Admission Essay on "Educational and Professional Level"

Admission Essay 8 pages (2218 words) Sources: 0

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educational and professional level. The second section of the paper refers to explaining the reasons that determined me to select this degree. The paper continues with a section that focuses on discussing the most important personal and professional risks I have taken and their effects. The following section describes the career goals I want to reach by completing this program, and the characteristics I have that make me fit for these goals. Another section of the paper describes my international experiences.

I have always wanted to help other people and to start my own business. By attending this MBA program I can do both things at the same time. This is because I want to start a management consulting company. But I first want to work for another important consulting company in order to develop solid experience. I am really interested in business management and I want to expand the knowledge and abilities I already have.

My interest in management started in high school where I learned the basics of this subject. I understood the importance of management and how it can be used in order to improve any activity, whether we refer to professional activities or to daily routine activities. In addition to this, I learned that the principles of management can be applied in organizing different types of activities in order to improve their results. I think that people can improve their performance by learning and applying management strategies.

I expect that by attending this program I will be able to work for a consulting company, to become an expert in the field of business consulting, and to work my way up to top management positions. I am very interested in
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working as a management consultant. The business environment has always interested me, which is why I currently own a spa. The reason behind my orientation towards the consulting activity relies on the fact that I want to work with different business activities through consulting in comparison with working with one type of business in case I manage or own it. My intention consists in expanding my business knowledge in several directions.

After developing sustainable practice in the field, I will determine which business sector I want to focus on. However, I intend to address several different business sectors in order to determine which of these sectors provides the best challenges for me. In order to reach this objective I expect that the professors in the program will help me determine which business fields are better for me to work on.

By attending this MBA program I want to build the solid theoretical background that will allow me to open my own consulting company when I will consider I have significant experience in the field. In order to develop a successful company in this field I must have extensive practice in large consulting companies. But I must also have solid theoretical background that can support my professional activity. I think the J. Mack Robinson College of Business MBA program is one of the best programs that can help young professional develop their career. I also interested in developing an international career. This is another reason for which I would like to apply to this program. The great opportunity of studying business management in different countries can help me develop a complex image of different organizational cultures. The management consulting activity that I intend to work in requires that consultants have good knowledge of cultural diversity. This activity ensures the collaboration with business partners in different countries that are used to different management styles. Therefore, I think it is important to study several organizations in different countries.

I have chosen this degree because of several reasons. In order to determine which MBA program is best for me, I have thoroughly analyzed the offer of several universities. I was interested in learning the program organization, the opportunities provided by these programs, the innovations they provide to their students, the courses that they focus on, and the professors involved in these programs. This analysis determined me to think that the J. Mack Robinson College of Business represents the best choice for a student that wants to develop solid managerial abilities that can help him successfully work in the management consulting field.

The most important factor that determined my decision is represented by the fact that the program allows the opportunity of studying in different regions in the world, like Atlanta, Rio de Janeiro, Paris, and others. In addition to this, I am really interested in the internship in Chinese companies. I think this allows students to learn and to understand different management styles and organizational cultures. In addition to this, the program helps students understand the importance of cultural diversity.

I am really interested in attending this MBA program because of the interesting courses it provides. In my opinion, the most important courses of the program are represented by: Business Analysis, International Business Environment, Leadership Practices, Commercial Diplomacy, Global Operations and Logistics, Human Resources Management and Organizational Behavior, Marketing Management, Asian Experience, Strategic Business Communication, International Affairs and Economic Integration, and International Marketing. My preference for these courses reveals my strong interest and orientation towards the international business field.

The Business Analysis course is probably one of the most important areas of study for students that want to develop a career in business consulting. This is because it helps transform corporate data in information that can be used in order to make management decisions. I think the International Business Environment course is very important because it provides extensive information on the evolutions on international level regarding economic, social, and political issues. The macro environment is very important in determining the opportunities and threats that affect companies' activity and these factors must be taken into consideration when developing their strategy. The Leadership Practices course should be of great interest to all students that want to occupy managerial positions in their career. In this business environment it does not suffice to develop management skills. It is important that managers focus on developing as successful leaders. This helps them reach their objectives, improve the performance of their subordinates, and help expand the company's activity. The Human Resources Management and Organizational Behavior course is important even for students that do not want to work in the field of human resources. This is because they have the opportunity to learn about developing numerous strategies that are intended to improve the performance of their employees. The courses I have described are intended to help me improve my managerial skills.

The most important personal risk I have taken refers to coming to the U.S. from Iran where I was born and raised. This was a very difficult decision that I had to make with my family, because we were not sure about how we would be treated in this country. This is because the numerous terrorist attacks from Al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations on the U.S. have determined many individuals and authorities in this country to associate this with individuals of Arab origin that have no connection with such practices. In other words, we were afraid that people would judge us because of our origin.

But we decided to come to the U.S. anyway and to change such opinions. I think this objective can be reached by people of Arab origin by working hard, respecting the laws and regulations in this country, and proving that we are really interested in helping others. I think that there are small things that can be made by each individual in order to change this situation. This is another reason that determined my decision of attending this MBA program. By studying the field of management and developing a successful career in the consulting field, I think I can become an example that other Iranians can follow. Therefore, I want to develop such a career in a consulting company.

The most important professional risk I have taken is represented by opening my own business, a spa. I opened this spa a year and a half ago and since then I focused on continuously developing this business. I have learned a lot since I opened this spa. The fact that I work directly with the customers that benefit from these services helps me better understand their behavior. By working in this position I have the opportunity of applying my managerial knowledge and of improving my abilities.

The most important thing that this work has taught me refers to customer satisfaction. In other words, I learned that the success of a business relies on the satisfaction of its customers. I learned to develop and implement strategies that focus on improving customer satisfaction and on increasing their loyalty. In addition to this, I understood that in order to increase a company's market share and to consolidate its position on the market it is important to continuously expand the activity of the company. Therefore, I tried to apply this principle by investing in developing the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Educational and Professional Level" Assignment:

My background: BBA in management. born and raised in Iran.

Current position: owner of spa for a year and half.

By completing this program I*****'m looking to work for a consulting company.

This is the program I want to get in:

Describe your short-term and long-term career goals after completing the program. What characteristics do you possess that would make you a good fit for these goals? 500 WORDS

Please complete the following (please complete each response on a separate page and please do not exceed 500 words per question): I have always wanted to... Why have you chosen this degree?

Discuss the most significant personal and professional risk you have taken. What was the outcome? (1 page) 500 words

Describe your short-term and long-term career goals after completing the Global Partners MBA program. What characteristics do you possess that would make you a good fit for these goals? (1 page) 500 words

Please discuss briefly (one paragraph) your international experiences (business, pleasure, study abroad, volunteer work)

How to Reference "Educational and Professional Level" Admission Essay in a Bibliography

Educational and Professional Level.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Educational and Professional Level (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Educational and Professional Level. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Educational and Professional Level” 2012.
”Educational and Professional Level”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Educational and Professional Level”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Educational and Professional Level [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Educational and Professional Level. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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