Thesis on "Mummification and Associated Art"

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Egyptian Art: Glory in Death

Death rites and rituals are an important part of every culture ever discovered. Ike birth, death is often seen as part of a great cycle that allows for the continuation of life and the given civilization. The Christian phrase often uttered at funerals, "from ashes to ashes, and from dust to dust," echoes this concept in our modern era, though we might not give the matter too much thought. The meanings behind and implications of such funerary and death rites are at least as varied as the cultures that produce them, with each civilization holding its own beliefs about the intricate interplay between, life, death, and the spiritual journey that lies between the two.

our modern Western world has been first Christianized and then, to a large degree, secularized, with deaths and funerals being one of the few life events still "celebrated" in a semi-religious manner. Many people agree that modern funerals are more for the living members of a community than they are for the deceased person who is honored during the ceremony. In a large way, this illustrates the way in which science -- especially modern psychology -- has come to replace religion in our modern society. Though the concept of an afterlife and the importance of funerary rites in achieving this afterlife used to be important, these concepts tend to be disregarded now by many Westerners as mythological explanations of the world.

The Ancient Egyptians saw things very differently than today's world does. These difference in perspective were by no means limited to death and funerary rites, or the concept of an afterlife, but this was one huge aspect of Egyptian culture tat ha
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s changed drastically over the millennia. In many ways, death was the center of the Egyptian concept of life and living. Mummification and tomb art were both seen as essential practices in ensuring a good afterlife.

Coming to understand Egyptian culture is perhaps best undertaken through an understanding of artifacts, including artwork, as the Egyptian civilization was highly material, and their art and artifacts not only how they lived but what their hopes and expectations were, as well.

They clearly believed that the physical world was an absolutely essential ingredient -- perhaps the essential ingredient -- of true metaphysical reality. This is evidenced in their mummification practice, which is considered by many to me more advanced than even modern embalming techniques have been able to achieve.

Certain organs were carefully removed from the body of a deceased pharaoh, nobleman, or other aristocrats (who were the only people in Ancient Egyptian society that could afford mummification) placed in special urns and other containers with mixtures of spices and fluids that preserved these organs in remarkable condition for thousands of years, until the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and their discovery.

The bodies of these individuals themselves were wrapped in linen strips that were also soaked in embalming fluids. The incredibly advanced medical and chemical knowledge that these processes evidence, combined with the dry desert air and the massive structures that often contained these mummies' tombs, preserved the material body of a deceased individual incredibly well. But the mummification process provides evidence of more than simply a knowledge of medical embalming techniques; it is also evidence of Egyptian attitudes towards death.

Though the preservation of the body and the individual organs through the processes of mummification have served modern archaeologists, anthropologists, and Egyptologists well, this was not the intent behind the actions of the Ancient Egyptians. They saw the preservation methods that they undertook as essential for ensuring a successful -- or even a possible -- afterlife for the deceased individual. Pharaohs were considered gods that had descended to Earth, and the royal lineage was considered divine -- it followed that like other gods, the pharaoh (and other members of nobility) must be immortal.

The afterlife to which it was presumed they traveled after the death of their earthly body mirrored this world in many details, including the need for a body with which to move about and enjoy the fruits of eternal paradise. Mummification was seen as necessary because without it, the body would crumble away leaving the soul no vessel to inhabit, creating a sort of eternal limbo for the deceased divine figure.

The needs of an individual in the Ancient Egyptian afterlife did not end with simply a body, however. Food and drink was also preserved in specially designed containers and concoctions, and the tombs themselves -- some of the most famous of which are contained in the pyramids -- were often constructed like palaces, with many different rooms with different purposes for the person to occupy in their life after death.

The afterlife, as in many subsequent cultures, was considered to be far more important than this world, which was viewed as something of a precursor to eternity, and mummification is imply the most famous example of this belief in modern times.

Along with the bodies, organs, food, treasure, and other physical artifacts that were to be of practical use to the person in their afterlife, tombs with mummies also typically contained many elaborate pieces of artwork, from the statuary of the sarcophagus -- the container of the mummy itself -- to the hieroglyphs and paintings that adorned the walls of many of the tombs' rooms. These pieces of art, just like the mummies themselves and the other things preserved along with the bodies of deceased nobility, are significant as more than simple adornments of a death bed, but served a vital function in the afterlife. This fact dictated many elements of their creation.

Artwork on the walls often depicted scenes or explicitly told stories (through hieroglyphic writing) of the entombed person's life, and could also represent scenes of the afterlife -- just as the representation of past events was a lasting physical rendering of temporal events, it was hoped that depicting future events of the afterlife in a similar manner would ensure their occurrence.

Whatever the intent of the illustration, however, there were certain rigid tropes and forms that the Ancient Egyptian artist had to have an extensive knowledge and mastery of before attempting a painting and/or relief carving on the tomb wall of a pharaoh.

These forms often bore little resemblance to realistic proportions, physical relationships or perspectives; instead, there were defined ways to present most body postures and actions.

One prime example of the various forms that certain postures and actions take in Ancient Egyptian art comes from the possible self-portrait one artist, Niankhptha, might have left of himself in a chapel wall outside a tomb.

The scene has been dubbed by modern scholars as the "Overseer of the Sculptors," and shows many of the different hand positions that had to be memorized and learned almost by rote for the successful portrayal of the scene in Ancient Egyptian art.

Also consistent with almost all wall paintings is the profile nature of most of the heads of the figures in the paintings, while the torsos face unnaturally out. There is no attempt at providing any perspective or dimension; the figures appear entirely flat despite the painting actually being carved in relief on the wall. Yet for all this there still seems to be some life in them; each person in the relief is busily engaged in some activity related to the production of a sculpture, and each actions is accompanied by a different positioning of the hand, torso, and shoulder. Each position veers from reality in its own way, too.

It seems odd that a culture so obsessed with the preservation of physical artifacts and detail would have such a representational style of art, particularly in funerary scenes that could have an effect on the afterlife -- this painting shows the not uncommon trick of placing connecting the left arm to the right shoulder (and vice-versa), which in certain positions makes the figures appear more realistic at first glance.

In fact, however, this can be seen to demonstrate the Egyptian belief that this world was merely representational of the next; there were certain rituals and traditions that needed to be performed and upheld in this world in order to ensure success in the next, and artwork was perhaps the prime example of this representation.

Another of this suspected self-portrait -- and most Egyptian art -- that our modern sensibilities might find unusual is how indistinguishable one figure is from the next. Again, this is evidence of the extreme representational quality of Ancient Egyptian art. Another such example comes from the in-tomb sculpture of Old Kingdom Pharaoh Rahotpe.

The style of the sculpture is markedly different from that of the New Kingdom relief painting, with slightly more attention paid to proportion and detail. Still, it is impossible to identify the figure based on facial features alone; it is necessary to rely on the hieroglyphics inscribed on the stone throne upon which the figure of the pharaoh is sat.

Again, the representational style of the Ancient Egyptians come… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Mummification and Associated Art" Assignment:

Survey I

Art History

Research Paper

The successful completion of this course requires a written research paper. The topic of your paper must be relevant to this course and the time period that we are studying. You should be concise in your choice of subject, so it can be covered in the required 5 pages.

Example: Gothic architecture is too broad a topic. Narrow it down. A better choice would be a comparison of the characteristics of one structure from French Gothic to another from Italian and another from English Gothic.

Your topic must relate to the art or architecture as well. For example: If you are interested in the mummification process of Egypt you must link it to the art. Find examples of art that reflect the afterlife etc.

I want the topic to be a subject that is meaningful to you, one that you are interested in and wish to learn more about.

Grading breakdown and submission requirements

Decide on your subject and submit a concise statement outlining the subject you have chosen and the direction of your research. ( possible 5 points of final paper grade)

You must submit a bibliography of your research sources in advance of the completed paper, (possible 10 points of final paper grade). Check these books out, look through them. Make sure your sources have the necessary information you are looking for before you submit it. Often students assume the information will be in the text and realize at the last minute they don*****t have the proper sources.

I am looking for information that is not found in your text. If you are simply rewording what is in the text and no new information has been researched you have not met the requirements of the assignment. You may use your text as a supplement resource.

Electronic submission of final paper through "Turn it" (possible 85 points of final paper grade based on quality of writing and research).

You will be graded on your approach to the topic, your research, and refinement of the final product.

Grammar, spelling does count! Don't rely entirely on spell check . You should always read through the finished paper before turning it in. You may spell a word correctly but it may be the wrong word in context.

I will give you the dates/ deadlines for these in plenty of time to get them done. You must turn these in on time , no exceptions.


The paper should be a minimum of 5 pages, double spaced 11 point Times.

The paper MUST be documented using Chicago style documentation

Endnotes or footnotes are mandatory

Consult this link for more information about the documentation :Chicago style documentation

Any information that is not entirely your own must be documented with footnotes or endnotes

Any cutting and pasting of text will be considered plagiarism. Short quotes are acceptable. Put the information in your own words and document the source

A bibliography should also be included with your final submission

You must use a minimum of 4 research sources.

I do not consider Internet resources as primary sources. Only 2 of these can be internet sources

I will not accept a research paper or preliminary bibliography that has only internet sources

Caution! Much of what you read on the web is not accurate. Be very careful that your source is valid.

Context is also important. Art is a reflection of the society that created it. Makes sure to include a brief explanation regarding what influenced the creation of the work, what is going on in the world at the time, etc.

Illustrations are also important find images of the works you are discussing. They can be included in the text or at the end. Make allowances for pages if you include in the body of the work. 5 pages may end up being 6.

Your Paper MUST be turned in on time. No Exceptions.

You are required to submit your paper through "Turn it in .com".

Academic Integrity:

Plagiarism/ Cheating are not tolerated and a zero grade will be entered for an exam or paper.

All thoughts that are not your own must be documented in footnotes and bibliography entries to avoid plagiarism

Lone Star College-CyFair is committed to a high standard of academic integrity in the academic community. In becoming a part of the academic community, students are responsible for honesty and independent effort. Failure to uphold these standards includes, but is not limited to, the following: plagiarizing written work or projects, cheating on exams or assignments, collusion on an exam or project, and misrepresentation of credentials or prerequisites when registering for a course.

Plagiarism means passing off as his/her own the ideas or writings of another (that is, without giving proper credit by documenting sources). Plagiarism includes submitting a paper, report or project that someone else has prepared, in whole or in part. Collusion is inappropriately collaborating on assignments designed to be completed independently. These definitions are not exhaustive.

How to Reference "Mummification and Associated Art" Thesis in a Bibliography

Mummification and Associated Art.”, 2009, Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Mummification and Associated Art (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Mummification and Associated Art. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Mummification and Associated Art” 2009.
”Mummification and Associated Art”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Mummification and Associated Art”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Mummification and Associated Art [Internet]. 2009 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from:
1. Mummification and Associated Art. Published 2009. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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