and yet ubiquitous cloud-based ERP system that would lead to increased mobility and better capital expenditure saving among other potential benefits.

What is an ERP system?

An ERP system in its basic definition is noted by Al-Fawaz et al. (2008) as an enterprise-wide information system which effectively integrates as well as controls all of the business processes within a given organization. Nah and Lau (2001) on the other hand noted that an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is a packed business software system that effectively enables a company to efficiently and effectively manage is use of resources such as human resource, material and finance through the provision of a total and yet integrated solution for the given firm's information-processing needs. The software effectively facilitates the integration of every aspect of functional information flow across the entire business enterprise into a single package that is well connected and having a common database. The ERP system therefore allows for the easy and yet immediate access to all sorts of information on customer, product, inventory as well as previous history as noted by Shehab et al. (2004). Initially an ERP covered just the routine transactions before expanding to cover external clients as well as suppliers as noted by Turban et al., (2006).The ERP to be implemented by Napoleon Foundry Works LLC must have both the capability and functionality to effectively facilitate the free flow of information across all organizational processes both internally and externally. The ERP systems are also noted to help in connecting customers, suppliers as well as distributors externally via e-business platform. For the project to succeed; it must be supported by Napoleon Foundry Works LLC's top management as top management support is indicated by Zhang et al. (2002) to be a prerequisite for the success of ERP adoption and implementation.

Benefits of coming with a solution to the problem.

An implementation of an ERP system allows for the standardization of business processes by ensuring that the information that flows through the organization is structured as well as useful. This is especially useful since the company has almost 10 different departments. The employees are also able access information across the organization in order to locate, store as well as share the information sourced from a centralized repository. This leads to more efficient processing as well as workflow with very few errors. The ERP can also help the management and the executive in acquiring a clear insight into the exact state of a given organization.

Business as well as technical approach

The organization already has a traditional ERP system which is noted as ineffective and inefficient due to its lack of communication between modules as well as cost of maintenance. The problems with the traditional ERP systems includes; Complicated setup processes, too much room for the IT infrastructure needed, costly software, businesses cannot concentrate on their core businesses since IT maintenance would cost more and take much time and resources, lack of enterprise mobility, downtime and malfunctions as well as the need for continuous upgrades and updates. The modules in the traditional ERP system are also not able to talk to each other. It therefore seeks to acquire a cloud-based SaaS ERP system. The benefits of the cloud-based ERP system are numerous.

Cloud-based ERP system has several advantages over traditional ERP systems. Drumm (2011) presented the following advantages of Software as a Service (SaaS) ERP systems.

Cost cutting: SaaS ERP system is indicated to help in the reduction of operational costs as well as capital expenditure on the software licenses, hardware as well as implementation services.One also pays only for what they use. It also leads to an acceleration of the time-to-market as well as a reduction in the costs of maintaining a data center.

Scalable… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Enterprise Saas ERP System for Workforce Dynamics" Assignment:

The purpose of the Course Project is to describe the solution to a business problem where technology can be of value. The initial paper is an introduction to the topic which you are choosing. You have enough knowledge to describe the major concept of the paper and then prepare the first milestone. It then evolves in incremental fashion throughout the course.

As an example, you could write their papers on some aspect of ecommerce. They might pick the topic of 4G mobile devices and tie it in to targeted advertising.

You could then tie the back-end databases that are necessary to support the ideas for his or her growing project (for example, how databases contain information that allows vendors to target their audience, and what those databases are).

The paper could then describe the infrastructure and networking (at a non-technical level) that would be required to support the idea (for example, the Web server farm behind the 4G devices etc.).

The functionality of enterprise systems moves to the cloud, and so the course project can tie the kind of systems enterprises that are required, as well as how the function is delivered. The paper could describe how ERP or CRM or supply chain functionality would be used. In the example, this could be how a business person would access this type of information.

When it comes to security, it can be tied nicely into what you have already written and you can describe the types of security, etc., required for their paper. Again, by way of example, the issues of security with mobile devices and in social networks would be a topic that would be interesting.

The Proposal and the three milestones are a single document. Submit the entire, growing document for each milestone and be sure to include a table of contents.


1. Describe the overall proposal in terms of the business problem being solved. Some ideas are:

a. Lack of competiveness and or profitability

b. Inefficient processes

c. Slow product development

d. Obsolete IT organization and technologies

e. Poor corporate communications

f. Ongoing personnel issues

2. Indicate the benefits it will provide the organization. This can be things like:

a. Financial ***** profitability, revenue, product costs*****¦

b. Improved competitiveness

c. Better marketing positioning

d. Efficiency in key processes, e.g., sales, manufacturing, development

e. Improved product and/or service quality

f. Improved product development

g. Better and more accurate support turn-around

h. Preparation for the future ***** how is the organization positioning itself for future growth

3 After identifying the business problem and the benefits describe:

a. Business approaches that can solve the problem, e.g., business-process reengineering

b. Technological approaches that can be used, e.g., cloud computing, outsourcing, mobile devices and a very long list of possible paths.

4. Who is the completed project directed toward, e.g., management, peers, customers, specific departments?

The proposal does not explain what each of the milestone will discuss or technologies used. As you learn about the relationship of business and technology, you will see areas that can be changed to bring about the desired change.

Milestone 1:

Based on the proposal, the paper starts describing the business problem, the benefits and the first part of the proposed solution. You will most likely not know the entire solution or all of its parts until you have a chance to learn about them. Don*****t be concerned if you cannot visualize the entire solution or all of its parts until you have a chance to learn about them. You know the goal, but not the detail of the pieces.

1. Briefly restate the business problem (the subject)

2. Company background

3. Discussion of business issues

4. Briefly restate the benefits of solving the problem

5. Describe the initial business/technical approach to solving the problem.

6. Describe at a high level the solution.

7. Example:

a. The business problem is high cost of IT and product development and*****¦

b. The benefits are profitability, etc., faster development time, increased sales and*****¦

c. The solution is cloud computing, this paper describes how the solution solves the problem and the cloud computing approach taken, e.g., SaaS or cloud virtualization.

d. The paper does not talk about the specifics of how this is done.

Milestone 2:

Given the information from the first milestone, the second milestone proposes some specifics of the solution. It chooses some area and highlights it. We cannot say what this will be, because for each topic you choose for the first milestone, it will yield a different second milestone. The structure of this milestone is the same as the first one, except that it is written like chapter 2 in a book. You don*****t restate the business problem, benefits, etc. You just pick the technologies or business practices or some of each that add detail to the first milestone.

1. Technology or business practices used to augment the solution in milestone 1.

2. Example:

a. Pick a cloud virtualization vendor, e.g., Amazon EC2

b. Describe the value of this approach:

i. Reduced IT staffing costs

ii. Reduced equipment costs

iii. Reduced real estate costs

iv. Improved application accessibility

c. Describe how this would be accomplished:

i. Type of EC2 services and costs

ii. Type of employees to retain

iii. Changes in infrastructure

iv. Application migration path

v. Business process changes

Milestone 3:

Do exactly what who did in milestone 2, except now you are writing chapter 3.

1. Technology or business practices in addition to those described in milestone 2.

2. Conclusions and overall recommendations

3. Summary of milestones

4. Example:

a. Improve employee access via mobile devices giving employees access to applications from any location

b. Choose appropriate devices:

i. Devices that work with IT infrastructure

ii. Cost/benefit of devices

c. Roll-out plan

Course Project Overall Table of Contents

Cover Page

Table of Contents

Proposal (2-3 pages):

1. Subject of Course Project

2. Business problem statement

3. General benefits it will provide the organization

4. High level approach(es)

5. Audience

Milestone 1 (minimum of 3 pages):

1. Brief Company background

2. Discussion of business issues

3. Benefits of solving the problem

4. Business/technical approach

5. High level solution.

Milestone 2 (minimum of 3 additional pages):

1. Technology or business practices used to augment the solution in milestone 1.

2. Value of the approach

3. Business process changes

Milestone 3 (minimum of 3 additional pages):

1. Technology or business practices in addition to those described in milestone 2.

2. Conclusions and overall recommendations

3. High-level implementation plan

4. Summary of project

The Course Project*****s focus is on the use of technology to solve specific business problems. While the list of technologies that you can choose for your Course Project is vast, the following are some current technical topics that you could consider in solving your business problem.

1. Cloud computing, either cloud storage, and/or cloud applications

2. User involvement in IT projects

3. Mobile devices including phones and tablets

4. Targeted advertising

5. B2C and/or B2B and other types of e-commerce

6. Back-end databases required for your project

7. Infrastructure and networking (at a non-technical level) that would be required to support your idea (for example, the Web server farm behind the mobile device)

8. Business and process reengineering to streamline a business, followed by several new business technologies to support the new business model

9. The implementation of a secure business (website, software development, administration)

10. Development of an e-commerce website for a brick and mortar business

You will deliver the Proposal and its 5 subsections. This includes information before the Proposal i.e. Cover Page and Table of Content, and also contains a References section. Note that this additional material does not count towards the 3 page requirement for the proposal. In subsequent weeks, you will add a new section (Milestone 1, 2, etc..), expand the table of content, and add some more references..

1. This is a formal proposal and it should be about 3 pages long (stated in the Course Project of Week 1). For example, turning in a one a page proposal will get you 1/3 of the total grade.

2. The proposal should have a cover page with an appropriate project title. Make it a descriptive title and NOT something like: *****Course Project *****

3. The proposal should have a table of content with two heading levels i.e. Level 1 heading is:

a. Proposal , and level 2 headings are:

i. Subject of The Project,

ii. Business Problem Statement,

iii. Etc*****¦ (you can find these level 2 headings at the bottom of the Course Project from Week 1).

4. Break down the body of the proposal into the subheadings described in the previous item (i.e. level 2 headings) and make sure to include these subheadings in the proposal.

5. Make sure that information within each subheading relates to the title of the subheading: often, people write a subheading, and the body of the text deals with completely different matter than that of the subheading. For example, within the *****Business Problem Statement*****, you should only discuss the business problems and not some other stuff. So, if the text within a section is not relevant to the heading, then the whole section does not earn many points.

6. Organize each subsection into a series of paragraphs, with each paragraph containing ONE idea i.e. do not write long and convoluted paragraphs with so many ideas that you and the reader get lost. Best strategy is, before you start writing out a section, to start by writing out the list of ideas (one or two words) for each subsection in bullet form. Then convert each bullet into a paragraph by expanding it with explanations, examples, etc. I highly urge you to put the main idea (one or two words) of each paragraph in BOLD. This way, you remain focused on that idea and the paragraph stays focused. In general, you should not have a paragraph that is shorter than 4 or 5 sentences. (So again, start by creating the skeleton of your deliverable, before you start writing it all out. Once you have a good skeleton, writing it out becomes very mechanical. The other way around is not true i.e. piles of sentences/paragraphs do not necessarily yield a good skeleton, therefore, yields a bad paper).

7. Be careful with sentence structure. It*****s much easier to write in short sentences, than ones with over 3 or more lines. Properly punctuate your sentences.

8. Be careful with grammar and typos. Best strategy is to complete writing the proposal couple days before it*****s dues, put it away, and then re-read it and edit it before you submit. If your writing skills are weak, either work on improving them, or have someone read and edit your work for you. I did NOT say have someone write it: I just said have someone edit it and suggest mechanical writing corrections.

9. The proposal should have at least one good reference that is used in the proposal. Two references are even better. Remember, this is not an *****essay***** where your personal opinion/point of view is the most relevant. It*****s rather research based work. So, build your argument on the shoulders of giants in the field. Find who these are, and use them as your allies. Note: With each deliverable, you should have one or two more references added to the paper.

How to Reference "Enterprise Saas ERP System for Workforce Dynamics" Business Proposal in a Bibliography

Enterprise Saas ERP System for Workforce Dynamics.”, 2012, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Enterprise Saas ERP System for Workforce Dynamics (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Enterprise Saas ERP System for Workforce Dynamics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Enterprise Saas ERP System for Workforce Dynamics” 2012.
”Enterprise Saas ERP System for Workforce Dynamics”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Enterprise Saas ERP System for Workforce Dynamics”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Enterprise Saas ERP System for Workforce Dynamics [Internet]. 2012 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Enterprise Saas ERP System for Workforce Dynamics. Published 2012. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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