Term Paper on "Emotional Intelligence Also Known as Ei"

Term Paper 10 pages (3624 words) Sources: 10

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Emotional intelligence also known as EI is used to describe an individual's abilities, capacities and skills of perceiving, assessing and managing the personal emotions, emotions of others and even of groups. Everybody has a level of EI in themselves, even the children who are at school can practice, maintain and/or enhance their emotional intelligence as they grow older. It is with this reason that it is believed that by using emotional intelligence inside the classroom will affect the learning outcome of the students.

This paper is aimed at analyzing how the use of emotional intelligence impacts learning. Specifically, this paper is intended for:

Defining emotional intelligence and understanding the various concepts related to it

Examining how emotional intelligence can be used inside the classroom

Highlighting the various approaches of using emotional intelligence to facilitate learning

Evaluating various credible journals and researches regarding the use of emotional intelligence inside the classroom

This paper hypothesized that the use of emotional intelligence inside when handling the students are very practical means of soliciting good behavior while maintaining high educational achievements from the students. This is because emotional intelligence covers a wide range of both the cognitive and the behavior components of one's abilities. It is in this regard that people who can make full advantage of using, managing and controlling his/her own emotional intelligence to its greater advantage will mean for his/her ability to become one real good individual or student, and a high pr
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obability to become the model for good behavior and right conduct. Hence, anybody who will be able to make positive use of emotional intelligence inside the classroom can be said to have a real balanced intelligent quotient (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EI).

Significance of the Study

This result of this paper will be beneficial to both the teachers or education facilitators and the students. This paper will serve as a guide for the teachers in the conduct of teaching for they will know exactly how to put the emotional intelligence of the students into good use.

Also, this paper will prove to be significant to other and future researchers especially those who will be interested in tackling about learning and/or about emotional intelligence. Psychologists and even future educators will find this paper very useful.

How Emotional Intelligence is Defined

Mere Definitions

Emotional intelligence also known as EI is used to describe an individual's abilities, capacities and skills of perceiving, assessing and managing the personal emotions, emotions of others and even of groups. There have been several models used to define and describe emotional intelligence. One of which is Mayer and Salovey's model which states that emotional intelligence is a person's capacity in understanding various emotional information and reasoning with emotions (Mayer, et. al, 1999). For Mayer and Salovey, there are four branches of emotional intelligence, which are actually the emotional intelligence abilities. This includes:

Ability to accurately perceive emotions.

Perceiving emotions is said to be the initial and/or most basic area of emotional intelligence. This aspect in connected with the nonverbal response and expression of emotion (Mayer, et. al, 1999). Emotional expression is a form of crucial social communication as stated in the evolution of animal species, while facial expressions are recognizably parts of any communication and/or interaction of human beings (http://www.unh.edu/emotional_intelligence/ei%20What%20is%20EI/ei%20fourbranch.htm,2006).

The capacity to accurately perceive emotions in the face or voice of others provides a crucial starting point for more advanced understanding of emotions..."(http://www.unh.edu/emotional_intelligence/ei%20What%20is%20EI/ei%20fourbranch.htm,2006).

Ability to utilize emotions in facilitating thinking.

This second branch is parallel to the first branch, particularly when talking about how basic they both are (Mayer, et. al, 1999). However, this area of emotional intelligence is already dealing with the emotions' capacity to make entry and eventually guide the cognitive system thereby promoting thinking. This is the very reason why it is believed that maintaining a good system of emotional input will enhance one's ability to thinking directly towards the matters that are truly important (http://www.unh.edu/emotional_intelligence/ei%20What%20is%20EI/ei%20fourbranch.htm,2006).

Ability to understand emotional meanings.

Emotions are very important particularly when conveying and receiving information.

Happiness usually indicates a desire to join with other people; anger indicates a desire to attack or harm others; fear indicates a desire to escape, and so forth..." (http://www.unh.edu/emotional_intelligence/ei%20What%20is%20EI/ei%20fourbranch.htm,2006).

Each of the emotion quoted above showcased various patterns of transmitting possible messages and actions associated with the said messages. Needless to say, understanding emotional messages and the actions associated with such is an important aspect of this area of skill (http://www.unh.edu/emotional_intelligence/ei%20What%20is%20EI/ei%20fourbranch.htm,2006).

But that does not end the application of emotional intelligence. After an individual identifies the specific type of message and the possible action that is apt for such message, the capacity to reason with and about various emotional messages and actions follow through (Mayer, et. al, 1999). Thus, in depth understanding of the emotions would mean comprehending the meaning of emotions, coupled with learning to reason out to and for those meanings (http://www.unh.edu/emotional_intelligence/ei%20What%20is%20EI/ei%20fourbranch.htm,2006).

Ability to manage emotions.

Any type of emotion can be managed. To reiterate, emotion conveys information, hence it is part of the voluntary action hence, having open emotional signals is very important (Mayer and Salovey, 1997). This is because open emotional signals will help prevent miscommunication or misunderstanding. It also helps enhance positive communication to and from the sender and the receiver of the message. Through emotional intelligence, it becomes possible to a person to manage one's own and others' emotions thereby promoting one's own and others' personal and social goals (http://www.unh.edu/emotional_intelligence/ei%20What%20is%20EI/ei%20fourbranch.htm,2006).

Importance to Learning

Before, there was just intelligence quotient (IQ). Everything is attributed to the capacities and abilities of the mind. Everything is believed to be perceived by the brain and acted by it too. Everything is to and from the intellectual capabilities until emotional intelligence was introduced. It should be noted that emotional intelligence should not be perceived as just an added factor to IQ (Mayer, et. al, 1999). In fact, emotional intelligence play a very crucial role in honing the technical skills even in effective leadership skills, that without it, it will be extremely hard to choose or act as one good citizen.

Emotional intelligence is of five component abilities. It was Dr. Peter Salovey who introduced these five components. These are being used by other psychologists nowadays. What is striking on these components is the fact that three among the five can be correlated to cognitive aspect while the other two are associated with the behavior.

First of the component is self-awareness which involves observation of ones' self and recognition of the various feelings as it happens (http://students.cup.edu/dup2093/components.htm,2006). Self-awareness, as a component of emotional intelligence is believed to be a part of man's innate behavior. All human being have full understanding about the various feelings and emotions that he/she is capable of showing, especially as one grows older (Mayer and Salovey, 1997). This is but a natural flow of events. Part of man's behavior is to understand various kinds of emotions and then transmit it to other people when necessary.

Second component of emotional intelligence is managing emotions. Managing Emotions requires handling various feelings so that they can be expressed and acted on appropriately (Anderson, 1985). To express, transmit and/or act upon an emotion, an individual needs to realize first what is behind each and every emotion, what are the ways to cope with various feelings (such as the feeling of fear, anxiety, anger, and sadness) (http://students.cup.edu/dup2093/components.htm,2006). This second component of emotional intelligence is connected with the cognitive aspect of human beings. It should be noted the cognitive is related to the thinking, reasoning and understanding. Evidently, managing the emotions needs objective reasoning by the person him/herself (Anderson, 1985). There is a need to weigh every feeling, know why he/she feels that way and analyze the best course of action for such feeling and then eventually initiate the decision for the said feelings.

The third component of emotional intelligence is motivating oneself. Part of motivation is the proper utilization of various emotions in achieving personal goals, taking control of oneself, delaying gratification and even in overcoming damaging impulses (http://students.cup.edu/dup2093/components.htm,2006). Clearly, motivating oneself is also part of human's cognitive aspect. This third component also requires thinking. It entails analyzing the goals one wants to achieve and then identifying the type of emotion necessary for the achievement of such goal. It entails taking control of oneself and of the situation (Anderson, 1985). Of course, one could not take full control over him/herself and over various situations if there had no reasoning behind which or what to do and why it is important to be done.

The fourth component of emotional intelligence is empathy. This is of course the ability to be sensitive to other people's feelings and concerns. This also entails ability to see things from other people's perspective. Empathy would also mean recognizing differences to other people's point-of-view (http://students.cup.edu/dup2093/components.htm,2006). This fourth component is part of the behavior aspect of human being. This is innate to human being. To sympathize and empathize just knows what other feels. To empathize does not mean that one must… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Emotional Intelligence Also Known as Ei" Assignment:

I need a research paper on the topic of Emotional Intelligence. This paper is to be 10 pages in length with 10 sources. The sources need to be citied in a bibliography, APA style. Anything quoted/footnoted needs to be referenced as well in the bibliography. The paper needs to be set up the following way:

Section One:

Introduction of goals for the paper. Explain how you will show that Emotional Intelligence impacts learning in the classroom, explain that you will show the pros and cons of existing research as well as your feelings on the topic.

Section Two:

Introduce Emotional Intelligence. One to two pages of what it is, who created it, when and what the theory believes in? How does using Emotional Intelligence in the classroom impact learning? Discuss research that pertains to the effect of Emotional Intelligence in learning. Present data from studies that illustrates the effect of Emotional Intelligence to children's learning (both positive and negative)

Section Three:

Discuss existing models (3-4), programs or pilot projects that have been developed regarding Emotional Intelligence and their effectiveness/impact on children's learning. Show how these programs were implemented.What have schools done to address this topic?

Section Four:

How can teacher's of elementary school students implement Emotional Intelligence in the classroom? List 3 ways. Write a brief discussion on why you would implement Emotional Intelligence in the classroom.

I will fax over the assignment. I need this paper ASAP within 23 hours

How to Reference "Emotional Intelligence Also Known as Ei" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Emotional Intelligence Also Known as Ei.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/emotional-intelligence-known/546170. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Emotional Intelligence Also Known as Ei (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/emotional-intelligence-known/546170
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Emotional Intelligence Also Known as Ei. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/emotional-intelligence-known/546170 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Emotional Intelligence Also Known as Ei” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/emotional-intelligence-known/546170.
”Emotional Intelligence Also Known as Ei” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/emotional-intelligence-known/546170.
[1] ”Emotional Intelligence Also Known as Ei”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/emotional-intelligence-known/546170. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Emotional Intelligence Also Known as Ei [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/emotional-intelligence-known/546170
1. Emotional Intelligence Also Known as Ei. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/emotional-intelligence-known/546170. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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