Term Paper on "How Education Influences the Myth or Reality of Individual Opportunity in America Today"

Term Paper 6 pages (2721 words) Sources: 1+

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Education, Job Satisfaction, And Personal Happiness: An Annotated Bibliography

My Research Question

For this paper, I intend to examine the effect of education on personal happiness and job satisfaction in the United State of America. Although some may argue that personal happiness and job satisfaction have nothing to do with how education influences the myth or reality of individual opportunity in America today, happiness and job satisfaction are, in fact, two of the most important issues in individual opportunity. Most agree that individual opportunity can be defined as an individual's ability to seek success. While some believe success to be financial freedom or comfort, many others define success as the ability to live one's life as one chooses, or put more plainly, the ability to get up each day and pursue one's own ambitions. By defining success and individual opportunity this way, most would agree that personal happiness and job satisfaction have a great deal to do with an individual's success.

Thus established, I will examine the connection between job satisfaction and personal happiness and education in the United States as of today. I hypothesize that the more educated a person is, the higher levels of personal happiness and job satisfaction the person will report. I have come to this conclusion by assuming that a person with a higher degree of education has a greater choice in the type of work he or she does. This means that not only can a person choose to work in an area that is more worthwhile financially, but also that the person can choose to do work that he or she enjoys. Additionally, persons with higher levels of education tend to be m
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ore socially aware, and I propose that those who have more education have a sense of purpose and meaning incorporated into what they do for yearly pay. If this is not the case, those who have greater levels of education can produce more money and become more active in society, contributing to the causes that they feel are important. For these reasons, therefore, my research will examine whether or not those with higher levels of education report higher levels of happiness and job satisfaction.

In order to research this topic, I plan discover using several different factors. First, I plan to look into the living and working conditions of the uneducated poor and determine whether or not their job satisfaction and personal happiness is at the same level of those who are educated. Second, I plan to discover whether or not those who have higher levels of education credit their education for the happiness and job satisfaction they experience, if indeed they experience higher levels of happiness and job satisfaction. By looking at both personal living conditions and working conditions of the educated and uneducated, I plan to present the case that the educated have much more comfortable, sanitary, and satisfactory conditions in which to live and work.

Although job satisfaction and personal happiness are not typically topics associated with individual opportunity, I contend that high levels of personal happiness and job satisfaction are the largest indicators of success and, therefore, personal opportunity, as opportunity is largely tied with the ability to be successful. Furthermore, because education is directly linked with higher levels of individual opportunity, I argue that higher levels of education are also linked with higher levels of job satisfaction and personal happiness.

Ehrenreich, Barbara. Nickel and Dimed. New York: Holt Paperbacks, 2002.

Because Ehrenreich, an educated woman, steps into the shoes of uneducated low- wage workers, this book is very helpful in answering the research question.

Ehrenreich credits her education for her current position of ease and relaxation, and is constantly revolted by the difficult life that the low-wage workers with whom she works are forced to endure. In the book, Ehrenreich takes on the assumed identity of a woman going back into the workforce with no education and recounts the struggles of everyday life in different cities.

Gamoran, Adam. Standards-Based Reform and the Poverty Gap. Washington D.C.:

Brookings Institute Press, 2007.

In this report on the No Child Left Behind Act, author Adam Gamoran looks directly at the relationship between education and poverty. The book mainly details the successes and failures of the act in addition to improvements that can be made in order to increase the act's effectiveness. Although the book does not deal with the topic of job satisfaction or personal happiness, it aids in answering the research question because it discusses the future of ending poverty or lack of opportunity, which is one definition of poverty, through institutionalized reform.

Gerdtham, Ulf-G and Magnus Johannesson. "The relationship between happiness, health, and socio-economic factors: results based on Swedish microdata." Journal of Socio-Economics. 30.6 (2001): 553-557.

In this quantitative article, data is used to link education with a variety of factors in one's personal life, including happiness. The authors sampled over 5,000 people in Sweeden and determined that happiness increases with education, in addition to income and health, while it decreases with unemployment, in addition a variety of other factors. The article is helpful for its quantitative data that suggests there may be a link between higher levels of education and higher levels of personal happiness. Although the document comes from a Swedish source, its findings can be applied to American life as Europe has long been looked at as a testing ground for the social problems of the United States.

Noddings, Nel. Happiness and Education. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, 2003.

In discussing the topic of education, Nel Noddings adds the caveat of education to the roundtable, suggesting that happiness should not only be a part of education, but also a goal of the educational process. According to Noddings, education is too often concerned with success, and while that success is attained, education is often viewed as miserable. Noddings calls for an education that increases both success and happiness. This book is extremely helpful to answering the research question because it acknowledges that success is not simply measured by monetary wealth, but also by personal opportunity and happiness. The book also acknowledges the concept that happiness should be a result of education.

Vollmann, William T. Poor People. New York: Harper Collins, 2007.

In his book, journalist William T. Vollmann travels the world in order to become more attune to the case of poverty. His first-hand research is exceptional in that he conducts personal interviews with the impoverished, asking questions and making observations on everything from their job satisfaction and working conditions to their home lives, thought processes, and personalities. Vollmann mentions the level of education attained by his interviewees several times, and the book is also helpful in answering the research question because it gives a very personal view of the uneducated people's job satisfaction and personal happiness.

Part II

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Learning to Be Happy:

Education as Prerequisite for Happiness

In his book, Poor People, investigative journalist William T. Vollmann travels the world in search of the poverty. He does not have to go far, encountering the poor on the streets of the United States in addition to the hovels of India, Yemen, Columbia, Vietnam, and other third world countries. In the second chapter of the book, Vollman asks a critical question to his interviewees: are you happy? Most responded that they were, including the tuna fisherman and beggar woman in Yemen who earned very little each day. But although both of these, who would be considered impoverished by United States Standards, said they were happy, they also did not identify themselves as poor. They were not rich, did not have material goods, and were burdened by finances from engaging in every opportunity, but they were not poor, or at least did not say so directly (30). This begs the question: what are success, poverty, and happiness, and how are the three linked? The answer to the first question is philosophical, and religious leaders and thinkers from Homer to Muhammad to Jesus have been answering it in their own way for centuries. The second answer, however, is quite simple: education. In fact, education or the lack of education is the social binding that seems to tie every social issue together. Though it may be masked as other variables, it is education that is responsible for both happiness and personal opportunity. In fact, both the fisherman in the beggar in Vollman's book thanked Allah for their current situation. Without Allah, one can assume that the two would have been frustrated and unhappy with their lack of funds. It was knowledge or education about religion and Allah, therefore, which allowed both impoverished people to live happy lives, lives that allowed them an individual opportunity to turn to Allah and religion, to find a source of happiness despite poverty. By examining the personal happiness and job satisfaction of the educated and the uneducated, one can determine that education allows more choices, which, in turn, allow educated Americans to make personal and occupational choices… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "How Education Influences the Myth or Reality of Individual Opportunity in America Today" Assignment:


Research Paper, Part I


For your final paper, you may choose to research some of the ideas conveyed in the readings in the sections of our text, *****Learning Power: The Myth of Education and Empowerment***** Rereading America 7th ed., by Gary Colombo and *****Money and Success: The Myth of Individual Opportunity.***** Rereading America 7th ed. by Gary Colombo. As such, the focus of your should be how education influences the myth (or reality) of individual opportunity in America today. Refer to the readings assigned in this class, including this Module and Module 5. Do not go off track from this research topic.


Now that you*****ve begun investigating your research question, I want you to begin thinking about the implications of the research you have done. Does the research you have done help you answer your research question, and if so, how? If it does not help you answer your research question, does it help answer some other argumentative question?

Your Task: Write an argumentative essay using at least five sources (at least three of which must be sources that you included in Part I of your research paper). You do not necessarily have to answer the research question you formulated for Part I of your research paper. If your research actually helps answer a different question, that is fine. However, your essay must demonstrate that you have thought critically about the sources you include in your essay. If your research does not completely answer your research question, it is okay to acknowledge that you do not have a final and definitive answer to your question. Instead, you can just argue about the implications of your research, explaining what your research suggests and what types of information you would need to fully answer the question. Of course, you may do some additional research if you would like, but I will be happy enough if you just demonstrate that you have thought critically about the sources you have already found (I understand that it is the end of the summer session and that all of you are probably extremely stress and likely busy finishing other classes as well. As long as I see you doing some serious critical thinking about your sources and trying to argue about the implications of your research*****”even if your research is inconclusive*****”I will be satisfied.) One big caveat: at this point it is unacceptable to merely summarize your sources. You need to be explaining your own ideas about the sources you found.

Criteria for Success: Your essay should:

*****¢ Have an introduction with a clear thesis statement. (Do not save your thesis statement for your conclusion.)

*****¢ Contain organized, coherent body paragraphs. (Try not to get lost in your paragraphs, starting with one point and then moving on to another after a few sentences. Instead, try to begin each paragraph with a topic sentence and then finish making that point. Do not move on to your next point until the next paragraph.)

*****¢ Demonstrate that you know how to integrate quotations into your writing. (Do not just drop quotations into your essay with no introduction. Take the time to prepare your reader for any quotations you use. Think about whether or not the reader will be able to understand the quotation. Do you need to prepare the reader by providing some background? Comment on your quotations; explain their significance. Quotations almost never speak for themselves.)

*****¢ Be clearly written. Proofread your paper. Correct the errors. (I have been marking errors in your papers all semester. Show me that you have made some effort to learn how to correct those errors.)

*****¢ Formatted and documented in MLA style. (In a research paper, it is extremely important to document your sources correctly, and failing to do so in this paper will hurt your grade far more than it has in the past.)

ABOVE ALL, your essay should contain adequate support for your thesis. Show me that you have read the sources you found and thought carefully about their implications. Use a thoughtful discussion of your research to support your thesis.

Length: At least five FULL pages (not 4 ¾ pages), plus a correctly formatted works cited page, which will be your sixth page. Your grade will be negatively affect for a works cited page not formatted correctly.


Renewable Energy: An Annotated Bibliography

My Research Question

Woman on the Edge of Time depicts a future generation that isn*****t wasteful and is mindful of conserving natural resources by using renewable energy. This is a topic that has always been of interest to me but that I hadn*****t gotten the opportunity to research. In my paper, I want to research the efficacy and feasibility of renewable energy sources, but more importantly, to learn more about where renewable energy comes from, the different forms of renewable energy that are available, and the potential benefits or consequences that its increased usage will bring. Ultimately, my research should answer whether the increased usage of renewable energy helps or hurts our nation and if the government should continue to invest in the development of renewable energy infrastructures. I hope to present different arguments and shed light on the magnitude of this controversial issue. In doing my research, I*****ve already found a variety of renewable energy sources that are available, all of which seem to be controversial. I may have to narrow my paper*****s focus to one or two forms of renewable energy.

Annotated Bibliography

"An Overview of Renewable Energy Sources." Facts.Com. Chabot College Library. 29 Nov. 2007 . This article gives a description of several forms of renewable energy. It introduces each source by explaining how it produces energy and follows with possible consequences that its use may produce. In example, *****solar power converts sunlight into electricity but usually converts just fifteen percent of available sunlight energy into usable electric power*****. This means that the already small amount of energy that is produced could further decrease under undesirable weather conditions since solar energy is dependent on sunlight. *****Wind power uses wind force to produce electricity but may kill birds, and hydroelectric power uses the energy of moving water to produce electricity but may obstruct rivers*****. These sources of energy can be unreliable because they depend on elements such as sun and wind but are environmentally friendly alternatives since they produce little or no pollution.

This article will help me present different sources of renewable energy along with their pros and cons to ultimately come up with an answer to whether the increased usage of renewable energy helps or hurts our nation and whether the government should continue to invest in their development.

Gore, Al. An Inconvenient Truth. Emmaus: Rodale, 2006. 1-324.

This is an easy to understand book where Al Gore explains the concept of global warming and raises awareness of the severity of human-induced climate change. He couples his analysis with graphic images that illustrate the extensive damage that is being done to the earth. He then discusses potential consequences and offers advice on how to make changes. In example, Gore explains that *****burning forests or fossil fuels (such as oil, natural gas, and coal) emits gases such as carbon dioxide which, in large amounts, excessively warms the air. Gore further gives specific examples of the consequences that he believes will arise from the earth*****s increased warmth such as *****the possibility of major ice sheets in Greenland and West Antarctica collapsing which would cause major flooding in nearby coastal areas*****. This information is especially interesting because it hits home. Gore projects that global warming will soon become a dire issue and encourages the reader to take simple steps to stop its progress.

This is an alarming book that shows the seriousness of the environmental problems that the implementation of renewable energy would address. The worst part is that we*****re seeing evidence that Gore*****s alarming claims are true. We are increasingly being impacted by more extreme weather such as record breaking heat waves, strong hurricanes, and flooding in coastal areas.

"It's Not Easy Being Green." Science Daily. 12 Feb. 2007. 28 Nov. 2007

. This article presents findings from research that was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council which concludes that consumers have trouble being energy conscious, or *****green*****. Most consumers want to support the use of renewable energy but aren*****t willing to put forth the extra effort. In example, *****deciding what to buy is time consuming and can be emotionally daunting. Apart from the usual decisions of price, reliability, and aesthetics, they have the added complication of researching and weighing up all the environmental and ethical issues before purchasing a product*****. Apparently, consumers want to make the right decision but don*****t want to be burdened with additional inconveniences. The article further explains that small purchases such as food aren*****t as big a dilemma as large appliance purchases where price differences are considered more carefully. Even environmentally conscious consumers buy products that aren*****t environmentally friendly when faced with a lower price. Consumers argue that they aren*****t presented with enough information, and that energy labels that would rate the level of energy efficiency in large items would be helpful.

This article suggests that consumers need both education and financial incentives to encourage them to buy products that use renewable energy. It further presents cost as a major determining factor since even the most energy conscious, well-meaning consumers often make the wrong decisions when faced with expensive prices. This information will help me present some changes that should be made in order to become an environmentally friendly nation.

"National Forensic League's 1997-1998 High School Debate Topic: Renewable Energy." Facts.com. Chabot College Library Database. 29 Nov. 2007 . This article discusses the benefits of pollution-free renewable energy versus nuclear power and fossil fuels. *****Nuclear power is made by forcing reactions between dangerously radioactive elements. Its plants are expensive to construct and maintain, and accidental explosions emit harmful radiation that causes cancer and other diseases*****. The effects of nuclear power usage merit attention, especially in light of our nation*****s constantly increasing health insurance premiums. Just as dangerous as nuclear power is the mining and hauling of fossil fuels. *****Strip mining for coal has devastated thousands of acres of land and poisoned waterways. And transporting oil remains highly dangerous because of the constant risk of oil spills*****. The use of oil is also an ongoing controversial issue because of its limited supply, constantly increasing cost, and the health risks associated with its combustion.

An example of the danger associated with the transporting of oil is a recent oil spill where thousands of birds and other wild life were killed and the safety of our seafood was compromised. In light of the consequences, the feasibility of energy derived from nuclear power and fossil fuels seems questionable and, at this point, makes renewable energy seem very attractive. This article will help me present specific drawbacks of the usage of fossil fuels and help me weigh them against the drawbacks of renewable energy to determine which method of energy production is most beneficial.

"Peak-Oil Theory." Facts.Com. Chabot College Library Database. 28 Nov. 2007 . The demand for oil is constantly increasing along with its prices which, if the trend continues, will become unbearably expensive. The peak oil theory is the idea that there is a limited supply of oil and that oil production will decline at some point. Although some people don*****t think that it*****s a major issue, others argue that it*****s a major dilemma because *****when oil reserves diminish, the price will skyrocket and create a world wide recession*****. These believers of the peak-oil theory urge that changes be made now. This article further presents statistical data on how the demand for oil has dramatically increased in recent years.

This is another helpful source that will help me argue against the feasibility of fossil fuels since the claims presented by believers of the peak-oil theory are clearly happening now. The prices of fuel are higher than ever and we are on the verge of a recession. Alternative energy sources such as renewable energy consequently become more economically attractive.

"Update: Clean Air Act." Facts.Com. Chabot College Library Database. 28 Nov. 2007 . This article focuses on the controversy impacting legislative regulation that is supposed to insure that factories comply with pollution control measures. According to the Clean Air Act, businesses that were in existence prior to its implementation are exempt from its regulations, but if they expand or make upgrades, they have to comply. As a result, several power companies and oil refiners have been sued for incompliance. *****Those plants are major contributors of harmful emissions that affect human health and the environment. In example, pollutants emitted by the plants create ozone smog and add soot to the air*****. Harmful side effects of factory emitted air pollution can be seen in the deteriorating health of nearby communities and, as presented by the concept of global warming, in increased atmospheric temperatures. Although the Clean Air Act may increase production costs which may then trickle down to the economy, its implementation seems like a sensible step toward controlling harmful emissions.

This article presents some consequences, including health issues that arise from the massive use of fossil fuels by large companies. It will help me demonstrate that heavy usage of fossil fuels is dangerous, and that implementation of renewable energy sources would be a beneficial alternative.

YOUR TASK: For Part I of your paper, I want you to choose a focus and then do some research. (Remember that your focus should be something that will lead you to an argumentative paper. You aren*****t simply writing a report on something; you want to be able to reach some conclusions based on your research.) Once you have done some research, I want you to write an annotated bibliography. A sample annotated bibliography is in this Module.

If the term *****annotated bibliography***** sounds scary, don*****t worry. It will actually be quite easy. First, I want you to write a brief explanation (1-1 1/2 pages) of what it is you want to research, what you are hoping to learn more about, and what kind of argumentative question your research should answer. (You may place this explanation under the header *****My Research Question.*****) Then, you should summarize and evaluate at least five sources, either books you find in a library or articles you find on the databases at COS*****s library. (For this part of your paper, articles you find through a Google search are unacceptable.) If you don*****t know how to write a summary, please see ***** (resource site at Chabot College). The best way to format an annotated bibliography is to make an MLA Style Works Cited page listing each of your sources. Then follow each works cited page entry with a couple of paragraphs that summarize and evaluate the source. Make sure you explain the type of information you found in the source, and then write a little bit about how (or whether) the source helps you answer your research question. (At the top of this assignment, you will see that I have attached a sample annotated bibliography. Click on it to get a sense of how to format this paper.)

HOW TO CONDUCT THE RESEARCH: You can access the databases at the http://www.siskiyous.edu/library/ from your home computer.

LENGTH: About five pages, typed and double-spaced.

DUE DATES: Part I of this research paper must be submitted through the assignment (like all of your other papers) by midnight on Tuesday June 24, 2008.

I will not accept Part II of your paper at all unless you have submitted Part I.

I have offered enough links to help you, and I expect you to go to links and read the information, which includes information about MLA Style on the OWL at Purdue.


Renewable Energy: An Annotated Bibliography

My Research Question

Woman on the Edge of Time depicts a future generation that isn*****t wasteful and is mindful of conserving natural resources by using renewable energy. This is a topic that has always been of interest to me but that I hadn*****t gotten the opportunity to research. In my paper, I want to research the efficacy and feasibility of renewable energy sources, but more importantly, to learn more about where renewable energy comes from, the different forms of renewable energy that are available, and the potential benefits or consequences that its increased usage will bring. Ultimately, my research should answer whether the increased usage of renewable energy helps or hurts our nation and if the government should continue to invest in the development of renewable energy infrastructures. I hope to present different arguments and shed light on the magnitude of this controversial issue. In doing my research, I*****ve already found a variety of renewable energy sources that are available, all of which seem to be controversial. I may have to narrow my paper*****s focus to one or two forms of renewable energy.

Annotated Bibliography

"An Overview of Renewable Energy Sources." Facts.Com. Chabot College Library. 29 Nov. 2007 . This article gives a description of several forms of renewable energy. It introduces each source by explaining how it produces energy and follows with possible consequences that its use may produce. In example, *****solar power converts sunlight into electricity but usually converts just fifteen percent of available sunlight energy into usable electric power*****. This means that the already small amount of energy that is produced could further decrease under undesirable weather conditions since solar energy is dependent on sunlight. *****Wind power uses wind force to produce electricity but may kill birds, and hydroelectric power uses the energy of moving water to produce electricity but may obstruct rivers*****. These sources of energy can be unreliable because they depend on elements such as sun and wind but are environmentally friendly alternatives since they produce little or no pollution.

This article will help me present different sources of renewable energy along with their pros and cons to ultimately come up with an answer to whether the increased usage of renewable energy helps or hurts our nation and whether the government should continue to invest in their development.

Gore, Al. An Inconvenient Truth. Emmaus: Rodale, 2006. 1-324.

This is an easy to understand book where Al Gore explains the concept of global warming and raises awareness of the severity of human-induced climate change. He couples his analysis with graphic images that illustrate the extensive damage that is being done to the earth. He then discusses potential consequences and offers advice on how to make changes. In example, Gore explains that *****burning forests or fossil fuels (such as oil, natural gas, and coal) emits gases such as carbon dioxide which, in large amounts, excessively warms the air. Gore further gives specific examples of the consequences that he believes will arise from the earth*****s increased warmth such as *****the possibility of major ice sheets in Greenland and West Antarctica collapsing which would cause major flooding in nearby coastal areas*****. This information is especially interesting because it hits home. Gore projects that global warming will soon become a dire issue and encourages the reader to take simple steps to stop its progress.

This is an alarming book that shows the seriousness of the environmental problems that the implementation of renewable energy would address. The worst part is that we*****re seeing evidence that Gore*****s alarming claims are true. We are increasingly being impacted by more extreme weather such as record breaking heat waves, strong hurricanes, and flooding in coastal areas.

"It's Not Easy Being Green." Science Daily. 12 Feb. 2007. 28 Nov. 2007

. This article presents findings from research that was funded by the Economic and Social Research Council which concludes that consumers have trouble being energy conscious, or *****green*****. Most consumers want to support the use of renewable energy but aren*****t willing to put forth the extra effort. In example, *****deciding what to buy is time consuming and can be emotionally daunting. Apart from the usual decisions of price, reliability, and aesthetics, they have the added complication of researching and weighing up all the environmental and ethical issues before purchasing a product*****. Apparently, consumers want to make the right decision but don*****t want to be burdened with additional inconveniences. The article further explains that small purchases such as food aren*****t as big a dilemma as large appliance purchases where price differences are considered more carefully. Even environmentally conscious consumers buy products that aren*****t environmentally friendly when faced with a lower price. Consumers argue that they aren*****t presented with enough information, and that energy labels that would rate the level of energy efficiency in large items would be helpful.

This article suggests that consumers need both education and financial incentives to encourage them to buy products that use renewable energy. It further presents cost as a major determining factor since even the most energy conscious, well-meaning consumers often make the wrong decisions when faced with expensive prices. This information will help me present some changes that should be made in order to become an environmentally friendly nation.

"National Forensic League's 1997-1998 High School Debate Topic: Renewable Energy." Facts.com. Chabot College Library Database. 29 Nov. 2007 . This article discusses the benefits of pollution-free renewable energy versus nuclear power and fossil fuels. *****Nuclear power is made by forcing reactions between dangerously radioactive elements. Its plants are expensive to construct and maintain, and accidental explosions emit harmful radiation that causes cancer and other diseases*****. The effects of nuclear power usage merit attention, especially in light of our nation*****s constantly increasing health insurance premiums. Just as dangerous as nuclear power is the mining and hauling of fossil fuels. *****Strip mining for coal has devastated thousands of acres of land and poisoned waterways. And transporting oil remains highly dangerous because of the constant risk of oil spills*****. The use of oil is also an ongoing controversial issue because of its limited supply, constantly increasing cost, and the health risks associated with its combustion.

An example of the danger associated with the transporting of oil is a recent oil spill where thousands of birds and other wild life were killed and the safety of our seafood was compromised. In light of the consequences, the feasibility of energy derived from nuclear power and fossil fuels seems questionable and, at this point, makes renewable energy seem very attractive. This article will help me present specific drawbacks of the usage of fossil fuels and help me weigh them against the drawbacks of renewable energy to determine which method of energy production is most beneficial.

"Peak-Oil Theory." Facts.Com. Chabot College Library Database. 28 Nov. 2007 . The demand for oil is constantly increasing along with its prices which, if the trend continues, will become unbearably expensive. The peak oil theory is the idea that there is a limited supply of oil and that oil production will decline at some point. Although some people don*****t think that it*****s a major issue, others argue that it*****s a major dilemma because *****when oil reserves diminish, the price will skyrocket and create a world wide recession*****. These believers of the peak-oil theory urge that changes be made now. This article further presents statistical data on how the demand for oil has dramatically increased in recent years.

This is another helpful source that will help me argue against the feasibility of fossil fuels since the claims presented by believers of the peak-oil theory are clearly happening now. The prices of fuel are higher than ever and we are on the verge of a recession. Alternative energy sources such as renewable energy consequently become more economically attractive.

"Update: Clean Air Act." Facts.Com. Chabot College Library Database. 28 Nov. 2007 . This article focuses on the controversy impacting legislative regulation that is supposed to insure that factories comply with pollution control measures. According to the Clean Air Act, businesses that were in existence prior to its implementation are exempt from its regulations, but if they expand or make upgrades, they have to comply. As a result, several power companies and oil refiners have been sued for incompliance. *****Those plants are major contributors of harmful emissions that affect human health and the environment. In example, pollutants emitted by the plants create ozone smog and add soot to the air*****. Harmful side effects of factory emitted air pollution can be seen in the deteriorating health of nearby communities and, as presented by the concept of global warming, in increased atmospheric temperatures. Although the Clean Air Act may increase production costs which may then trickle down to the economy, its implementation seems like a sensible step toward controlling harmful emissions.

This article presents some consequences, including health issues that arise from the massive use of fossil fuels by large companies. It will help me demonstrate that heavy usage of fossil fuels is dangerous, and that implementation of renewable energy sources would be a beneficial alternative.


[PLEASE NOTE: Many of these citations are fictitious; they are meant to be used as models only.]

Works Cited

Anderson, J. "Keats in Harlem." New Republic 204.14 (8 Apr. 1991): n. pag. Online. EBSCO. 29 Dec. 1996.

Angier, Natalie. "Chemists Learn Why Vegetables are Good for You." New York Times 13 Apr. 1993, late ed.: C1. New York Times Ondisc. CD-ROM. UMI-Proquest. Oct. 1993.

Anzaldua, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza. San Francisco: Spinsters/ Aunt Lute, 1987.

Astin, ***** W. Achieving Educational Excellence. Washington: Jossey-Bass, 1985.

Burka, Lauren P. "A Hypertext History of Multi-User Dimensions." MUD History. URL: http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/lpb/mud-history.html (5 Dec. 1994).

Christie, John S. "Fathers and Virgins: Garcia Marquez's Faulknerian Chronicle of a Death Foretold." Latin American Literary Review 13.3 (Fall 1993): 21-29.

Creation vs. Evolution: "Battle of the Classroom." Videocassette. Dir. Ryall Wilson, PBS Video, 1982. (MLA) 58 min.

Darling, Charles. "The Decadence: The 1890s." Humanities Division Lecture Series. Capital Community College, Hartford. 12 Sept. 1996.

Feinberg, Joe. "Freedom and Behavior Control." Encyclopedia of Bio-ethics, I, 93-101. (MLA) New York: Free Press, 1992.

Hennessy, Margot C. "Listening to the Secret Mother: Reading J.E. Wideman's Brothers and Keepers." American Women's Autobiography: Fea(s)ts of Memory. Ed. Margo Culley. Madison, WI: U. Wisconsin P, 1992. 302-314.

Jones, V.S., M.E. Eakle, and C.W. Foerster. A History of Newspapers. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge UP, 1987.

Metheny, N.M., and W. D. Snively. Nurses' Handbook of Fluid Balance. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1967.

"Money." Compton's Precyclopedia. 1977 ed., X, 80-91.

Mumford, Lewis. The Highway and the City. New York: Harcourt Brace and World, 1963.

- - -. Highways Around the World. New York: Prentice, 1967.

Orchestra. CD-ROM. Burbank: Warner New Media. 1992.


How to Reference "How Education Influences the Myth or Reality of Individual Opportunity in America Today" Term Paper in a Bibliography

How Education Influences the Myth or Reality of Individual Opportunity in America Today.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-job-satisfaction-personal/9927520. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

How Education Influences the Myth or Reality of Individual Opportunity in America Today (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-job-satisfaction-personal/9927520
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). How Education Influences the Myth or Reality of Individual Opportunity in America Today. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-job-satisfaction-personal/9927520 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”How Education Influences the Myth or Reality of Individual Opportunity in America Today” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-job-satisfaction-personal/9927520.
”How Education Influences the Myth or Reality of Individual Opportunity in America Today” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-job-satisfaction-personal/9927520.
[1] ”How Education Influences the Myth or Reality of Individual Opportunity in America Today”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-job-satisfaction-personal/9927520. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. How Education Influences the Myth or Reality of Individual Opportunity in America Today [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-job-satisfaction-personal/9927520
1. How Education Influences the Myth or Reality of Individual Opportunity in America Today. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-job-satisfaction-personal/9927520. Published 2008. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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