Research Paper on "Dress Codes Affect on Gang Violence in Schools"

Research Paper 3 pages (1427 words) Sources: 10

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Dress Codes on Gang Violence in Schools

This topic was selected based on ongoing reports in the media that gang violence remains a problem in the nation's schools and has even extended into suburban school districts that were formerly immune to such activities. In response to this problem, a growing number of public school districts have implemented dress codes that may include uniforms or restrict certain gang-related attire. The purpose of this investigation was to develop some fresh insights into recent trends and determine whether dress codes had any discernible effect on the level of gang violence being experienced in the nation's schools. To this end, a review of the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature concerning dress codes in general and their effect, if any, on gang violence is provided below.

My original thinking in this area was based on a conjectured relationship between how strict a school was in enforcing regulations in general and dress codes in particular that promoted good citizenship and mutual respect for other students and teachers. To gain an overview, an initial search was conducted using the key words, "dress codes" and "gang violence." The results of this initial search confirmed my original supposition that a great deal of research has been focused on this area, returning 63 matches for books, 10 juried journal articles, four magazine articles and one newspaper article from Questia, a representative sampling of which is reviewed as follows.

Based on their offerings in the Questia results, the most promising resources included an general overview by Cronkhite (2005) and Lopez (2003) who both confirmed that gang violen
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ce is no longer restricted to inner-city schools as well as a study by Griffin and Meacham (2002) who report, "Gangs are prevalent in many public schools. Youth gangs today are found in almost all 50 states. Gangs increasingly exist in medium sized and small towns and in suburban communities, but usually do not exhibit the same degree of organization, criminality and violence as those gangs in some larger cities" (p. 15). This observation confirmed my original thinking but the question arose concerning "almost all 50 states." Which ones do not have any gang violence at all, Griffin and Meacham? These researchers also confirmed that most gangs operating in schools mirror their older counterparts by sporting gang-related colored attire: "Members dress alike, often adopting a particular color as their gang color. Symbols of affiliation may include the garment itself . . . [or] the manner in which the garment is worn" (p. 15). This confirmation was followed by a new issue that had not occurred to me during my original thinking concerning dress codes: "The difficulty with clothing that may signify gang membership is that non-members also wear these items. Furthermore, many of these items have become fashionable at different times for adolescents with no gang involvement" (Griffin & Meacham, 2002, p. 16). This issue was addressed by Klein (1997) in his book, The American Street Gang, in which the author advises, "Although I have misgivings about antigang dress codes and would prefer more generic codes that don't target gang members only, I've argued in favor of dress codes during school hours" (p. 169). School districts would appear to have the right to regulate what type of clothing and accessories students are allowed to wear in schools, but mandating a dress code involves some legalities that had also not occurred to me during my original thinking about this issue. In this regard, Herbon and Workman (2000) point out that, "Students sometimes want to wear eclectic clothes and hairstyles and insist that their constitutional rights allow their actions. Administrators, on the other band, are often convinced that any type of dress and appearance that is slightly outside the norm is disruptive to the educational process and should therefore be banned" (p. 68). Although these authors cite a few cases that support the legality of dress codes in the schools, the question remains, though, about the effect of dress codes on gang violence. After all, restricting what all students can wear because of the actions of a few potential trouble-makers seems militaristic and overly officious. The need for such dress codes was made clearer by Gullatt (1999) who points out that, "The fashion trend at school, especially urban… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Dress Codes Affect on Gang Violence in Schools" Assignment:

1. Keep a research log. Your research log must show at least 10 sources and at least 3 different kinds of sources. Each source must be properly cited according to APA documentation style. The log will be turned in with your paper.

2. Do research to examine your question, problem or issue from a variety of perspectives.

3. Write an exploratory paper of 850-1000 words and present it according to the format guidelines in your syllabus.

4. In your paper explain your chosen question, problem or issue and why you are interested in it and have not as yet reached a satisfactory answer or position (your starting point).

5. Write a first-person, chronologically organized, narrative account of your thinking process as you did your research. Do not simply report on what you found, but show evidence of a dialectic process in which you think about what you are learning. Analyze what you are learning, compare and contrast new information with previously learned information, question discrepancies, notice new questions that arise, synthesize ideas by reflecting on information learned from various sources, assess the relative strengths and weaknesses of various points of view, *****˜talk back***** to your sources, decide what you need to do next. (You can read more about how to write in this way on page 185.) It is not necessary to arrive at a satisfactory answer, but you must show how your thinking has evolved.

My topic:How school uniforms affect gang violence.

How to Reference "Dress Codes Affect on Gang Violence in Schools" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Dress Codes Affect on Gang Violence in Schools.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Dress Codes Affect on Gang Violence in Schools (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Dress Codes Affect on Gang Violence in Schools. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Dress Codes Affect on Gang Violence in Schools” 2010.
”Dress Codes Affect on Gang Violence in Schools”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Dress Codes Affect on Gang Violence in Schools”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Dress Codes Affect on Gang Violence in Schools [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Dress Codes Affect on Gang Violence in Schools. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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