Term Paper on "Education Is an Important Part in Everyman"

Term Paper 10 pages (3476 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

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Education is an important part in everyman's life and preparation. In most cases it offers a window of opportunity for the new road ahead and for the challenges facing us in life. This is why it is essential to take into account, to measure and analyze the impact and benefits each new course and lecture has to our life perspective.

From this point-of-view, the input nursing had on my academic evolution, both as an individual living in the society and as a future RN staff nurse, is indeed considerable. On the one hand, it made me change, adjust, and sometimes even correct my philosophy of nursing, as it made me completely aware of the immense importance treating the patient and his family has on the entire healing process. Secondly, through different thinking exercises, the course offered me the chance to question specific health care systems and reflect on each of their strengths and weaknesses in order to finally decide on a suitable and flexible system, one that would adapt to the needs of each patient. Thirdly, throughout my studies, I came to realize the existence of a rather difficult period of transition from being a student to actually taking part in the everyday life of a health care unit. It is very likely that few graduates actually grasp the extent to which theory differs from practice and the difficulty to adapting to a real environment; nonetheless, it becomes somewhat easier if there are certain elements to be considered before addressing this role transition period. Finally, learning and dealing with different aspects of nursing also prepares us for addressing controversial issues as well. The discussions held in class and the need to argue my own personal convictions on different ma
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tters up for debate enabled me to rethink my position on a rather sensitive issue which has raised a lot of controversy in our society. The right of individuals to exercise their own decisions on whether to withdraw or withhold life-sustaining therapy for themselves is in my view sacred both for the patient and for the doctor who is forced to respect it. However, this issue raises ethical, moral, and even legal problems, all of which I had the opportunity to explore during classes and thus to acquire new and relevant information for my future career as a RN staff nurse on an oncology unit.

It is often thought that in order to best achieve one's job, one must first and foremost identify the object of the respective job. Indeed, in recent discussions, the same question was put up for debate in regard to the common ground of nursing. It is considered that there are different areas of focus in the nursing activities; June Kikuchi and Helen Simmons point out that indeed, "until recently, nurses had sought common ground in nursing philosophy in the form of a single (common) philosophy of nursing that would guide the activities of all nurses (...) yet some of these nurses insist that we, in nursing, must identify the central concerns of nursing." (Kikuchi and Simmons, 7) Despite the fact that there are different ideas on the subject, there are certain undeniable truths which must not be disregarded when one sets up in his journey of becoming a nurse. They are usually set up in what came to be known as a nursing philosophy, which is "a set of ontological, epistemological and ethical claims that identify and define the basic units of the discipline. Two of these units are the nature of human beings and the focus of nursing practice. Moreover, the ethical claims must address the values that regulate nursing practice and at least minimally, the character of the person choosing to practice nursing." (Kikuchi and Simmons, 18)

As the subject of the first delimitation, moral constrictions include perceiving the human being as a living individual and being aware of the responsibility one has over the protection of his life. More concretely, the patient must be at the center of all the actions doctors and nurses alike undergo. Indeed there are financial benefits one might get, but first and foremost, the well being of the patient must be the primary concern, as "the human being ought to be respected simply for what they are and (...) nursing care ought to be carried out with consideration for human dignity." (Kikuchi and Simmons, 14)

There are other values as well which must be taken into consideration and must lay at the foundation and represent the motivation for every nurse dedicated to his job. On the one hand, one must be a caring individual, sensible to the suffering of those around him. This affirmation is based on my own personal experience, as I have come to realize that one must be completely dedicated to opening up to those in pain and at the same time to be ready to offer them support, both medical and moral support, as there are a multitude of dimensions of the healing process a nurse can explore. From one perspective a nurse can give medical support and insure that the doctor's work is carried out with success. From another perspective however, it is important to treat the patient not merely as a name on a hospital sheet, but rather as a man with a past, a personal history, and a particular individual. This cannot be achieved unless there is a vivid willingness to talk to the patient and to become, even if for a short period of time, a reliable presence. However, this raises the question of caring as moral and professional obligation or on the contrary as a trait of humanity and of the sense of human solidarity. The issue is addressed by Kkikuchi and Simmons as they ask themselves whether "the status of caring" is fundamental for the discipline. In the end, they agree that caring, aside from being a moral imperative, an interpersonal relationship, it is also a nursing intervention. (Kkikuchi and Simmons, 17)

There are indeed certain ethical matters which a nurse must take into account. Telling the truth and taking responsibility for one's own actions is a rather difficult thing to achieve even in everyday life, when there are not too many consequences that would follow an innocent lie, for instance. However, throughout the courses undergone, I was proven that no matter how hard and sensible the truth was, in regard to a patient's condition, it is always essential to tell it out loud, as the patient has the right to have a full compete and accurate image of his condition.

In applying such a line of judgment, there is yet another element that must be taken into account in the relationship with the patient and in clearly defining one's nursing philosophy. As a future nurse, I am a strong believer in each patient's right to have full control over the way in which he decides to spent his final days or the decision to follow or not a treatment that may or may not offer relief. I believe that although doctors are aware of any particular risks, the patient is most qualified to take a decision which impacts the course of his life.

The evolving society implies, aside from the obvious technological advancements, even a changing atmosphere in regard to the health care system. Even if it may seem of little relevance, it is important to take into account the changes that take place at the level of the medical infrastructure and legislative initiatives because the moves that occur influence the way medical assistance and nursing activities develop. Thus, the American health case system is the framework for the medical practices across the country.

Like everything else related to public policy, it was only natural that the American heath care system be the target of scrutiny and debate. It has been rather seriously argued that the system fails to provide adequate heath care for all the people. (Jarvis, 2001) The general policy has in sight mostly those who are very poor and lack the basic means to finance their medical care. For the rest of the common people, the state encourages the private system of medical insurances. This offers the people the possibility to contribute to their medical care expenses through the means of the private sector. These basic principles stir indeed rather big controversies and at the same time draw the attention on serious issues relating to the capabilities of the state to provide for a minimum of health care.

Malcolm Gladwell pointed out in one of his articles in the New Yorker the big difference health care makes by taking the particular example of dental problems which can become rather important should they be left untreated. (Gladwell, 2005) Although it is an essential part in the overall state of health, according to Gladwell, few actually allow themselves the luxury of having an annual check and in most cases they suffer silently until the situation worsens to such an extent that nothing can be done… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Education Is an Important Part in Everyman" Assignment:

This paper is designed to provide myself, a senior nursing student with an opportunity to reflect on my philosophy of nursing, to identify a health care delivery system that I would like to work in and identify/analyze the issues that may influence my transition from student to professional nurse.

The following criteria must be met:

(1) Describe my own philosophy of nursing. How has my philosophy changed since entering nursing? Discuss factors that have influenced my self-development during my nursing education process.

(2) Choose a health care delivery system and describe current methods used to provide nursing care. Describe how the system that I have chosen best fits my own beliefs about the provison of nursing care and give examples with rationale.

(3) Describe current practice issues that may facilitate and/or may hinder the task of role transition from student to graduate nurse in the chosen setting.

(4) Discuss an ethical, legal and/or socio-cultural issue a new graduate may encounter in practice and how I would handle it.

(5) APA format, proper grammar and spelling must be used at all times.

To be evaluated the paper must be 8-10 typed pages (not including the title page and reference list). The paper will not be accepted without documentaion of referencedmaterial within the body of the paper. Include a minimum of 4 references to support your discussion. (ex. peer-reviewed journals, professional nursing journals (at least 2 of these), texts, government publications) INTERNET REFERENCES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE.

**I would like to work as a RN staff nurse on an oncology unit someday. I feel quite passionate about the right of individuals to exercise their own decisions about end of life care. I am a proponent of patient's having the right to withdraw or withhold life-sustaining therapy for themselves if faced with a terminal and/or painful illness.

How to Reference "Education Is an Important Part in Everyman" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Education Is an Important Part in Everyman.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-important-part/67430. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Education Is an Important Part in Everyman (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-important-part/67430
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Education Is an Important Part in Everyman. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-important-part/67430 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Education Is an Important Part in Everyman” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-important-part/67430.
”Education Is an Important Part in Everyman” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-important-part/67430.
[1] ”Education Is an Important Part in Everyman”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-important-part/67430. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Education Is an Important Part in Everyman [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-important-part/67430
1. Education Is an Important Part in Everyman. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/education-important-part/67430. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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