Reaction Paper on "Divorce in Regard to Christian Ethics"

Reaction Paper 8 pages (2522 words) Sources: 6

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Divorce in Regards to Christian Ethics

What does the Bible and Christian ethics say in regards to divorce? In a society of quick marriages and divorces, more emphasis needs to be placed on the topic of divorce from the spiritual aspects. Depending on the religion, there are different beliefs regarding divorce and the reasons for getting a divorce. Some believe that divorce can only come through sexual immorality and others believe that the Bible teaches that divorce is not an option. Others believe that the Bible states other reasons that a divorce can be granted and the divorced couples can be free to remarry on these grounds. The basis of this reflection will be to examine the aspects from different points-of-view and determine the grounds for divorce as interpreted from the Bible.

The resources utilized in this paper come from different sections of Christianity: Pentecostal, Presbyterian, and Reformed. Several of the authors have PhD's in theology. The validity and correlation between all of the resources will be taken into consideration.


To give an accurate examination of the view regarding divorce, it is necessary to establish the basis by which marriage is viewed in the Bible and what is written about marriage.

In the beginning of the Bible in Genesis 2: 24, it is written, "This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh" (Holman Christian Standard Bible). This is seen as a covenant from God regarding the sanctity of marriage along with a number of other passages in the Bible regarding marriage.

The view on marriage as
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answered by Jesus in Mark 10: 6-9 states, "But at the beginning of creation God 'made them male and female.' 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate" (Holman Christian Standard Bible).

In these scriptures, Jesus can be seen quoting from the Book of Genesis. He stressed the notion that God intended for a husband and a wife "not [to] separate" from one another (Fenney, 2005). The scriptures were specific in the solidity of marriage and the intent for marriage as permanent. Jesus also states in Luke 16:18, "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery." Having put this in to the context of how Christianity and God views marriage, now the topic of divorce can be addressed as it relates to the dissolution of a marriage.

Regarding divorce, the Bible has very few views on the basis in which a divorce can be granted without the fear of committing adultery or violating God's viewpoint on marriage. According to Pastor Jim Feeney, in the 2005 article, "Divorce and Remarriage: Does God Permit it?," states,

"The Bible does give scriptural grounds for divorce and remarriage. Honestly handling the Scriptures requires that we regard not just the general statements on the sanctity of marriage, but also the God-inspired exceptions to the general rule -- that is, the small number of biblically permissible reasons for divorce" (Feeney, 2005).

These reasons are broken down into two parts and each will be covered with the regards to what they are implying according to Fenney and support with research from other sources.

The first reason that allows for the Biblical divorce is: the husband or wife discovers infidelity in the marriage and the faithful partner is permitted to leave and remarry (Feeney, 2005). According to Matthew 5: 31-32, it is written in the Bible saying, "It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.' But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, causes her to become an adulteress, and anyone who marries the divorced woman commits adultery." The interpretation is that faithful spouse is granted permission by God to not only divorce but to remarry.

In his interpretation of what Jesus was meaning, in the 6th chapter of the book, "The Marriage Covenant: A Biblical Study on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage," Bacchiochhi states:

"The traditional and most popular interpretation of the exception clause takes porneia in its wider meaning of sexual misconduct. Thus, Jesus allows divorce when one party has been guilty of marital unfaithfulness. This view is reflected in most translations where porneia is translated as "fornication" (KJV), "unchastity" (RSV), or "marital unfaithfulness" (NIV). Advocates of this view maintain that the exception clause allows for the divorce and remarriage of the innocent party, since divorce implies the dissolution of the marriage relationship. In this case, Jesus would be siding with the conservative school of Shammai which allowed divorce when the wife was convicted of serious sexual misconduct" (Bacchiochhi, n.d.)

Though written in different ways both show the exception to the rule in regards to being allowed to divorce in the eyes of God.

David Instone-Brewer is saying the same thing in the October 20, 2007 web article, "What God has Joined," on While discussing the grounds for divorce, Instone-Brewer states,

"As in any broken contract, the wronged party had the right to say, "I forgive you; let's carry on," or, "I can't go on, because this marriage is broken."Therefore, while divorce should never happen, God allows it (and subsequent remarriage) when your partner breaks the marriage vows" (Instone-Brewer, 2007).

Another view regarding infidelity in marriage comes for Sandy Fielder in the article, "Marriage, Divorce, and Marriage -- a Covenantal Model," her viewpoint is:

"Both the root words for indecent behavior (Deuteronomy 24:1) and fornication (Matthew 19:9) 'denote generic, ethically abhorrent misbehavior with the focus on sexual immorality.' Jesus was taking a stand to uphold the law as it was originally intended, a law which was more protective of women than the current practices of His day" (Fielder, 2010).

Though each one states it in different ways, the agreement is the same; that infidelity or sexual immorality is an acceptable ground's for divorce according to Christian ethics and God.

The second reason, in keeping with Fenney's unique cases of God permission to divorce and remarry, is "the Christian believer's unbelieving spouse leaves the believer, and not vice versa, the Christian is allowed to divorce and remarry (Feeney, 2005).

The Old Testament states that the Israeli men had married Gentile wives and upon returning to their homelands were required to get rid of them. In Ezra 10:2-3, the scriptures are written stating, "Then Shecaniah son of Jehiel, one of the descendants of Elam, said to Ezra, "We have been unfaithful to our God by marrying foreign women from the peoples around us. But in spite of this, there is still hope for Israel. Now let us make a covenant before our God to send away all these women and their children, in accordance with the counsel of my lord and of those who fear the commands of our God. Let it be done according to the Law." This was a marriage between believers and nonbelievers and according to the scriptures, it is 'according to God's law' (Fenney, 2005).

Paul in 1st Corinthians 7:12-16 states, "To the rest I say (I, not the Lord) that if any brother has a wife who is an unbeliever, and she consents to live with him, he should not divorce her. If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy. But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so. In such cases the brother or sister is not enslaved. God has called you to peace. For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?" They only thing about this is it is Paul that says this and not the Lord. "Paul recognizes, however, that human nature is perverse and that even a Christian husband or wife can make marriage intolerable for the other partner. A spouse who is out of fellowship with God can become intolerant, abusive, unfaithful, domineering, inconsiderate" as stated by Bacchiochhi (Bacchiochhi, n.d.)

The reasoning behind the words of Paul and backed by some scriptures in the Old Testament is that a nonbeliever threatens the beliefs of a believer. Nonbelievers had lead Jewish people into worshipping pagan gods.

In the essay, "The Ethics of Divorce and Remarriage," Dennis McCallum states, "Don't feel that their salvation is dependent on the continuation of the marriage. By fighting their desire to leave, you may only promote continual and destructive strife because of their hardness of heart -- but "God has called us to peace" (McCallum, n.d.). This coincides… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Divorce in Regard to Christian Ethics" Assignment:

Christian Ethics - Religion 224

Reflection Paper Guidelines


My topic is Divorce*****¦.The *****Reflection Paper***** is due on 5 May 2010. Please follow the professor*****s instructions below. I thank you in advance for a well written paper, I am currently strapped for time and this will take a huge burden off my chest. I have never utilized any system like this. Your product was highly recommended from a fellow student. If all goes well and the paper passes **********, I will definitely utilize you in the future. Thank you, Angela

NOTE: My comments, within the professor*****s guidance, are italicized!

A reflection paper is a critical analysis of an ethical issue that leads to a decision on the appropriate response to that issue. It is not a research paper, per se, but research is required as a part of the critical analysis of the issue.

Part of the reflection included in the paper is constructing an argument that supports your decision. The paper should present a well thought out, and well developed, rationale for the decision. The decision should be your decision, based on your analysis of the information available from a variety of sources. This is different from merely giving your opinion, or confessing your personal experiences.

The method used to analyze the issue should be based on your own approach to making ethical decisions developed throughout the course. The methodology should be clear and concise, with the following sections:

*****¢ Issue. The issue you are addressing should be clearly stated. Be concise and to the point. Too broad an issue will be difficult to adequately address in an adequate manner. Framing the issue as a question helps to focus your reflection. The issue should be one you feel important and worth the effort required to do the paper.

*****¢ Reflection. Your approach to reflecting on the issue may vary depending on the methodology you use. You should cover all the sources of information or guidance presented in the text and in class. This section is where you analyze the information and determine how that bears on your decision.

This is also the section that will require the most research. The information considered in the decision making process comes from some source. Be sure to use reliable sources and give the appropriate credit to those sources (I normally use online resources*****¦but I am sure you have many reliable sources, Angela.

Even if you discount information from some source, there should be evidence within your reflection that the information was considered. There also should be some rationale as to why that information was discounted.

Research also should be a part of the use of the Bible and Christian tradition. For example, there may be more than one translation of passages. There certainly will be more than one interpretation. You will want to compare the options in making your decision. Scripture should be supported with chapter and verse references. (*****, Please include/reference portions of the bible referencing Angela)

Regardless of your methodology, you should strive to identify your feelings and preconceived biases. The goal is to identify these things early in the reflection process, so that the reflection can be based on an honest evaluation of the information available. You do not want to prove your point.

*****¢ Decision. Your decision should be logically and clearly spelled out. Some sort of a decision making process should be evident. Be sure to challenge yourself in this process. Do not just *****"parrot*****" someone else*****'s view. Make it your own.

Your decision may or may not reinforce your preconceived idea. If you change a preconceived idea on the issue chosen, you have accomplished something significant.

The paper should be Time New Roman, Double spaced, 12 font type. The paper should have one inch margins and should be at least 8 pages in length. (The paper needs to be written in MLA format with citations throughout the paper and a Works Cited page, Angela)

References should reflect a balanced perspective on the issue. Given the length of the paper and the need to consider information from a variety of sources, six references is probably the minimum number. References should be reputable, so I encourage you to use caution if accessing materials from unknown sources on the internet.

My cell # is 910-257-1663 if you have any questions, Angela

Angela Land


RELG 224

Mr. Wolfe

Assignment #4


Crook begins by outlining the field of ethics, identifying alternative approaches, and illustrating how we can effectively implement the guidelines we use when faced with making a decision. Crook*****s breaks this down in to four categories to be considered when faced with an ethical decision: theological premises, faith, love, and the decision itself. The complexity of all the information he considers on each individual topic varies greatly. The theological premises are based on an individual*****s religion and how they perceive the history presented to them. Crook*****s use of the experiences of our ancestors applied to our situations of today assists us in better decision making.

Crook*****s applies faith to decision making and emphasizes that faith is a way of life that can be learned. We use our surroundings and communities to help shape our faith and character. The variety of ways that Crook*****s identifies how love affects decision making is different for every individual. Applying the concept of including love in our decision making can prove very difficult for some people. If someone first considers their history and what they*****ve been taught then love may be further down on the list when it comes to the guidelines we should use to make decisions.

Finally, Crook*****s identifies his guidelines to making an ethical decision. He breaks it down to the basics of ignoring the differences between the human races and embracing their similarities. Crook*****s wants us to recognize a person*****s worth, and accept the responsibility of seeking out the good in one another while still honoring our duties. Crook*****s focus is on not just how the decision we*****re faced with affects only ourselves, but the lives of those around us. These guidelines are broad and leave room for flexibility. This versatility is helpful when you consider the different circumstances of each situation.


Theological premises rely on the Bible, its teachings, and how we follow history.

Faith can be found within each of us. When it*****s emphasized in our day-to-day lives we have a sense of peace and happiness.

Love can also be found within each of us. It is strong and can withstand many obstacles.

General principles can be learned and followed.


Theological premises can vary based on the teachings of your religion and community.

Faith is fragile. It can falter and be lost very easily. It takes time for faith to build up again.

Love is expressed differently by each of us. Love requires patience and selflessness which can be very difficult for some people.

General principles are different for each individual. There are no set *****rules***** to be followed, and they can change with each person depending on the circumstances of their individual situation.

Develop your own approach for making an ethical decision. Discuss what you use for sources of information. Discuss how you arrive at a decision on an issue. Discuss the process you use.

1. When faced with a decision, the first thing I consider is how the results will affect me, and those around me. I don*****t dwell on the differences of the people involved regarding their social class, education, race, etc. To me, people are people, no matter what their race, religion, or background.

2. I consider how my decision will affect those around me. I believe it*****s wrong to use someone just to get what you want.

3. Material things will always be secondary to me. I believe that a person*****s values are more important that having *****things*****. Material items can be replaced, people cannot.

4. I show respect to others and I expect the same from them. In this respect, I give what I get. I don*****t think that someone is more valuable just because of what they have or what they can do for me. When I respect their decisions, I earn their respect.

5. I always try to see the good in a person, even when they can*****t see it in themselves. I prefer to build someone up rather than knock them down or try to *****put them in their place*****.

6. I believe in putting others before myself. It*****s in my nature.

7. I expect the best to happen from my decision and plan for the worst case scenario.

Use your approach to making ethical decisions and work through a decision on last week*****s topic. Use the information from our discussion last week to support your decision.

As Christians, making an ethical decision involves more than just right or wrong. Not every situation is black and white. There is a plethora of gray areas to be considered. These *****gray***** areas are the different circumstances that affect each decision. No decision can be treated the same. When faced with a difficult decision our first goal is to seek out the truth and to decide what we want to do with that information. How does this truth affect us? How does it affect those around us? The answers to these questions are the point where our faith steps in and begins our decision process. Our character is shaped early on in our youth and our faith grows as this character is shaped by our surroundings. In 2 Peter 1:4 we are told that exceeding great and precious promises are given to us. Also, in Psalms 56:3 it says when I am afraid I will trust in you. Our faith is built up through God*****s promises to us and his trust in us to come to him when we are faced with difficult situations. As human we make the prideful mistake of thinking that we can accomplish our goals without the assistance or guidance of those around us that have experience in making such ethical decisions.

As children we are taught to relay on the guidance of our parents or elders to assist us in making the right decisions. We grow in our faith when we rely on the trust of other*****s to help us decide what*****s best for ourselves. As we get older, we resist the urge to go to others for advice or guidance in order to prove ourselves in our adulthood. This is a continuous struggle we face as our lives progress. We have to have some basis for faith to start and grow in order for us to learn when to apply it in our everyday lives. The more we trust those around us not to lead us astray, the more faith we have in ourselves that we are making the right decisions. By committing to ourselves to live by certain guidelines it becomes more natural for us to make ethical decisions in our daily lives.

One major influence on our ethical decision making process is how we perceive love. Love is the single ingredient that can bind us as Christians and strengthen our faith in the ones around us. Love has the power to moves us to respond to a neighbor*****'s need with no expectation of reward. Love is not interested in the odds of getting some self-satisfaction in return for its efforts. Love*****s unique character consists of giving without demand of any return. All types of love arise from a need and a desire for love*****'s reward. Love is necessary when walking through the decision making process.

When confronted with the issue of homosexuality, we are testing not only our belief system, but we begin to question the act itself. Is it righteous? Is it wrong based on Christian beliefs? Were we raised to be tolerant of those making this decision around us in order to keep peace within our community? Applying the guidelines that I listed earlier, I can honestly say that someone*****s sexual preference, whether heterosexual or homosexual, does not affect my level of respect or love for that person. The only way this would change would be if they flaunted or imposed their sexual preference upon me in an inappropriate manner with the knowledge that my choice is different than theirs. I respect their right to choose for themselves. My love is not conditional upon this decision. I love a person for who they are, not what they can give me, or do for me. I believe that everyone has a right to make a choice. We all have to live with the consequences of our decisions.

Reflection Paper Grading Sheet

Religion 224

Sources of Guidance

Personal Experience

Objectivity ***** avoidance of bias 1 2 3 4 5

Awareness of the influence of others 1 2 3 4 5

Understanding of own prejudices/biases 1 2 3 4 5


Unbiased research ***** reflects more than one side 1 2 3 4 5

Consideration of physical/social sciences 1 2 3 4 5

Understanding/avoiding cultural biases 1 2 3 4 5

Christian Tradition (Bible and Tradition)

Unbiased use of Bible and Theology 1 2 3 4 5

Understanding biblical context 1 2 3 4 5

Ability to critique/evaluate Bible and Theology 1 2 3 4 5

Consideration of different traditions 1 2 3 4 5


Overall appropriateness/thoroughness of sources 1 2 3 4 5

Quality of sources/research 1 2 3 4 5

Spelling/grammar/clear and distinct units of thought 1 2 3 4 5

Proper use of references/works cited 1 2 3 4 5

Ability to critique/evaluate sources 1 2 3 4 5


Definition of the issue 1 2 3 4 5

Clear line of development in the decision process 1 2 3 4 5

Overall grasp of the topic 1 2 3 4 5

Insights into hidden problems/issues 1 2 3 4 5

Thoughtful/pointed conclusion/demonstrates 1 2 3 4 5

freedom of thought in making the decision

TOTAL ____________


How to Reference "Divorce in Regard to Christian Ethics" Reaction Paper in a Bibliography

Divorce in Regard to Christian Ethics.”, 2010, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Divorce in Regard to Christian Ethics (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Divorce in Regard to Christian Ethics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Divorce in Regard to Christian Ethics” 2010.
”Divorce in Regard to Christian Ethics”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Divorce in Regard to Christian Ethics”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Divorce in Regard to Christian Ethics [Internet]. 2010 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Divorce in Regard to Christian Ethics. Published 2010. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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