Essay on "Education - Philosophy Statement of Educational"

Essay 4 pages (1026 words) Sources: 0 Style: APA

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Education - Philosophy


The Purpose of Modern Education:

The main purpose of modern education is to provide students with the necessary skills and information to develop productive and fulfilling lives early in their adulthood.

That goal encompasses much more than conveying substantive knowledge and technical skills; it includes motivating students to discover their intellectual interests and to identify their greatest areas of academic, intellectual, and vocational potential. Even further, the goal of modern education includes providing assistance and resources to students facing additional challenges outside the classroom to mitigate the negative consequences typically associated with family, social, and other environmental influences.

Within the education system, the teacher plays the most important role because it is primarily the nature and quality of the interaction between teacher and student that sets the tone for subsequent teacher-student relationships and expectations on the part of the student. Teachers who convey positive messages about their respective roles and who create a comfortable environment for genuine communication and expression of intellectual interest in the classroom increase the likelihood that students will benefit the most from their educational opportunities. Conversely, teachers who convey negative messages about their respective roles and who create an uncomfortable environment in those respects tend to inspire the opposite response.

Historical Influences:

Twentieth-century social critics and edu
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cational theorists like Bertrand Russell have suggested that elements of the traditional emphasis on obedience, discipline, and rigid instructional methods substantially detract from the potential value of formative education. Already, by the middle of the century, the infamous physicist and philosopher Albert Einstein characterized the modern educational system as an institution corrupted by superficial societal definitions of personal and professional success. Contemporary sociologists and psychologists have even suggested that substantial numbers of students who do pursue some of the most challenging academic pursuits in higher education do so for the wrong reasons, based on perceptions about social status goals rather than on their greatest genuine interests.

Since the inception of formal education, academic success has hinged heavily on a very narrow set of abilities in linguistic skills and mathematical ability. While necessary, those two sets of skills represent only two components of a much more comprehensive set of intellectual abilities that deserve equal attention if modern education is to provide comparable benefits to all students. Precisely because intellectual interests, aptitudes, and optimal learning conditions vary so much among different individuals, one of the professional educator's main responsibilities is to identify the different types and combinations of specific strengths and weaknesses in all of their students.

Contemporary research and experience into the relationship between particular types of optimal learning situations and more than half a dozen different types of identifiable intelligences conducted by Dr. Howard Gardner of the Harvard School of Education require the professional educator to focus even more than before on methods of classroom instruction that provide comparable benefit to all students, irrespective of variation in their naturally-occurring intellectual strengths and weaknesses. Teaching Goals and Methodologies:

The most fundamental and realistic goal of modern educators for students is for every student to become aware of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Education - Philosophy Statement of Educational" Assignment:

Statement of Educational Philosophy

To construct a Philosophy Statement on Education containing views on educating and education. Philosophy of Education can help focus on the topic and begin to build a foundation for teaching practice. It is often one of the first questions that gets asked in an interview. Superintendents, principals, parents-- everyone is curious about what you think is important to you as a teacher and what kind of *****philosophical center***** you will bring to your classroom. After all, in the end, we teach who and what we are and having a well-prepared, well-thought out, and well-presented philosophy tells people precisely this.

In this Statement of Philosophy (4 pages APA style), give some kind of idea about your thinking on the following topics:

*****¢ *****¢ What are some of your main beliefs about students and effective schooling?

*****¢ *****¢ Why do you think teaching is important

*****¢ *****¢ What are the main goals you have for your students?

*****¢ *****¢ What are some of your most effective qualities as a teacher?

*****¢ *****¢ What teaching methodologies do you support?

*****¢ *****¢ What is it to teach?

*****¢ *****¢ What does it mean to learn?

*****¢ *****¢ Who has influenced your thinking on teaching

*****¢ *****¢ Why is teaching important?

*****¢ How should schools be structured?


This statement of personal philosophy of education includes reasons you decide to become a teacher and your perspectives on education, teaching, and teachers.

How to Reference "Education - Philosophy Statement of Educational" Essay in a Bibliography

Education - Philosophy Statement of Educational.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Education - Philosophy Statement of Educational (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Education - Philosophy Statement of Educational. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Education - Philosophy Statement of Educational” 2009.
”Education - Philosophy Statement of Educational”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Education - Philosophy Statement of Educational”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Education - Philosophy Statement of Educational [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Education - Philosophy Statement of Educational. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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