Term Paper on "Human Resources Role Behind Five Stars Hotels Service Quality"

Term Paper 7 pages (3062 words) Sources: 1+

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Business research methods




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Table of Contents


Aim and Objectives

Literature Review


Roles of human resources


2.2 Challenges facing Human Resources


2.3 Typical organization of Human Resources section


2.4. Service Profit Chain


3.0 Research Methodology


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/>3.1 Research Design/approach


3.2 Data collection


3.3 Data analysis and presentation


3.4 Limitation and scope of the study

Gantt chart


The Human Resources Role Behind Five Stars Hotels Service Quality

1.0 Introduction

The research study will critically analyze the role of human resources behind offering of quality services in the five star hotels, the challenges they face as well as if there is a significant correlation between the role of the human resources and the quality of service delivery. It will also seek to provide recommendations that will help enhance quality service delivery by five star hotels, helping them cut for themselves an edge in the world of very competitive market. Human resources (HR) has been defined as people or individuals who encompass labour force of a given business institution or an organization, the term has also been used to define a section or department in a given organization that is bestowed with the responsibility of putting in place policies, strategies and measures that will supervise organizations' workforce (Doane and Sloat, 2005).

Five star hotels are the leading world's hotels that understand the finer points of hospitality and luxury; they greatly play a role in supporting tourism. There has been often an agreement that given the significance of the relationship and interaction of employees and customers, human resource management do play a vital role in ensuring that very high levels of quality service delivery is attained. According to Schneider and Bowen (1993), "Customers are involved in a restrained and multifaceted understanding that is psychological and personal"; this is unlike when they utilize a product of services. For these reason, there demand for services do change frequently hence the need for the human resource to rise to the occasion of meeting expectations of their clients by properly managing the individuals in an organization to enhance quality service delivery. Duncan, (2005) argued that the relationship between policies and practices of human resources and service quality is still partial.

In their pursuit to offer quality services to clients and customers, human resources do face various obstacles that they must and should overcome for the organization to thrive in this competitive business world. The challenge that faces five star hotels human resources is to come up with ground-breaking of human resource management practices that will augment efficiency and prosperity without necessarily increasing workers. Any nation that heavily relies in tourism for revenue generation might loss in terms of economics if the hospitality industries do not offer products and services that meet visitors' expectations as such visitors will look elsewhere for similar products offered in a highly packaged manner. The proposed study has a lot of relevance to the researcher interests about human resources as well as the whole hospitality industry. According to Enz and Siguaw (2000), "The main role of human resources in five star hotels and other hospitality industries is to enhance quality service delivery." Being able to come up with recommendations that will help the hotel industry human resources to deliver quality services to their clients is equally vital. In addition, the study will act as reference to those individual interested in carrying out more or less similar studies in future.

Aim and Objectives

Research topic

The human resources role behind five stars hotels service quality


The aim of the research is to critically analyze the human resources roles behind quality service delivery in five star hotels to determine how HRM affects financial performance of five-star hotels. Recommendations shall be offered after careful examination of HR's role and effect on financial health of the hospitality industry.


To find out the roles of human resources in five star hotels.

To determine the factors that challenge human resources in five star hotels that try to offer quality services to customers.

To seriously scrutinize the relationship between the human resources roles and the quality of services offered.

To determine the monetary worth and value of successful human resource management in five-star hotels

2 Literature Review

The hotel industry is one of the fastest growing sectors that are now under rapid growth and change, it's a multi-billion dollar and an ever expanding business venture. According to Enz and Siguaw (2000), "Due to its diversity, it provides people with the ability to take jobs in various and different categories based on one's interest, qualifications and capabilities." [No page numbers available-client needs to locate them]. Modern hotel, such as 'five', 'six' and 'seven' star hotels for that matter do offer very refined and high quality services to their customers, and in the industry the client is always right. For this reason customers should be the centre of interest in a hospitality industry hence every decision in the hotel should have clients need in mind. From a tactical point-of-view, hotels are no longer tied in the line of selling food, beverages and accommodation but are also focused in providing customers with memorable experiences of services offered. Hoque, (1999) note that hence creating customer oriented service is paramount.

The principle stated above thus necessitated prompt application and use of human management principles in the hotel industry as realized by hotel professionals. The concept to offer quality services to clients has found a place in hotel marketing and thus the need to have a workforce that will meet demands of customers. The importance of hotels in supporting the tourism sector thus draws our instincts to how human resource is managed with the aim of service delivery. According to Richard and Johnson (2001), "Like other business venture sectors, hotel industry for these matter five star hotels will try to explore areas of possible innovations to cut for themselves an edge in the market by adding more attraction to customers hence offering quality services." [No page numbers available-client needs to locate them]. Consequently, leading hotels in the world (five stars) are very keen on training and recruiting programs which is vital in the world of changing technology as well as dynamism in customer preferences. Five star hotels are the most competitive luxurious hotels in the world offering quality services, in form of modern accommodation and recreational facilities and are located in major cities. In such hotels the human resource department hires very qualified and professional staff to deliver the quality service. The hotels have lots of employees working in various section thus there is dire need to closely monitor and control them; this is done by HR department.

According to Hofmann, S et al. .(2000) "As a result of staff competition proposed two ways for hotels to survive; these are competing on price and minimize production costs and the other way is to offer incomparable and excellent service. The later thus calls for proper management of human resource available within and without the hotel industry."

2.1. Roles of human resources

Most five star hotels have their own personnel policies written down and circulated to respective head of departments and other executive for guidance and reference purposes. The roles of HR in the hotel industry include the following employment which includes recruitment, interviews, psychological and aptitude test, selection of staff, medical examination, administration and transfers, promotion and termination and responsibilities for adherence to indiscrimination laws. According to Patton (2002), "It also includes education and trainings that encompass the following; orientation of new employees, education needs for employees, training development programs and communication. A third role of the human resources is concerned with health and safety in issues on board; occupational health, safety programs, preventive medicine and emergency and medical care."

The forth role deals with employees' services, such as; cafeteria, lockers, counselling, employees' lounge, suggestion scheme and vending machines. Wages and salary administration which addresses salary survey, evaluation of job and performance standards as well as salary structure is another role of HR. Morrow (2002) note that Human Resources is also bestowed with the responsibility of dealing with employees' benefits that include such issues as group insurance, pension scheme, major medical cover, hospitalization, sick-pay plan and key… READ MORE

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How to Reference "Human Resources Role Behind Five Stars Hotels Service Quality" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Human Resources Role Behind Five Stars Hotels Service Quality.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2010, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronically-business-research-methods/7366362. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Human Resources Role Behind Five Stars Hotels Service Quality (2010). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronically-business-research-methods/7366362
A1-TermPaper.com. (2010). Human Resources Role Behind Five Stars Hotels Service Quality. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronically-business-research-methods/7366362 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Human Resources Role Behind Five Stars Hotels Service Quality” 2010. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronically-business-research-methods/7366362.
”Human Resources Role Behind Five Stars Hotels Service Quality” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronically-business-research-methods/7366362.
[1] ”Human Resources Role Behind Five Stars Hotels Service Quality”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronically-business-research-methods/7366362. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Human Resources Role Behind Five Stars Hotels Service Quality [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronically-business-research-methods/7366362
1. Human Resources Role Behind Five Stars Hotels Service Quality. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronically-business-research-methods/7366362. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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