Dissertation on "What Could Make Employee Satisfaction Surveys Worth While?"

Dissertation 50 pages (15085 words) Sources: 45

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Employee Satisfaction

Hygiene Factors and Dissatisfaction at Work

Productivity and Employee Satisfaction

Employee Satisfaction

Work Environment

The key thing that obstructs workers from attaining results for the customers

Employee Compensation and reward

Business Knowledge

Client Relations

The Power of Satisfaction

How employee satisfaction is achieved

Advantages of Employee Satisfaction Survey

Conducting an effective employee engagement and satisfaction survey

The organizational climate


Theoretical Framework

Benefits of job satisfaction

Different Types of Employee Satisfaction Survey Programs

Deciding on appropriate employee satisfaction method



Training of staff

Availability of information and Communication:

The process of establishing an employee satisfaction model

Importance of employees to an organization

Effects of employee satisfaction

The link between employee turnover and employee satisfaction

Human resource and job satisfaction

Employee Empowerment



In this paper we
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analyze how employee satisfaction survey can be made worthwhile through an extensive review of literature on the context of employee satisfaction survey. The importance of employee satisfaction is discussed. Ways of improving employee satisfaction presented. The factors that affect employee satisfaction are also discussed. The correlation of employee satisfaction with customer satisfaction is also discussed. Also discussed are ways of conducting an effective employee engagement and satisfaction survey. The different types of employee satisfaction survey programs are also presented.The process of establishing an employee satisfaction model are also discussed. This paper also presents extensive literature on the link between employee turnover and employee satisfaction. A conclusion is then made on the ways of improving the credibility of employee satisfaction survey on the basis of the evidence presented earlier on in the text.


In a seminal review of a literature concerning job satisfaction, it was noted that that scholarly articles exceeding 3300 have been published regarding job satisfaction. A study that was conducted by Harter, Schmidt, and Hayes' (2002) also stated that about 7,855 articles concerning the topic have been published since the year 1976 to 2000. A number of researches that examine the connection between satisfaction of the employees and the performance of the organizations have been carried. A good number of them have indicated a positive connection between a person's work attitudes and also their performance at the workplace (Iaffaldano & Muchinsky, 1985). Furthermore, current meta-analysis establishes a very substantive connection between personal job satisfaction and personal performance (Judge, Thoresen, Bono, & Patton, 2001).

Emery & Trist, (1960) argues that the performance of organizations relies on the congruence that occurs between both the social and technical structures of an organization. Based on this idea, the perspective of Human Relations is positing that workers who are satisfied are very productive (Likert, 1961). Therefore, the productivity of organizations as well as efficiency is attained via worker satisfaction and also when the management of the organizations pays great attention to the socio-emotional and physical needs of the workers. Researches of Human relations are further arguing that worker satisfaction can best be attained through the maintenance of positive organizational surroundings, like the provision of autonomy, making the employees to participate in the affair of the organization as well as mutual trust (Likert, 1961). From this logic, satisfaction of employees is capable of influencing the growth of regular interaction patterns in organizations.

The best means through which employers are capable of retaining their employees is to provide them by ensuring that they are satisfied with their jobs. The employers should also ensure that the employees are provided with the opportunity to advance in their professions. Eskildsen & Nussler (2000) are suggesting that a number of workers fight so as to get employees who are talented so that they may be capable of maintaining successful businesses. Hammer (2000) and other numerous authors and researchers are agreeing with this. Parrott (2000) tends to believe that a very straight line exists between customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction. He also tends to believe that the employees of today are posing new sets of challenges. It is usually very hard to get and also to retain workers. Job satisfaction has become a thing that the people who are working are seeking and besides, it is a very critical element that is capable of retaining employees in their organizations.

As stated above, a number of studies are indicating that the workers who are more satisfied with the jobs are also very productive, creative, productive, and besides, they are highly capable of being retained by companies for which they are working (Eskildsen & Dahlgaard, 2000; Kim 2000; Kirby,2000; Lee,2000; Wagner, 2000). A number of studies have also illustrated that a number of environmental factors are capable of being developed and maintained in order to make sure that the workers are satisfied with their jobs. Good pay and great benefits, effective and efficient communication (Brewer, 2000; Wagner,2000), justice, motivation, (Kirby 2000; Tristram 2000) and leisure (Rabbit,2000; Wilson,2000) are playing a very significant part in employee satisfaction.

It is a great fact that employees are capable of making or breaking an organization. Employees who are good are capable of producing results that are extraordinary. On the same note, marginal workers are capable of dragging and keeping the business down. Until now, a number of employers are still underrating the importance of workers (Deal, 2005). Davidson (2004) states that workers are very valuable assets to corporations. Indeed employees are catalysts of the organizations.The prosperity of organizations are directly connected to employee satisfaction. Retaining talented workers is very vital for any organization to succeed. It is an accepted fact that regardless of the economic situation, the most talented performers in the organizations are always having employment options (Freeman, n.d)

Significant correlations exist between worker satisfaction and other categories of business like the productivity of the employees, satisfaction of the customers, as well as the market share of the concerned organization (Hoisington & Huang, 1999).

Employees are playing an important work in the outcomes of the company's product

The Importance of Employee Satisfaction

Workers are assets having feet. There are a number of effects of employee satisfaction on an organization's business are numerous. The most profitable advantages of employee satisfaction are provided below. A number of studies are indicating that businesses excelling in issues concerning worker satisfaction minimizes their turnover by approximately 50%, have improved client satisfaction, have minimized cost of labor by approximately 12% and again, employee satisfaction is capable of lifting the margins of pretax by approximately 4% (Carpitella, 2003). In short, employee satisfaction is capable of improving employee turnover, client satisfaction, costs of labor, and again, pretax margins are also improved. Similarly, employee satisfaction positively affects the products of the companies, the customers, and the organization itself. To add to all these, growth and Profit are directly stimulated by the loyalty of the customers.

Loyalty of the customers is a very direct result of the satisfaction of the customer. Satisfaction of the Customer is highly affected by the perceptions of customers concerning the quality of services that they get. Value is as a result of employees who are loyal, satisfied, as well as productive employees.

Workers feeling some sense of common purpose, teamwork as well as a very strong dedication to communication, and administrative empowerment are always very able and ready, to provide the results that are expected by the customers.

A number of scholars are stating that satisfaction of the employees, satisfaction of the customers as well as cash flow is the most important things in any organization.

Ryan, Schmitt, and Johnson (1996) also conducted an investigation concerning the relationship that exists between collective worker attitudes, productivity of organizations, and the satisfaction of customers. Their results showed that the morale of employees is linked to consequent business performance, client satisfaction as well as turnover ratios. The researchers tried to find out the causal relationship among these variables. Interestingly, they established evidence that suggested that customer satisfaction influences employee morale

In a study that was carried out by Harter et al. (2002), they carried out a meta-analysis of the research that previously done by Gallup Organization. The research critically looked at the responses from the customers regarding job satisfaction as well as employee engagement. There are very substantive and positive connections between worker satisfaction and profit, productivity, worker turnover and worker accidents.

How to improve employee satisfaction

Because practically significant connection exists between employee satisfaction and the performance of the organizations, it is of great importance to identify the various factors that are capable of contributing to employee satisfaction. Majority of studies are pointing out that situational contexts (like supervisory support) are the main cause of employee satisfaction. The studies also argued that extremely high-performance job practices and therefore positive work conditions are capable of fostering worker satisfaction (Bowen, & Ostroff, 2004; Wright, Dunford, & Snell, 2001; Wright, Gardner, Moynihan, & Allen, 2005).Peterson and Luthans (2006) applied a group design, finding out that both kinds of incentives are having an important effect on organizational profit, client service, and worker turnover. At first, financial incentives had very great impacts. However, with time non-financial and financial incentives showed equally important effects on… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "What Could Make Employee Satisfaction Surveys Worth While?" Assignment:


*****"The fifth diciplin*****", Peter Senge

*****"The service profitt chain*****", Heskett, Sasser, Schlesinger

*****"The value profit chain*****", Heskett, Sasser, Schlesinger

*****"Good to great*****", Jim Collins

The competing value framework should be included

Herzberg*****'s Two Factor Theory of Motivation

The Kano model by Noriaki Kano

*****"Human resource development*****" , Harrison, Rosemary

*****"The balanced scorecard : translating strategy into action*****", Robert Kaplan


How to Reference "What Could Make Employee Satisfaction Surveys Worth While?" Dissertation in a Bibliography

What Could Make Employee Satisfaction Surveys Worth While?.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/employee-satisfaction-hygiene-factors/674098. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

What Could Make Employee Satisfaction Surveys Worth While? (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/employee-satisfaction-hygiene-factors/674098
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). What Could Make Employee Satisfaction Surveys Worth While?. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/employee-satisfaction-hygiene-factors/674098 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”What Could Make Employee Satisfaction Surveys Worth While?” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/employee-satisfaction-hygiene-factors/674098.
”What Could Make Employee Satisfaction Surveys Worth While?” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/employee-satisfaction-hygiene-factors/674098.
[1] ”What Could Make Employee Satisfaction Surveys Worth While?”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/employee-satisfaction-hygiene-factors/674098. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. What Could Make Employee Satisfaction Surveys Worth While? [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/employee-satisfaction-hygiene-factors/674098
1. What Could Make Employee Satisfaction Surveys Worth While?. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/employee-satisfaction-hygiene-factors/674098. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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