Research Paper on "Significance of Dreams for Psychoanalytic Theory"

Research Paper 11 pages (2968 words) Sources: 5

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dream can be described as a succession of emotions, images, events and thoughts that are processed through the mind of a person during sleep. The interpretation of the content and may be the purpose f the dreams that an individual experiences is not yet been fully comprehended. There are however several theories that attempt to explain and interpret the role and content of dreams. The perfect interpretation of a dream has a lot of clinical potential in the process of mapping the progress of a person's character as he or she undergoes psychological therapy. In this paper I present a thorough definition of dream from the view point of various theorists and subsequently discuss the role of dreams in the context of psychoanalytic theory and practice. This document specifically studies the role that dreams play in the process of determining a person's character or personality. This is with the aim of assisting in the process of mapping the progress of an individual's psychological therapy.


The process of interpreting the content of dreams marks on of the major cornerstones of the psychoanalytic technique. This is despite the fact that there is a considerable amount of emphasis on the critical analysis of the actual transference as opposed to the interpretation of the dream itself (Blum, 1976).As indicated by Feud (1900),the process of interpreting dreams leads to a profound understanding of an individual's subconscious. Dreams therefore are an expression of the a person's subconscious attitude and are therefore a major indicator of a persons general behavior. Dream has therefore served a myriad of purposes in an individual's mind. They may reveal a person's wishes, hi
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s or her drive derivatives and also portray their defenses. The dreams may also act as a representation of an individual's world. This world of object and self could be in the form of the individual life both past and current (Stolorow, 1978).

As noted by Greensen (1970), a dream marks the freest form of free associations. While undergoing therapy based on a patient's dream. The patient in question can be assisted in recognizing his or her dreams as being comprised of his or her own meaningful creation. This is despite the fact that some dreams may appear very bizarre and completely unfathomable. In the process of helping a patient in working through his dreams, it important to make him feel very close and be familiar with their own worlds of dream. This in the process would help the patient in developing a staunch belief in their subconscious which in turn would help the patient in governing their present and future behavior.

This paper therefore evaluates the importance of dream in the process determining a person's character or personality. This is with the done aim of assisting in the process of mapping the progress of an individual's psychological therapy. The analysis is based on the foundation set aside by the various well-known theories of psychoanalysis that have a far reaching importance in the field of clinical psychoanalysis.

Freud (1900) explained dream interpretation as the royal path to understand unconscious. The conscious attitude's counterpart is expressed by a dream, and this influences our behaviors unwittingly. Dreams can also reveal drive derivatives, defenses, wishes, along with the broad aspect of representation of self, object and world in the past and current life. (Stolorow, 1978)

Greensen, (1970) established his explanation of a dream as the most free of the free associations. A patient is able to be guided in order to recognize the dreams he experiences as his own creation which are also meaningful even if the dream appears incomprehensible and bizarre. A patient that is working on his dream can feel familiar and close to his own dream and it is possible to develop a belief in the unconscious mind which reflects his current behavior.

Freud (1900) insists that the latent meaning should be rigorously pursued to interpret the real meaning of a dream. This content of manifest is disguised along the dream work. Presently, the decision between manifest and latent has not proved useful. It is therefore true that every dream develops numerous levels of meaning. Since all the levels can not be dealt with in a simultaneous manner, focus on the most appropriate theme to that phase of extra analytic situation and transference at the time. However, the attitude or the manner towards which the dream is reported reveals even more than the likely rich dream content. Erickson (1954) has argued of the systematic attention of a dreams manifest content which is capable of revealing an individuals experience modes and relating to the world happenings as well as to self.

Arlow and Brenner (1964) have concluded that counter forces and forces interplay that determines a patient's present conflict may be more or less discernable directly in the manifest of the dream. Kohut (1977) demonstrates that narcissistically disturbed individuals. The condition of fragmented own self may be concretely depicted in the manifest dream imagery.

During formulation of the core psychodynamic structure from a number of dreams, Saul (1940) established the fact that the psychodynamic theme formulation can be done by carefully examining a series of present dreams different from other materials. For example, a patient that saw a hostile and dangerous external reality views himself as the victim in his dreams of violence such as accidents, war, bombing, harassment and many more. These kinds of dreams indicate to a patient that he is not loved or wanted.

Freud (1990) describes his formulation of the most important part of a dream as the satisfaction of the repressed. Dreams that wish to fulfill are the most frequent dreams that this kind of patient experiences. For example, sexual advances and peaceful travelling are events from dreams that are usually more unlikely to happen in reality. Freud continues his arguments that wish fulfillment is used as a fictitious solution or a defense mechanism in a dream. If a dreamer dreams of having sex with a woman, he becomes sure of being ready for heterosexuality. If this same guy gets a chance to have sex in reality, he withdraws; thus realizing that in his dreams and thoughts, he was deceiving himself as a mechanism of defense against creating better efforts in his life.

Jacobi (1942) explains that dreams are responsible for expressing the counterpart of the conscious attitude. The dream is like a statement that is influenced by consciousness that can rectify a given situation. Fairbairn (1954) expresses his hypothesis of a dream is, the dreams ability to attempt working through or dealing with bad relationships. In every turning point, the individual has dreams that compensate and corrects his blind spots and subjective distortions.

Dreams therefore perform an integral role in psychoanalysis. The main role that it plays is that of bringing along re-equilibrium and self-regulation as proposed by Jung (1935). This comes about if the attitude of the consciousness mind is extremely unbalanced and obviate an individual's the real potential then an equilibrating adjustment is promptly activated in the unconscious mind which that tends to realign the consciousness. Such an adjustment makes use of dream activity as its chosen channel.

Jung proceeds to corroborate that the more the attitude of the consciousness tends to be unilateral and the larger its deviation from the optimal state that possesses the vital properties, which accentuates how vivid and ripe dreams are. Dreams therefore develop as subconscious expressions of a patient's self-governing mechanism as proposed by Jung (1916-1948).

The functions of the dream are endless, however, to this extremely fundamental compensatory mechanism: the unconscious and the dreams in certain instances do have perspective roles, which is to provide the conscious activities with better and very improved directions.

It is therefore as though the unconscious were able to comprehend certain attributes of development that are vague for the conscious mind. The unconscious can in certain occasions detect irrational and dangerous situations and then appropriately transmit that knowledge to the consciousness through the metaphoric attributes contained in the interpretation of the dreams.

Jung asserts that the majority of crises usually possess a long period of incubation that is manifesting them by way of dreams (Jung 1961).Jung further asserts that the perspective roles of dreams take the form of particular relevance at the start of the analytical process: The patient being analysed therefore frequently narrates a dream that clearly exposes the entire map of the unconscious and can therefore be to be a credible prognosis for the future therapy.

H. Kohut noted that the profound importance that is attached to the analysis of dreams as a therapeutic tool during therapy. He however has never elaborated a comprehensive theory on activity of dream, he therefore limited his research domain and then proposed certain theoretical advancements that associate with the dreams obsessed "self-state dreams." He in the process avoided putting the Freudian theories in jeopardy.

H. Kohut (1977) in his book "In his "The Restoration of the Self" refers to two topologies of dream: the initial one includes the frequent… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Significance of Dreams for Psychoanalytic Theory" Assignment:

Discuss the significance of dreams for psychoanalytic theory and practice. What might a person*****s dreams tell us about that person*****s personality or character? How might the phenomena of dreaming be of service in mapping the progress of a therapy.

essays should represent solid technical skill, as well as nuanced articulation of concepts--both definition and application. While it is okay to draw on clinical/personal experiences as examples of something you are discussing, your essay should have an academic tone-- replete with appropriate citations

GRADES: The grade your paper is assigned will be a reflection of three things: 1) your ability to identify the important concepts that are relevant to the essay topic under consideration 2) your ability to *****"argue.*****" In other words, your ability to make a strong academic case -- which includes clearly identifying your stance (inherent in this is knowing how your opinion differs from others/fits into a larger scheme) and your ability to support your case with the thinking of other theorists/experts in the field and 3) mechanics and technique--In other words, your writing skill, appropriate use of citations etc.


How to Reference "Significance of Dreams for Psychoanalytic Theory" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Significance of Dreams for Psychoanalytic Theory.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Significance of Dreams for Psychoanalytic Theory (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Significance of Dreams for Psychoanalytic Theory. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Significance of Dreams for Psychoanalytic Theory” 2010.
”Significance of Dreams for Psychoanalytic Theory”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Significance of Dreams for Psychoanalytic Theory”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Significance of Dreams for Psychoanalytic Theory [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Significance of Dreams for Psychoanalytic Theory. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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