Term Paper on "Eating Disorders Contain a Series of Situations"

Term Paper 5 pages (2014 words) Sources: 1+

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Eating Disorders contain a series of situations that have a mania with food, weight and appearance to the extent that a person's well being, rapport and daily actions are badly affected. Eating disorders are prevalent and can have an influence on people of all ages and sexes, but it mainly affects young women. It is projected that in the United States many million people undergo eating disorder, and the figures are increasing. In the last ten years, the number of men with eating disorders has doubled. (About Eating Disorder?)

Eating Disorder:

Eating disorders are a set of mental disorders that hinder with usual food consumption. They may result in severe health problems and, in the some cases like bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa, lead to death. The main identified eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Other mental disorders, like clinical depression or nervousness can also upset eating patterns, but these disorders are not regarded as eating disorders. (Definitions of eating disorder on the Web) normal part of life is thinking about food. Abnormal and harmful eating behaviors grow from fanatical approaches about food and body image. Eating disorders have severe problems in eating, like: having inadequate quantities, being hungry or restricting calories to an ludicrously low level; only eating particular things including broccoli, white rice and popcorn at the cost of a nutritional and healthy diet; eating harmful quantities of food in short periods of time; taking severe steps to reduce or maintain your body weight. Eating disorders extensively harms normal body working and can be severe. (Eating Disorders: Types, Risk Factors
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and Treatments)

Causes for Eating Disorders:

Scientists have examined the characters, heredity, surroundings, and biochemistry of people with these sicknesses, in trying to know the reason for eating disorders. The roots of eating disorder are more complicated. Usually people with eating disorders have common qualities like low self-respect, feelings of defenselessness, and a worry of becoming fat. Eating behaviors appear to form as a way of managing stress and anxieties in cases of anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder. (Eating Disorders: Causes of Eating Disorders)

The interchange of certain factors can leave a person at danger of forming an eating disorder: hectic life conditions along with a shortage of sufficient handling skills; Susceptibility to changes in life; Sensitivity in disjointing from family; Socio-cultural factors, messages about weight and looks from the media; biological tendencies, genetics; family dynamics and trauma. (About Eating Disorder?)

Types of Eating Disorders:

At present, research and information are concentrating on three main eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder. Anorexia is related to a faint body image; thinking they are fat even though they are too thin. Severe health problems can result from strict hunger. About 1% of women around the ages of 10 and 20 have anorexia. Bulimia is distinguished by repeated incidents of binge eating which means fast intake of food in a short period of time, and exclusion which means self-induced vomiting or using laxatives. About 4% of college-aged women have bulimia. Binge eating disorder is associated with a pattern of intake of large quantities of food, even while a person is not feeling hungry. About 1% of women have binge eating disorder, as well as 30% of women who seek cure to reduce weight. (Eating Disorders: Types, Risk Factors and Treatments)

Let us see about Anorexia and Bulimia.

Anorexia Nervosa is distinguished by a considerable weight loss ensuing from extreme dieting. Anorexics think themselves to be fat, no matter what their original weight is. In their efforts to become even thinner, the anorexic will stay away from food and taking in calories at all costs, which can end in death. Approximately 10 to 20% are expected to die from Anorexia. Anorexics struggle for excellence and they set very high standards for themselves and feel they must show their capability. A person with anorexia may think that the only control they have in their lives is in relation to food and weight. If they do not control their surroundings they cannot control their weight. They feel great and in power when they can make themselves drop weight. Usually Anorexics have low self-respect and sometimes feel they are not worthy of having their diet. They generally oppose any efforts to help them because the thought of treatment is seen only as a way to make them eat. When they admit they have a problem and are prepared to get help, they can be cured efficiently through a mixture of psychological, nutritional and medical care. (Anorexia Nervosa)

Some of the Signs and Symptoms are: visible weight loss; Becoming reserved; extreme exercise; tiredness; Always being cold; Muscle tiredness; fascination with food, calories, recipes; Reasons for not eating meals like ate earlier, not feeling well; abnormal eating habits like cutting food into tiny pieces; clear uneasiness around food; complaining of being over fat, even when thin; Cooking for others, but not eating themselves; limiting food choices to only diet foods; guiltiness or shame about eating; gloominess, bad temper, mood swings; indications of vomiting, laxative abuse, diet pills or diuretics to control weight; having irregular menstruation; Amenorrhea or loss of menstruation; wearing baggy clothing's not to show weight loss; often checking weight on scale; having incidence of fainting and dizziness; problems of eating in public; Very mysterious about eating patterns; Pale complexion like having a pasty look; Headaches; having a perfectionist tendency; feelings of self-worth influenced by what is or is not eaten; No known physical sickness that would describe weight reduction. (Anorexia Nervosa)

Bulimia Nervosa is distinguished by a series of binge eating followed by exclusion to try and rid the body of unnecessary calories. A binge varies from other people. For an individual a binge may vary from 1000 to 10000 calories. For another, one cookie may be taken as a binge. Usually exclusion methods comprise of vomiting and laxative abuse. Other forms of purging can be extreme exercise, starving, and use of diuretics, diet pills and enemas. Generally Bulimics feel insecure about their confidence. They usually struggle for the support of others. They try to do whatever they can to satisfy others, while burying their own feelings. Food becomes their only resource of console. In contrast to anorexics, bulimics understand that they have difficulties and try to get help form others. (Bulimia Nervosa)

Signs and indications for this type are: Binge eating; Secretive eating; visiting bathroom after eating; nausea; Laxative, taking diet pill or diuretic abuse; Weight variations usually with 10-15 lb range; inflamed glands; wrecked blood vessels; severe exercise system; starving; Mood variations; depression; acute self-censure; self-esteem found by weight; dread of not being able to stop eating willingly; self-deprecating thoughts after eating; tiredness; muscle tiredness; tooth rot; uneven heartbeats; averting restaurants, designed meals or social events; complains of painful throat; want for support from others; Substance abuse; Ipecac abuse. (Bulimia Nervosa)

Treatment for Eating Disorders:

In the beginning, people with eating disorders oppose healing and behavior change. They stick on to the false impression that if they just lose enough weight, they will feel good about themselves, enhance their lives, and enjoy self-assurance and victory. Recuperation becomes a real possibility for these people when they realize they can lead meaningful lives. But unfortunately people have to face a lot of obstacles and challenges to recover. Recuperation needs major dedication to get into treatment, remain in treatment, make requisite lifestyle changes, and to decide the basic psychological and emotional issues that lead to starving, binge eating, and/or purging in the first place. As each and every individual is unique, the treatment must be tailor made. (Treatment and Recovery)

The process of treatment starts with an appraisal by a physician or counselor. A person can progress faster when more elements like hospitalization to prevent death, suicide, and weight restoration to enhance health, mood and cognitive functioning are included in the treatment chart. It is established that Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT is efficient in curing bulimia and binge eating disorder. Cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT has proved effective in treating bulimia and binge eating disorder. The counseling of choice for anorexia is decided by the person and family situations, Group analysis to know how to handle relationships efficiently, support from the family to change old methods and to form healthier new ones, nutrition advice to expose food trends and to plan healthy meals. To be successful, they must be incorporated as a complete treatment plan. People, who take up the treatment, progress well without help. (Treatment and Recovery)

Preventing Eating Disorders:

Parents who want to prevent eating disorders in their kids can make use of the following tips: Think about your ideas, approaches, and actions toward your own body and the manner that the forces of weightism and sexism have formed these beliefs. Make an attempt to preserve optimistic, healthy approaches & behaviors. Observe closely your dreams and aims for your children and other loved ones. Make a promise not to shun actions including… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Eating Disorders Contain a Series of Situations" Assignment:

5 page research paper on eating diorders. 3 Bibliographys. Paper needs to be typed double spaced on 8.5 by 11 inch paper, using size 12 font. Please include anorexia nervousa and bulmia.

How to Reference "Eating Disorders Contain a Series of Situations" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Eating Disorders Contain a Series of Situations.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/eating-disorders-contain-series/80045. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Eating Disorders Contain a Series of Situations (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/eating-disorders-contain-series/80045
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Eating Disorders Contain a Series of Situations. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/eating-disorders-contain-series/80045 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Eating Disorders Contain a Series of Situations” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/eating-disorders-contain-series/80045.
”Eating Disorders Contain a Series of Situations” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/eating-disorders-contain-series/80045.
[1] ”Eating Disorders Contain a Series of Situations”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/eating-disorders-contain-series/80045. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Eating Disorders Contain a Series of Situations [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/eating-disorders-contain-series/80045
1. Eating Disorders Contain a Series of Situations. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/eating-disorders-contain-series/80045. Published 2005. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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