Essay on "Enterprise Resource Planning"

Essay 3 pages (1135 words) Sources: 3

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Enterprise Resource Planning

When it comes to vendors and ERP systems, many companies just blindly do whatever the vendor suggests. These companies also often just choose the first ERP vendor they talk to, or one that was recommended to them by another company. That is not always a good business practice, because there are many ERP vendors available and some of them will be much better suited to a particular business than others will. If a company takes the time to find the right ERP vendor, that company can have a much better experience. However, if the company gets into the wrong partnership, it can spell disaster. ERP, or enterprise resource planning, is such an all-encompassing type of system that is it crucial to a business's success that the right vendor and the right software be used (Burns, n.d.).

Locating the right company and software for the job is something that all businesses must consider, no matter what size they are or what kinds of needs they have (Donovan, 2011). Overall, vendors often have too much of an influence on the ERP decisions that organizations make. That comes into play because some organizations are uncertain about what kinds of software they can get and what that software will do. Because they have trouble with that issue, they simply rely on the vendor to tell them what they need (Krigsman, 2011). That might seem to make sense, since the vendor knows the product. Unfortunately, the vendor really does not know the business. He or she can find out quite a bit about the business by working closely with company representatives, but that still is not going to provide all of the information that the company has.

Because vendors
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do not know all that there is to know about the companies to which they sell ERP systems, there is a very real danger that the vendor could get something wrong and that could cost the company in inefficiency and lost profits. That is worth considering, but too many companies do not know how to work properly with vendors. Companies that are planning on using ERP systems must focus on what they need before they go after a system that will provide that to them (Wailgum, 2010). In other words, the company should take the time to assess its needs and understand what would meet those needs, rather than allowing the vendor to determine what he or she feels the company's needs actual are and how the software that he or she is trying to sell can best meet those needs.

Companies must remember that vendors, while largely ethical and helpful, are in the business of selling ERP systems to companies. If a company is unsure what it needs, the vendor can end up with a much larger role in the determination of the ERP system than he or she should have (Donovan, 2011). That can be avoided, but only by businesses that know what they need. For companies that are not sure about what all ERP systems can really do, determining exactly what is needed is highly difficult. Working with more than one vendor can be a good choice for these companies, so that they can best decide what will work for them and what may be faulty or simply unnecessary (Burns, n.d.). There are many companies with ERP systems that are not used to their fullest potential, and… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Enterprise Resource Planning" Assignment:

Like any complex information technology, ERP systems can be deployed in many different kinds of ways. Since enterprise systems by definition are as broad as the enterprise itself, it follows that the number of ways it could be implemented is limited only by the imagination of the participants -- which, in an organization of any size, is almost unlimited. Obviously, not all of these ways of implementing ERP systems are equally good; some will produce effective results and corporate returns; others will result in extremely expensive doorstops and paperweights.

As the case for this module, you*****'re asked to think about ERP implementation. For starters, please read two articles with practical advice regarding implementation:

Burns, M. How to Select and Implement an ERP. 180 Systems. Retrieved on May 10, 2011 from

Krigsman, M. Enterprise software development from an IT failure perspective Retrieved on July 26, 2010 from

Wailgum, T. (2010) 5 Easy Steps to ERP Software Success!. CIO Magazine, Retrieved on July 26, 2010 from

Donovan, R.M. Successful ERP Implementation the First Time.

Retrieved on May 10, 2011 from

You should also be prepared to use material from the Background Information or other related materials you find yourself (be sure to reference properly whatever specific sources you draw on).



Jones, K. (2005) The ABCs of Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) An Executive Primer. Aberdeen Group. Retrieved on July 26, 2010 from

Moellgaard, D. (February, 2009) Lifecycle of an SAP Enhancement Package for SAP ERP Retrieved on July 26, 2010

If you*****'re not familiar with the OpenDirectoryProject, click here for a quick rundown.

Case assignment expectations:

Use information from the review of the vendors and the modular background readings as well as any good quality resource you can find. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list (use APA format) at the end of your paper.

Take a good look at two to four of these ERP vendors from internet (Microsoft, SAP links are in the background oprional reading). Examine their web sites, look over the resources they make available, and read about how they see the process of implementing ERP. When you have completed this examination and made your notes appropriately in a 3-5 pages paper answering the following questions:

Your answer to the following question will be assessed:

*****"What do vendors seem to know and not know about implementing ERP systems? How much influence should vendors have in an organization*****'s ERP decision?*****"

The following items will be assessed in particular:

1. Evidence that you have reviewed two to four of these vendors, examined their web sites, looked over the resources they make available, and read about how they see the process of implementing ERP.

2. Definition of the basic concepts in enterprise systems enterprise resource planning

3. Description of some of the dynamics of implementation of ERP systems

3. Your ability to apply your understanding of complex issues involved in the case question.

4. Your support for assertions using examples, citations (use required readings), and elaboration to support assertions

5. Evidence that you have read the required background materials

6. Evidence of your thinking about the issues, and going beyond the obvious to develop an analysis reflecting your own critical thinking. (Note: This is discussed in Welcome Message and Module Home pages).

Case Expectations, and Grading Criteria:

Your paper will be evaluated on the following criteria (meeting minimum requirements is B performance):

_ Complete the case assignment.

_ Length of 3-5 pages (since a page is about 300 words, this is approximately 900-1500 words)

_ Conducted evaluation and analysis as required

_ Support for assertions using examples, citations (use required readings), and elaboration to support assertions. Evidence that you have read the required background materials

_ Precision: the questions asked are answered.

_ Clarity: Your answers are clear and show your good understanding of the topic.

_ Breadth and Depth: The scope covered in your paper is directly related to the questions of the assignment and the learning objectives of the module.

_ Critical thinking: It is important to read the *****"required readings*****" posted in the background material plus others you find relevant. Your paper should include important concepts from these readings and incorporate YOUR reactions and examples that illustrate your reflective judgment and good understanding of the concepts.

_Your paper is well written and the references are properly cited

How to Reference "Enterprise Resource Planning" Essay in a Bibliography

Enterprise Resource Planning.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Enterprise Resource Planning (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Enterprise Resource Planning. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Enterprise Resource Planning” 2011.
”Enterprise Resource Planning”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Enterprise Resource Planning”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Enterprise Resource Planning [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Enterprise Resource Planning. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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