Term Paper on "Electronic Security Information Documentation"

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Electronic Information Security Documentation

During the last thirty years, people have become more aware of harms coming from lack of security. Yet the problem has escalated faster than the efforts to control it. It is often not understood that security is more important than hackers and viruses. The basic need for security has to be well understood by the management. For security management it is essential that risk be controlled, and to do that first the risk has to be assessed. This involves collection of all facts concerning system risk. This is difficult if there is no proper documentation of the methods of collecting data. Thus proper methods of collecting data are the beginning of data security management.

The new standards as given in the recent security documentation methods provide some guidance, yet these methods do not guide the security officers engaged in the job. When the data is collected in the traditional formats, they may not provide good security, as most of this data will have to be regularly updated. There have been suggestions that a security officer with a database and GUIs may provide better security. This requires an improvement of the information system and the secure items have to be presented in a standard format. There are security officers even now, but they are involved with only security and their job is to check that systems are being implemented correctly. On the other hand, they should try to view the business risk due to security flaws and request for changes in the system from the point-of-view of better security.

To make this judgment, there is a requirement for assessment of risk and that is a time consuming job.
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Thus most of the concerned people prefer to work with more simplified models of the system and ask for estimates of risk from IT employees, which are subjective. In a complex system, this is not possible and is dangerous when the defects in information can cause harm to the organization in terms of money. This means that security officers should be ready with convincing documents to support views of their risk if the system fails due to any reason. Thus it is clear that security officers in organizations should be able to understand the importance of proper methods, but no system does that at present.

The present information security management standards like BS7799 and ISO 17799 provide some methods of information security management and methods for storing secure documents. This is difficult for the security officers to implement considering their background. When an incident takes place in a security environment the security officer had to demonstrate that the security systems being used were reasonably compatible with the true level and nature of the system risk. This is due to I.T system failures having serious consequences for the financial well being of the organization, and the system is required for compliance with regulatory and contractual obligations. The security officers should equip themselves with comprehensive security documentation, and associated risk assessment strategies, as evidence that they had acted with a high level of professional competence.

The need for security was first thought to be important for the military, then finance and banking due to electronic transfer of money, and then requirements were felt for anti-viral software. When Internet spread, there was requirement of firewalls to stop hackers, followed by software for e-commerce market. Now software is being developed for bio-technology market. In this paper there is a proposal of a model to help secure documents. The importance of effective risk analysis was realized in the early 1970s, and some governments wanted to adopt them in sensitive computing systems. Risk analysis consists of the identification of assets, threats, vulnerabilities, countermeasures and the evaluation of loss expectancy. An information security risk analysis study starts with the definition… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Electronic Security Information Documentation" Assignment:

Provide a three page, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point summary of the article "Electronic Security Information Documentation" available below. The paper should include a referenced (footnotes or endnotes) analysis indicting agreement or disagreement with the author. It is important that that you use references to back up some of your statements.

Electronic Information Security Documentation

Peggy Fung1 , Lam-for Kwok1, Dennis Longley2

1 Department of Computer Science

City University Of Hong Kong

Kowloon, Hong Kong

2 Information Security Research Centre

Queensland University of Technology

Brisbane, Australia

peggy@cs.cityu.edu.hk cslfkwok@cityu.edu.hk d.longley@qut.edu.au


Effective security management depends upon good risk

management, which is itself based upon a reliable risk

assessment, involving data collection of all the facets

influencing system risk. Such data collection is often an

extremely onerous task, particularly if a substantial proportion

of the required information is not adequately documented.

Hence comprehensive, updated information security

documentation is a keystone of good information security

management. Whilst the recently emerging information security

management standards provide some implicit guidance on the

development of documentation; there is relatively little support

available for security officers attempting to develop and

maintain such documentation.

Traditionally textual security documents are not necessarily the

most appropriate format for describing the security of large

complex, networked systems, subject to frequent updates. It has

been suggested [1], [2] that a security officer’s workstation,

with a database and GUIs, may present a more effective form of

security documentation. However, such a tool requires a welldeveloped

model of the information system and, as discussed in

this paper, a standardised means of representing security


This paper proposes an information security model to facilitate

the development of electronic security documentation. A

proposed security entity classification scheme is first described.

Such a classification scheme and the use of object identifiers to

identify security entities greatly facilitates the development of a

security officer’s workstation. The potential of the model for

risk assessment and security design is described.

A prototype model was developed in Visual Basic to test the

concepts proposed, and a Java based model is currently under

development at the City University of Hong Kong..

Keywords: Information Security Management, Risk Analysis,

Information Security Standards, Information Security


1 Introduction

In the past three decades there has been a sharp increase

in the awareness of the potential deleterious impacts,

arising from inadequate information security.

Copyright © 2003, Australian Computer Society, Inc. This

paper appeared at the Australasian Information Security

Workshop 2003 (AISW2003), Adelaide, Australia. Conferences

in Research and Practice in Information Technology, Vol. 21. C.

Johnson, P. Montague and C. Steketee, Eds. Reproduction for

academic, not-for profit purposes permitted provided this text is


Unfortunately the scale of the problem has escalated more

rapidly than the commitment to combat it. Moreover, in

many cases, the media emphasis on hackers and viruses

has distorted the debate and tended to divert senior

management awareness from the more fundamental

aspects of information security.

In particular there may be a sharper focus on technical

solutions, to well advertised attacks, than on the

fundamental necessity to view information security as an

organisation wide business/ management / technology


Organisational security officers are charged with ensuring

the security of information assets and systems. As such,

they are perilously located between management and

technology. They are required to ensure that the

technological systems are implemented and operated in

such a manner, that the business risk to organisational

information assets and systems is contained within

acceptable boundaries. In effect they are required to

assess the level of business risk from an information

security viewpoint, and to recommend operational or

technical changes designed to bring that risk down to

some acceptable, but often unspecified, level.

The first step in such a risk assessment involves a major

data collection and evaluation process. This process is

often extremely time consuming, disruptive and

expensive. Hence, there is a temptation to work with

over-simplified models of the information system, and to

request highly subjective estimates of risk-related data

from I.T. staff.

Subjective risk assessments bode ill for a security officer

in a highly complex, networked environment, particularly

when information security failures may have significant

impacts on the financial well being or the regulatory or

contractual obligations of that organisation. In the

aftermath of a serious information security failure,

security officers may well be called upon to supply

convincing, documented, evidence that their risk

assessment recommendations, to senior management,

were well founded.

Hence one can easily demonstrate the importance of

comprehensive, timely, risk and security documentation,

to organisational security officers. Unfortunately, there

appears to be minimal support systems available to

security officers tasked with the development,

maintenance and interpretation of such documentation.

Information security management standards such as

German IT Baseline Protection Manual Standard Security

Safeguards [3], BS7799 [4], and ISO17799 [5] do provide

an infrastructure of information security management and

hence some guidance on the structure of security

documentation. Nevertheless it is interesting to compare

the emphasis on bookkeeping in the training of financial

auditors, with the average educational/training courses for

security personnel. In general there is a significant lack of

guidance, let alone tools to aid the security officer in the

documentation task.

In this paper, we discuss the importance and role of

information security documentation. In particular it is

suggested that a commonly agreed information security

model, and a common method of security entity

classification, would facilitate the development of

software tools for the production and utilisation of such


2 Role of Information Security Documentation

2.1 Support for Risk Assessment

The information security industry has made significant

advances to meet the perceived threats to organisational

information security. Originally, outside the military

sector, the major threat identified by the finance and

banking industry was the security of electronic

transactions, and security manufacturers supplied

hardware cryptographic systems to this market. The

advent of viruses in the late 1980s spurred a new industry

in anti-viral software. Later the development of the

Internet as a common communication channel for

organisations, expanded the hacker community and the

production of firewalls to thwart them. PKI companies

provided cryptographic software the emerging Ecommerce

market, and many organisations now invest in

various access tokens such as smart and magnetic stripe

cards. The biotechnology industry is also continually

gearing itself up for its promised future.

Nevertheless security officers can face a difficult task, in

convincing management that these vendor products

represent only a part of the solution. Individual

countermeasures must be embedded within a coherent

information security infrastructure, if the organisational

operations are to be adequately protected.

The development of such an infrastructure must itself be

guided by effective risk assessment projects. The

importance of effective risk analysis was recognised in

the early 1970s[8], and there was a strong move by some

governments to facilitate the adoption of such

methodologies in sensitive computing systems.

Risk analysis includes the identification of assets, threats,

vulnerabilities, countermeasures and the evaluation of

loss expectancy. An information security risk analysis

study defines the IT environment under consideration and

recommends corrective actions.

Risk analysis projects were relatively expensive, even in

the mainframe computing era, because they involve the

collection and evaluation of a significant volume of data

including: – the intrinsic threats, the IT system, its

physical and operating environment, the assets to be

protected and the business functions dependent on those


Such risk studies were either conducted by in-house staff

or external consultants. In general the in-house staff often

lacked extensive experience of the subjective aspects of

risk evaluation, and consultants had no previous

knowledge or experience of the organisational system

under study. Generally the existing documentation was

inadequate, in terms of its content, detail and currency,

for risk assessment. Hence the initial familiarisation

process was normally accompanied with a major task of

data collection.

The magnitude of this initial familiarisation task escalated

rapidly, as systems evolved from batch processing

mainframes to current complex, multi site networked,

client server scenarios. Moreover, the batch processing

mainframe environment was stable for long periods,

usually between purchases of the mainframe equipment.

Hence risk assessment recommendations had a long halflife,

significantly reducing the average annual cost of

such studies.

In the current climate the complexity and volatility of

information systems is such that:

 The risk assessors, must at the outset, have

significant knowledge of the organisational system,

its environment and the business functions that it


 The system documentation must be sufficiently

versatile, comprehensive and timely to reduce the

data collection task to achievable levels.

 The cost of risk assessment updates must be


There appear to be two conclusions from the above:

 IT systems must be fully documented, from a

security viewpoint, and such documentation must be

regularly updated.

 The abovementioned security documentation must

be in a format that significantly reduces the cost and

effort of risk assessment exercises.

2.2 Due Diligence

The evolution of IT systems, described above, clearly

escalated the magnitude and complexity of the

organisational security officer’s task. This development

in IT systems was moreover accompanied by increasing

integration of the IT systems into the organisational

business functions, to the extent that the health of the

business functions were inextricably linked to that of the

supporting computing and computing systems.

Computing downtimes, causing merely minor irritation in

the erstwhile mainframe era, would be life threatening to

most modern corporations.

Hence the security officer is not only faced with a major

task of risk assessment in a complex environment, the

potential penalties associated with inadequacies, in the

subsequent recommendations, have also escalated.

Unfortunately given the probabilistic nature of risk

assessment, there can be never be a guarantee of incident

free operation for the IT system over a long period of


In a post security incident environment the security

officer must demonstrate that the security systems

implemented were reasonably compatible with the true

level and nature of the system risk. Moreover, current I.T

system failures may have serious consequences for the

financial well being of the organisation, and for its

compliance with regulatory and contractual obligations.

In the current climate management may well be formally

required to demonstrate due diligence in the protection of

information assets and systems.

Macro risk assessments, based upon apocryphal,

subjective assessments, are likely to be unconvincing in

the witness stand. Today’s security officers would be well

advised to equip themselves with comprehensive security

documentation, and associated risk assessment strategies,

as evidence that they had acted with a high level of

professional competence.

2.3 Security Documentation Requirements

It is much easier to make a case for the development of

comprehensive security documentation, that to actually

produce the documentation itself. In many cases advice

takes the form “ I would not start from here”.

The information security management standards do

provide an infrastructure for information security

management, which at least suggests a structure for the

documentation. A recent paper by the authors [6]

suggested the type of current organisational

documentation and data that should be collected and

packaged to form an initial set of information security


In this paper the necessary facets of security

documentation are described and some insight into recent

work on an Information Security Model is discussed.

At the outset the question arises – what is being described

by the security documentation? Most system

documentation is designed to assist operators and

developers in the performance of their tasks. Security

documentation is not however aimed normal system

operation, but rather at the circumstances in which the

system fails, in some sense. Hence security

documentation should provide a detailed description of an

agreed security model for the system. In other words an

organisation’s security documentation should contain the

local parameters of a generally accepted information

security model.

The proposed model need not be described in

conventional textual format. Given the complexity,

magnitude and volatility of modern information systems,

some form of database representation is more appropriate.

Moreover such a database should be supported with

software tools and GUIs to facilitate the development,

updating, investigation, risk analysis and security


If a common model were employed by organisations then

third party vendors would be encouraged develop support

software. Moreover, given a common format of security

documentation one could envisage situations in which

external security advice and expertise were readily

absorbed by an organisation. Hence it is possible to

envisage a system in which CERT Advisories are

automatically downloaded and added to the security

database. The security software could then generate a

report on the implications of the reported attack for the


3 A Proposed Model

3.1 Overview

The Risk Data Repository [1], [2] is a risk analysis model,

developed some years ago, which aimed to integrate all

available organisational data related to security. The

model had the ability to evolve over time as it

incorporated newly acquired data. The RDR described

entities in term of their roles from a security viewpoint,

and demonstrated the inter-relationships of security data.

The RDR essentially comprised three domains:

Environment, Platforms and Assets. The environment

domain included elements that effectively hosted or

supported the operation of the information processing

system: equipment, building, staff. The platform domain

was the logical description of the information processing

system and its defences. The assets domain described the

data and processes, to be protected, because misuse of

these assets would have a deleterious effect on the

organisational business operations.

The RDR comprised a database and graphical facilities to

trace the inter-relationship of security entities. Hence it

was possible to trace the effect of a threat of fire in a

building to the potential business impact. Experience with

the RDR demonstrated three significant aspects of such

security modelling:

 the difficulty of describing the wide range of security

entities concerned with risk assessment and security


 problems of importing data from other RDRs; and

 problems arising from the hard coding of security

expertise in the model.

It was clear that a major problem in the development of

such an organisational risk database lay with the

classification of the various entities. There appears to be

no common directory to describe such items as: Threats,

Computing Hardware, Buildings, Services, Users,

Information Assets, Access Control Policies, etc.

In the development of an Information Security Model, to

replace the RDR, the concept of Environment, Platform

and Assets was extended to five categories:

 Systems: includes hardware, software, platforms,

networks, applications, users and information assets.

 Environment: includes locations (sites, buildings,

floors and rooms) and services (power, cabling, air

conditioning, water and communications).

 Security: includes threats, countermeasures, Threat

Trees and Threat Countermeasure Diagrams.

 Procedure: includes external procedures, such as

government legislation and international standards,

and internal procedures: organization policies,

guidelines etc.

 Relationships: security depends critically upon the

context of entities and this context is described by

relationships. For example, hardware is located in a

building, networks are connected to other networks,

and a security policy complies with a Standard’s

recommendation. Relationships among the various

entities are defined here.

Each of the above classes has a number of subclasses and

the whole set of entities can be described as a directory

tree. Borrowing the concepts of X.500[7] the various

subclasses and subsequent entities can be classified with

object identifiers, representing the set of nodes traversed

from the root to that entity (See Fig 1).

The proposed classification system has a number of

immediate advantages, from a risk assessment and

security documentation viewpoint. Firstly each entity is

uniquely and succinctly identified by its object identifier,

indicating its position in the directory tree.

Secondly the classification provides a top down model

with the major entities specified at an early stage of

development. For example, a building, floor and room are

each subclasses of the parent - site. It is well recognised in

risk assessment that the preliminary investigation involves

consideration of the major entities, followed by a

subsequent refinement into more detailed areas, as the

analysis identifies the risk priorities. Risk assessment

models that require full system details to be entered at the

outset hit major data collection problems.

The top down approach is also facilitated by the

Platforms entities under Systems entities. Platforms are

large IT systems comprising all the other Systems entities,

Hardware, Software, Networks, Users and Assets.

Defining Platforms at an early stage facilitates a largescale

organizational model, e.g. Platforms, located on


A further advantage of the classification scheme is that it

facilitates the importation of data from another risk

database, assuming both databases have followed the

same classification model. Hence mergers within

branches of an organization, with consequent integration

of systems, can be readily handled, from a risk assessment

/ security documentation viewpoint.

The classification system described so far provides only

an inventory of the security entities. Security relevant

details of those entities, e.g. vulnerability to flooding for a

site, communication protocol of a network, issue date of a

security manual, are also stored in the database. Given the

diverse nature of the entities such attribute information is

stored as a tuple, e.g.

Risk assessment and security documentation are,

essentially concerned with the relationships between these

entities, i.e. the Web Server is Located in the IT Building,

and there be will a wide diversity of such linkages. Given

the importance of these linkages, to the role of the model,

they are themselves classified as security entities i.e.

Relationships. Hence the linkages, or relationships can be

structured into classes and sub-classes, with each class

and sub class given an object identifier. Such linkages can

be stored as a simple tuple: < Linkage OI, Incident Entity

OI, Target Entity OI>, represents a linkage between two

entities, similarly linkages involving three or more entities

can be unambiguously defined.

For example, the relationship

Server A is located in Building B can be represented by

the tuple <,,>. Where

 5.1 Relationships between two entities

 5.1.1 incident entity is a Systems (1) target entity is an Environment (2) relationship class is

Environment/Locations (ID = 1) particular Location Link (ID = 3).

 1.1 Sytems/Hardware

 1.1.1 Computing Hardware (ID = 1) Server Class (ID = 3) Server A (ID = 2).


 2.1.3 HQ Site (ID = 3) Building B (ID = 2).

The model entities, attributes and relationships can

provide an overview of the current systems, e.g. major

platforms, the major components of such platforms:

networks, computing systems, users, information assets,

the sites where the platforms are located, the services they

Fig 1. Directory Tree For Security Entities


Systems(1) Environment(2 Security(3) Procedures(4)Relationships(5)

Locations(1) Services(2)

Fig 2.Effect Of Intrinsic Threat On Business Operation











depend upon etc. The model can also be refined with

increasing level of detail, e.g. the sub-networks that form

the major networks etc.

The relationships can be employed to facilitate crossreferences

between documentation. For example, the

Procedures Class can refer both to internal and external

documentation. Hence chapter and paragraphs of

standards, and security manuals may be given object

identifiers. A Compliance relationship, between

paragraphs in internal security manuals and corresponding

paragraphs in BS 7799, would facilitate internal audits.

3.2 Threat Trees

Risk Assessment is concerned with the ultimate effect of

intrinsic threats, e.g. fire, loss of external services,

international network failures, on business operations

(See Fig 2). An important role of the security

documentation, and hence the proposed model is to

facilitate the tracing of such threat scenarios.

From the work on the model conducted so far, it would

appear that the classification scheme, and in particular the

classification of relationships, significantly facilitates

such threat tracing.

The threat transmission illustrated in Fig 2 is in effect a

series of statements along the following lines:

Incident Threat acting on Incident Entity causes Target

Threat to act upon Target Entity (Fig 3). For example:

 Fire acting upon Building causing Physical Damage

to Equipment (located in Building).

Threats are security entities classified in the model and

are classified within the Security class. The concept of a

Threat acting upon an Entity is embodied in a

Threat_Entity relationship i.e. the tuple
Entity_OI, Threat_OI, Entity_OI>

The Risk Assessment diagram (Fig 2) may hence be

represented as a Threat Tree (Fig 4) where each node

represents a Threat_Entity relationship caused by the

parent Threat_Entity. Relationship. The Threat Tree

recognises that a Threat_Entity may spread to many target

entities. At this stage it should also be stated that the

Threat_Entity transmission need not be restricted to a

tree, since a Threat_Entity node can have more than one

parent. The model can deal with these situations but for

simplicity they are not discussed here.

The concept of threat trees is well known, but a major

problem with such trees lies in the effort required for their

development. One of the more interesting facets, of the

proposed model, is that it opens up the possibility of an

automatic construction of threat trees. Consider first

manual development of threat trees in the context of the


The starting point is the root node, i.e. interest is focused

upon the effect of a particular threat acting upon a

particular entity, or more simply upon a particular


At this stage some security expertise is required to predict

the effect of this Threat_Entity on other entities in the

organizational database. For example, a security officer

would predict that a fire in a room would damage

equipment in that room. In effect a Relationship between

Threat_Entities, which are themselves Relationships, is

developed. This Relationship between Threat_Entities is

termed a TETE in the model. Hence:

 Incident Threat_Entity

 Target Threat_Entity
Damage_OI, Equipment_OI>

 TETE defines the linking of the Threat_Entities <

TETE_1_OI, TE_1_OI, TE_2_OI>

Given a database of all possible Threat_Entities and

TETEs, developed by a security officer, then threat trees

could be automatically produced for any root

Threat_Entity as described below:

1. Starting with the root Threat_Entity, TE_1_OI,

check all TETE entries
TE_c_OI> for those where TE_b_OI = TE_1_OI.

2. Extract TE_c_OI from TETE_a_OI – this is a

child node in the threat tree.

3. Repeat 1 – 2 until no more TETEs found.

4. Repeat 1- 3 for the next child node in the threat





Fig 3. A Threat Entity Causes A Resultant Threat Entity

This procedure does provide for the automatic

development of threat trees, but at a massive cost of

manual development of possibly billions of TETEs. Some

results of the model, however, suggests that multiple

TETEs describing, for example, fires in every room in the

organization, and the equipment stored in each individual

room, can be replaced by a single TETE using object

identifiers with wild cards.

As a simple example of this approach consider the

observation that a fire in a building, with OI 2/1/1/1, is

could affect all floors of that building, and such floors can

be represented with wild card OIs 2/1/1/1/*. Hence we

can replace individual TETEs representing the spread to

each individual floor with a single TETE along the lines <

TETE_a_OI, TE_b_OI, TE-c_OI > where

TE_b_OI is < TE_b_OI, Threat_Fire_OI, 2/1/1/1 >

TE_c_OI is < TE_c_OI, Threat_Fire_OI, 2/1/1/1/* >

Using a comprehensive wild card approach security

expertise can be embodied in a minimal number of

TETEs, which can then be used to develop automatic

threat trees.

The work conducted so far has found that this approach is

quite versatile, to mention a few of the findings:

 TETEs can be defined to incorporate the concept of

required linking between incident and target entities.

For example for a fire in a room to spread to

equipment, such equipment must be Located in that

room. This type of condition can be included as an

attribute of the TETE

 The transfer of a Threat is not deterministic, it is

required that some estimate of the probability of the

threat transfer be included as an attribute of the


 If wild card TETEs is defined then the probability of

a particular threat transfer can be made dependent

upon some attribute of the target entity.

TETEs effectively represent security expertise, and are

therefore developed by the security officer. Suppose

however a large organisation has adopted this model for

its various branches, each with its own security database.

Given the common means of classification it is clear that

TETEs representing common security knowledge can be

developed by head office (say) and imported into branch


3.3 Security Design

Security documentation should also play a role in the

design of security systems, following the identification of

significant areas of risk.

The threat trees provide an insight into the path from an

intrinsic threat to an undesirable business impact. Having

identified such a path, as a priority security task to be

addressed, the role of the security design is to reduce the

probability associated with this path. Consider the threat

tree illustrated in Fig 4, it can be considered that

additional security is required to reduce the probability of

the three transfer Threat /Entity 1 – Threat/ Entity 1.2 and

/ or Threat /Entity 1.2 – Threat/ Entity 1.2.1.

The security measures, physical or procedural, to be

deployed clearly depend upon the nature of the TETE

linking the nodes of the tree. In effect, the role of the

countermeasure is to reduce the attribute of the TETE

describing the probability of the threat transfer.

The threat trees can thus play an important role in security

design, inasmuch as they help to define the type and

placement of the countermeasures.

The RDR included the concept of Threat Countermeasure

Diagrams (TCD) to describe that aspect of security design

concerned with the effectiveness of countermeasures, and

such diagrams have been incorporated into this model.

The TCD is based upon the concept that countermeasures

are themselves subject to threats that can either result in

the countermeasure being bypassed or rendered

ineffective. Threats to countermeasures are countered by

additional countermeasures. For example, it is well

known that firewalls are vulnerable to illicit

reconfiguration, and must be protected by effective access

control. Threat Countermeasure Diagrams are trees of

countermeasures designed to ensure the security

effectiveness of the root countermeasure.

TCDs like TETEs represent security expertise, since they

demonstrate the effective deployment of countermeasures.

Hence given acceptance of the classification scheme they

can be imported into databases. Interestingly the use of

object identifier wild cards seems to allow a TCD to be

customized to its environment. Hence it would appear to

be possible for a generic imported TCD to take account of

local conditions.

4 Conclusion

The information security environment has undergone

radical changes over the last decade. Organisations are

now highly dependent upon the effective operation of

their information systems, and these systems have become

complex and highly vulnerable to external influences.

Hence effective information security risk management is

now a vital component of an organisation’s viability.

Such risk management has also been impacted by the

escalation of system complexity coupled with the

increasing vulnerability and strategic importance of the

information systems. Effective risk management, in turn

relies upon reliable and timely risk assessments.




Fig 4. Threat Tree

The cost of risk assessment exercises increases sharply

with system complexity, and a major component of such

costs lies in the collection of the wide range of security

relevant data. Moreover in an security officers now must

provide convincing evidence of the actions taken by the

organization, to identify and address the threats to their

information systems.

This paper has emphasized the importance of effective

security documentation in the above scenario. It has also

noted the lack of tools and support to assist security

officers in the development of such documentation.

The paper suggests that conventional textual

documentation may be replaced by an electronic database

and supporting software. Such a database, and associated

software tools, must developed around a common

information security model and this paper describes such

an approach.

It has been demonstrated that a standardised classification

of security entities, using object identifiers, facilitates the

development and implementation of such a model. The

work conducted so far has indicated how the model may

be deployed in risk assessment and security design.

Moreover the model provides an opportunity for the

importation of security expertise from vendors, advisory

bodies, etc.

A prototype model based upon Visual Basic has been

developed to test the concepts and a more comprehensive

Java based software package is currently under

development at the City University of Hong Kong.

5 References

[1] Kwok, L.F. (1997): A hypertext information

security model for organizations, Information

Management and Computer Security, Vol. 5

No.4, pp 138-48.

[2] Anderson AM, Longley D and Kwok LF (1994):

Security Modeling for Organizations, Proc. 2nd

ACM Conf on Computer and Communications

Security, Fairfax VA, pp. 241-250.

[3] IT Baseline Protection Manual Standard Security



[4] British Standards Institute (1999), BS7799: 1999

Information security management, Part 1 Code of

practice for information security management,

Specification for information security

management systems.

[5] ISO/IEC 17799 (April 2001): Code of practice for

information security management URL:


[6] Kwok, L.F, Fung, P.K., and Longley, D (2001):

Security Documentation, information Security

Management & Small Systems Security, IFIP

TC11.1/WG11.2, 18th Annual Working Conf. On

Information Security Management & Small

Systems Security, Las Vegas, USA, pp127-140.

[7] The Directory. CCITT REC. X.500-X.521

ISO/IEC Standard 9594:1993

[8] Federal Information Processing Standards

Publication 31. Guidelines for Automatic Data

Processing Physical Security and Risk

Management, Springfield: National Technical

Information Service, June 1974.

How to Reference "Electronic Security Information Documentation" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Electronic Security Information Documentation.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronic-information-security-documentation/5463887. Accessed 26 Jun 2024.

Electronic Security Information Documentation (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronic-information-security-documentation/5463887
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Electronic Security Information Documentation. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronic-information-security-documentation/5463887 [Accessed 26 Jun, 2024].
”Electronic Security Information Documentation” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronic-information-security-documentation/5463887.
”Electronic Security Information Documentation” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronic-information-security-documentation/5463887.
[1] ”Electronic Security Information Documentation”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronic-information-security-documentation/5463887. [Accessed: 26-Jun-2024].
1. Electronic Security Information Documentation [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 26 June 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronic-information-security-documentation/5463887
1. Electronic Security Information Documentation. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/electronic-information-security-documentation/5463887. Published 2005. Accessed June 26, 2024.

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